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Iran Green 22 Bahman (February 11)

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posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

We all hope so! Because if they don't Israel will go crazy..and we all know what happens when those people get crazy , they don't care about anything else..

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by tenfly

Don't you know that EVERYONE is out today? That includes millions of supporters!?!?!?!?!?

The regime managed to find 10,000-100,000 for it's own special day. That in itself is an embarrassment for the regime because they couldn't even bribe half a million to turn up or get bussed in.

Put this on your scorecards. Without “legitimacy”, the President — if not the regime — has to “win ugly” every time. The opposition — from within the system or without — only have to win once.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by john124]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

There may certainly be real issues with the government on the part of the populace of Iran but, you are being very naive if you believe Western powers would not use that to their advantage.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by antonia

To be honest i would totally agree with you , however i believe that this time it is rather hard to do so. USA intervention in any type of form there would upset the Chinese government like no other issue presented in the past weeks. China's extravagant economic expansion depends solely on Iranian oil and USA consumer power. Therefore i believe , again not 100% sure because we never know haha , but it seems that those people are indeed alone there , just trying to get something as priceless as freedom

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Fatality

I don't particularity like this video that much but it does show some decent stories. The CIA has been nosing around in Iran for years. Of course they'd fan some revolutionary flames if they thought it would help their cause.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Pewbert
We do far worse over here in the USA. at least Iran stands up against the USA thats far more than We the people do here. we let the Gov put 14% of the entire population in jail or prison just to use them as SLAVES and make money off them for being in jail. not to mention the total destruction of the rest of there lives. whats worse a life fighting for something or a life totally wasted over Money?

the Iranian Gov may not be good but at least they will not bend to the pressure from DC unlike the cowards here.

Nice try. The latest available numbers are from 2008. Under 2.5 million total in all jails and prisons here. That is about eight tenths of one percent.

You don't even live here, do you? Or are you just a victim of some other liars propaganda? Are you posting from a prison?

How do you make money off prisoners sitting in jail? You don't. It costs money. You really need to join the rest of us in reality and stop spreading lies.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Fatality
All i have to say is that , whatever some of you say the people there are suffering , if i could cover every person suffering in the world i would , i just thought of doing my part in this tiny bit. I hope they will be ok and that someday they will get what they want and deserve .
[edit on 11-2-2010 by Fatality]

I agree, and was trying to support the fact that people are being hurt and suppressed for trying to be heard. It seems ironic that the posters who are trashing what is going on already have this privilege... So if you need to flame anyone who supports what is happening to these people think about what you have, and they don't. This is a good philosophy for any individual, country or government.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Indeed. I fail to see how are money made out of that. You need to put money in to maintain the prison , to pay the staff , to pay for the food/needs. And on top of that there are so many other countries with a higher percent of the population in jails and there there is no one saying anything about that!

reply to post by axiomuser

Very correct.It takes someone to actually live in a regime as that to realize how bad it actually is. When you try to gather peacefully with no weapons of any sorts and say what you have in mind and you encounter hundreds of millitia who do not stay there and just secure the perimeter but come with cars IN THE CROWDS running over people and beating them mercilessly , elder , children there are no exceptions. Executions are held there for speaking your mind. 2 people have been recently hanged for that..

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:44 PM
For anyone who is interested in the state of Human Rights in Iran here is a good link:

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by axiomuser

Regarding that , while i was following everything last night , while their president had his speech i can assure you that the people did not even care about uranium , west propaganda , religion or anything else. Everyone was asking about human rights.

One comment that i remember clearly was " Ahmadinejad announces 20% uranium enrichment and calls the west as being the root of evil. Nothing new. What about our human rights? "

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:17 PM
American Revoltuion:
The American Revolution was the political upheaval in which the Thirteen Colonies among the possessions in North America of the Kingdom of Great Britain at first rejected the governance of the Parliament of Great Britain, and later the British monarchy itself, becoming the United States of America.

Iranian Revoltuion:
The Iranian Revolution (Also known as the Islamic Revolution) refers to events involving the overthrow of Iran's monarchy (Pahlavi dynasty) under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and its replacement with an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution. It has been called an event that "made Islamic fundamentalism a political force ... from Morocco to Malaysia."[7]

Now, today marks the day of the Iranian Revolution.

Naturally, the President of Iran makes a speech to the people. Comparable to that, when the US President speaks to his people during the 4th of July.

Both prop up a Government in some sort of thrilling speech, moving the country, the nation, the republic.

Naturally, not everyone in the population love their Government. There is always opposing opinion in a free society. Granted, one may not be encouraged to cross some religious line. What would happen if an American President were to swear to Allah, rather than God? Would that go over well? Furthermore, is abortion an easy target to discuss in American politics? Health care? There is always opposition.

This opposition, is just that - opposition. They do things differently than 'us', certainly, but it is their way in dealing with opposition. You know, not all countries support corporal punishment is not very common in the World, and in other parts of the World, it's seen as inhuman.

These protests, are not protests. Hundreds of thousands have gone to see Ahmadenijad speak. Are all of them 'supporters' of him? Well - are all Americans supporters of Obama?

Others, 'protest' a political message. Are there not protests in the US?

Ah yes, but Iran imposes violence on it's protesters. Do Americans or British, French or German, impose violence on it's protesters? Yes, in varying degrees. Again, not every country in the World believes in corporal punishment.

So, what you're seeing is nothing but media saturation. Funny how it's the MSM (and sorry, but Twitter and YouTube now kind of count in a way) portray it.

And if this is saturation, then WHY are they saturating this? Isn't it also funny that the US said that Iran is basically completely blocking their internet access and the like. How are all of these 'tweets' and videos coming out?

This is nothing. This is designed so that you, the viewer, form a particular opinion on a particular country, and a particular regime. Are you caving to their pursuasion?

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by tenfly

They do things differently than 'us', certainly, but it is their way in dealing with opposition

Yea including trampling on people's human rights.

These protests, are not protests. Hundreds of thousands have gone to see Ahmadenijad speak. Are all of them 'supporters' of him? Well - are all Americans supporters of Obama?

How many would go see Obama speak if they were bribed with money and food? 100,000 is not an awful lot to say the regime aimed for 500,000.

Others, 'protest' a political message. Are there not protests in the US?

Who gets sentenced to death for protesting in the US?

Funny how it's the MSM (and sorry, but Twitter and YouTube now kind of count in a way) portray it.

They portray it that way because first and foremost it's the truth, and opposition Iranian's are the source for this information, not MSM.

MSM reports opposition protests crushed. So which one's the lies - opposition success during Ashura, or today's crushing? You can't have your cake and eat it!

And if this is saturation, then WHY are they saturating this? Isn't it also funny that the US said that Iran is basically completely blocking their internet access and the like. How are all of these 'tweets' and videos coming out?

The regime slows the Internet down, it's not a complete cut-off because the regime uses the same network for its own communications therefore they only slow it down. SMS and mobile networks were cut off completely, and the regime announced network problems so it's hardly western conspiracies behind all of that. Not even the regime wants to blame the west for that.

Oh, and the regime said Internet slow-down occurred in other countries nearby including Saudi Arabai, yet that was a complete lie trying to cover up their actions.

The American Revolution.....

Disastrous and should never have never happened. OK, I'm joking about that last part.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by john124]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by tenfly

Some opposition? Their government couldn't gather enough supporters so they brought people from all over the country in buses , and payed them with gold coins and food to be supportive.

Mobile messaging was cut off , their media stations cut off , internet restricted and slowed down. Cutting it off completely isn't as easy as it sounds.

People are being murdered and executed , arrested and beaten down just for stating their opinion. He has gained the "right" to shoot at his own people for stating an opinion and for asking a simple question " Where is my vote" .

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I'm not sure how you concluded I'm delusional, I probably am actually, but me joking about sending military to help Iran is pretty understandable. Especially since my own country's regime "left" after invasion threat, good riddance - only thing they ever did right. If they didn't leave, like Iranian regime isn't going to now - they would have to welcome the marines. But only unless US can't afford it. For me, sending troops to "help" Iranians, and actually believing it helps anyone is... a joke, one epic joke. Also, me fearing or blaming Clinton administration is a joke too, at least some Albanians liked him - although no Nobel price for him. Iranian current regime is a joke as well, they're more than obviously going to make bombs in future.

Let Iranians fix Iran. The worst thing that could happen is some "natural disaster", or Israel taking things in their own hands.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by tenfly
First off - is Twitter and YouTube really a reliable source of information? Who is posting these Twitter fees. Also, didn't someone say that Iran has cut off the outside world (which would obviously be false).

Secondly, I hate to break it to you, but it's not as if all protesters are being shot and killed. Yes, it appears some are being beaten etc. However, would the same thing not be found here in the West? Case and point - Pittsburgh G20. What is the difference here? Really?

As for the lasers. The lasers are a way for them to enrich uranium. The "punch" was, most likely, the fact that they are able to enrich up to 20%.

Now..Why would the US not want this? Maybe you should ask, why would Israel not want this?

Ahmadenijad said something today around the lines of, that they can now provide steady electricity to something like 20 towns in the rural areas. What's wrong with that?

I guess it's time well pull out our tactical missiles for some reason..What would that be for?

First off - is Twitter and YouTube really a reliable source of information?


Who is posting these Twitter fees.

How the Megaphonies manipulate the internet
Below the adds is the news link.

I'am going to be flamed hard now lol.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by spacebot]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by SassyCat

Feel free to fire up your SUV's people for when you win this one, your kids may have a chance to buy and sure as hell drive not wimpy Hummers but god damn army tanks! All that oil is just waitin for you to waste it. Iraq was like taking candy from a baby, but this one will be like taking a freaking candy shop from baby's parents and its uncle too.

End of obvious sarcasm


Geologists say Venezuela’s oil deposits exceed those of Saudi Arabia

This one might look as a whole chain of candy stores I guess.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by spacebot]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 08:44 PM
If human rights were the issues that has US politically involved, what about other countries? What about China, Zimbabwe, Taiwan's working conditions (some owned by US companies), and etc. Why Iran?

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