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The War Over Earth

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posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
Oh you hit a soft spot.
About the Rockefeller cartel, I myself have been saying this for a good two years now. So, you have the undivided attention of a man most common amoung men. So good to hear you say, now would be a good time to," go after them". I await with great eagerness, pencil and notepad, for your next correspondance.

A lot of people probably don't get that I am not a blogger. I don't usually bother to cite sources because it's rare for me to speak of anything which isn't my personal opinion. You probably know more about the Rockefeller Cartel than I do. Let's compare notes, shall we? From what I understand, this group is composed of a number of families that consolidated their power in America and places their loyalties beside those of the late Nazi regime. Even the "Skull & Bones" is the same insignia worn by the SchutzStaffel on their uniforms. At the same time, the families within the Cartel are fundamentalist Christians who believe that are locked in a holy war with the devil and believe the only way they can fight the evil satanic Rothschild Illuminati is with more evil. They're a bit closer to collapse than the Rothschilds and are the ones in charge of the UFO coverup, which is a part of their own military-industrial complex now. I hear they tried to construct a moon base with a mounted superlaser like something out of Austin Powers or Moonraker, but it was all destroyed by Russian cosmonauts in the "Battle of the Harvest Moon" and all aboard were killed. This was around the time the space shuttle "Challenger" was destroyed. What is it you really want to know?

Just one question.
You are not the Antichrist are you? See because it says he will rise up out
of the sea and I don't think that means politics.
I believe it to be the sea of humanity. Frankly if you are, well that won't do for me and I will have to be moving along.

Oh, nonsense. The Antichrist, if anything, is a state of consciousness centered on fear, enslavement, and war, as opposed to Christ consciousness centered on love, peace, and liberation. These shadowy cabals are most certainly the Antichrist, but they can only be a reflection of our own inner darkness. Remember, ancient prophecies were never meant to be taken literally, especially having been so poorly translated!

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by spookfish

Thank googness it's not just me.

I feel the entire point of this thread is an encouragement to do nothing. The OP is basically saying 'They are on their knees and have no money, so they are weak and we don't need to rally against them.

If you read, I say very clearly that now is the time to rally against them.

"Thundercats! Hooooooooooooooooo!"

My message was more along the lines of A "THEY'RE DOWN! THEY'RE DOWN! TAKE 'EM OUT! DO IT NOW!!"

Seriously, am I an unrealistic idealist or the voice of surrender?

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Oh, nonsense. The Antichrist, if anything, is a state of consciousness centered on fear, enslavement, and war, as opposed to Christ consciousness centered on love, peace, and liberation. These shadowy cabals are most certainly the Antichrist, but they can only be a reflection of our own inner darkness. Remember, ancient prophecies were never meant to be taken literally, especially having been so poorly translated!

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

Polarity is very dangerous.

Can you access the Akashic Record?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by merkaba93
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

They own the printing press, they own the gold, and they own the energy!

They power their ships via hyperdimensional "engines" that are technological constructs rather than au naturale. They don't "cost" anything for them to build. A couple of spheres of Ag electrified and counter rotating will extrude energy at 19.5 degrees. Endless energy is available and they know how to tap it. Controlling energy is control of everything. By keeping the Peak Oil scam rolling when abiotic oil is the reality it allows immense control.

I, too, know the magic of counter-rotation! As for the rest, never underestimate the power of upper management. You know the ones, up there in sixth density. Although it's easy to forget, we live in a highly structured reality and in case you haven't noticed, there has never been a successful world-domination campaign. Their time is up for one simple reason: Too many people will know. And you know what? Let's increase the sum before that time comes, and I bet it'll come sooner rather than later. A little magic would help too…

I don't see Crowley as being responsible for unleashing a lot of "unknown" forces on the planet. I think perhaps though he let loose a little too much info about the Enochians... But what the hey, I don't think at this point opening the watchtowers again would be a "bad" idea if you want to play with thought defined in polarity thinking.

Oh, I was referring to two portals he opened and left open. They're relatively minor problems, but combined with all the obelisks and skyscrapers and other monuments of power, they contribute greatly to the negative energy power grid. It would be nice if the OTO got together and started shutting these things down.

I'm with you OP on a lot of stuff. I just can't swallow C2 (ref: Marcinko, sorry but the description fits) Obama being anything other than a manufactured construct to distort reality and do a little Neural Linguistic Programming. I encourage you to reference one of my order brothers Fr. ... er wait... his real name is Jason Augustus Newcomb, books on the subject. He is quite good at NLP... as Obama is.

You see, I believe he is in fact a construct of our own collective consciousness. If we stood up and demanded certain things, very loud and very publicly, it would go a long way towards achieving victory. I don't believe the current president would obstruct us, and if he did then we'd know where his loyalties lie. Until then, The Obama Deception leaves me unconvinced.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by merkaba93

Polarity is very dangerous.

Can you access the Akashic Record?

Yes, it is, and no, I haven't tried yet. Can you?

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by merkaba93

Oh, and I just remembered the explanation for why the cabals are bankrupt. Most of their wealth was not in solid assets. It was mostly money that people owed them and investments, and derivatives. They were indeed hurt by the collapse, though they didn't think it would happen and I see the involvement of some higher intelligence in this. They wanted to declare martial law, but were suddenly stripped of the bulk of their assets and had to do some serious backpedaling. It costs trillions of dollars monthly to run secret organizations of their magnitude, and they simply don't have that much in gold bullion.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:08 PM
I'm on your side OP, but I'm still not convinced of the bankrupt nature of the NWO. Gold doesn't matter, from what I can tell. FIAT currency requiers a strong military to enforce its assumed value, and they still got that. Money, in my opinion, is the biggest scam. The current economic system is a debt based economy. "Credit" is fake money. They can print up all the fake money they want and since most people think it's real, then it's effective. Debt is just another tool the NWO use to keep the population controlled. Part of their strategy is to bankrupt our nation's economy and they are succeeding at that.

We do outnumber them, and I think that's important. But we need to wake up come up with a good plan. Now.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Syrus Magistus

Originally posted by merkaba93

Polarity is very dangerous.

Can you access the Akashic Record?

Yes, it is, and no, I haven't. Can you?

Yes. Not all of it though... and the great difficulty in deciphering comes with the filtration of the information through the lens my less than perfect perception. Polarity is very hard to totally extinguish.

I think it was best described to me once by "them" when I was "there" that we have not pushed beyond (or really it should be "regained" as we are created from of the most divine components of electrified, vibrating, novel DNA that is out there and we really had our shixnizzle together about 500,000 years ago). We are stuck in our, their words not mine, "Meat Suits". Silly little monkeys playing in their meatsuits in 3d rather than 4d or more... Calcification of the pituitary can make it difficult to integrate the upper dimensions and it leaches you Au. "They" or "we" depending upon your viewpoint are "there" or "here" but certainly our perception has been neutered (or spayed?) because most folks don't understand the levels of life that exist here.

So I look at the power structure built here in 3d (Rather than 4 or 6) by the PTB and I see very little they didn't think of... including the creation of a little cult of personality called Obama. I cannot fathom or accept that he is an extrusion of the concentric consensus of reality that is us.

You understand the Obelisks, Pyramids, crop circles etc and their relation to the grid created by the sphere in motion. You understand that the energy grid here has been f-ed. Why would we create him? I'm going to have to re-read some Hermaneutics but trust me... there is not one cell in my body that supports anything he has done. I do not support killing people unless they try to kill me (aspartame, sucrolose, body scanners all come to mind as just cause and I digress) but trust me...

Which 2 events did Crowley cause that you are referring to? To me him and Neuberg out in the desert mucking about were cause for concern...

At the end of the day it seems that a combination of copper and lead, properly "projected", would do a great job of letting the "masses" (you, me, all off us) break out of the current holographic paradigm we are watching.

To that end I'm not seeing how 'bama's convictions that I must be taxed for health, carbon, etc. to be anything other than the designs and machinations of oppression of what we are... Free beings. Money is energy and the PTB make their "money" out of negative energy, or debt. I like to make my "money" out of gold. The kind that is comes from the pituitary when it is properly energized with the "whirling force"... The Vril and the Germans understood this very concept very well and thereby reversed the power of Isis with the reversed swirl of energy in the backwards Nazi swastika.

Anyhowz... it's Friday and I'm rambling...

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Nyrossius Maxim
I'm on your side OP, but I'm still not convinced of the bankrupt nature of the NWO. Gold doesn't matter, from what I can tell. FIAT currency requiers a strong military to enforce its assumed value, and they still got that. Money, in my opinion, is the biggest scam. The current economic system is a debt based economy. "Credit" is fake money. They can print up all the fake money they want and since most people think it's real, then it's effective. Debt is just another tool the NWO use to keep the population controlled. Part of their strategy is to bankrupt our nation's economy and they are succeeding at that.

We do outnumber them, and I think that's important. But we need to wake up come up with a good plan. Now.

Are you kidding? I thought the demise of the dollar was common knowledge by now. All the countries in the world are preparing to drop the dollar, and this is a good thing. There aren't enough people to hold the guns either. That's one of the final nails in the coffin, as I see it. Look, we have dirt on Rockefeller and Rothschild. We know what they're up to. They need to be confronted publicly now. However, we need to gather evidence first. You're innocent until proven guilty or there's a lot of money involved, but with enough publicity it could work.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

And additionally ...

The OTO is very much on-board to shut this shiz down and try to get folks back to following their own path of least resistance by achieving their true will... BUT... after several folks in the order committed "suicide" and we found fed moles infiltrating... Well you get the picture...

Needlessly extinguishing the physical body of others and halting incarnation, their chance to revel in the physical body destroyed, is not something I would say "herd" or "group" mentality or instinct, has done. This is the physical 3d reality of what Obama has done. "Keep killing, keep bombing, destroy more... Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan."

Life is but a death between a life and a life (no I am not talking about "heaven". I know the Op didn't ass-u-me I was pulling the heaven/hell card cuz he knows better than that but just want to clarify.)

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by merkaba93

Yes. Not all of it though... and the great difficulty in deciphering comes with the filtration of the information through the lens my less than perfect perception. Polarity is very hard to totally extinguish.

The most I've learned is the cryptic imagery of my vibrantly technicolor dream-visions. There's a recurring character I meet who is a young blonde lady. She's sometimes a teacher and a guide (in various forms, like a being of light on my roof, an extra terrestrial in the woods, the avatar of a great sphinx behemoth guarding the Inner Mystery, a strange helix device in the core of an old labyrinthine castle, or , sometimes an example. I see a similar woman existing in a real-world context in the semi-recent past, like this black ops agent, flying a private jet with a bunch of advanced-looking devices and documents scattered everywhere over into a city and crashing it into an apartment building to assassinate this guy living there. She teleported off the plane a few minutes before it crashed with one of the hand-held devices. Those are just a few examples. I didn't go into much detail.

I think it was best described to me once by "them" when I was "there" that we have not pushed beyond (or really it should be "regained" as we are created from of the most divine components of electrified, vibrating, novel DNA that is out there and we really had our shixnizzle together about 500,000 years ago). We are stuck in our, their words not mine, "Meat Suits". Silly little monkeys playing in their meatsuits in 3d rather than 4d or more... Calcification of the pituitary can make it difficult to integrate the upper dimensions and it leaches you Au. "They" or "we" depending upon your viewpoint are "there" or "here" but certainly our perception has been neutered (or spayed?) because most folks don't understand the levels of life that exist here.

Whoa, whoa, the Annunaki first ruled as Sumerian Kings 400,000 years ago (That's as far back as their historical documents go). Your soul memory must be recalling your original civilization's background. I have a kind of a thing with Sirius myself. The "Terrans" have never been 4D. They've never been this highly evolved before. Their ancient civilization had a perfectly evolved animal consciousness, but that's 2D. Third Density consciousness is something they've had to work their way through for a few thousand years now, and they may be ready for 4D now. I look forward to returning to a more familiar state personally.

So I look at the power structure built here in 3d (Rather than 4 or 6) by the PTB and I see very little they didn't think of... including the creation of a little cult of personality called Obama. I cannot fathom or accept that he is an extrusion of the concentric consensus of reality that is us.

Well, you're living in denial then, because that's exactly what the Illuminati are. If we didn't need them to be a mirror for our evil, they wouldn't exist. Obama is the same as everything else in here. He's a part of our planetary consciousness, yours and mine too. He is a part of ourselves, like everything else. He's not an alien, but as much a part of the world as anything. Heh, my night mind just kicked back in. I don't have to talk through my ego anymore tonight. Even I am a mirror to you, and you to I. If you see something you dislike in another person, this is a subconscious reaction to some personal flaw. Reflect on everything that bothers you in others and consider how you might not live up to your own standards. All of us should.

You understand the Obelisks, Pyramids, crop circles etc and their relation to the grid created by the sphere in motion. You understand that the energy grid here has been f-ed. Why would we create him? I'm going to have to re-read some Hermaneutics but trust me... there is not one cell in my body that supports anything he has done. I do not support killing people unless they try to kill me (aspartame, sucrolose, body scanners all come to mind as just cause and I digress) but trust me...

Is it Obama who's doing all that? I thought it was still the same people who've been doing it since the start, but Obama has assumed command now? Well, good! I've got an easy target to pin all my anguish to now! Thanks.

Which 2 events did Crowley cause that you are referring to? To me him and Neuberg out in the desert mucking about were cause for concern...

Also the one in Scottland outside his old house.

At the end of the day it seems that a combination of copper and lead, properly "projected", would do a great job of letting the "masses" (you, me, all off us) break out of the current holographic paradigm we are watching.

Oh, don't be so cynical!

To that end I'm not seeing how 'bama's convictions that I must be taxed for health, carbon, etc. to be anything other than the designs and machinations of oppression of what we are... Free beings.

A lot of that stuff probably comes from his advisers. Again, you give the guy too much credit. I'd never have given Bush this much credit for the state our country fell into. It was the people around him. I've no doubt he knew exactly what he was a part of though.

Money is energy and the PTB make their "money" out of negative energy, or debt. I like to make my "money" out of gold. The kind that is comes from the pituitary when it is properly energized with the "whirling force"...

Positive energy is ten times as potent as negative energy. The gland you're thinking of is actually the Pineal, by the way. That's the mystical third eye. People confuse the two all the time, so it's no big deal. Just FYI. The whirling force is what our magic created. It's called "Torsion" by Russians.

The Vril and the Germans understood this very concept very well and thereby reversed the power of Isis with the reversed swirl of energy in the backwards Nazi swastika.

Actually, the swastika has two sacred meanings both ways, for wisdom and power. What the Nazis did was to tilt it on an axis and incorporate it into a flagstaff for hypnotic purposes.

Anyhowz... it's Friday and I'm rambling...

Welcome to the wonderful world of ATS!

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by merkaba93

When did these mysterious assisted suicides occur? What year(s)?

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by bigdaddy7ftr

I absolutely agree on all points. I would also add that the OP's referencing ONLY FOX News as liars is ludicrous at best!. Every one of them is equally guilty - CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc, etc, etc... EVERY LAST ONE, PERIOD!

Interesting read, but these glaring omissions and claiming that Obama is "not one of them" just wiped out all credibility in my mind.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by AntiNWO

Sure, they're all controlled, but by different factions and to varying degrees. I reference Fox because it's the silliest of the lot. Sorry I lost cred for giving somebody the benefit of the doubt, as there really isn't much in the way of serious evidence.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 01:36 AM
I believe that the Illuminati/NWO will be only defeated through a unified collective LOVE consciousness movement in humanity. If we try to RESIST the controllers, then we will never win. We have to disable them but not violently.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 01:46 AM
NWO and Illuminati is such a generalized term that is precedes all the jokes beyond any reasonable means now days.

If you fall into that trap, I am sorry you will find it difficult coming out and comprehending the difference between a paycheck and reality.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 03:09 AM
How does the contemplation of the human reality and consciousness extrapolate to American politics? Why do Americans feel that the secrets of the universe have anything to do with government. Lets look at the big picture here guys. America has only been a world leader in this holographic existance for a fraction of the time man has been deceived. I understand about NWO and illuminati amd so on, but Jeez how can we possibly relate the two?

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by Syrus Magistus[...] and we must also realize the deeper truth that if we are fighting the system, we are still a part of it.

Use your voices and your minds. Conventional weapons will not win this kind of war. We must evolve, as a civilization and a species, if we want any hope of escaping our sorted past. Live in your truth and firmly reject fear. This is not a hopeless war and our enemy is not all-powerful. Train yourselves to pick out the truth from the lies, because the lies will make you feel more comfortable with consensus reality, whereas the truth may be far stranger than you expect.

What you wrote I've already read or heard by other people, several times, and more than once thought by myself, too. And though I don't know for sure right now (but I know I'll know it finally, in the end, which is no end, just another beginning...) I strongly believe that what you say is very close to the truth.

Especially your thoughts about fear. There are several religions or convictions that believe, this world isn't real. They believe, we're living in a world full of illusions, and (in my opinion) maybe the biggest illusion (and the mightiest weapon of the ptb, if they really exist in the way we think they do and if they aren't just a bunch of stupid foolish egomans who think wealth or power would really matter in the end) is the belief that life is unlasting.

Why could our fear be the mightiest weapon of the ptb?

Fear makes us weak. Fear makes us vulnerable. And fear makes us blind for the things that could save us.

What could save us, then, from the mess we're stucking in?

Maybe the belief, that there's nothing to fear. Not really. The belief, that we're already saved, and not just by Jesus. He just wanted to remember us: That we never got lost. We can't get lost. Because god is all around. In fact there's nothing apart from god. God is everywhere, everything. And even inside ourselves. (I believe, at least... ;-) )

To know, that there isn't such a thing as death. At least not in the way most of us think.

Today, there are uncountable reports of people who made Near Death Experiences ( That means they got by accident or another cause very close to their exitus. And what those people experienced and reported concordantly leads to the assumption that there's in fact a life after death.

For many disillusioned people this is difficult to believe. But as Jesus had mercy with doubting Thomas, so god has mercy with us. There are proofs. Uncountable proofs. Uncountable reports... (")

So, why is it so important to KNOW this (and not just to belive, meaning to hope it.)

Well, death is our biggest fear.

What happens if we stop to fear death?

I won't tell you that. You have to experience it for yourself. But I can tell you this: It will be astonishing!

Maybe in the first time of your life you will really live

I don't say that it's easy to die. Dying can be very painful and even cruel. But to know that it's not forever takes away a lot of it's terror.

There's a man who's on the other side now, who found some words, that are so much better than mine.

I'll let him speak the last words

(for those who can't view the video I'll post his speech in an following post)

Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Bill Hicks:

[edit on 9/1/10 by Peloquin]

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 03:46 AM
(For those who can't view the video I linked in my previous post the transcription of Bill Hick's speech):

The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round and it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: 'Is this real? Or is this just a ride?' And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid - ever - because... this is just a ride.' And we kill those people.

'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry; look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.'

It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that - ever notice that? - and we let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because... it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort. No worry. No job. No savings and money. Just a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.

Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, into a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year and, instead, spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would do many times over - not one human being excluded - and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever. In peace.
- Bill Hicks, "It's just a ride"


[edit on 9/1/10 by Peloquin]

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 04:00 AM
We have to be very careful when doing crazy predictions. And one of the crazy ones I see here is about TPTB getting broke because of the dollar. Seriouslly, David Wilcock is spreading that nonsense and others repeat it like a mantra without doing their own research or even understanding what they are saying.

FIRST, to assume TPTB will get broke because of the fall of the dollar is to claim you are thinking ahead of TPTB. It's to say you know better than them. It's to say that they have no alternative. And all that is very false and naive.

SECOND, even if the dollar loses value, that doesnt mean a thing! LOTS of people and companies in US will profit a lot from that. This is Capitalism. In Capitalism there is no EVERYBODY WINS or EVERYBODY LOSES. Some lose and some win. THOSE WHO NOTICE THE TREND AND ACT AHEAD, WILL PROFIT. The other ones will be punshed for their inertia.

Actually, it's during HUGE crysis that HUGE fortunes are made. My uncle became a millionaire in one of the crysis in Brazil. The stock market plummeted down and he was just waiting for the right moment to BUY, before the stock market recovered. When it did, he made millions. You just need to do the right move at the right time and since TPTB has nothing less than THE FED on their side, I think they will know pretty damn well what to do.

Have you EVER seen, felt, witnessed first hand the currency of your country falling down, losing value day after day? Have you ever been through HYPERINFLATION of 1000% a year?

Probably not. Well, let me tell you a little experience from someone WHO HAS BEEN THROUGH THAT! In my lifetime I ahve seen my country, Brazil, having to CHANGE the name of our currency several times! That's right! Our currency would lose so much value we would have to create a new one! More than once I have seen they tell us this:

"Ok, from now on, your ONE THOUSAND bill will now be worth only ONE. We're going to remove 3 zeros from the current currency. That way, 1000 Cruzeiros(old currency) will now be worth 1 Cruzado(new currency)"

And you know what? During that period of Hyperinflation we made LOTS of money! LOTS! During that time, any business that had long term costs and short tearm revenue made lots of money, like Supermarkets and Bus companies. We're on the second option.

We had Tostão, Cruzeiro, Cruzado, Novo Cruzado and then our current currency, REAL. When REAL started, it was traded higher than the dollar. Then it dropped down to 1/4 of a dollar. So, DAVID WILCOCK, if he lived in Brazil would probably predict that the BRAZILIAN PTB was going to be broke! HA! They would lose 3/4 of everything they have! WRONG!

A lot of people BOUGHT DOLLAR before of the downfall of the REAL. My friend's father bought 5 million dollars when the ratio was still 1 to 1. That means that when the ratio became 4 to 1, he was 4 times richer. In a few months he jumped from having 5 million REALS to having 20 million REALS.

QUESTION: What stops TPTB from buying EURO?

THIRD, you fail to see that the economical crysis in US was predicted by no other man than the former president of the FED, Alan Greenspan. During my MBA my teacher, who works for the Central Bank in Brazil, told me that Alan Greenspan never missed a prediction in 30 years. I dont know if that is true or not, but Greenspan was right about the crysis in US.

You see, TPTB are in charge of the FED. NOBODY knows more about the US economy than the FED. It's arrogant, it's not even jut naive but arrogant from anyone's part to even PRETEND to know better than the FED. IF there is a downfall of the dollar THEY WILL SEE IT COMING. And they will take the necessary measures to prevent losses. Heck, they could even be BEHIND IT!

All of you can do with that information anything you want. If you still want to blindly repeat David Wilcock's mantra, fine. That's not my problem. I'm just trying to show you information from someone who has had EXPERIENCE, but if you want to deny all of that because its more exciting to believe in the downfall of TPTB, then all I can do is sigh and shrug. Life goes on.

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