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Dutch Butterfly Crop Circle Mystery 2010: New Footage.

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posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:05 AM
MMMmmm Geraldine,
You've been a very very naughty kinda disinfo babe.No television for you for the next fortnight & now go straight to MY room!!!

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by spinalremain

Hold on there Spinal Remain..... Im an avid believer but... again when you see men making said circle....... logic dictates when proof is there... its all the evidence needed. I guess this is why it didnt get any footage. Then again pretty much everyone knows the dutch and the italians are known for making their hoaxes so no one really takes them seriously. Atleast the dutch make a better job of it and have much more attractive hoaxters than the ilalians.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by stanlee]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Mr_skepticc

Well maybe you should conduct your own research. I believe that it is HAARP.



posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:34 PM

The "New Footage"



I only have brief time to be online
at the moment due to some connectivity problems.

I'll add responses and more comments later on.

For now, I want to point out
to the obvious:

This BNN crop circle video does not
contain footage where we can see
the "making of" the Butterfly CC.

Nor does it explain/show the "making of"
anything in particular really?


The facts:

Only about 10 seconds of actual "New Footage"
is shown right before the end of the BNN video.

A few lousy seconds of aerial footage?

That's all "fact"
there is to this BNN broadcast.


If you are unfamiliar with the existing context
and background of this Butterfly CC controversy:

Please read the information that is posted
at the dedicated CC discussion thread
originating back to the day when
the existence of the Butterfly CC was announced.

I've added about 90 posts to this thread,
with context/background information
while pointing out to some of the inconsistenties
regarding the xld-sign claims and the unfolding story.

The bottom-line of this discussion is that
xld-sign has never provided any substantial
evidence/proof to support their claims
regarding the creation of this Butterfly CC.

No one, besides "xld-sign", has claimed to have created this CC?

There are additional facts and clues
available which point out that we have here
a true genuine, as yet, "un-explained" Crop Circle.

Link to discussion:

Da Vinci Crop Circle ( The Netherlands )

Two more videos:

The first video has aerial footage,
with added annotations,
and provides some basic information
about the earlier xld-sign claims.

Butterfly Crop Circle: Facts and Details
(The Netherlands August 7th 2009).

The second video, relates to
the Butterfly CC and one of my threads:

"Crop Circles: Secrets & Mysteries of Planetary Dreamers."


posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:43 PM
the footage is a joke really

how can u believe that ...

why cant they show how they did it ... isnt it easy? since a dumb reporter could make it

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Faiol]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:52 PM
This footage is only a stupid joke but... it is the hard proof that THIS (and many other) CROP CIRCLES ARE ALIEN MADE!

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Imagir]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Are you kidding me? How is this hard proof?

You have an image that a WHOLE BUNCH of peopled flat out said.. "we made this." Why would all those people cover it up? What's the point?

Not to mention the design choice. There is a book out which that EXACT image on the front cover. hmm.. what a cooincidence.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
the footage is a joke really

how can u believe that ...

why cant they show how they did it ... isnt it easy? since a dumb reporter could make it

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Faiol]

that is EXACTELY my point also!

Amazing how ppl can be so completely dumb that they believe humans can make all these cc with blown nodes etc.

Never has a whole video of a cc human creation been shown that is perfect and huge made in one night.

Go figure.

Some ccs are not man made Obviously.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Sorry guys, I would be a lot more inclined to believe this is man made.
For a start, you have people admitting they did it, and half of you are jumping up and down screaming "NO YOU DIDN'T" well that makes you look like pretty terrible 'researchers'. Kinda gives the impression that you don't want to believe in the truth, you want to believe in what you perceive as the truth.

You really really really want the pretty crop circles to be made by aliens, so of course, thats what happened!

do we think, that without adequate explanation, and video testimony of the people who made it, that little space invader circle at the bottom was aliens?

Or, is this;

some extra terrestrial way of telling us to use firefox?

you pretty much have the info in your hands, that it /was/ man made, there are websites, detailing how to create the intricate designs using GPS and rubber boards etc, and STILL its not good enough.

Personally I would love for them to be something other than great works of art, it would brighten my day something fierce, but from where I sit, upon my high horse, it all looks manmade.

PS; lay off Mr_skeptic.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by KoraX

Some are man made, some are questionable.
Doesn't mean that they are alien.
I still find it questionable, also because the initiator's other work doesn't have the same quality and he used the layout of the field for reference points during his other projects.

[edit on 15-1-2010 by Regenstorm]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:35 PM
They made it, get over it and accept it people. It is amazing some of you still want to believe that these things are made by aliens, I mean wake up people.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:54 PM
Lets see these people do a Simple one in the day light hours.

I bet they couldn't do it, all the reasons already mentioned on the other post.

And, even if they could to it (as they proclaim they do at night time), it wouldn't look nearly as good.

Good ahead "CC Makers", prove me wrong.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
This footage is proof to me this was not man made.

No real clear footage is the red flag.

Thank you for posting


You're welcome Zeitgeist.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Ausar
the "masonry" and skill naturally needed as adept to make the circle claimed in the video is missing from all the "participants"; why in NOW would a tv show take credit for something BEFORE.were before they taking credit for the wonders of now?


Great observation,
very well stated.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by KoraX

Sorry guys, I would be a lot more inclined to believe this is man made.
For a start, you have people admitting they did it, and half of you are jumping up and down screaming "NO YOU DIDN'T" well that makes you look like pretty terrible 'researchers'.


You can read 5 months of debate and discussion here:

"Da Vinci Crop Circle (The Netherlands)"


Originally posted by KoraX

Personally I would love for them to be something other than great works of art, it would brighten my day something fierce, but from where I sit, upon my high horse, it all looks manmade.

Regarding the subject of this thread:

You have to agree though,
this particular BNN video is not
showing the "making of" the Butterfly CC?


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:47 PM

"CC sceptic" vs. "xld-sign".


Originally posted by spinalremain
Atlasastro put something similar to this up last week or so.

I've recently had an interesting discussion with Atlasastro
about the Butterfly CC at one of his threads:

"Crop Circles are Man Made, and here is why!"

Our discussion arrived to the point where we both agreed
that "xld-sign" has in no way provided actual proof/evidence
yet to back-up their claims.

This is what Atlasastro, a CC sceptic,
has to say about "xld-sign":

Originally posted by atlasastro

I know they ("xld-sign") have not satisfied your criteria,
and I can accept that and agree to an extent
that they are vague and ambiguous at best.

I too would love to see a whole load of photo's.
I would also love to see just ONE photo of something else
creating them if they are not by man. Just one.

So, I will do this for the sake of moving the discussion on.

I will accept that XL D-signs will not be used
to explain the Butterfly CC.

Here you can read the full post
by Atlasastro:


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:30 AM
Nice posting...but why throw away the audio and replace it with something awfull. Peopel who can understand dutch would like to know what is said and what is said could contain some interesting information which can be translated for the ATS members. You never know...somebody can make a slip of the tougue.

BNN is known to be a free-spirited organisation and I can not imagine they would sell their soul to somekind of secret coverup government deal. Meaning to fake the making of the CC.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:29 AM
Having seen up close and personal a few crop circles...
(not an avid hunder, just that a few happen here every so often)

Some are clearly man made, and some are not... tho the ones we have tend to fall into the catagory of boring circles rather than wow designs.

There are differences in how the crop lays and is interwoven together, and the ones I question tend to looking as tho someone has come along and knitted the crop together rather than flatten it... if someone could show me how that is done, that would be great.

Anyways I've always thought the man made ones are an art form akin to hill figures.. but I am not sure what to think about the others...

[edit on 29/1/10 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:27 AM
I haven't read any of the posts here, but, after watching the video, it gives me closure on the crop circles. I used to believe that crop circles were made from an unseen force, perhaps aliens or perhaps scientific experiments. But now, after seeing the video, I have no doubt that all crop circles are man made. They are beautiful art, but most definitely man made.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:48 AM
The alternative to the crop circles all being hoaxes is that some or most
of them are complex messages becoming more and more prevalent in
getting our attention. Ultimately, reaching a climax point of disclosure
of who it is doing them. This idea probably frightens many a debunker,
because what if they are not human? We would all have to revaluate our
concept of reality and our place in the universe, dealing with the unknowns.

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