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WHY Humanity is regressing not moving forward in a normal evolutionary manner.

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 05:54 PM
Humans were created by adding genetic material to primates that already existed within the normal evolutionary path of this planet.The enhancements spread rapidly throughout our species.Creating massive jumps in evolutionary progress for humanity.The problem is that as our population exploded these genetic enhancements have reached a point of diminishing return.They have been so watered down that the intended effect is MUCH LESS TODAY THAN IT WAS WHEN WE WERE ENHANCED,the bloodlines are now incredibly thin.We dont all carry forward the enhancements to the same degree.

This is evidenced by the inability of many humans to overcome the extremely short period of intensive learning that we all experience in our youth.You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink shouldnt apply to humans but it does,why?Because we arent all born with the "learning switch wide open for very long",we learn in spurts incredibly fast then we slow down and virtually stop.

The ones that dont have their switches shut off to early become leaders and visionaries because they REALLY ARE SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE MONKEY.

But why are people getting more and more out of control here on earth?

Because there are proportionatly fewer and fewer people born with enough direct lineage to keep the "learning switch on" for a long time.

In fact more people are born every day lacking this ability than ever before and they are being easily controlled by a very few smart people.

It shouldnt be this way but it is.We are regressing on an evolutionary scale and we will continue to do so until we reach a natural balance closer to the point where we were "enhanced".

This is a numbers game ,those with a strong link to the originally enhanced lineage will hold their own ,but anyone who reproduces further from this lineage will continue to lose these enhancements and will continue to regress.I am not talking about there being one genius amongst a million people either,there will always be some really strong bloodlines of every race on earth but IT IS THE REGRESSION WITHIN THESE RACES AS A WHOLE THAT IS THE ISSUE.

This is why our global condition seems to be worsening when the stage has been set for it to improve.You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

Youy can lead a human to knowledge but you cannot make it learn.

The reason the horse wont drink when you tell it is because of its instincts,plain and simple,it is the same with people and this is MY POINT,it is instinct that stops the learning process in adults,but not all horses refuse to drink and not all humans stop learning.The focus is on WHY we havent been able to overcome this instinct in the majority of humanity?

The only excuse for a human to be stupid is lack of education,so if you have an ultra educated population then society should run smoothly,BUT IT DOESNT DOES IT?Drug addicts,poor people,criminals,dishonesty,lack of caring for humanity,killing,you name it and we have it,WHY?

Because we will never breed these negative traits out of humanity in fact we will see more and more people becoming mired in a reality and life they are unprepared to productively participate in.And the reverse of what people expect is going to continue to occur.

We can put computers in front of every human on earth and after a week 90 percent will go kick rocks around.

Only ten percent have the genetic ability to meld with the computer and the information it contains.

I think that a retarded person that was closer to the source of our enhancements would be considered a genius today,we have regressed not progressed.

Global inequity will continue untill there is a true global democracy and a safe haven for the smarter people to represent the majority from within is created.

We can create a world where their is a consistant standard of living but we cannot change the direction of our species in an evolutionary sense,for that matter I dont even think the enhancements were supposed to stick around for this long,we were probably expected to die off eventually after a few generations leaving the earth and its primates like it was before we got here.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 06:51 PM

[edit on 3-2-2010 by UmbraSumus]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 06:56 PM
most people never really think about evolution, they just believe this is as good as it gets.

they just wait for scientist and doctors to make things better for them.

lets face it, humans are lazy and find ways to help them with their laziness.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:06 PM
This is what happens when the human race becomes ego driven. We have become a race of, i want, it`s all about me, i have to look the best, i have to be the best, i must have the best. Understand, we are raised in those conditions, and the programming goes on all of our life. Most advertisements are aimed at the ego, to get people to buy their products, and as long as this continues, the harder it is to get the ego in check. When life was simpler, before the boom in technology, and before money drove humanity off the deep end, people had more time to study and practice spiritual ways. We are now taught, that you must learn more in school so that you can go out and make the big bucks and have everything you want and can get.

Everything we are taught today ends up taking away from what we were suppose to be, and that is being spiritual people. Now, when you say to someone, that we need to be more spiritual, they just laugh at you, or slam you in some way. We are taught that life revolves around money, and how much of it you have and can get. Today, we have technology to be the babysitters for our kids and to teach them all about life. We don`t have to be parents anymore, now we can put more time and effort into making the all mighty dollar to keep our heads above water, so we don`t drown in the debts we create for ourselves.

The more we do these things, the more our government will step over their boundry lines to keep the money flow going. Now, as for humans being watered down, no, not watered down, dumbed down is what your looking for.

You speak of having to educate people. In todays schools? Schools need to be overhauled firstt before they do what you want them to do.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by one4all
It shouldnt be this way but it is.We are regressing on an evolutionary scale and we will continue to do so until we reach a natural balance closer to the point where we were "enhanced".

I did a thread a while back on a very similar note.

Of course what is evident regarding the decline or relative slow improvements of intelligence is only one aspect of human evolution. Spiritual evolution and soul memory is just as important and in fact one should be coupling both technology and spirituality in order to attain a new being ie a Neo-Human. So many insist in concentrating on just the physical where in actual fact it is a knitting of the physical and no-physical which create the neo-human or evolved being. I don't know how close i am to this state of existance but I know I am closer than most. Whats really stopping me from porgressing even futher and halting evolution en masse are 4 things :

1) A lack of freedom
2) Retention of infomation by tptb
3) Retention of technology by tptb
4) and Money to facilitate my desires to learn more.

In truth I resent this world for allowing the continuation of this sorrowful state of existance and not doing anything about it. What happened to all the visionaries? Or is this planet full of wimps who'd rather take the easy route.
And before you say something yes I could change the world, but you know what, I don't really like what I see of humans and so am now not inclined.
'The meek shall inherit the earth' it says in the bible. I think thats a mispelling it should have read 'the weak shall inherit the earth' which I believe is what will happen!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:30 PM
Yeah I think you're on to something, the number of people refusing to learn simple things about the english language is growing and growing.
I mean, it's not that hard is it? It's not my native language and yet I find myself to be pretty good in it, oh well.
Little joking with..hints aside;
Yeah, we might be regressing but I think that might be because we expect too much from ourselves after seeing our technology improve and our amount of "knowledge" grow. [Also; After every uphill, there has to be a "downhill"]

Then again, I've always thought humans to be much, much more stupid than we credit ourselves to be. I don't find it to be thanks to some "bloodlines" or "race" or "you-name-it". It's simply because well, we are individuals, yet we "like" to from societies which in turn "forces" us to be "less" individuals and more of.."clones". You see this in young people, especially in kids around 14-17. They want "social acceptance" and to "be cool" so they..well, basically join the "monkey see monkey do" game of "fashion" and try to look like the person next to them.

Then again, those who succeed to accept their individuality and do not spend their time worrying about society or how they fit in it, tend to actually think more than stress about "unimportant matters".

What I'm trying to say; We are being "programmed" to be part of a society, not "ourselves". This is why more of the young people are appearing to be more "stupid" than they really are. They don't have the time or energy to think about actually important matters, they need to think about "money" and "social acceptance" and whatnot, and this is why as the older generations pass away, it seems like the world is getting "dumber".

Of course, this is just my personal opinion on the matter and I might be missing something great here, and if that's the case then I'm sorry.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Klavier]

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Klavier]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:35 PM
As a consequence of human population explosions, the natural world becomes denuded. Many life forms fall victim to such human waste, left for crowds to gawk at in natural history museums, but never again able to contribute to our ecosystems as a part of the living earth. Our resources become consumed, at such a rate that humanity must either prepare for radical change, or brace itself as it befalls a similar fate.

In any healthy organism, uncontrolled growth which is not checked by apoptosis, or programmed cell death, leads to carcinogenesis. The cancer of utilitarianism must be eradicated, before it becomes terminal

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 07:43 PM
Our media teaches us that evolution is an upward process, but the truth is that natural selection can go either way, depending on the context of "natural." When our environment is a city where going to a job and buying junk is rewarded, natural selection selects those who are most at home in this environment and thrive in it. These people tend to have "thin intelligences," meaning that while they can operate machinery or shuffle papers, their insight and broader wisdom are lacking. We have a choice: we can increase the expectations to which we hold ourselves and breed people of thicker intelligences who are smarter, nobler and healthier than those now, or we can decrease our expectations, and in consequence breed a mob of future generations who excel in bureaucracy, watching television, eating junk food and buying plastic gadgets. Stagnation, or a lack of change in our current standards, will likely lead to the latter outcome.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:12 PM
Our schools are where we are dumbed down believe it or not,you dont go to post secondary school or university to "get smarter"so you can make more money,you are actually singled out based on your ability to learn at a more rapid rate than your contemporaries AND YOU ARE MADE DUMBER,you are herded into corrals like cattle,corrals built with money and fiscal power.

Do you understand that these salarys are like bait or honey attatched to specific jobs that require the ability to continue learning in university[dont forget that you are learning only one profession because this is how you are frozen or dumbed down] at a rapid rate LONGER THAN YOUR CONTEMPORARIES ,the willingness and ability to pursue these carrots are used as litmus tests of all of our intellectual capacity and activity.

These minds that "keep the learning channell wide open" should be learning an incredible MYRIAD of different diverse things in order that they be allowed to maximise their incredible potential and apply many different teachings through the use of many different perspectives their true education should provide.

These people are held back because they are the ones with the special talents that enable them to MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES HAPPEN.And at light speed.

This is called dumbing down.

With the advent of the internet we are seeing what I speak of,things are out of balance and the world is feeling the economic effects.

A mother sitting at home in front of her computer can start a website and become rich and fiscally powerful,she will certainly out earn a lawyer or a doctor.Knowledge cant be hidden and a lot of the people that WOULD HAVE been in university are starting their own businesses as a first choice,and as a result they are having a greater and more immediate effect on the world.

Unfortunately these same minds are stunted by their fiscal sucess in exactly the same manner that their past educational choices stunted them.

We need to remove the fiscal component of our lives and right now so that we can maximise the learning potential of those most suited to immense knowledge retention.And encourage them to continus learning as long as possible.

Lets face it you can only acess about ten percent of humanity that have "the learning channell locked on".We just need to allow these truly SMART people to do their thing,but you see if we did that EVERYTHING IN OUR WORLD WOULD CHANGE IMMEDIATLY.
Because we see through Religons veil and we see through our governments veil,and we see through corporate entities veils,we
gain many perspectives through our learning that LEAD US ALL TO THE SAME HUMANITARIAN CONCLUSIONS ,that the world must change now that all corrupt Governments and Religons need to be corrected immediatly.


The same place the whole world would be if we let the true leaders amongst us truly lead humanity,instead of bought and sold electorial puppetts.

The same place the whole world would be if we let the true spiritual leaders amongst us truly teach spirituality,instead of bought and sold religous zealots.

Yes school used to teach us all right,how to be manipulated by fiscal rewards.

Learning and school are vastly different ,schools have a directed curriculum,who directs it and why and in what direction??

Learning knows no boundries and is self directed ,in an ultimately humanitarian direction,because with out money to manipulate where we put our energies we would follow our natural tendancies and do humanitarian based activities .

We only go to school to be "sorted out for some one or something"
We are sorted using money like a magnet to draw the smartest into a specific trap or corral.

A person with a singular or limited perspectives isnt equipped to accept much humanitarian responsibility or isnt equipped to be very empathetic to a diverse group of people.And this has LITTLE TO DO WITH LEVEL OF EDUCATION.

These things all are relevant to a humans diverse life education or experience,you can read it or you can do it BUT YOU MUST EXPERIENCE IT IN ONE OF THESE WAYS TO BE ABLE TO UTILSE YOUR PERSPECTIVES TO GUIDE YOUR LIFE IN THE HUMANITARIAN DIRECTION IT WAS DESIGNED TO GO IN.

Someone who specializes in a one-dimensional career ,NO MATTER HOW TECHNICAL IT IS IN NATURE,no matter what their IQ is ,has been TRAPPED in a fiscal web.
And stops learning.


But when you mess with freedom of choice you screw everything beautiful right up.And humans end up with all kinds of screwy perspectives,many of which are in fact detremental to humanity and cause wars and violence.We can only become screwy and counterproductive if we allow ourselves to be manipulated out of our natural humanitarian evolution.

This is why it is even more important now to recognise the regression of the majority of humanity and focus on the humans who have retained enough lineage to carry us forward as a species with their combined humanitarian focus,I believe the clock is ticking and we need to make changes soon before a regressive majority starts a world war or worse.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:34 PM
I have several theories but the greatest one at the moment concerns the vast leaps of technology we've taken. My theory is that our tech growth never stopped, but entered into a realm of society which ordinary citizens never see. Whether this was done at first out of concern for the safety of the world or for more personal reasons concerning land here on Earth and it's boundaries, I do not know, and furthermore what reasons for the prolonged absence of advanced tech I do not know. I believe there are many forces at work with many different goals and beliefs. A shadow war if you will.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:37 PM
Willful ignore has nothing to do with evolution.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by one4all
These people are held back because they are the ones with the special talents that enable them to MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES HAPPEN.And at light speed.

This is called dumbing down.


We only go to school to be "sorted out for some one or something"

We are sorted using money like a magnet to draw the smartest into a specific trap or corral.

A person with a singular or limited perspectives isnt equipped to accept much humanitarian responsibility or isnt equipped to be very empathetic to a diverse group of people.And this has LITTLE TO DO WITH LEVEL OF EDUCATION.

Someone who specializes in a one-dimensional career ,NO MATTER HOW TECHNICAL IT IS IN NATURE,no matter what their IQ is ,has been TRAPPED in a fiscal web.
And stops learning.


This is one of the best posts i have seen on ATS in the past year. It seems you have really thought this out, everything and I mean everything you say rings true, and hearing it in all honesty cuts deep, as do so many truths that are discussed here on ATS.

I have no doubt you are one of those that could make positive change at light speed, as could I, and yet look at what we resort to, look what they have done to us! Instead we write books or post on forums in the hope that someone will see through the mist of deception, lies and controls in place and be able to do something about it. We are in lock down and few see the bars of their cell. Once upon a time this was deluded talk, but more and more are seeing it now.

Many have been asking how do you bring down such a currupt empire that conspires against us in secrecy and who have halted human evolution? Actually worst than that they are systematically killing the human spirit, an even worst crime if you ask me.

Who are they? They are the people that are of the self and for the self and will promote themselves at the expense of human suffering throughout the planet. You must know that the governments and cooperations of the world are our enemy for not only have they helped build this inhumane empire that in evolutionary terms moves at snail pace, but also that they have actively put in place measures to block forward thinking, progression and even uprising. And I guarantee to you they will continue to build these invisible walls, resisting change and forward thinking, until a great leader starts the catalyst and creates the chain reaction that will save humanity from slavery and subjugation of intelligence and the human spirit. And worst of all if it doesn't happen in the next few generations then the general populace will never be wise and clever enough to overcome the very system they are locked into! By then they would have all bought into a virtual world over the real one!

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:34 AM
I read an article on mind parasites, posted on the web by someone named Jonothan Zap, which was interesting. It basically alluded to humans being parasitized in a way that we are losing psychological fitness, while in the typical parasitic fashion "mind parasites" are increasing in fitness.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:20 PM
If you needed to maintain a feasable workforce on the planet but you needed to clean up say five.five billion unneeded bodies you would certainly want to ensure that the people you kept alive as new stock all had the attributes that you desire,the attributes that most of us have slowly been losing.

Violence is in every way counterproductive,I believe we have been becoming more and more violent as we have regressed.I believe that violence is usually associated with a lack of information or a percieved or a real inequity ,usually stemming from a lack of communication caused by an inequity in the ability to integrate a medium perspective by one of the people involved due to an inequity in acess to information.

Arguments start because people arent on the same page and they arent on the same page because they have different sets of data. UNTIL THEY CAN COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER AND FIND THE RIGHT FREQUENCY OR LEVEL OR COMMONALITY IN THEIR PERSPECTIVES,people will continue to be manipulated by the smarty pants who CAN SEEM TO GET ON THE SAME PAGE.

All of humanity will eventually attain a humanitarian perspective once the golden median of learning has been reached,empathy comes with increased ability to integrate different perspectives,I had hoped the internet would allow humanity to turn the corner,but I am beginning to see that a large majority of people just dont seem to be able to accept the volume of new information,I mean they cant ,not that they wont,even when they try there is some type of blockage in their ability to even hear the words.And if they do hear the words its like there is a built in eraser in their brain that erases the information in a very short period of time,I believe this is genetic.

It is a built in failsafe so we dont get or stay to smart.

I also believe that our life spans have been decreasing as we have regressed,I believe that we used to live hundreds of years but as we have gotten further from the source our life spans have shortened dramaticly.

We dont have time to learn enough at a normal rate so some of us need to bee"implanted"so we can artificially keep the "learning channell"open for an inordinately long amount of time,you see once you have learned enough there is no going back,you become a better human and wont regress,I dont mean when your IQ is high enough ,I mean when you have learned enough about humanity as a whole.

This is the key,you have to reach the point of no return where you view humanities future as being integral to your own,and this only happens with life learning.Not ultra-focused formal education alone.

If we could get everyone on the same page we could change humanities path immediatly.As I said I believe that there is a genetic component to our inability so we are seemingly screwed,unless we can discover how we are being sandbagged through our DNA.

This is and has always been a communication issue,there have been intentional acts of treason committed against the human race from within encouraged by the manipulation of greed and other individual human emotions.We have been damaged from within,manipulated by a very few people with the ability to think ahead and out of the box.

Not aliens or supermen,just smarter people,I believe we were created by humans,our enhancements were designed to create a managable workforce,tailored to this need.

I dont think we inherited our independance as part of the deal,I believe that our "creators"believe that they own us as possesions,and they will one day return enforce with an attitude.

We have not only survived after being left to our own devices we have multiplied on a scale NEVER WITNESSED ON EARTH BEFORE.We have stolen or found their hidden technology and reverse engineered some and improved on some in a spectacular fashion.We are not the helpless species we were expected to be right now.If anyone is returning I hope they are informed.

It seems to me through my abduction experiences and the current situation that someone has been secretly "enhancing"or unblocking a large number of humans over an extended period of time for some reason.

There is a possibility that their is a designed intent to "unblock" a substantial number of people who will naturally "find"their ways to the same areas at the same time .

The rest of us will be left to continue regressing until we either destroy ourselves or are weeded out in some other fashion,possibly a global event we are not being told about.The ice sheets slipping into the oceans seems to me to be a regular natural occurance that could possibly be speeded up by manipulating our environment,giving a smarty pants a global scale method of thinning out our global population,and making us more "manageable".

You see some of us can think ahead using REVERSE EXTRAPOLATION.

We dont require traditional input to be able to formulate possible perspectives or outcomes to dynamic situations.

We cannot be easily lied to because of the way our minds think,we are difficult people to deal with unless you are a good listener because we will spend an inordinate amount of time trying to help you see through all of the veils put over your eyes AND YOU WILL INSTINCTIVELY BECOME DEFENSIVE,you will "feel"like we are trying to change or brainwash you.You will be right we are doing exactly that to repair the damage done to you.You may feel we are pushy or overbearing,a know-it- all,someone possibly with delusions of granduer,possibly ADHD,or ADD,or lacking in some other area.This is a real feeling people will have around us,like there is something or must be something wrong with us,this is because we constantly shake the foundations of their reality or perspectives with our ability to see the "veils covering their eyes".

And we dont give up our attempts to teach easily either,we are persistant because we all KNOW that if given just a little more time to explain we can CLEAR YOUR VISION ENOUGH FOR YOU TO CLEARLY SEE YOUR TRUE WORLD AS IT IS ON YOUR OWN AGAIN.

We will show you where you lost your freedom of choice and then we WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO REGAIN IT.

You must sacrifice personal freedom of choice to earn money and you must sacrifice earning money to become humanitarian and regain your humanitarian perspective, it is a true catch 22 isnt it?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:56 PM
Have you read anything on Abraham Maslow?

It is called Maslow's Law.

I won't take up space here posting text from other sources.

Just click on the link provided.

And if any of you read real books anymore,find this book and read it.

Earth Abides.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by calcoastseeker]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by one4all

We have two choices: a half-billion people can live moderately and do no damage to the environment, but for four or six billion to exist they must live pre-industrial lifestyles, including using small areas of land. Our primary enemy regarding the environment is land overuse, a direct consequence of overpopulation. If we limit ourselves, we live well. If we do not, we live in poverty and eventually doom ourselves through the breeding of others. We face a choice on this issue between living comfortably with some room to spare, and living on the edge of disaster and pushing our environment to retaliate against us. Note that with a half-billion people of intellectual quality and character none of our inventions or art or culture would be impeded.

Strong leadership should replace the idea that whatever people want to do that makes profit is OK, and that we should restrict our population from the least valued members of society upward. Fewer people, of a better quality, obeying leaders who are concerned about the long-term (next thousand years and beyond) view is the only combination that will save nature. Buying special products does nothing. Cutting back our lifestyles is good, but by itself, does nothing. Buying land only defers the problem until later when that land becomes more valuable and the taxes rise, or governments appropriate it. Our plan is to create a saner type of society that avoids the problems of selfishness and overpopulation as much as is possible. Only by changing the design of our society can we fix its subsidiary problems, including the environmental crisis

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 02:40 PM
Thank you so very much this is certainly relevant to my perspective,I believe that economic and religous manipulation has been used throughout human history to force humanity to "percieve"themselves to be in a CONSTANT STATE OF NEED,beholding to a ficticious god A CONTRIVED SENSE OF THE NEED TO REDEEM OURSELVES AND PLEASE THE UNPLEASABLE or a contrived monetary system A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO KEEP EVEN EXTREMELY EDUCATED HUMANS MIRED IN THE NEVERENDING QUEST FOR MONEY BY CONSTANTLY INCREASING THE FICTICIOUS COST OF BASIC NEEDS THEREBY FORCING HUMANITY INTO A CONSTANT "PERCIEVED"STATE OF NEED.

Do you see ,they create a constant artificialy designed and implemented STATE OF NEEDYNESS surrounding the basic needs of humanity thereby preventing them from attaining a controllable state of selfactualisation.This stops humanity from attaining a global basic sense of humanitarianism.This keeps us off of the same page and unable to share the same progressive humanitarian vision of humanities present needs and future path.We are kept divided so we cannot find a global common ground or create a global venue for communication that is acessable to every human on earth,not available but acessable.

Trying to misrepresent availability as accesability is an outright lie.Availability is used as a veil to blind the educated and potentially rebellious percentage of humanity into believing that they have made real time information ACESSABLE TO THOSE IN NEED,when really they have not done that they have in fact used the inaccessability of real time and available information as a tool of manipulation even today with the internet.

Anytime our basic steps towards selfactualisation or becoming humanitarian are interfered with through the use of contrived states of economic[money]or emotional[religon] neediness that elicit predictable emotional reactions and dynamic outcomes WE ARE BEING SHACKLED AS A SPECIES.

This has been an organised directed effort to hold us back from realising our true potential as a species.

I was an elite athlete when I was younger and I can relate moments of clarity mentally to adrenaline fuelled athletic moments,starting slowly and then peaking,and as you become more experienced you can maintain the threshold of maximum adrenaline application longer and in a controlled fashion.I believe that there is some type of substance like adrenaline [my mind says pituatary for some reason]that gives our brain a boost excactly like adrenaline and can be manipulated to control our ability to learn and process multiple perspectives while maintaining our sense of self.I think that we ALL get this boost when we are around five or six,BUT WE ARE GENETICLY SABATOGED AND IT TURNS OFF TO FAST,by design.

I believe that nasal implants one of which I was given ,are task specific implants and are purposefully rejected by the human body when they are finished their job of "boosting"our learning ability on purpose,just long enough to allow us to selfactualise at a very young age,I think once we know how we never lose the ability to selfactualise.

But if we never reach that point we never fully experience the human condition as we should.And we cant understand people who try to explain it to us,it isnt possible because we havent had the experience yet to base an understanding on and the concepts are to complicated for us unless we rely on FAITH alone,people will revert to a religous perspective if you ask them to rely on blind faith and you defeat your purpose.

This is the tremendous job staring at humanity right now,to teach humanity how to selfactualise ENMASSE.

The only way is a global dismantling of the monetary systems .

We need to allow humanity the chance to see the results of what they wish to have happen ACTUALLY COME TO FRUITION,the more we can get the world to see the immediate results of their combined efforts of helping each other the more they will believe in their own personal ability to seek and attain selfactualisation themselves.

Religons must be dismantled as they exist, because they allow humanity to foster a FASE SENSE OF SELFACTUALISATION WITHIN THE GROUP----when these very believers are actually being prevented from ever selfactualising with the real world outside of their religous bonds. We are led into a false sense of self accomplishment when we have really done little or nothing to help the human condition mostly because for each progressive thing religon tells us to do WITHIN ITS DOCTRINE IT ALSO PROVIDES US WITH MANY CONVINIENT AND INCREDIBLY FORGIVABLE AVENUES TO PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITIES THAT ARE DETRIMENTAL TO HUANITY,


Thank you again for the links they were very informative and helpful,I havent read the second one yet but I will find the book.

On the note of books,I love them and I hate to make people think to much but we are quietly being put in a position paralleling the burning of books and destruction of the information available to humanity that happened just before the Dark Ages because of the internet.

We are losing the incredible diversity of human perspectives contained in the billions of books and writings that are being lost every second ,lots are put online but this is a false sense of security for humanity,we lose the net we lose our entire human history at some point???

Then it will be rewritten on the net??by who??Most of this knowledge and these documents reside in the countries that have been seduced by the internet and we are quickly losing them because of this false sense of security.

We have an obligation to humanity in the future to preserve these documents and retain our freedom of choice to learn what we want to learn without being manipulated.

I read the entire World book Encyclopedia set as a young boy,a-z,I think I am doing ok.

The internet is awsome if you have the ability to maximise what it has to offer,but most people I know limit their use to work, social networking ,or gameing,most of us even in the developed world tend to be to wrapped up in the economic deception ,the false sense of need, we work work work,we use our computer in a very limited fashion because we are even manipulated away from this incredible resource .

The thought occured to me early on in my ATS experience that there had to be a reason only a small percentage of people have found and use this information forum,now I know why,a small percentage of people able to conceptualise or selfactualise enough to see the importance and relevance of seemingly obsure unrelated bits of information.

A lot of people visit but the participaction is mostly from people that I can tell are already on the right path,very few WOW THATS INCREDIBLES.
Just a lot of prove its and this person is crazy or sicks.There are dedicated members but few.It seems to me that this resource was designed or is presently acting as a meeting place and a staging area for people with the existing ability to selfactualise and no one else will ever see a need to come here or participate.This has become the best resource I have ever found on-line.For those on the path to selfactualisation already,and others as well.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:04 PM
All members of humanity are equally as valuable,all have the same potential,we just need to "open up the learning channell"for children at birth,we have to un-do the genetic boobytrap we carry,thats all ,we all have the potential to selfactualise,once we have a generation that is naturally "enhanced"the problem will cure itself through breeding and dna exchange.

The problem is the six billion stunted humans that exist today,they are dangerous and we have to keep them from destroying the planet long enough to replace them with "natural learners"that can pass on the trait to their children so we can replace our genetic bank with humans that are able to learn enough to control their ability to selfactualise.There are all kinds of names floating around out there like "special child"ect. in an attempt to explain the children that can selfactualise at birth that are being born today ,because people are putting the most obvious pieces together but the puzzle is far from completed.Why do you think there has been a concerted directed effort to medicate ADD and ADHD children?Which children ended up in the corner fifty years ago?

In an attempt to keep reality within their fading regressing grasp people with the inability to selfactualise are trying to use the power of their numbers to stifle those with this ability ,to label them as actually ILL or SICK,this is incredibbly ironic,seeing as these same masses are regressing and they dont even have the capacity to understand the fact.

The most evil part is that there have to be people able to selfactualise within the powers that be and that is why I say we are being attacked and controlled from within,people with the ability to selfactualise have been somehow manipulated into assisting in the control of most of humanity.

And because they can already selfactualise they must be being manipulated using a false claim of help of some kind for humanity,someone has found a chink in the armor that selfactualiation provides .

The advanced helpers of the evil powers have been fooled ,we call them politicians and religos leaders and we are the ones who choose them or accepted them as representatives of ourselves ,they werent corrupt when their conception was initialised but they have been corrupted and used as a tool of manipulation for most of our history.

Look up how a Ponzi scheme works,by only the first two or three people being in collusion,but the next six or seven being fooled and the trust that those six or seven can elicit from their trusted friends is used in a cumulative fashion to fool so many people so fast that no one is aware until it is to late,but the entire scheme only works because the first three fool the next six who are legitimate people not in on the crime,then all the myriad of trusted people related to the six become instantly vulnerable and then like stack of dominos many many people fall as a result of their "trust"for their friends WHO THEMSELVES HAVE BEEN FOOLED INTO UNWITTINGLY DEFRAUDING THEIR OWN FRIENDS AND FAMILIES.

This is what has been done to humanity through the bastardization of religons and governments and corporate entities.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by one4all

In contrast to inward-going philosophies, ascendancy starts from the inner world and believes in the clarification and growth of ourselves as only we know us. An ascendant person thinks, molds themselves into an ideal of their own creation, and derives their self-confidence from that accomplishment and a knowledge of themselves. They have individuality, not individualism, and are less concerned with public perception than actual reality. They know it is easy to convince others that one is competent (pass tests), honest (don't get caught), well-meaning (flatter) and intelligent (memorize facts). They know it is impossible to fool oneself. The goal of an ascendant person is to know himself or herself fully, to discipline that self to the highest standards possible, including ethical and physical and mental, and then to apply the beauty found within to the world without. Where an intraverted person questions whether he or she dares presume to change the world, and talks in terms of rights and obligations, an ascendant person thinks in terms of making things better much as evolution made us better: create ideas, test them, and pick the best and repeat the process on that basis. Ascendant people are confident and moral and lack sneering contempt for anything but bad logic.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by one4all

In contrast to inward-going philosophies, ascendancy starts from the inner world and believes in the clarification and growth of ourselves as only we know us. An ascendant person thinks, molds themselves into an ideal of their own creation, and derives their self-confidence from that accomplishment and a knowledge of themselves. They have individuality, not individualism, and are less concerned with public perception than actual reality. They know it is easy to convince others that one is competent (pass tests), honest (don't get caught), well-meaning (flatter) and intelligent (memorize facts). They know it is impossible to fool oneself. The goal of an ascendant person is to know himself or herself fully, to discipline that self to the highest standards possible, including ethical and physical and mental, and then to apply the beauty found within to the world without. Where an intraverted person questions whether he or she dares presume to change the world, and talks in terms of rights and obligations, an ascendant person thinks in terms of making things better much as evolution made us better: create ideas, test them, and pick the best and repeat the process on that basis. Ascendant people are confident and moral and lack sneering contempt for anything but bad logic.

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