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Cannabis, schizophrenia FALSE link

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
reply to post by TarzanBeta

People can indeed "freak out" if they are inexperienced with it or smoke to much of a strong variety. There is also the matter of strains which, depending on the given strain, the effect will be vastly different. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, it sounds like you "overdosed" (there is no lethal over dose, but certainly too much is too much).

Unfortunately, some people would use you're statements to maintain prohibition and keep locking innocent, non-violent people up in jails and forced "rehab" (coffee and cigarette addiction centers).

Yeah... but no.

I've smoked myself straight many times. It was random times that these events were triggered. They just became more prevalent and I got tired of abusing myself knowing full well what the results might be.

I had given you no reason to believe that I was inexperienced so it is unwise to assume that I am.

What I personally believe to be true is that people who have no moral standard or conscience as to their ability to function perfectly without mental masturbation and to be happy with their circumstances are the same who suffer no guilt as to their own personal indenture to such things even as a plant!...

But I would have no clue about that; I'm inexperienced.

As far as people going to rehab for this stuff... You do realize that people have a right to refuse rehabilitation and that it is not illegal to possess cannabis so long as you are not a servant of the corporate UNITED STATES right? There is no common law stating that the possession of any plant is unlawful.

The irony is just so dang high-larious.

I was stating a fact and in no way meant to be condescending. I gotta say though, you have some serious contempt for people who enjoy something you can't.

Try telling the above to an officer after he finds you're stash, you won't get far.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

And I tell you that most cannabis users cannot possibly be that intelligent because they simply don't know that fun little fact.

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous and arrogant statements I have read on ATS. What the heck man. At least you're done obfuscating you're criticism and thrown away false objectivity, nice try though.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:01 AM


posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Actually, yeah you would get far...

If you are a man or woman under Common Law and not a person under corporate law and they try to take your plant which is your property from you, they are STEALING which is unlawful. IF they try to arrest you, they are holding you against your will under duress and then it gets worse for them.

See, police officers are corporate officers - they can only enforce statutes - and in order for them to enforce statutes, you must give them your identity as a person and comply with their requests... therefore making yourself subject to U.C.C.

And yes, you're right, I do have a hard time having patience with people who make a whole mess of assumptions. But I am very forgiving.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:05 AM
Don't think ill be taking Medical advice from someone sitting in his pants..

This thread is a bit one sided too, i havn't seen any quotes or links that it does induce Psycosis / Schcizoprhenia. How can you argue a case, when you dont provide all the available information and studies.

Also You are not supposed to post drug topics on these forums. there was a specially created forum for that.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by MR BOB]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by revmoofoo

The binary - in reference to my experience with the exploding universe of numbers.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:08 AM
I've had my own problems with mental 'illness' but they existed long before I'd even thought of trying Cannabis. I found that this drug would often bring reality crashing down on me, and allow me to have an epiphany about my life and plan how I would like to direct it, and who I want to become. It makes thing very real and I don't have the relaxing effects other people seem to, so I tend to stay away.

But hey that's just me, and although I don't condone the use of any form of drug be it big pharma or a natural weed without first knowing what your getting into, I find it fairly ridiculous that some people whom have never tried it preach as though they are the authority on the matter.

I think you've pretty much covered everything in the OP so I starred and flagged you, from self medicating (which some people do with booze, but that's ok
) to staying away from this while your brain is still in development.

My advice to anyone would be don't try it until your 21, that way you can be pretty much guaranteed that the connections and fine tuning in your brain will not be interfered with as at this point your brain has become fully developed.

People use stories of what happened to their children for what is essentially a political agenda, and I feel this is wrong, as it deliberately pulls at our heart strings. While the parents may have good intentions in doing so they are essentially using emotional blackmail, which can be picked up and abused by politicians.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Big Raging Loner]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

And I tell you that most cannabis users cannot possibly be that intelligent because they simply don't know that fun little fact.

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous and arrogant statements I have read on ATS. What the heck man. At least you're done obfuscating you're criticism and thrown away false objectivity, nice try though.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

The definition of intelligence is not the ability to figure things out so much as the ability to figure things out from the information which is already available and stored in memory by the machine or organism.

If one does not know that what they are doing is not unlawful but only illegal as they have made themselves slaves to a corporation (The same corporation they complain all day about...) then one is therefore not -that- intelligent.

Although, I hear that smoking that green stuff makes you real smart.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Actually, yeah you would get far...

If you are a man or woman under Common Law and not a person under corporate law and they try to take your plant which is your property from you, they are STEALING which is unlawful. IF they try to arrest you, they are holding you against your will under duress and then it gets worse for them.

See, police officers are corporate officers - they can only enforce statutes - and in order for them to enforce statutes, you must give them your identity as a person and comply with their requests... therefore making yourself subject to U.C.C.

And yes, you're right, I do have a hard time having patience with people who make a whole mess of assumptions. But I am very forgiving.

See, that whole hidden law, word game knowledge sounds great (and believe, I agree, sovereign individual, yada yada), but you WILL be arrested. I would love to see someone demonstrate stating to an officer that they are not the all capital letters identity that they pull up on screen. Of course, if the officer thinks that person are not complying, it will get MUCH worse for them.

quote "Although, I hear that smoking that green stuff makes you real smart." also increases "alpha waves"...gets people creative.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

Here to tell you that cannabis -does- have serious mental effects. Listen to whatever you want.

You can't undo my personal experience with any of your words and may the wise reader pay attention to advise which is greater than what one might wish to read or hear.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by revmoofoo

Marijuana and the Hemp plant in general was put on this Earth to enrich our lives, not so that they could be banned. I believe that TPTB only banned it because if everyone smoked it, they'd have less control over us

Oh, lord of the land, oh wiser knower of much knowledge and thinger of things...

How is it that you know why nature brings about what it brings?

And how is it that you think that those who are utterly stoned and susceptible to bad movies, poor comedies, and food advertising are more difficult to control?

I seek enlightenment.

LMAO! The only thing you "seek" mate is an argument and the opportunity to be rude (just look at the way you spoke to the EMT). If you don't have anything good/nice/constructive to say, you should really go out and get laid or something. Just because you had a bad experience (probably because you're a bit of a drama queen) with something it doesn't mean that it's evil and worth berating with all of your little black heart.

Now why don't you go and study the many uses for both Marijuana and the hemp plant and see how useful it's been all throughout history and maybe you'll see why we should be using it rather than banning it.


posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by MR BOB
Don't think ill be taking Medical advice from someone sitting in his pants..

This thread is a bit one sided too, i havn't seen any quotes or links that it does induce Psycosis / Schcizoprhenia. How can you argue a case, when you dont provide all the available information and studies.

Also You are not supposed to post drug topics on these forums. there was a specially created forum for that.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by MR BOB]

Good, don't take my advice, go look into it yourself. If you noticed, I posted the "latest" consensus regarding the supposed link that I could find.

and Tarzan, I don't think anyone is arguing that it should not be used with IS psychoactive and can affect a person, like yourself, in a negative fashion....but I won't assume the reason

[edit on 29-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

And if you are arrested, you can bill the entity which held you against your will for your time and for your property unless they have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have committed an unlawful act.

Sure, police officers don't even know their own job these days and couldn't differentiate between a sovereign and a slave because they themselves are slaves. But since when does a slave have power over the sovereign?

Trust me. It may mess up a day or two, but you would come out on top if anyone messed with you when you were peaceful and lawful.

Or maybe it's just my cannabis-induced schizophrenia talking...........

Oh, and, that whole... creative ... thing...

Yeah, seen a lot of that creativity before -- It's actually no different than being off of cannabis. The problem is that people FEEL more creative because the one using said substance has a harder time actually contemplating reality - thereby making it easier to create fantasy.

But creativity doesn't have to just be about fantasy (although I like fantasy-based themes). Creativity can also be a way to live and survive literally - and I don't mean selling paintings or music.

Unless of course you sing about how schizo you are because you consumed grass... big hits these days. Always with the groovy tunes and irrelevent lyrics.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

What you on about?

"But hey that's just me, and although I don't condone the use of any form of drug be it big pharma or a natural weed without first knowing what your getting into, I find it fairly ridiculous that some people whom have never tried it preach as though they are the authority on the matter."

Clearly I'm talking about my own experience and allowing that other people may have a different one, that's why I wrote 'but hey that's just me.' I think you'll find also that the lines previous to this indicated that I found that Cannabis for me personally was not the experience others had i.e. relaxing and fun so I tend to stay away.

You are a strange person. I will continue to listen to what I want but thankyou for giving me your blessing to do so.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Big Raging Loner]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by revmoofoo

Never mentioned banning the stuff.

I have only stated that ignorance has been displayed by assuming that I am personally inexperienced, that cannabis does not affect the brain/mental order of a man or woman, and that one would not have the ability to defend themselves against the enforcers of corporate statutes.

In the face of much ignorance I have little patience sometimes - mainly because when people speak of something, it is best to do research in the opposite direction of the argument being made so as one's argument may be made more beneficial and true to the point.

Of course, all readers will have to go on is my word until they decide to learn about what I say for themselves.

And yes, I do crack jokes about pot and pot heads. Used to be one; I remember how incredibly smart I used to feel.

It took me an ENTIRE YEAR to be able to think at the amazing capacity I do today... which I took for granted because I didn't notice that I was able to process so well before I damaged my mentality so long ago.

And I wouldn't put much stock into what the corporations scientists have to say anyway because everything that is contracted through the corporation is designed for the purpose of being run like a business whose purpose is to earn a profit...

NOT to learn the truth.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Gahhh, I never implied YOU were inexperienced, sorry to damage you're internet pride.

Not much of an artist either I take it? Ah well, science is on my side regarding all this....I imagine somewhere on a peanut butter forum someone just like you is being sarcastic about peanuts .

[edit on 29-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:30 AM
going, going going - gone

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

"I find it fairly ridiculous that some people whom have never tried it preach as though they are the authority on the matter."

No one else in this forum has been accused or otherwise assumed of having this particularly mentality in this forum other than me and you didn't specify any particular group or person who might be guilty of the charges you made in this statement.

Therefore I was making a statement regarding what I perceived to be your statement.

And you're welcome, anytime you wish to chat, feel free.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Gahhh, I never implied YOU were inexperienced, sorry to damage you're internet pride.

Not much of an artist either I take it? Ah well, science is on my side regarding all this....I imagine somewhere on a peanut butter forum someone just like you is being sarcastic about peanuts .

[edit on 29-6-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

The definition of science is "knowledge".

There is absolutely no real evidence and no proof scientifically to back up your belief that cannabis is falsely linked to schizophrenia. Therefore you lack science.

Now, scient-ists on the other hand, who are not required to actually use true knowledge but ANY form of knowledge (lies, manipulations) to suit their agenda (Oh, but wait, Corexit is a good thing to use against the oil-spill) might back you up.

Oh dude. I totally forgot to mention that my passion is drumming and yet my forte minus the accent-aigu is playing guitar (acoustic Alvarez for its big sound mainly, but I like my G&L Tribute for the wide fet-board for my big hands so I can go fingerpickin' all over the electric.)

[edit on 6/29/2010 by TarzanBeta]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I'll be honest with you Tarzan, (never thought I'd say that) I didn't read the whole thread before my first post, and if you took that personally even though you were not mentioned in name or any other form, then I have to say you do seem to have some problems with paranoia. You came onto this thread all guns blazing with your views as though you needed to assertively defend yourself, yet no one was attacking you in the first place, certainly not me anyway.
I will reiterate what I said earlier peoples experiences vary, my own was that it was not for me and I would generally avoid it. Now seeing as you have the same sentiment could you not have worded your replies in a similar non-aggressive fashion?

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