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Can someone kill you with negative energy?

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:42 PM
I wanted to know what you all think about this subject.

Do you think that someone can hate you enough or have enough negative energy to kill you.

I ask this because I use to be sick all the time and literally was dying slowly until I got away from a person who I believe now held a inner hate for me. Now that I'm away from that person I don't get sick anymore, and many of my medial issues have completely gone away.

So can someone hate you enough that their negative energy creates illness or even death.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:00 PM

Good thing you got away, yes I do believe that other's negative affects can do serious harm to a person, I too was in the company of someone for a few years and experienced what you speak of.

I also was "shot by someones eye", as the Arabs say, when in Lebanon, I honestly thought I was going to die, a local "wise woman" took the "shot" away, this is why many Arabs wear a blue eye around their neck, it is supposed to ward of this effect. We can also look at the Australian Aborigines, their Kadichi man can point a bone at a person and whithin days that person will pass, my father swore this is true as he had seen it done in the !950's.

So I am pleased to hear that you are now in better health and you are not having your positive energy leeched out by some emotion draining beast, we need to be cautious of the type of people we interact with.

Good luck, stay positive,


posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:05 PM
I lean towards saying 'yes', based on anecdotal evidence and personal

Much would depend on the intended victim's awareness and constitution, I guess, also on their psychic defence mechanisms: conscious and otherwise

It's said that negative thoughtforms require considerable effort to remove

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:10 PM
I think that you first of all need to define what you mean by the term "negative energy" ... what is it, how is it manifested, how is it controlled and directed, how is it created ?
Otherwise you're simply using meaningless technobabble.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:12 PM
There is a story about Aleister Crowley that once, in San Francisco, a man asked him to prove his supposed magical powers. The two were walking down a street. Crowley picked out a random pedestrian and began walking behind the man, matching his footsteps to the target. After a few moments Crowley scuffed his feet, and the man suddenly stumbled and fell over. True or not? Who knows. Another story is that Charles Manson made the clock in the courtroom spin backwards by looking at it during his trial...something dozens have attested to. I take these kinds of tales with a grain of salt, but there are plenty of them, and they often involve sinister people who have spent years steeping themselves in negative energy, like Crowley and Manson.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by whoreallyknows

Absolutely, yes.
However there are different forms of negative energy.
One is where a person not only wishes you ill but focuses this via a spell. This is a curse. Curses only work when the victim is open, weak, already hurt - otherwise they can bounce back.
Secondly - a person is surrounded by negative energy and begins to rub off on a friend. I've been there too. This is not even an intended curse, but the vibrations of that person can drag you down. I call this a "psychic vampire". This can be worse than intended curses, and people can go to depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts in a very short space.
Get rid of that individual and watch yourself blossom, although there is a karmic "recovery" time.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:55 PM
I believe it may be possible, in a `Men Who Stare at Goats' kind of way.

This thread is dying for some sort of marriage joke

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by whoreallyknows

Well if that were true, a dozen or so ATS members might have been responisble for my death already

Maybe its all suggestive, you think that way and your brain convinces the body that its being harmed in that way?

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:01 PM
I wouldn't go so far as to say 'kill them'... but you could seriously mess their life up (or attempt to). I do not think much is known about this subject but negative energy is very real.

Interesting thread.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SteveR

I would go further than negative energy. One can become obsessed and possessed with negative, hateful company.
In my case, it was another gay friend who was "deeply hurt", and that's why I stuck to him for over a decade. I was almost guilt-tripped into it, and yet he treated me like an abusively - criticizing my appearence, even lying and assuming my degree. Yes, he told people that HE was studying my degree, while he didn't complete school and worked at a video/DVD store (nothing wrong with the job - but imagine the position it put me in).
I was depressed, snapped at my loved ones, and let me tell you, I hated seeing him.
Then I read in a psychic book about people who killed themselves simply because of negative company.
Honey, it was the day of my liberation.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:34 PM
I'd say there's a fairly good chance the negative thoughts/energy of another person could harm other human beings. Of course, they can only harm you if you allow them to do so. It's all mind-games in the end, and if they have such a powerful hatred for you, it's probably just best to get away from them.

I believe I'm a slight empath, and I'm very sensitive to anger. Being an empath, where ever I go, there's always a "vibe" or "atmosphere" in the room/area...this is partially a combination of every persons emotions/thoughts...but there is generally a synchronicity or resonation taking place between everyone's general mood/energy state...this is what creates the vibe or atmosphere...the vibe or atmosphere becomes disturbed and violent with clashing energy frequencies...anger is very noticeable because it is an intense and violent energy state which is really obvious...I also have trouble in large crowds because the overwhelming number of people in such a small area creates a very irritating vibe/atmosphere..."I can't hear myself think" sort of thing...

The human brain is so insanely complex...we wont completely understand it for a very long time...and I think it's obvious that the structure of reality comprises of an interconnected web of energy. There aspects of reality and consciousness that science has yet to detect or explain. There exists a deep connection between us all...the implications of which you can't even begin to imagine...hopefully one day these things becomes known to us before we build our own prison, lock our selves up, and throw away the keys.

[edit on 14/2/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Interesting thread and some great responses

I'm wondering if you'd include certain locations in addition to people who (perhaps unknowingly) are, as you say, steeped-in/surrounded by what we're calling here 'negative energy' ?

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Dock9

No particular location - he wore his negativity like a bad perfume, which could precede him into any locality.
We had one lovely, rocking gay bar in our town, which has long closed. Here it became a competition for mens' attentions.
I think it was all jealousy really. Whatever, he manipulated me and dominated me, and sometimes I thought my light could change his darkness.
But eventually it was changing me.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Thanks for responding

This is a quote from one of your earlier posts:

Secondly - a person is surrounded by negative energy and begins to rub off on a friend. I've been there too. This is not even an intended curse, but the vibrations of that person can drag you down.

In your opinion and experience, do you feel there are locations, similar to individuals, imbued with negative energy which can 'drag down' those who spend any length of time there ?

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Dock9

Yes, I do think so, but the effect is temporary.
Here we had an old prison that was abandoned and attracted a lot of bohemians and alternative people. Then it was knocked down and an open-air mall was built on top of it (only the original gaurd-house remains).
Every time I reach the second storey toilets I have a panic attack, and need to hold on to the walls. Something for me is just "wrong" in that spot.
I felt that a lot of the old buildings where the rave clubs were are very negative. Or perhaps something didn't like the sudden noise.
There's also places where my entourage loaths to go, and there is one that I think causes argument, stress and ruins friendship.
A friend of mine eventually had his car stolen and was almost beaten to death there. I think it's cursed.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by halfoldman]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reminds me of this story my friend told me years ago. She was trying to get by these....for lack of a better term..."evil cult dudes".. i don't know how why she knew these people.. but she wanted to see their "master".. for some past life karmatic reasons or some crap.. I won't even get into it. I'm just stating a story for what it is, a story.. Well one of the "dudes" warned her not to pass and she ignored him and started walking and her foot broke!

Who breaks a foot walking? And co-incidentally at the same time some "dark jedi" bastard threatens you?

Is it possible? i think so. Is her story true? I don't know, or care.

I practice some Qi Gong and stuff, i know theres some pretty sweet things you can do within your body and project outwards, or likewise...connect to.

You're all entitled to your opinion of who is loco and who's not. When some girl talked stuff like this in high school, I laughed at her. Didn't see this comin'!!! Now to stare at a black dot on the wall and increase my focus so I can explode the illuminatti heads with a gaze.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:46 PM
Let's just say if negative thoughts were materialized, they would be like little ugly black bat creatures that fly out towards their target trying to nip and bite them.

That's what they feel like to a extremely sensitive empath.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

It's absolutely possible.
In South Africa witchcraft is very real to many (not all) people.
Christianity and the charismatic rituals are often seen as just another form of witchcraft.

Banning spells are quite simple, and with enough energy they can stop people in their tracks. My guess is that the "evil dudes" were a gang who placed an anti-police spell, and your friend stumbled into it.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by elaine

Another "fun" one is feeling the worst slow ripple down your spine to turn around and see an unwanted projector of lust.

There are some people that walk in a room, you don't have to be consciously aware they are there, and it will poke and pull at your upper/lower gut... GUT CHAKRAS.. Most of these people I find are unbearable just to stand next for a prolonged period of time. So it seems harmful to me whether its intentional or not!

Anger is a fun one.. its burning and POINTY, being the target of any of that kind of emotion really really sucks. But I treat it like now i'm feeling it so in a sense its already blended with me so I would handle it as if it were my own energy and balance it out.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 12:01 AM
I think absolutely.

I once witnessed a heated argument between two people, and could actually see energy being sucked out of one's aura and flow into the other's. Be the end of it, one person felt much better (and had a larger aura) and the other felt weak (and had a much smaller aura).

Negative people suck the life energy out of you, and yes, it can lead to disease. If only the medical industry would recognise that we are spirits in a body, and stop making excuses to stuff everything into the "mental" or "physical" categories, maybe they would actually have some success in treating some of the diseases (and making big bucks off) instead of making weak speculations what caused it.

But once people realise they can heal themselves, it's game over for these con artists...

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