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What if Internet is the Conspiracy...

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:52 PM
Well said, Proto.
Yes, the net is just about as close to a level playing field as you can get with TPTB.
Of course, if you allow yourself to become a slave to the net, you ARE caught in its web.

Personally, I'm not too worried about it myself. Afterall, I'm sure with a little sleuthing, people could find out exactly who I am and there is a decent chance that the various Gov. Agencies already KNOW exactly who I am.
I don't care too much, though.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:59 PM
I think with all the talk of Net neutrality, the internet has become a runaway beast for the elite who used to control the flow of information so easily through their mass media.

The big bombshell for them was when 9/11 happened, shortly afterwards user generated online video became feasible due to an expansion in bandwidth, and that brought with it a ton of criticism towards the original report. All of a sudden the information about what may have really happened that day, flooded the internet, and mass media suddenly wasnt the only place to get information from, especially on touchy subjects such as 9/11.

i think they didnt see that one coming...

now the new information csar wants to ban conspiracy theories, and put out dis info agents to infiltrate such groups.

who knows there maybe some lurking here already

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Now it knows what kinds of pornography we all like!!

Well, imagine Mr Nice running for office. Right before Mr Nice exposes the grand conspiracy his reputation is ruined because his surfing habits are exposed. Or even worse, he's framed for material he didnt even know he had stored.

Yes that could pose a problem

as could the "swingers and wife swapping" groups he's joined on adultfriendfinder etc

You have quite an imagination.....for a mod

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Well said, Proto.
Yes, the net is just about as close to a level playing field as you can get with TPTB.
Of course, if you allow yourself to become a slave to the net, you ARE caught in its web.

Personally, I'm not too worried about it myself. Afterall, I'm sure with a little sleuthing, people could find out exactly who I am and there is a decent chance that the various Gov. Agencies already KNOW exactly who I am.
I don't care too much, though.

I have been taking advantage of government monitoring of the Internet to build a larger than life version of me.

For instance my time in British Intelligence as a double ot licensed to kill agent! Followed by my Mars expidition financed by the Hershey Chocolate Company are all things I like to talk about amongst others from time to time so they have lots and lots of things to talk about and look up.

For instance was my Mars expidition to the planet Mars, or Hershey's rival in the Chocolate business Mars Candies?

Where does the fact that the reclusive owner of the Mars Company as being one of the world's top arm's dealers and mercanaries play into it?

Is Hershey trying to muscle into the arms business too?

What then does this say about Hershey leaving Pennsylvania for Mexico? Is it because Mexico would be better to run their international arms smuggling network from?

This is all part of my own government stimulus package where I stimulate the government to investigate a lot of really stupid things.

Of course we all know that even when Proto is joking it is typically brilliant and true as evidenced by this headline

Mexican Authorities Confiscate Huge Weapons Caches at New Hershey Chocolate Plant in Jalisco!

Wow what do you know?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Now it knows what kinds of pornography we all like!!

Well, imagine Mr Nice running for office. Right before Mr Nice exposes the grand conspiracy his reputation is ruined because his surfing habits are exposed. Or even worse, he's framed for material he didnt even know he had stored.

There's no reason for the material to actually be stored on his computer as long as the log records say so - this is the Internet after all, why can't the evidence itself be "virtual".

Fortunately, TPTB in the government haven't had decent budgets for retaining data in excess of regulatory requirements until digital storage capacities exploded and prices plummeted in the last couple of years. A decade ago the physical space to store pentabytes of data was the big problem. My take on perpetual storage of accounts usage data is that it's still not cost effective for most businesses. Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and the like keep detail data for long periods, but probably not forever unless mandated. The government will keep everything as long as there is physical space to store the data.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The global concsioucness is what it is and is all knowledge.

Humans do not grasp it, well not all of them.
Many do not grasp it in entirity, actually none do.
Many have little bit and pieces of truth. They know truth from fiction as from the day they were born.

The human subconscious; global subconcious is a living organism. It is sort of like our brain. Without it we would cease to exist. Likewise. If any other part ceased we would cease also.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by ganjoa

There's no reason for the material to actually be stored on his computer as long as the log records say so - this is the Internet after all, why can't the evidence itself be "virtual".

Though you might be adressing something else this is a pretty important matter. Reguarding the God forsaken chip......

It records a 16 digit number like your social security number for instance. The number is unique and attributed to lucky you!!!!

Anyhow, shortly after your birth you probably receieved a social security number and social security card that says "this number was established for" ...YOU

Well that all fine and dandy but what does that mean?

It means that by signing certain contracts and agreements that you become property of the US GOVERNMENT and they now have control over you and your belongings and children?

Is that true?

Of course not but you better wake up and smell the crappy coffee grinds and dirty diapers because life comes fast and some of us never had time to grow up because we were dealing with our parents unsolved BS.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:46 PM

I've followed most of your internet questioning posts closely here on ATS as they mirror my own views. This one is no exception.

Is the internet itself the very 'grand conspiracy' we on this site all claim to be searching for? I've given this probably more thought that I have to almost any other subject in the last several years.

In my opinion, the evidence does support that possibility.

I view the internet as being two things. Mass communication device firstly, and information gathering device secondarily.

Keeping that view, here are the three biggest issues I personally feel the internet has:

1. The first being that the relative newness of this medium has not yet permitted any real long-term(generational) sociological or even psychiatric studies to come to any solid conclusions as to any possible side-effects associated with the internet. One might suspect a diminished ability to think critically, a shortened attention span, etc. Along with a sort of social maladjustment amongst chronic users. Anyone can see on this site alone, there are certainly a very wide variety of 'colorful' personas that are really only enabled by this medium. It seems to almost 'feed' the delusional personality in ways.

(And this is not even to mention any physical repercussions, on which more studies have in fact been undertaken.)

2. A main thing that is most upheld about the net is ironically also the very thing that makes it potentially diabolical. Namely, the 'information' gathering capabilities. Given the simple fact that each day brings more and more and more potentially non-verifiable and unreliable 'information'. It is incredible the amount of blogs, user opinions, anonymous vids and user-generated 'sources' that are tossed about as fact. (Granted, this is ALSO due to a certain intellectual laziness on the part of users.)

3. Related to the above, the biggest danger with the net lies in the potential to spread a lot of dis/misinformation quickly. If ever a tool was tailor made for propaganda agents, this would be the one. Nothing else on earth could allow a handful of coordinated individuals to spread basically ANY agenda very quickly. Television is nothing by comparison.

On here we read of false flags and distractions daily, with many of us never realizing we are typing on the biggest distraction probably in human history.

My two cents.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by Clark Savage Jr.]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:09 AM
so the internet (or computer) is the Apple (Mac) that Eve (consumerism) convinced Adam (mankind) to eat?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by iamtheraptor

Well the computer has more capacity than the human brain and can store just about any amount of information so for a human to possess that knowledge they would probably have to be immortal so you tell me.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by thehoneycomb]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Have you ever wondered how some civilizations can disappear without a trace?

All it takes is an EMP attack and all our information is gone. The culmination of our history to this point could totally evaporate. The library of Alexandria would go up in flames.

And the victors would rewrite history and start all over.

What better way than internet to sort out who knows what so targets could be selective. Those with the knowledge would be taken out of the way while those who are still asleep would be left to begin again as the slave force.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Because conspiracies normally involve a group of people in some form controlling something, not a general collectiveness of ideas such as the internet is...

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:50 AM
I've thought about this too. Honestly though, they can have my name, my address, whatever they want. I wouldn't worry until the internet started eating my spirit from the screen. Sometimes I go to google and type "monitor this mother #ers i know about the new world order."

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:53 AM
Oh i'm very sure that the HIGHER ups have control of the people who have control of the internet who have control of the providers...IANA?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:54 AM
All true , but the Opportunity to Communicate with people from all over the Planet is just to tempting to pass up ! Admit it , for that , we would Divulge our Deepest Darkest Secrets to complete strangers without even knowing them personally . The Grandest Conspiracy of All Indeed.............

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Nah, it's unreasonable to suspect a conspiracy. Yes technically everything is a conspiracy, but you have to weigh the facts. Clearly the internet formed originally as a military i would no way ever put it out as a possibility...but beyond that do i think it was formed to control us? No, because it can't. Free ideas cannot be controlled...

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

If there was ever a database to gather up all the information you exposed to the internet, it would be able to profile you pretty good IMO.

Especially If it calculated the time spent on sites.

Still though, you may know everything about me, but If I'm free do as I please, say what I want, buy what I want, download, browse. What control do you have? So my privacy is revoked. Just don't send me spam and we're friends


With enough information, you would be able to predict trends, profitable locations for anything, how to influence the masses by understanding people at a more intricate level. Basically going from puppet master to "The Sims"

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

This isn't the case for computer security experts, aka hackers who roam and are cautions. Considering the hacker community is commonly approached by the shiny shoe individuals for control over cyber space.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:44 AM
I must commend you all for the excellent topic and discourse. I must agree with the OP.

Why would the military let it get out to the public if it was their baby and nothing more? They only do things that are useful to them in terms of control and power, so why did the public ever get the internet? It was given to us and sold to us very deliberately. Someone has a reason.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:20 AM
I'd give you several stars if I could Skyfloating. I've had a similar concern gnawing away at the back of my mind for some time now. The Internet is undoubtedly a blessing, but it's definitely a double-edged sword. I started a thread about a year ago on this very subject. Might be some good comments in there too: Ways in Which the Internet HASN'T Helped

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