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Arizona gov. signs bill targeting ethnic studies

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posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:07 PM
i say we git rid of ALL of them if they wanna run there mouths complaining wantin rights for illegals. we dont need trash trouble makers anyways i'll tell you what. GIT-R-DONE ARIZONA!!. we dont need any of them anyways YEE-HAW!!

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Well for one thing calling the laws in Az racist, that would suggest a lack of reasoning powers.

Pretending to be ignorant to the intent of this law would suggest a lack of reasoning powers.

Are you implying that this law is hoping to catch some illegal Candians???

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

The White Sox are NOT thinking about moving their spring training out of Arizona. An Illinois legislater is attempting to coerce them to do so by threatening to take away state funds because the Sox stadium is owned and partially funded by a state agency. Typical bullying by an Illinios politician.

Perhaps our senator should do his job and worry about the people and laws of Illinois instead of the laws and people of another state. He is after all a senator for Illinois, not Arizona. He'd also do better to attempt to get rid of the illegals, than to give them sanctuary.

My apologies to the OP for going off topic.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:11 PM
...jan has not aged well and those eyes could scare the spots off a zebra - yikes!... must be all that hatred in her heartless chest cavity...

...for the record (like its not obvious), i dont approve of any of her legislation... she is the epitome of white supremacist...

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I didn't imply anything. The law is designed to do away with illegals regardless of race, if there are Canadians living illegally in AZ, then yes the law does target them and they do face the same penalties as any other person.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Obviously the Arizona bill was targeting Mexicans, who the hell they tryin to fool?

Also Whites oppressing Latinos? No [snip]?

Terrorism and oppression in America is nothing new for the Native,Latino and Black man.

Nothing wrong people teaching truth.


edited for censor circumvention

[edit on 12/5/10 by masqua]

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Well for one thing calling the laws in Az racist, that would suggest a lack of reasoning powers. Spin it how you want, the law doesn't say hispanics, it says illegals.are you implying all illegals are hispanic? That in and of itself could be construed as a racist thought.

True! Arizona is full of illegal Canadians.

But - alas - most have white skin - - - and are not targeted.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by End Of Babylon
Obviously the Arizona bill was targeting Mexicans, who the hell they tryin to fool?

Also Whites oppressing Latinos? No $#!^?

Terrorism and oppression in America is nothing new for the Native,Latino and Black man.

Nothing wrong people teaching truth.

OH Absolutely!

I know - - I've lived there 20+ years.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Thanks for the link-

Go Zona. Been looking for Arizona products since this has all began.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 09:18 PM
Any public school that teaches any separatist agenda should lose funding.

La Raza is involved in this, I am sure. Not only teaching Latino kids that they are oppressed by whites, but that the southwestern states are stolen land that belongs to them.

It would be similar to having the KKK by proxy teaching white separatist agenda in public schools in the US south.

Damn, what a world.

Can't we have a simple universal format that teaches unity, tolerance and respect for ALL races cultures and people in schools?

Our kids will encounter enough of the ugly ignorance of racism in their adult lives they don't need to be force fed it in school.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 10:08 PM
What they should be doing is passing law that teach children American History.

All they teach in schools in the US is dates when bills were signed and the names of the people who did it and the fights that were done in small reference.

It's all about the Federalists. There is a lot more to America then just the Federalists.

They don't even tech kids in some states the Constitution let alone the articles of Confederation or the numerous presidents of the Pre union.

Public schools in the US are worthless, teachers can teach and kid don't have to learn the mediocre education they get.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Lets see:

If you have a 3rd party bumper sticker that supports Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin you're a possible terrorist according Homeland security's MIAC report.

Now if you happen to be Latino and you support overthrowing the American Government thats all fine and dandy. Somehow that didn't make it into the same report.


posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:51 PM
From the source:

"Six UN human rights experts released a statement earlier Tuesday saying all people have the right to learn about their own cultural and linguistic heritage, they said."

Hmmm, they do?

Well, then, why didn't my school have any Welsh, Irish, Scottish or German/American cultural studies classes? You know, so I could learn about my cultural and linguistic heritage???

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Canadians aren't flooding the US, sucking up 100s of billions in aid money and fomenting unrest & revolution in their host country. I don't know if anything has changed, but in the 1980s, a Canadian citizen couldn't even work in this country, although they were paying to
pursue their doctorate in a US university.
If US schools are going to provide ethnic studies for jr high & high school students, they shouldn't discriminate. They would need to provide such classes for all ethnicities at least present in the US. That isn't cost effective. It also wouldn't be possible for students of Arab descent due to the influence of Islam, which would violate the laws against religion in the schools. (light comes on: so THIS why it's okay for the left to hate Muslims. They are God based)

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Good post! Someone should ask Spain about separatist movements. ETA (the Basque separatist movement from northeastern Spain) is a seditious, terrorist movement. (they are prone to bombings) La Raza should be on the DHS' watch list. I wonder if they are. It is only a matter of time & probably sooner or later.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

"America's involvement in Nicaragua" (quoted from you) should *absolutely* be taught as a part of American History classes! Also El Salvador, Columbia & all. Our meddling & manipulations in Latin America are an outrageous, shameful part of our history that all students should understand. It is the only hope of it stopping.
(I had no idea who John Negroponte was until he came up in the Bush admin. But I did have some understanding of the situation in El Salvador from a foreign student whose parents had sent him here to go to school)
This is not knowledge that should be limited to Hispanic students. This should not be part of their history at all.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:29 PM
are people really that stupid to think that police are gonna pull over a mexican looking person just because he might be illegal?

Its common freakin sense that there is a HUGE ammount of illegals coming from MEXICO. it is a BIG problem, that is why this law is going to be enforced by local law enforcement, which this law is also a federal law.

the fact is that we cannot afford to have illegals here anymore, and all they bring here is crappy contract work, illegal drugs, crime, and a crap load of babies that become our burden.

here is a simplified definition of the law for a few of the individuals on ATS. Cop pulls over car for whatever reason(speeding, bad plates, whatever). Driver fails to provide driver's license or state issued ID, or any other form of ID that might prove his/her citizenship. Driver is taken in to the station for fingerprinting and further investigation of who this driver actually is. Further information proves that driver is in this country illegally, driver is sent back to home country.

Would you please explain how this law is racist?

Anee and outkast searcher need to punch themselves in the face for being complete uninformed morons.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:34 PM
OK, I was "on the fence" about the previous law that was just passed and thought that it could have been done in a better way like enforcing the laws that they already have and improving them.
Now, at a time like this they go ahead and come up with this new law banning ethnic classes.
I believe there is much more to this than what we are seeing. Who in their right mind would do this in a time like this? unless they want an all out civil war......

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Do you still think no one should care?

I care everyone is so quick to bring up pathetic boycotts without discussing how much Arizona will save from illegal immigrants going elsewhere.

Homeland Security Sec Napolitano used to send bills to Washington totaling hundreds of millions annually due to illegal immigration.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by Schaden]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:15 PM
I don't see an agenda for a race war at all. What I see is a State that little by little has been subjected to Mexico's influence through Mexican citizens that decide to come live there.

Schools start to fill up with illegals who cannot speak much English so instead of maybe checking their status the schools built English programs for them. As the percentages of illegals increase so did the programs focused towards them. Now with money short something needs to be done, and they are doing it.

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