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ACLU: Miami Beach cops arrest people for recording police misconduct

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Moodle

Here you go Moodle you can go live there you would fit right in with the cops who are macing people who live there and are peaceful and seemingly hetro.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Romans 10:9

But whatever that "sick ass shizzle" the gays are up to, it does not justify beating people to a bloody pulp. The reason why this country is going to hell in a hand basket is that our cops are either too lazy, too cowardly, or to corrupt to go after the real criminals.

Cops are really good at beating up some gay guy because he was being ***fabulous***, but when some thug holds up your elderly mother at gunpoint they are too busy to look for him. Cops are really good at giving your granny a hard time at the airport because she has a knitting needle in her carry on, but when a guy with explosives in his underwear buys a one way ticket with no passport, they seem to look the other way.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:14 PM


posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by sparrowstail

you're a total sucker if you believe that. there isn't a single shred of evidence that that even takes place in miami. much less taht it's a "peaceful demonstration".

pepper spray is really really mild. i fyou can't handle that then you shouldn't even get out of bed in teh monrning. hell, CS gas isn't even that bad if it isn't too concentrated.



Mod Edit: Name calling removed.

Mod Note: Courtesy is Mandatory – Please Review Link.

[edit on 2/5/2010 by AshleyD]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:16 PM
Alright, before we continue any further:

Please post on topic. Refrain from posting sexually explicit content or attacking other members. Remember that civility and decorum is mandatory.

Further off topic or off colored posts will be removed.

Thank You.

[edit on 2/5/2010 by AshleyD]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

who got beat to a pulp hotpink? answer that one, WHO WHO WHO. where is there any proof of someoen getting beat to a pulp. it's just a complaint.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Moodle

The Kernel isn't shocked at the ignorance displayed here but the length of it is truly astounding. Everyone has an agenda, it's when agenda turns to action, beating someone, that it is actually BREAKING THE LAW. You are commending not only the breaking of the law but the removal of this individuals Constitutional rights. Where, ANYWHERE has the SC said that beating someone was constitutional?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:23 PM


posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Kernel Korn

kernal you're arguing the case of a ghost. i suggest you take your greivance to jerry springer or john edwards. there has been no crime.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Moodle

You are saying that beating someone and arresting them without legal reason isn't a crime?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Kernel Korn
reply to post by Moodle

The Kernel isn't shocked at the ignorance displayed here but the length of it is truly astounding.

I'm not surprised that The Kernel isn't surprised, as this type of bigotry has certainly been on the rise lately around here.

Everyone has an agenda, it's when agenda turns to action, beating someone, that it is actually BREAKING THE LAW. You are commending not only the breaking of the law but the removal of this individuals Constitutional rights. Where, ANYWHERE has the SC said that beating someone was constitutional?

Speaking of constitutionality, and trolling homophobes notwithstanding, the greater issue imho seems to be missed here ...

"The issue here is not just the violation of Mr. Strickland's rights as a gay man." said Ray Taseff, an ACLU attorney. "All people have a clear constitutional right and a civic duty to report police misconduct. When police start arresting people for reporting police misconduct, the public's faith in law enforcement suffers."

Sexual insults by law enforcement aside, that is something that should give everyone pause for concern and outrage.

[edit on 5 Feb 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Moodle

No crime?

784.045 Aggravated battery.--

(1)(a) A person commits aggravated battery who, in committing battery:

1. Intentionally or knowingly causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement; or Source

The only crime I'm seeing here is ignorance. There's the law. The law was broken. The law was broken by those who are meant to protect and serve, while on the side every now and then upholding the law.

Thank goodness for the good cops, otherwise there would be no hope with people like this running around shielding their agendas behind a badge.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

and you bought that right? a report from someone who is probably a cop hate just like you people are.

kicking him in the head? is that supposed to be a joke. if that happened i'll eat my guitar.

you people are so gullible.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82

The only crime I'm seeing here is ignorance. There's the law. The law was broken. The law was broken by those who are meant to protect and serve, while on the side every now and then upholding the law.

i'm assuming that garble of words was supposed to make sense. the only crime is ignorance, are you on my side? is that a joke or what. and how about the cops get a fair trial before you nail them to the cross. what happened to innocent until proven guilty? or does that only apply to homosexuals?

you should really think about what you're saying before you rush to reply.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Moodle
reply to post by niteboy82

and you bought that right? a report from someone who is probably a cop hate just like you people are.

kicking him in the head? is that supposed to be a joke. if that happened i'll eat my guitar.

you people are so gullible.

Right. These guys are so above board they wouldn't lie. Look at the source material:

According to Carlos Santoscoy at OnTopMag, the officers who arrested Strickland claimed in their police report that Strickland had been "prowling" Flamingo Park and approached their squad car before fleeing when he realized there was an officer inside.

But Santoscoy reports that Strickland's recorded 911 call "conflicts" with the arresting officers' claims, as the officers can be heard on the 911 call confronting Strickland after he had reported what he had allegedly seen.

Oops. Busted by 911.

Mint jelly goes good with guitar btw.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:42 PM
Man the ignorance around here is blinding.
I found the following snippets to be of interest.

...... committed to providing professional, efficient, and courteous public service by creating a safe environment and improving the quality of life for those we serve in an atmosphere of respect, courtesy and integrity.

........maintain the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity. We are committed to the philosophy of community collaboration. We will maintain partnerships and coalitions with the business, corporate and residential communities with the goal of reducing crime and improving the quality of life.

..........We value, appreciate and respect cultural diversity within our workforce and within our community. It is our continued commitment and honor to provide professional service to all.


* Display honesty, integrity and sincerity in personal conduct and interpersonal interactions.
* Accept full responsibility and accountability for your actions.

* Judge others by their actions, not their race, gender or other personal characteristics.

* Do your best, no matter how trivial the task. Choose the difficult right over the easy wrong.

* Look out for the group before you look out for yourself.

* Respect the law and the dignity of all human beings. Have empathy and compassion for others.
* Always strive for excellence and continuous improvement in everything you do.

I particularly like the ones on choosing the difficult right over the easy wrong.

Judging others not by their personal characteristics.

An atmosphere of respect, courtesy and integrity.

We value, appreciate and respect cultural diversity

Sounds ohhh... so bleeding heart liberal doesn't it?

I can't stand crooked hypocrite cops.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by sparrowstail]

[edit on 5-2-2010 by sparrowstail]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Moodle and how about the cops get a fair trial before you nail them to the cross. what happened to innocent until proven guilty? or does that only apply to homosexuals?

As a matter of fact, yes police officers just like all people are allowed to be accused of a crime. They are innocent until proven guilty in criminal proceedings. You would not do well in a district attorney's office, there would be no cases because you wouldn't want to accuse anyone. Of course it doesn't apply only to homosexuals, how very silly.

Oh and all that garble, it's all that law stuff. That law stuff that you diligently are trying to avoid unless it furthers your own agenda. That's the great thing about well-written laws, while there may be room to "interpret," at the end of the day that is the law. These officers broke the law.

you should really think about what you're saying before you rush to reply.

Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing.

And yeah, I'm going to fathom that it is possible for a homosexual to get kicked in the head by a couple of cops. It's not that far out, really. Trust me.

*Edit: well laws / well written laws.... hmmm.

[edit on 2/5/10 by niteboy82]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Kernel Korn

kernal, was that an attempt at a point? if you want to convince me why don't you go get the poor gentlemen's hospital records that show massive head trauma cause by a size 14 steel toed boot. that shouldn't be hard to muster up should it?

but wait. ... gasp IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

ok niteboy i'm gonna leave that one be. i really think you're shooting randomly in the dark here. there's no point going further with that line of thought.

you guys just work on getting that hospital form or maybe an insurance claim or maybe even PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of the man being assulted before you jump on the cop hate bandwagon.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Moodle
reply to post by Kernel Korn

kernal, was that an attempt at a point? if you want to convince me why don't you go get the poor gentlemen's hospital records that show massive head trauma cause by a size 14 steel toed boot. that shouldn't be hard to muster up should it?

but wait. ... gasp IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!

For someone that sounds almost cognizant the Kernel is surprised at your lack of understanding. Those records can't be released. They will be in court though. Be careful about backing up bad cops. You may come across some that are biased against morons.

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