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WHY Humanity is regressing not moving forward in a normal evolutionary manner.

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Grumble
In answer to the OP's question, quite simply, dumb people are breeding faster than smart people.
hahaha exactly. You know what my theory is? The evolutionary concept is that you better procreate to have your genes carry promiscuous males who impregnate more than one woman -therefore probably not securing homes, income, and education-create a lot of single parents who can't support or educate....making the world a lil less educated at a time..ergo- evolution doesnt equal progress just whose adapting better lol

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Zerra

That's an easy thing to believe. And fun! Us and them.
Like a game. But is it really true? No

We are devolving as a society because we beat our kids.
We subvert, belittle, humiliate and squash our only hope for new and fresh answers over and over. We are the only creature that does that.
It isn't such a handy or fun reason but I think it is the real reason.

"All children behave as well as they are treated."

[edit on 9-3-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by Zerra

That's an easy thing to believe. And fun! Us and them.
Like a game. But is it really true? No

We are devolving as a society because we beat our kids.
We subvert, belittle, humiliate and squash our only hope for new and fresh answers over and over. We are the only creature that does that.
It isn't such a handy or fun reason but I think it is the real reason.

"All children behave as well as they are treated."

[edit on 9-3-2010 by rusethorcain]

Which belief are you referring to? If you were commenting on my latest-it was a joke. So it's not really intended to be taken with any seriousness.
That being said, There's no seperating evolution into good or bad (devolving?) It's a path of change and adaption. We may look at some of the awfuled natured individuals but I could also point out the wonderful things too- People wanting equality, animal rights, treatments for disorders and disease, cures,education, child rights and laws progressing..etc..We have a LOT of progress happening.

Take for example spanking. It was published in a psych journal that spanking would help in disciplin, which is why it became popular and to the extreme- being hit by belts and rulers. Majority Psychologists disagreed with this article but when a retraction was made to show that spanking didn't work it was largely ignored-until NOW.

Now more people are having educational opportunities and the media is having a large influence on which topics make it out there (Nanny 911/children and Ceasar/Dogwhisperer on how to treat animals-without abuse or physical punishment)

Spanking is now debated , and even those who do spank don't believe in using belts or rulers and they are a lot softer in their approach. The rest don't believe in spanking at all due to scientific reasons- behavioural science-humm reward, punishment, and extinction knowledge. -Aka our use of the Token economy. We have this preached to us on shows such as Nanny 911.

We are ridding ourselves of OLD ideas that hurt and caused abuse in the home and in schools. Schools and daycares now aren't at all allowed to touch children-it is against the law. This is progress! There are tons of examples to suggest we are wising up and not dumbing down. Abuse isn't new, but we are learning now how to deal with it and correct it- even if learning is slow- so is everything. People don't change their ways over night. What we're witnissing is a long history of violence being 'okay'....So I think I will have to severely and respectfully disagree that we are heading towards allowing abuse quite the opposit.

Evolution isn't here to stop all the worlds problems..we can't stop every abuser any more than we can stop a mother animal from eating her young. To think we are the only creatures who have weird behaviours is false. Ants have wars, lions kick members out of their pride and have them starve, male lions kill offspring if they want a chance to mate..etc..Violence isn't new the difference is-that Humans ARE finding ways to END it or at least treat those who have the urge to hurt another. However, there ARE evolutionary ADVANTAGES to the violent displays animals have. It helps them survive.

""All children behave as well as they are treated.""

You aren't accounting for the fact that there are genetic variabilities. There are murderers who had GREAT and loving parents. Parents aren't always the cause and it's kind of narrow to blame parents for everything. Sometimes there's a genetic disorder-something goes wrong. It wasn't too long ago people were blaming autism on cold hearted parenting- that's just nonsense, wouldn't you agree?

[edit on 9-3-2010 by Zerra]

[edit on 9-3-2010 by Zerra]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:04 PM
This trend has been in evidence for a while -

"Are we not men? We are devo...'"

It seems that a prophet is neither respected in his own country, nor wearing a funny hat...

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 07:47 PM
I believe that children are born with the ability to understand exceptionally complicated theories and ideas as BASE CONCEPTS,teach them our most complicated theories VERY early,like four or five,dont assume they wont understand because they will,its us that dont believe they will understand THEY WILL NATURALLY BELIEVE THEY CAN UNDERSTAND and then THEIR LEARNING CURVE WILL NATURALLY FORCE THEIR INTELLECT AND ABILITIES TO ECLIPSE YOUR OWN.

If you waste time teaching children to count to ten when they have the ability to be learning pythagoriems theorum you handicap humanity.

A very few people figured out how to profit from keeping people stupid by manipulating the distribution of REAL TIME information to the masses.


This is the hidden potential that mankind posesses and the powers that be have kept hidden for centuries.

We COULD LEAP into the universe in only a few generations if we werent being systematicly dumbed down and held back from realising the cumulative power of our learning potential and our ability to force the future at our own speed by using this "compound interest type of learning and teaching".

This is regression that is intentionally impressed upon the masses of humanity.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:02 PM
A lot of people are mixing evolution with our current society.

There is nothing about our society that suggests evolution.

So many idiots doing nothing but eating fast food, watching tv, drinking booze, and having casual sex. Is that really evolution? I don't think so.

We give ourselves too much credit for the last century.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Zerra

Yes I would agree. Absolutely.

You have brought up many excellent and valid points.
I have to take one point a step further and say that even though parents have stopped using implements to hit children finding them very cruel and unnecessary it is the very action of WANTING to strike your child that has caused the most subtle but far reaching and significant damage to the psyche of children.

Spanking should not be debated.
Spanking should be against the law.

This final act of helplessness and confusion on the part of a parent is a self defeating and extremely psyche damaging action based in fear and misunderstanding that children DO NOT understand (how can they?) and even animals do not resort to with their own young.

I maintain that spanking, and teaching by humiliation and punishment does untold, far reaching and incalculable damage to the individual organism we are not even completely aware of.
Children with mental illness are rare exceptions and could be identified quickly were other children not so predisposed and conditioned to whole heartedly accept as natural - violence and hostility directed at others.

It may in fact be the single and solitary reason the world is in the chaotic untenable state it is in today.

Wouldn't it be significant and incredible if we could change one thing and have it change the world?
I am convinced -This is the one thing that can do it.

Over simplifying to be sure...but then, I am a very elementary girl.
Not too deep!

[edit on 10-3-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Why would you strike a defensless child?PRESSURE,SOME TYPE OF UNNATURAL PRESSURE.

Religon,the only thing unnatural enough to condone inflicting physical BUT MORE IMPORTANT AND DAMAGING EMOTIONAL PAIN TO DEFENSLESS HUMANS.It condones it through the concept of divine forgiveness.

There is no such thing as divine forgiveness,an eye for an eye,and not much trial,I say a lie detector tied into the main electrical panel.

We can be our own judges.

Its simple,humanity as a global democracy would institute the death penalty immediatly by voter consensus,but remember without money ALL CRIMES EXCEPT CRIMES OF PASSION WILL DISAPPEAR AND WITHOUT FINANCIAL PRESSURES MOST DOMESTIC CRIME WILL ALSO DISAPPEAR.

Global democracy without an imaginary religous component WOULD NOT FORGIVE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY .It would eliminate these crimes through the fair and proper treatment of all humans on the planet.But there would be no forgiveness and a ZERO RECITIVISM RATE.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Zsaqulz78th
A lot of people are mixing evolution with our current society.

There is nothing about our society that suggests evolution.

So many idiots doing nothing but eating fast food, watching tv, drinking booze, and having casual sex. Is that really evolution? I don't think so.

We give ourselves too much credit for the last century.

evolution means to adapt . We create our own environment now and then adapt to that. It is evolution-it's just not good for us.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by one4all

This is such a crucial thread to me I have to star and flag it.
You say here:

We can create a world where their is a consistant standard of living but we cannot change the direction of our species in an evolutionary sense,for that matter I dont even think the enhancements were supposed to stick around for this long,we were probably expected to die off eventually after a few generations leaving the earth and its primates like it was before we got here.

But I think we can change the direction of our species by allowing our children to FLOURISH rather than languish in life. If you wanted to grow a hybrid rose or an orchid you do not wield your power over it or you will bring about an opposite response. You provide what it needs to grow in abundance sometimes changing or improving the quality of what ever new ingredient you introduce to the fertilizer. With children the equivilant of fertilizer is simply education/knowledge.

I first began thinking about this by observing a woman - Elenore Gibney of St John who grows hybrid orchids and has even contributed new species of orchids to enthusiasts. She is a gentle quiet woman who enjoys very limited and scarce associations with human beings.
She spends an inordinate amount of time (to me) in the care and feeding of her plants. I remember remarking one time that I don't know parents who put that much concentrated effort into their children and the whole thread of thought came upon me and it never left.
If we want to improve the next generation or any generation we must act to the new sprouts the same way Elenore acts toward her Orchids. She does not ever blame them for not growing properly. She helps them to grow.

She gives them everything they will need and then she stands back and lets nature take it's course. I think if we were each committed to doing this with the next generation, in 20 years time we would be living in a different world. A better world.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:15 PM
I absolutely agree,in fact I believe that the purpose of one of the implants commonly inflicted upon child abductees is to "open up the learning channell ALL THE WAY",and keep it there for a longer than normal period of time,then it is rejected by the body.

This is exactly what you are saying on a natural scale ,I agree,it is all about the children,all of humanities children.Our capacity to understand them is somehow impinged upon by our reality,and we hinder their progress so they dont expand beyond our own paridime.

We actually hold them back to keep our own reality from unfolding at a greater speed,we cannot accept the fact that they are born so far ahead of us so we "create"reasons to hinder them and use our greater power to do this.Our world should be run by very young people in the near future.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by one4all

Totally agree 100%!!! I am a little comforted there are others who recognize this. There is hope. You are it. Thanks for the thread!

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: one4all

Wow, so you are not just a hockey fan.
Actually I came to this thread due to a short post you made yesterday. You said ''.methinks things are going to get olde school cave-man around planet earth soon.'' in a thread about an astronomical announcement so I decided to check out more of your thinking and hockey and this is as far as I"ve gotten.

On first impressions here I find that this kind of thread seems now to be completely gone from ATS postings. The replies you received back then seemed much more thought full than replies now. The whole thread is filled with people thinking and communicating where now it seems that most of what we can read is people repeating what others have already said with little creative thought being added to the mix.

Your general idea here, that we learn as children more quickly and more thoroughly than we do as older people rings will with my experiences and thoughts. Long ago I noticed how young people learn to appreciate the music of their parents until they explode into the popular music of their own generation or peers. Then they seem to learn all about it, each star and each song and each lyric. But then the learning seems to stop. So few, it seems, manage to continue the musical learning and appreciating process or developing the ability to appreciate music from other genres other than that which they exploded into. As long as the Music Industrial Complex continues to place the biggest pop stars on thrones of gold and beneath that accent a revolving sub-group of celebrity stars one after another after another, the fodder that is fed to the ''fans'' never changes, the music style is always the same. If some style manages to break through the conditioning, the MIC quickly scoops it up and adds it to their ''popular culture'' sucking more and more people into it.

As I mentioned in that hockey thread I was a child of the 50s. My parents were children of the depression and the swing ear of music. Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Stan Kenton, Count Basie etc. I grew up on that music and love it still. In the 50s and 60s I wondered about the music revolution of the time. How rock and roll was seen as an upstart form of music and not up to the standards of previous musics. And how the older generation seemed to fight against rock and roll claiming all sorts of things about it like it was from the devil.

I was also a trained clarinetist and classical music was part of my upbringing. I began to notice how not only the generational change from my parents generation to my generation was not the first. The old dixieland band (I played that too) generation seemed to belittle the youthful swing era just as those of the swing era belittled the music of the rock era.

But then in the 90s I was working with a number of men who were ten years younger than me. After a while I noticed that these men only listened to music of the 70s and early 80s. That was the music of their youth, and that was as far as they had gotten. While I was busy listening to world fusion and synthesizer and folk and Duke Ellington and Thelonious Monk, they thought me crazy for listening to that junk while all they would listen to were the Eagles and REM.

And that of course is generalizations but you get the idea.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: one4all

It shows how much of a sensory learning being we are, whereas animals may go with the flow in their bodies and take in experiences as they come, we are using our senses to the extreme that we are soaking in every little detail of hat our eyes see and what our ears hear. It can be a shame considering that the judgments we make as a result of learning reality through our senses can commonly be skewed, as a result of our conscious ego, when it appears that animals have very little of an "ego," maybe because they don't think in words.

We can see form the world that growing up learning from our senses can end up being very wrong. Most judgments that come from the ego in general happen to be wrong and I did not understand why that happened to be growing up. It will also be hard for an unfaithful person to understand that, because I have learned myself that this is a result of the human mind in relation to the spirit of life, which is the spirit of the universe, ascended down to our little planet we call home. The reality is that we are a mold of clay compared to the infinite, we are equal to mere dust being blown around into the air. That is not to say we aren't important, but it is a poetic way of giving appreciation to our Creator.

I believe the answer to this, Life, is that we have a subconscious mind that is "beneath" our conscious mind and it is very hard to access the subconscious, but it can be reached through meditation. Our subconscious mind "knows" everything, but our ego, or conscious mind knows nothing, but through pride and arrogance it thinks that it knows everything. It gets to the example of delusion and how human beings are lost in ignorance as a stubborn refusal to seek our spirit through digging much deeper than what we see on earth with our senses that we have been using since birth to make "sense" of this crazy physical world we live in. It is not common to realize what is beyond the delusion of ignorance, because in order to find wisdom we must reject selfishness, and how uncommon is that? How many people do you see that put every day strangers in front of themselves? It is truly pride, arrogance, selfishness, and hate, that keeps a human being stuck in their ego, arrogantly thinking that they are up to a decent degree of wisdom and that no change is needed to venture off into the depth of their spirit. Next thing you see is that these people show disrespect and hatred towards other undeserving people through things like racism and biased thoughts.

It all really makes me feel alone, because I have rejected the "normal" way of human beings for many years in order to separate myself from the world, setting examples every day that I do things differently than other people. And I bring many smiles to others, but I also get bad looks from people who do not know why I am putting them before me, they are shocked speechless and stunned because it is a surprise to them that I care about them, not knowing who they are. They fail to see even the smallest aspect of how much we are truly connected to each other in reality.

They have used their senses combined with their experiences from other ignorant people to form a perception of reality within themselves that is very much negative and influenced by things like hate, fully admitting to themselves that delusion that human beings are separate from each other. Extremely different we are from each other, but not separate.

I have used the knowledge that I have learned through experiences and learning from teachers to attempt at controlling my mind and not the actions of anybody else, but only the thoughts that I produce inside my brain. These thoughts are not allowed to be negative, or judgmental, or unfocused. But only good loving thoughts, controlling my mind to not think about anything that would be considered negative or biased. Then that follows through with my words and actions, showing that I have discipline and strength and wisdom to face life without any negative feelings or biased thoughts, and a very bold enforcement to reject fear, the same fear that hateful people try to control other human beings with. It is like going full circle, and the outcome of the full circle is to be so confident as to know that love is good, and hate is bad, and egotistical judgments are wrong, and allowing people to express themselves without thinking any biased thoughts is right, regardless if I disagree with them or not. This study of the subconscious mind being superior to the ego that I have done has proven the results to me affirmative, without a doubt it has been proven to me as much as I can conceive and believe. Humans are thinking about reality philosophically and trying to figure it out, but it is my time now to show that I have figured out at least, that love is good, judging others is bad, giving others freedom is good, thinking biased about any other human is bad, etc, and it is showing this as a testament which I feel is separating me from the world, that which in essence of spirit is not truly separated but by ego, selfishness, arrogance, pride and stubbornness is greatly separated in many aspects, all that I must confront.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: one4all

Capitalism corrupted by greed alone.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Excellent bump TMG, for an excellent thread by One4all.

posted on Nov, 19 2017 @ 01:47 PM
Most of it is because of arrogance, pride and being stubborn.

We live in a world that is completely obsessed with manipulating each other. The media is completely obsessed with falsehood, being dishonest, and lying to the human species.

The history books and schools are also manipulated into preventing humans from learning the truth about things and manipulating them to learn what the world powers and controllers of the world (Elite) want them to learn.

Then, arrogance and stubbornness comes into play - once a human being has made up his or her decision to believe in something, no matter if it is true or false the human will not change their mind. A human takes in information that they want to hear and other information that does not already fit into the framework of their previous beliefs becomes rejected.

The example I always bring up is that the Greeks say Jesus was born of a virgin and the Hebrews say Jesus was not born of a virgin. Yet the whole world that is Christian believes the Greeks over the Hebrews, when the Hebrews were Jesus's own people. It describes how the human psyche has been taught to believe in a magician and miracle worker and that false belief is the basis for their religion, so anything contrary to that is rejected, even if it is closer to home than what was taught.

But it is the evil in the world, that urge which compels people to harbor such hatred in their own species to cause the desire to want to manipulate them and lie to them to create a world of ignorant lost souls that are too stubborn to come together or too stubborn to understand that they have been lied to all along.

I heard on mainstream TV today another falsehood, just like I heard yesterday and posted about it. Really, every day you can turn on the TV and what you really see is the Elite lying to the world, and also conditioning the world to be evil by showing them that the Elite hate them, it does not matter if people are their own race even, the Elite hate everybody because they are evil, which compels me to hate them.

A famous actor that is well known, went about to all the religions and as an elder, he teaches that what he has learned from all his experiences is that "Everyone's truth, is The Truth."

Now this person is most likely a satanist just like most of Hollywood and knows very well that he is conditioning the world to be even more lost by lying to them as a result of the ever enduring hatred that he has for his own species. Because The Truth is the opposite of what he is teaching the world watching mainstream TV.

The Truth is that everyone who has different Truths are all deceived and all of them believe in Lies, contrary to The Truth.

They believe in miracle working "gods" they have pictures of:
When The Truth is that God has no image.

They believe in contradictions:
When The Truth is singularity; it does not have different versions to it.

They believe in things that evil people have told them:
Evil people are very clever, almost everything in religions is specifically told something false in order to prevent the devotee from knowing something that is in relation to it which is true. A person would have no idea that they are being lied to unless they knew the motive for why the lie was created, and unless they studied the relations to other religions they would not be able to know why the falsehoods were being created in the first place.

Spirituality is not known to the world:
If it was people would not have different beliefs. People can have different truths because people are different, but the Truth of God does not have differences because there is only One God. People claim to know God but then argue with each other. That means that either one of them could know but both of them cannot know. That is why people refer to Jesus, assuming that Jesus is the one person who had the truth, however, the Elite lied about his teachings and corrupted them so that the world would not know them, so even if the Master had all the truth, which I believe He did, you or myself will not find it in the bible.

posted on Nov, 20 2017 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: AlienVessel

If others believe in falsehoods as truth, because of "arrogance, pride and being stubborn":
how can you be sure that your truth is above this?

How could anyone ever be sure?

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