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PayPal Freezes Wikileaks Account

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by colt122
On the other hand...whats Wikileaks? when I went to the link theres nothing but crying? No news I missing something?

Yes you are missing a lot. The 'crying' is nothing but a cry for help because wikileaks has stopped doing business as of right now. They basically allow anyone with inside information about anything to be given to them privately and they expose it... hacked climate emails

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Okay I need to make something clear.

This is not directed to anyone in particular but I wish for you all to read this post.

Some people like to take information from other peoples threads (in this case mine, but happens to everyone from time to time). This thread I have created not only gave vital information on how to help wikileaks but within the thread posters and mods alike all shared personal experiences, as well about the new mirrored website for wikileaks (which by the way the person who first stated it in this thread had to make a spin off of my OP in this thread and try and get some attention). Not only is that dumb for the sake that we need to keep that site hush hush because guarantee it gets shut down now because it's been posted on a well known conspiracy website, but also because this poster took info he already posted in this thread, as well as others have, and decides to branch off and make a new thread.

This upsets be a bit because I thought that we should stick together and keep this thread alive - once again I repeat I could care less about flags/stars and my contribution level. What I care about is making this thread well known (which it already has been on the main page for days already) but just posted in to keep it alive (don't care about the stars seriously guys, but it's appreciated if you appreciate my research otherwise don't bother it's truly up to you the poster!). All I'm truly asking is for people to post, post, post, and share this thread. Even without more stars/flags this thread can live a very long life with lots of posts (but we need to get up into the 750-1000+ posts and so far theres more stars and flags than posts... which is fine if you all wish to do it that way, but I just want you all to know it isn't the only way! I appreciate the help keeping it alive, I'm very passoniate about this thread, read my past threads that got a lot of hits with stars/flags/posts I never ever ask for people to keep starring and flagging ever!

However this thread means a lot to many people and it should stay alive. But I guess to be honest it will stay alive if people wish it too, so it is up to your guys opinions on what you want to do with this thread, and I'll leave it at that! Thanks for the support so far, the stories have been fascinating so far which is awesome, plus added info I hadn't even found which is much appreciated as well. Keep it up everyone! Share this thread with everyone, family members & friends & fellow ATS posters/friends.

Have a good day, and by the way I'm still waiting on my email back from wikileaks on how to help other than by donating... I'll see if I can contact them in a more personal way (maybe by some sort of phone if possible to get quicker answers) and I'll return back here with what I recieve.

Wikileaks must live on!

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 03:23 AM
Common people keep the thread alive please it's important just to post and help out the community because I know we all agree wikileaks is important.

By the way I apologize for my post above, I cannot remove it but I was upset at the time and wanted you all to know I'm more mature than that. So my bad.

But seriously, keep this alive, share it, post in it, flag it if you wish, do whatever (not telling you to flag it like said before, just do what you wish)... in fact if you wish to not do anything than so be it. Anyway thanks for the help so far people, I will be hearing back from wikileaks soon and post their response.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:20 PM

PayPal are a criminal enterprise, and after "fine print stealing" thousands only repaid once alerting the FBI. This is documented and factual, my personal experience with these white collar criminals.

Furthermore, they hired as their President a Litigation Attorney. This means they have a policy of attacking clients and then suing them. Not a good business model and worthy of serious investigation by the regulatory authorities.


posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Please be nice and name one or two PayPal alternatives.
Thanks in advance.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

I agree with the sentiment that Paypal is evil. Paypal tried to scam me out of I think it was $110 because they tried to claim the seller reversed the transaction. Fortunately I had already taken the money out of my account into my bank account. Therefore, my balance reads negative and I have not been able to use my own Paypal account in years (I use a family member's if needed).

But more importantly, I question what Wikileaks needs to be spending $600,000 a year for. Their site is ranked #200,000 on Alexa. That should hardly be 1/2 million dollar material. I would imagine most sites at that rank can be run for less than $1,000 per year. It sounds like they are going several hundred of several thousand percent over budget! Maybe I'm missing something but a $600,000 per year budget seems dramatically excessive to me for what they do and how their site is ranked.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:35 PM
S & F for bringing this up on ATS..

I have known about __._ since it was brought to life on the internet.. This is truly unfortunate to happen and it's very disgusting!

May I suggest other ways to help wikileaks?

- Start up a section on their domain name for artists to design stickers, shirts, bracelets, and even create a wikileaks flag that people can buy.. People love logos and love wearing revolutionary stuff.

- Join the wikileaks facebook fan page and group, and INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS!

- Create youtube videos and expose what is happening to more people..

- Keep this issue alive and help wikileaks become multi-lingual and help translate documents, send news, etc..

I wish I can think of more ideas but I'm sure many of you who read this already have ideas popping up in their heads, so don't hesitate to share them!

Wish wikileaks the best..

*Edit: typo

[edit on 31-1-2010 by AlKashif]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 07:20 PM
This is an amazing thread.. I appreciate you bringing this topic to our attention. It is wonderful to see people looking for answers.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by OShtey

I'm glad people are looking for answers too. And I'm also happy that everyone is keeping this thread alive, we need more posts though to keep it alive on the 90 day top topics on the main page, I don't care about star/flags feel free to just post to keep this alive.

And thanks too everyone who is giving more ideas than has been laid out so far in the thread. The more people who give ideas and send some money in to wikileaks will see a quicker response in them coming back online (hopefully!),

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 02:29 AM
I just checked the main page, to get on the 90 day top topics list we need to either get more then 240+ flags OR approx. 900 replies.

Common people lets get this thread back on the main page, people need to see this (and like I said I don't care about flags just post a lot and get this show on the road!).

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 02:52 AM
I wanted to update this thread rather than make a new one, here is what it says on the site:

We have received hundreds of thousands of pages from corrupt banks, the US detainee system, the Iraq war, China, the UN and many others that we do not currently have the resources to release to a world audience. You can change that and by doing so, change the world. Even $10 will pay to put one of these reports into another ten thousand hands and $1000, a million.

I for one want to see these hundreds of thousands of pages of files, and I can't speak for everyone here on ATS but I'm fairly sure that everyone would like to see these documents as well.

For anyone who can donate, please do so! We need to keep wikileaks alive! You can also help by keeping this thread alive, which will raise awareness once again.

I hope to see everyone who truly cares about finding the truth out help keep this thread alive - simply post, star, flag, do whatever you want to do. Heck, just send this thread link to everyone you know! Facebook is an easy way to share these types of things, so come on people, share! Because I know I am!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 05:53 AM
I still remember the first document i downloaded off wikileaks was how to operate a mortar.... truly fascinating stuff and it must be kept alive

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by highlyoriginal

We protect the world—but will you protect us?
(taken from __._)

OMG both __._ and .ch are down! Anyone knows of its alternative sites? Where are all the good hackers out there, please protect wikileaks!...

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 05:19 AM
WikiLeaks struggles to keep its site active online

WikiLeaks, which has sought to leverage the anonymity and ubiquity of the Internet in its efforts to make public secret information, is struggling to keep its Web site online without interruption.

Late Thursday night, an American provider of domain name service deactivated, so that any query for that site returned a "Server not found" message.

The provider,, suspended WikiLeaks' domain name service following a barrage of Internet attacks on the WikiLeaks site beginning Sunday, when the group began releasing leaked U.S. diplomatic cables. A series of "distributed denial of service" attacks - in which a site is bombarded with communication requests that interrupt access - "threaten[ed] the stability of the infrastructure, which enables access to almost 500,000 other Web sites," the company said.

The whereabouts of WikiLeaks' founder, Julian Assange, remain unknown. Speculation grew that he is hiding in Britain after police there sought information from Swedish officials seeking his arrest.

There are a lot of governments worldwide that are an enemy to Wikileaks and to free speech and transparency. They would stop at nothing to shut down the whistle-blowing website and apprehend its leaker-in-chief, Mr. Julian Paul Assange.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

At least for me works fine. Wasn't there a .de too now?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 04:07 PM
They are trying like hell to close off the floodgate to the American people before the hard hitting stuff comes out. I think this was an error in strategy by Assange. He should have led with something that would be serious enough to keep the public from turning on him.

And this, the public has done. The government has successfully turned this into a witch hunt. Just read the commentary on any msm outlet. It's disgusting. They are all calling for a hanging and book burning because this guy basically did what Deep Throat did to Nixon.

Except now, everyone supports Nixon, lies and panacea. They have all unwittingly and ignorantly become the enemies of truth.

We have lost, as a race, as a people, as a nation. We have lost.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 10:21 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Little update. Wau Holland Foundation confirmed today, that their account is unlocked by PayPal and that they got the money.

They had protested against this and let their lawyers ask to remove the statement they would support illegal activities by collecting money for Wikileaks.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:57 AM

Just so that you know, given my militant opposition to the Illuminati Satanists, I have escaped several attempts on my life, and have received warnings posted on the building where I live as well as one found yesterday on the windshield of my car. So if I no longer post here, you can conclude what you may, but in all likelihood there are those who would want my voice silenced. That painted 666 Illuminati Pyramid preceded an attack by a Man in Black who dowsed me with anthrax, requiring treatment by a leading toxicology institute. We shall see whether this latest similar warning bears any significance. Hopefully not, or that this posting will deter them.

Earlier painted warning

This week's snow carved warning

So if you don't hear from me again you'll know what is up and draw your own conclusion as to the relevance of my posts.


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