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What if Internet is the Conspiracy...

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The Internet is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to utilize science to affect the metaphysical outcome of a collective consciousness.

The Internet is the birth of a collective consciousness and just where that leads to will be up to the collective!

Collective Consciousness already existed before the Internet did. Internet is merely an electronic copy of that already existing field imo.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.
1. The first being that the relative newness of this medium has not yet permitted any real long-term(generational) sociological or even psychiatric studies to come to any solid conclusions as to any possible side-effects associated with the internet. One might suspect a diminished ability to think critically, a shortened attention span, etc. Along with a sort of social maladjustment amongst chronic users. Anyone can see on this site alone, there are certainly a very wide variety of 'colorful' personas that are really only enabled by this medium. It seems to almost 'feed' the delusional personality in ways.

Indeed those normally inhibited in public speaking find in the Internet a platform that enables them. Interesting thought.

By the time we know the long-term effects of the Internet it will already be too late because humans tend to only see what the problems are after theyve already happened.

It is incredible the amount of blogs, user opinions, anonymous vids and user-generated 'sources' that are tossed about as fact. (Granted, this is ALSO due to a certain intellectual laziness on the part of users.)

It hurts to see all the blatantly false information being generated by Blogs. If it stops hurting, one has become desensitized. Rumor has it that there is a whole generation growing up who dont care whether Information is true or not because its "just entertainment".

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The Internet is a 'physical' manifestation of the global Collective Consciousness; think of it as a proof of concept. It's a platform explicitly for the manifestation of our thoughts.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

i have to respectfully disagree with you. if your savvy enough you can surf the web without being tracked.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:57 AM
Not paranoid at all IMHO.

Personally i'm not that worried about personal information etc,that can only be a problem if,first,you have something to hide and second (and most important IMHO),someone's after you personally.If indeed someone is after you,he has to be able to get that info too otherwise he can't do anything to you.

Personally i'm more worried about the information we get from the internet.Let's face it,it's perfect to make people around the world to think and act the same and it seems that in our days,critical thinking flew out the window.
Take the lie you wish to promote,make a nice presentation of it,make sure it's "burried" in tons of text (at least most of the time),act like you believe it more than anything else in the world and upload it.Voila!Now all you have to do is to wait,the ones who are gonna "buy" it they're gonna spread it themselves since that's the "truth" and there you have it!With so many people believing it,it becomes the "truth".

Internet is a very good "truth-maker" i think.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The Internet is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to utilize science to affect the metaphysical outcome of a collective consciousness.

The Internet is the birth of a collective consciousness and just where that leads to will be up to the collective!

Collective Consciousness already existed before the Internet did. Internet is merely an electronic copy of that already existing field imo.

I won’t disagree with you there SkyFloating but in my opinion Science sometimes functions as metaphysics and spirituality for dummies.

I mean dummy in an affectionate way, in that some people will dismiss the paranormal and the metaphysical because there are no 2 + 2 = 4 standards that allow the insecure to sometimes fully believe in and rely on what seems to them merely coincidental especially when their inclination is to dismiss it as coincidental because there is nothing in the way of published and accepted science or a machine that proclaims if you press this button you will get this result.

So while the collective consciousness did exist before the advent of the Internet and still does exist in addition to the Internet it exists with far fewer people actually participating interactively in it.

The internet allows people to participate in the collective conscious in a way that doesn’t in and of it self cause them to rethink or have to broaden or dismiss other beliefs such as their perspective on reality, religion, philosophy or morality.

The Internet is though showing people unfamiliar with the concept and processes of a collective consciousness how it basically functions while displaying the potential benefits of a collective conscious and the potential downfalls of the collective conscious.

It has rapidly transformed society in perhaps the most demonstrative way since the advent of Christianity and the rise of monotheism did 2,000 years ago so much so that today’s youth would literally be at a loss of the pre-computer, pre-internet world you and I were born into. It has given rise to whole new sectors of the economy and destroyed and made obsolete other sectors of the economy. It has logistically improved the quality of life and sped up interpersonal and business communications and logistics to being almost instantaneous. It has led to a power shift away from just the elite of society dictating people’s perspectives and world views and is tearing down borders and divisions brought on by space and time and religious and philosophical and economic differences, even while at the same time highlighting those same things in more polarizing ways than ever.

Many people and I dare say you are one of them are concerned with the rapid advent and growth and if it actually harbors good tidings or ill tidings as people able to communicate around the world in a keystroke can validate and gain acceptance for radical ideas that challenge some of the entrenched status quos and dogmas and can actually gauge to a certain extent the numbers of people who are of like mind. It has caused some people who pre-internet would have only been nominal personalities with limited impact to become genuine celebrities with noticeable impact.

So like a metaphysical collective consciousness it is manifesting things into reality that the collective is propelling and creating into reality through the exchange of information and numbers.

One could argue though that unlike the metaphysical collective conscious one has to be consciously aware of and know how to participate in that has the eventual potential to be far more powerful and manifest things far more rapidly and with greater certainty of success, the Internet collective conscious at least allows the elite maintainers of the status quo some ability to monitor and counter and even profit off of the trends that lead to the manifestation of new elements within our reality.

Since your primary concern seems to be a radical change of the status quo in premature or poorly thought out or harmful ways to certain elements of the existing status quo the fact that they can now better monitor the collective thought and actions of the lovable dummies who aren’t ready to participate in a metaphysical collective conscious is not only in part what you are trying to convey to people through the thread, of look you aren’t really anonymous and as you get sucked into this there is no telling what direction it might ultimately take you, is in fact the closest way and thing you are going to get to baby steps in regards to the development of a collective consciousness that is rapidly transforming the world.

A lot of people are going to be forced to adapt at a rapid pace or risk becoming obsolete as will some groups and existing collectives who have forged identities and maintained power and influence for their own individual goods and prosperity through the less sophisticated and timely information dissemination and gathering processes that previously existed.

That is naturally going to frighten and trouble such people and chances are the only thing they would in fact have to worry about is that their ways and philosophies are or are becoming obsolete or counterproductive or harmful to the larger collective.

It would be in their own best interests to evolve change and adapt rather than to keep trying to force the square peg into a hole that increasing numbers of people can clearly see is round and not square.

To everything there is a season and a reason, and there is always a valid reason why seasons that only exist for a reason must pass.

Don’t be frightened of that change Sky! It is after all happening for a reason to in fact bring about a change of season. Life is temporal and all good things and bad things as well must eventually come to pass.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:29 AM
OP, I think you are wrong

Actually TPTB would love most people to fear the Internet. The biggest enemy of oppression is information, accurate information. Not only that, people can figure out the truth and the lies, share their anger, their frustration, people can form groups, take actions to change the way they are governed.

I believe that's why the govt is eager to put shackles or terminate independent websites by killing advertising revenues. They only want the mighty and the rich to feed us our Internet information.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Great post and great reply...................though a total buzz-kill. I thought we were winning. We need to get it to 51% to 49%. 1 point is huge and a difference maker.


posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
i have to respectfully disagree with you. if your savvy enough you can surf the web without being tracked.

So you say, so you say. Lets hope you're right.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The thing is, no one really wants to admit that what they are doing is being tracked. From phone calls to purchases to e-mails and everything in between. I just watched a show on the NSA. It was on regular cable and it was about the war on terror. I recorded it and still have it. They admit that everything people do, Americans or otherwise is watched tracked and saved.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I mean dummy in an affectionate way, in that some people will dismiss the paranormal and the metaphysical because there are no 2 + 2 = 4 standards that allow the insecure to sometimes fully believe in and rely on what seems to them merely coincidental especially when their inclination is to dismiss it as coincidental because there is nothing in the way of published and accepted science or a machine that proclaims if you press this button you will get this result.

Sure. Progress of mass-consciousness can and does manifest as scientific progress.

But there is still the possibility that science merely mimics abilities lost. Say for example we lost telepathy so we replace it with telephone, we lost remote viewing so we replace it with TV, we lost instant access to all information, so we replace it with Internet.

So while the collective consciousness did exist before the advent of the Internet and still does exist in addition to the Internet it exists with far fewer people actually participating interactively in it. The internet allows people to participate in the collective conscious in a way that doesn’t in and of it self cause them to rethink or have to broaden or dismiss other beliefs such as their perspective on reality, religion, philosophy or morality.

I dont think you`ll find me or anyone else here denying the benefits of the Internet.

The Internet is though showing people unfamiliar with the concept and processes of a collective consciousness how it basically functions while displaying the potential benefits of a collective conscious and the potential downfalls of the collective conscious.

Regarding your entire post: Neither I nor most other people are putting the benefits of the Internet in regards to mass-consciousness to question.

It is Because of our Universal embrace of the Internet, and because no disadvantages are seen that we can view it as a possible tool of enslavement. Looking at where it is the least expected or even accepted.

Don’t be frightened of that change Sky!

My recommendation to you is Question Everything. The mere questioning of something does not mean one is frightened.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

It knows who you are.
It knows where you live.
It knows what you read.
It knows what you buy.
It knows what you like.
It knows what you dislike.
It knows who your friends are.
It knows what you believe.
It knows what you Download.

It keeps your eyes glued to a monitor, and your hands cuffed to a keyboard.

The real conspiracy behind the internet is that people no longer know how to socialize. Your social network has become digital, not personal.
Your protests are on the net, not on the street
You vent your frustrations electronically instead of physically

And some how you people think this is the weapon that will defeat TPTB?

The internet is the weapon that will defeat the people.

Someone once told me that 666 = WWW, and the mark of the beast in your right hand is the mouse you are holding... I'm starting to think this theory isn't so far fetched.

Not to mention that Society has now built this great dependency on the Web... a dependancy comparable to Oil, I hate to speculate what would happen to ur global economy if we experience a real energy crisis.

(I'd also like to remind people about the movie WALL • E)

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by jackflap
The thing is, no one really wants to admit that what they are doing is being tracked. From phone calls to purchases to e-mails and everything in between. I just watched a show on the NSA. It was on regular cable and it was about the war on terror. I recorded it and still have it. They admit that everything people do, Americans or otherwise is watched tracked and saved.

There does seem to be a tendency to see others has victims of snooping, but never oneself.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Actually TPTB would love most people to fear the Internet. The biggest enemy of oppression is information, accurate information.

The Internet foggies the lines between Entertainment, Advertisement, Infotainment, Propaganda and News so Im not sure its that accurate.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:10 AM
Interesting topic. As stated in previous posts, I agree that it's a double-edged sword. While it is a powerful tool and gives us access to information and communication, it could (and sometimes is) also be used to monitor people at unheard-of levels. The thought that comes to me though is... If the internet was "frozen" or "taken down", or something happened that caused people around the world to lose access to the internet for an extended time, this could potentially have a catastrophic effect on the world, for many reasons... One being the internet economy.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
Someone once told me that 666 = WWW, and the mark of the beast in your right hand is the mouse you are holding... I'm starting to think this theory isn't so far fetched.

The Hebrew numerical value for W (letter vav) is 6. I dont believe in the Book of Revelations, but that did strike me as odd.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by TheOracle
They only want the mighty and the rich to feed us our Internet information.

I think the fact that all Information is available for free in the whole world since 2 decades now (Internet went mass-production in around 1990) kind of disproves the theory that "TPTB" want to suppress the free flow of Information.

I used to think like you, but Information has become so free its irreversible.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:18 PM
I love your threads Sky, and I think this one is excellent. However, to play Devil's Advocate here, that's why companies spend millions on security. Now to that you say "But it's unreliable." That may be the case. At any time some hacker living in mom's basement can break in and steal a few CC's, but it's not like they're not trying to protect information. Other people may say "Oh the government can control it." That's not entirely true either. Huge file dumps are completed day in and day out, and while data is never fully erased, the resources that the government would have to go to to retrieve said information would take months if not years.

Still, if all these companies are owned by the NWO anyways, none of the above matters.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

But there is still the possibility that science merely mimics abilities lost. Say for example we lost telepathy so we replace it with telephone, we lost remote viewing so we replace it with TV, we lost instant access to all information, so we replace it with Internet.

That’s a lot of things to loose Skyfloating, have you thought about maybe tying a string around your finger?

We haven’t lost those things; we fail to place an emphasis on developing those things. Skills first have to be taught and learned for people to loose them. We do not in fact as a society teach those things, or even teach a belief that allows for those things.

One of the things that the Internet can in fact do is teach interested and curious people how to learn and develop skills that do have an inherent power and use to the individual that Government and Societal Institutions would prefer that they not have.

This is of course one of the things that is frightening the elites and entrenched hierarchies in institutions in regards to the Internet.

I dont think you`ll find me or anyone else here denying the benefits of the Internet.

You have in previous posts sounded cautionary notes in regards to the potential destructive impact that the internet can have on rendering things obsolete.

The word destructive in and of itself is suggestive of a negative though in reality most people were happy to see Saddam Hussein’s statue torn down in Baghdad and the Nazi Iron Cross destroyed on top of the Reich’s Chancellery, well except for Saddam and the Chancellor!

So there are times that destruction is a good and progressive positive thing even though for some its always going to be a cause for lamentation and regret and fear.

Regarding your entire post: Neither I nor most other people are putting the benefits of the Internet in regards to mass-consciousness to question.

It is Because of our Universal embrace of the Internet, and because no disadvantages are seen that we can view it as a possible tool of enslavement. Looking at where it is the least expected or even accepted.

You have though seen disadvantages to the Internet and spoken to them Skyfloating, your primary concern has been that people will embrace false or inaccurate news sources, ideologies and histories and act upon them for better or worse, but presumably worse.

Evidence of that can be found in this thread you authored quite recently.

Internet and the Information Age

Someone writes an article and posts it to a Blog, a Website or a Discussion-Board.

Is the article secretly being sponsored by a viral-marketing-campaign?
Is the article written with the hidden purpose of political spin?
Is it written to entertain and generate site-clicks?
Is it written to demonize or idolize something or someone?

Or is it actually written to inform tp the best of ones knowledge and truth-as-one-understands-it and for the educational benefit of mankind? There is no way of knowing for sure.

With the age of Internet, the dissemination of Information has become more democratic. But has it become more true? Does it pose a problem that every uneducated idiot with a Blog is now a publisher for Millions and that false information can spread at the speed of light? Is anything being done in school so that children learn about the responsible and fair use of the Internet?

Source: Skyfloating

I think its fair to say not only have you foreseen possible disadvantages to the Internet but have gone so far as to previously speak to them as you are currently once again in this thread.

I do believe if you simply did a simple search function of ATS posts you would find a lot of people who are aware to disadvantages to the internet from a multitude of perspectives ranging from those special interests groups who fear that their dogmas will wither and become obsolete under what they construe as a host of false attacks against them, to people who fear that the government is watching and monitoring their every move and will use their internet activity against them at some point in the future.

So honestly what I am perceiving is a two pronged approach you are taking as someone who is a member of special interest groups who both worries and fears that the Internet might erode the legitimacy or acceptability of those special interests though cautioning people to be especially wary of sources of information that challenge existing dogmas and special interests, and now further trying to in a round about way instill fear in the minds of internet users themselves to further plant seeds of doubt or deterrence from utilizing the Internet in a way that it could defeat some of the special interests myths and dogmas that have traditionally been kept sacrosanct or relatively immune through the elites primarily managing the flow and scope and context of information imparted to the masses.

I could be wrong, but that’s the basic message I am gleaning from this and your other recent thread regarding the Internet.

My recommendation to you is Question Everything. The mere questioning of something does not mean one is frightened.

Well you are probably quite relieved possibly to your chagrin as usual I am following that advice when it comes to the real reasons behind your threads.

And once again Skyfloating, please don’t be afraid of the Internet! It’s always possible to think two or three steps ahead of people’s intent when you simply first accurately identify intent and agenda to begin with. Most intelligent people are aware of the upside and downside to the Internet. It really just boils down to whether they can think two or three steps ahead to stay out in front of the curve.

I dare say you are least trying to do that my friend!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

people who fear that the government is watching and monitoring their every move and will use their internet activity against them at some point in the future.

Great stuff here once again my friend. In my way of thinking, it isn't that this information will be used against us in the future. I am looking at the accumulated information that is available now and in the future and I could see some group that is able to use that information to persuade people en mass. Social networking sites especially.

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