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Woman, 61, Arrested for asking 'why'

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by rainfall
What is going on with law enforcement..?..?..

Is it a 'power trip' or are they psychopaths.......

Why are they doing this..?..

Im sure this jerk got off on taking her to jail! It was fun for him and occupied a few hours of his day that might otherwise been spent doing something productive.

Our police men and women are not hero's
anytime there is a dangerous situation they hide behind cars/trees...just like virginia tech,
columbine...and let gunmen free reign to kill while they surround and beg them to give up.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:22 PM

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

I think you have it backwards. It is the ex- jocks who are cops. The nerds went off to school and became scientists, doctors, lawyers, and astronauts.

And the ones that failed became politicians.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:10 PM
The old person should have moved. I notice that the quote in the story says nothing about where she had stood. I'll like to read the full article but it already seems that the quoter or the article itself misleads people to think that this old person had the right to stay in the place in which the police officer asked her to leave.

Yeah some police officers suck, but really, this seems like bashing someone doing their job.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:21 PM

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I just wonder if we're being told everything here.
Not that it gives the police officer the right to necessarily arrest the lady, but I do wonder if something more happened.

I HAVE to ask myself this. Especially with stories that sound so outrageous. Yes, sometimes they're going to be what they appear to be, but sometimes, it's going to be a case of sensationalism by the news media, by leaving out some piece of information to make it look... well... sensational.

Another problem with the premise of this thread is that there's a tendency to classify all law enforcement officers by the actions of a few. That's irrational and incorrect. How many times are you going to read an article that extols the virtues of the thousands of cops who ARE out there to protect and serve? How many stories are you going to read about the cop who helped someone or prevented a problem by taking some kind of action?

I'm not defending all cops. I have some serious issues with the way SOME of them behave, but we have to think logically when we see something like this and resist the temptation to group them all as the "bad guys". That's prejudice. And it's as ugly when it's about cops as it is when it's about soldiers, priests, gay people, women or Christians.

I need more info before going off about a police state.

wait... isnt that what this is all about? A few bad apples and anyone one of us at anytime can be treated in such a manor by the so called professionals paid to be law enforcement? There is no way that any of this would be possible if things were being run without predjudice from TPTB. The laws protect those who make them and the most ego-centric of the brainwashed will do anything to see their ways are policed. Im sure even the worst of this kind of scum are encouraged, as long as they keep it within reason. These examples and many others of a much more sickening nature are evident all the time and happen everywhere!

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Most cops I meet seem to be o.k. people. Right or wrong... they will lie to protect one another... no doubt.

But PLEASE don't fall for the serve an protect myth.
(I recall someone fawning over that myth earlier)

Theres more info out there on that subject... look for will find it.

Police are just paid revenue collectors, code enforcers. Nothing more

They used to be "Peace Officers". They are now into.. "Law Enforcement"

We are all potential terrorists now....and it seems times are changing.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:51 PM
Here's another shining example of our honest hardworking LEO's at their finest.......keeping the community safe and protecting it's citizens...

Keep up the great work guys...

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by UsernameCory

Carey met three friends on the sidewalk outside the Boulevard Lotto convenience store mid-afternoon last March 26, and for a few moments they talked about upcoming services for a friend who had died after she was hit by a car in front of the store where they were standing. Dolson and his partner pulled up and told the four women to “move it.” All agreed that the women were not blocking the sidewalk and that the women were the only people on the sidewalk.

Did you not read the whole article?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:30 PM
Wow, ATL is my hometown so I can definitely attest to the ridiculousness of the police in the area. Most of them don't have a care in the world as to the serious problems going on around them and instead stick to doing the easy jobs or create mountains out of mole hills like this scenario. Atlanta has been mentioned a lot here lately on ATS. I'm surprised the reports about the supposed vigilantes hasn't made it on here yet...interesting indeed.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:20 PM
I would just point out that in any trade/vocation/capacity...
there are those who abuse and those who are just.

Yesterday, I had a friend break down on a freeway and drove 20 miles to help.

We got it off the freeway and then back on the road.

On my way back, I broke down on a tight shoulder on a freeway with rush hour traffic thickenning by the minute.

A younger state patrol officer pulled in behind me and after a brief exchange, pushed me to a safe part of shoulder where I was able to get the car going again. Another stater stopped as well and I was never questioned for my name, license, insurance/other.

I was also packing, but felt no reason to disclose this as I was not stopped for any offense.

I thank this officer for the assistance, am thankful for the excellence in his performance and feel that as in any trade, a few sour apples make all look bad.

It is unfortunate that only the shocking, bad stuff gets the press.
Sensationalism and ratings are what get's the attention.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

I too have seen human qualities in law enforcement, after all they are human beings that carry out those tasks. From your example this officer has done a basic task of serving the community by ensuring that your vehicle was removed from a dangerous situation. If he was polite maybe he was having a good day, however had he discovered your weapon and had any kind of negative experience with one maybe his mood may have changed. Like I said human. So he helped you on your way. What if this genuinly nice officer kicked his big toe an hour after dealing with you and then in a moment of madness booked someone for stopping on the freeway? What if a 61 year old woman was jailed for standing on the sidewalk? hang on thats what this thread is about. Maybe that officer was as nice as pie the previous day, maybe they had a rough night at home with the spouse for coming home from drinking and staying out late. My few bad apples remark from my previous post was to point out that we are generally judged the same way, us normal freddy punchclock type characters by these 'professionals' our government and our law enforcers. The system is left to open to abuse by human behaviour, if we dont fall into line we can be treated as less than human, or rights and dignity removed with liberty and justice for none. We dont know whether we are coming or going because this system is designed or just works well enough for the purpose it is in place. These positions of power should be scrutinised by the people who are giving it to them otherwise they are not doing their jobs either and I dont see how profeessionalism comes into it at all.. unless your talking about that of a thief

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 08:17 PM
aresting a 61 year old lady because she says why? im glad that wasent me i would have told him somthing else
and hi im new today

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by lucid eyes

Your name should be "closed eyes"... All people have to do is watch the tv show cops. Every episode you see there "high morals" and "fair treatment". And think if they treat people this badly on tv just imagine how they act when the world isnt watching.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by M3T4LH34D

What if's are hypothetical and complete fiction, unless you are God.
What if a good samerian stepped in when witnessing a struggle which caused the officer being disarmed by a perp and you, in a moment of heroism you shot the perp dead.

Would you have nightmares because of the shooting or pride that you were able to save an officer from a deadly confrontation?
I would have both.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by rainfall
What is going on with law enforcement..?..?..

Is it a 'power trip' or are they psychopaths.......

Why are they doing this..?..

1. Criminal Justice "degrees" from McColleges like ITT and so forth allow your typical nerd, bullied in High School to, for a few thousand dollars, get put on a fast track to being a cop. They then think they are badasses and every one should now bow down to their ultimate superiority.. I have found personally dealing with cops especially professionally that these are by far the worst.. and they all seem to have come from one of these McColleges (in my experiences anyways). Instead of a real education, where one becomes cultured and enlightened, these programs are basically "how to be a douche bag" courses with pseudo science in the mix. I don't know why I have never met someone cool, someone I thought "damn that guy would make a good cop", someone laid back and chill in these programs.. I had 5 semesters in a building that housed all the "criminal justice" classes, and everyday it was basically high school rejects, douche bags and nerds looking for a fix waiting in the halls.

2. Military, there are many officers that come straight from Iraq .. walking around with a gun and ordering people around is what they are used to, so being a cop is just the next stage in life. They take their anger, frustration and personal issues out on unsuspecting people.

3. The good cops get chased away because if your nice and not a complete asshat you don't meet quotas, your seen as slacking, you are not bringing the city revenue, and you get complaints filed against you. Also the pay, for what the job demands, is pretty low in most areas, especially poorer cities.. it doesn't matter if your a good cop or a bad cop, someone always seems to hate you whether they have reason to or not..

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

Fair enough.. your post got me thinking about a guy i know who was booked on the freeway when he ran out of fuel..

just tryin to make points about the way i see it not having a go at anyone..


posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by sjorges2002
For OP. It does not surprise me in the least. I've lived and worked in several states from the midwest to the east coast. In every single place police harassment occurred against my person or those I was with more than once- some places were worse than others. Examples follow:

Once while standing outside my house in Cranford, NJ smoking a cigarrette two officers approached me on my property asked for my ID and grilled me about my personal details- saw my University ID and got nervous about whether I was a lawyer/law student.

I was pulled over on three occassions in this same town (cranford) just because my passenger had brown skin.

On NJ Transit I was once thrown into a wall and handcuffed because I ignored the "orders" of an undercover officer who told me to move before identifying himself. I looked at him and scowled- he whipped out his badge and arrested me. Another time on NJT approx 12 officers were chasing someone onto the platform where I was standing. I made the egregious error of watching the officers subdue their prey and made eye contact with a female officer who ran up to me and threatened (club out) to beat me "the #### down" with her billy club- her words in quotes.

My brother got out of law enforcement because of the abuse and corruption- which incidentally gets people killed. I have a friend who has served on the police advisory board for a major city. He told me some statistics which are truly scary. One was if an officer stops your vehicle at certain hours and you are male and alone you have a 50% probability of surviving the encounter in this city.


I will add MY police abuse story:

I was doing a job in Washington DC and my husband flew, as a surprise, out from Chicago to visit. It was around 2:20am in Georgetown and we had just bought a loaf of French bread and were walking down a street, laughing loudly, (yes, we had stopped at a few bars during the was a Friday night, after all). Out of nowhere, flashing lights, cop cars and a loud voice telling us to stop and put our hands in view...(it was in 2001 and I cannot remember the exact words used). I can make this story REALLY long with details, as I STILL get boiling mad when I think about i will shorten the story to say that we were VERY ROUGHLY arrested and spent the weekend in stinky, filthy jail cells with no warmth or blankets offered, (I was dressed for my husband's visit, after all and in thin clothing). We had done NOTHING WRONG and broken NO laws....but were charged and kept in jail for that weekend on the charge of "assaulting a police officer" because I placed my hand on the arm of a cop while I was trying to keep him from beating the $hitte out of my long-haired, hippy husband.....(He is a peace-loving hippy type who I have NEVER seen raise his hand in anger....and I am a slightly over-weight wimpy chick with a big mouth...but I cry when I stub my I CERTAINLY wouldn't try to assault a police officer.....!!) We had to get a lawyer and pay a few thousand dollars to have things settled by our pleading "no contest" and doing community service (we did work for an anti-war organization!!!) as we were told that if we tried to go to court to "prove our innocence" it would be our word against theirs...and cops back up cops NO MATTER's a "brotherhood, after all....and it would cost us THOUSANDS of it was easier to just go on with our lives.....
This was in 2001 and I have not seen anything to indicate things haven't gotten anything but WORSE since the reality of the REAL world...we have NO rights when it is a cop's word against a "citizen's word....

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:44 AM
I've heard Dolsons name around in circles and lol! The firing should be swift!! Lol!

And for the record, there are more GOOD LEOs than bad, doing their civic duty for good than abuse. Lumping all LEOs into one bucket, based from what a few have done is foul and silly.

To the lady who's hubby was locked up: sorry...but what a great way to exposing a BAD seed! EPIC!!

To the guy who was stigmatized by that racist cop putting a gun to his head, that was f'ed up. Be cautious, not absorbed by that experience. I've had my own share of experiences with bad ones, more with good ones.

My dad was a LEO(until 1995) as well and was from all I've heard, from regular folks, a fair and honest one. And from my own rearing by him, I believe it, as he treated his children the same way. No lumping people!

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:47 AM

1. Criminal Justice "degrees" from McColleges like ITT and so forth allow your typical nerd, bullied in High School to, for a few thousand dollars, get put on a fast track to being a cop. They then think they are badasses and every one should now bow down to their ultimate superiority.. I have found personally dealing with cops especially professionally that these are by far the worst.. and they all seem to have come from one of these McColleges (in my experiences anyways). Instead of a real education, where one becomes cultured and enlightened, these programs are basically "how to be a douche bag" courses with pseudo science in the mix. I don't know why I have never met someone cool, someone I thought "damn that guy would make a good cop", someone laid back and chill in these programs.. I had 5 semesters in a building that housed all the "criminal justice" classes, and everyday it was basically high school rejects, douche bags and nerds looking for a fix waiting in the halls.

I went to ITT to get Microsoft Certified, does that make me any less cultured than the guy who spent 8 years at a traditional university? I think not... Where you go to school has nothing to do with how "cultured" you are as an individual. Instead of blaming the courses maybe you should blame the individuals. It all comes down to personal responsibility... and thats what being a law enforcement officer is about, responsibility; not power or authority. Its their duty to protect the people and serve them to the best of their ability not to condescend or place themselves on a pedestal.

Moving on, why are so many people obsessed with generalized social classes? Why do you lump these groups of people together and think that the really power hungry and abusive individuals used to fit into some BS social group, i.e. nerds or jocks? Perhaps they're just rotten apples; people who lost their since of justice.

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