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The War Over Earth

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+40 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 12:51 AM
Greetings, everyone!

I want to begin by giving you all my blessings. I know you won't all agree with my words. It's part of living in an interesting world that we can disagree on things, but my loyalties are all with the greater good of humanity.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Tristan and the occult is my passion. By occult, I mean all those big "secrets" and so I've made it my life's work to know the true nature of reality. I've spent years studying and developing my own beliefs, and I've come to the understanding there exists a supreme universal cosmic consciousness that we are all a part of and I've come to comprehend the master plan to a degree. It's really quite brilliant, but this is not the reason I've created a new thread and it's grand enough that it deserves a whole book of its own dedicated solely to the superficial mechanics of it. I don't pretend to know all the intricacies of creation, and I know I don't. All I could offer is a glimpse as the "big picture" and it gets pretty general without scientific data, of which an abundance exists. Every anomalous piece of scientific data that cannot be explained by technical error you've ever heard about is a hint to the true nature of reality that so utterly eludes mainstream science. I promised I wouldn't go into it too much though, so I won't. You'll have to forgive me, I'm still very young.

You all want to know why things are they way they are though, particularly on Earth. I will do my best to explain it as superficially as I can, because there are too many little details for the opening post. You all want to know why our leaders act they way they do, and why the planet has fallen into the state it has. You want to know why we have to be afraid of everything too though, right? A good chunk of the stuff in this community is utter crap, but see a good handful of articles in every email alert I get which are either partially or totally true and those are the ones I read. There is a hidden need within all of us to create chaos and drama in our lives to fill the void in our hearts. Because the universe, in reality, operates on the principles of a fractal hologram, the same patterns will emerge on every level of the structure.

That means the smiling, lying faces, including politicians we see on television are a reflection of our own day-to-day infidelity. The wars resemble our own conflicts, and the full extent of the truth is never revealed until somebody stumbles on it, reacting with great shock. You wouldn't know Iraqi children were violated by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib from the mass media, and it was probably condoned from the very top. Just like we all live in a semi-artificial social order where actual communication is in subtext, you have to read between the lines to get what's really going on in the world.

It doesn't do just to believe the first thing you hear or read, no matter how believable it may seem, because an element of this war to keep a lid on humankind is psychological warfare. The CIA, NSA, and Pentagon Psyops are all well-aware that there are a few people on the internet who really know what they're talking about and aren't just the usual nutcases. They recognize, perhaps a little too late, the domino effect this community created during the Bush Administration. Half of everybody I know has seen movies like Zeitgeist, which is a good start. It may not be totally accurate, but they capture the spirit of the true rulers for the common person.

For instance, a lot of what we've seen in our community since Obama's administration set up shop has been a lot of clever disinformation by paid bloggers and the alphabet suit agencies themselves to some degree. While they have to mix in elements of truth that we otherwise would never have known to keep the nonsense believable for us, it's fair to see the great majority of what people are discussing concerning Swine Flu and Health Care is propaganda by an element of our shadow government, because believe it or not we've actually crippled them to the verge to defeat. They're virtually bankrupted by the economic demolition, and they're giving their own people public bailouts in a fit of panic. Otherwise, why would they do something to outrageously pathetic in the public eye?

The overall point I want to make is that it's time to deliver a deathblow to our would-be world controllers. The time to call these people out is now, and I don't mean Obama or various senators. They've got almost nothing to do with the shadow government, and in fact a great many of these "elites" are doing their level best to smear this particular president increasingly through their propaganda arm, Fox News. The reason this president has been do ineffective is because he stocked his shelves with the usual suspects because they're the only people who know what's going on, but that means unfortunately that they have the power to undermine whatever he tries. Still, despite what you've read, it's unlikely that Obama is one of them. Hillary Clinton was clearly the intended candidate intended to be appointed president in the final years of social upheaval leading up to 2012.

Yes, something's gonna end with 2012, and it's probably going to be this entire paradigm of dystopia. The end times are not upon us so much as we're already moving through them. Remember, all end-times imagery is meant to be symbolic, interpreted through the lens of corresponding real-world archetypes. We're not in the Bush years anymore. This president may still viable, but we need to go after the Illuminati and the Rockefeller Cartel factions by ourselves. They're crippled right now, financially, and they can't afford to silence anybody. If you've noticed something's different, amiss, it's because their setbacks have compounded and they're trying desperately to keep control without enough fiat money to back it up. Revolutionary leaders can only emerge with enough grassroots support. To hell with Fox Nation and their astroturf teabagging nonsense. We need a real revolution, and we need to be mature about it. We need to advocate like adults to our would-be government that we will tolerate no more of their destructive antics. Violently overthrowing them is no better than sitting at home and waiting for all this to blow over. Because the universe is a fractal, the best kind of communication remains an assertive stance.

I'll continue in the next post.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Pretty thought-provoking so far, I look forward to hearing the next part, and more details. The government is simply a body a body of people though, people need to change, the government reflects the citizens ideals. Still looking forward to the next part friend.


[edit on 8-1-2010 by Occy Anonymous]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Great start, you're speaking my language! Please continue, I want to be convinced about the frailty of the NWO

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:14 AM
Thank you for starting this thread, we are on the same page, looking forward to more from you.

F&S for OP

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:14 AM
I look forward to reading more. I am also anticipating any suggestions you have on how to assert ourselves to overthrow the corrupt core of our country.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by LeTan
I look forward to reading more. I am also anticipating any suggestions you have on how to assert ourselves to overthrow the corrupt core of our country.

In order to do that you have to overthrow the whole world, it is not just our country.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:17 AM
I have to agree with some of what you say. For one, reality is a fractal based hologram based on a model of thought organized by consciousness.

We are all co-creating our own Cognitive reality along side of a physical reality that exists only as a data-stream that we must ingest through our physical sense and render into our cognitive reality.

All there is, is reality branching outwards into many fractal conscious nodes.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Aquarius1

Originally posted by LeTan
I look forward to reading more. I am also anticipating any suggestions you have on how to assert ourselves to overthrow the corrupt core of our country.

In order to do that you have to overthrow the whole world, it is not just our country.

Eat an elephant one piece at a time.

+9 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:24 AM
Good post...although I must disagree on a few points. Number one, Obama most certainly IS one of "them". The elite take no chances in this matter...they stack the deck with nothing but candidates who are already playing for THEIR team, so they cannot lose no matter who is elected. This is why Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are always black-balled from debates and media.

Obama and Hilary both attended the last Bilderberg meeting before the election took place, so you can be sure they were both on the same page, along with McCain.

Also, as much as I would LOVE to believe the Global Elite are struggling to maintain power and control, I don't believe this is accurate either. They make money whether there is a recession or not. In fact, they passed legislation bailing out the banks f which most of the powerful elites were shareholders...given our tax dollars! The small public bailouts are like brushing crumbs off the table, just to keep us appeased. They get more powerful and more wealthy every day...spreading their propaganda and profiting off catastrophes and wars.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:31 AM
Have you noticed lately the mass media picking up some of our libertarian rhetoric and directing it at the senators and the new president? Well, last time I checked, Congress is quite in the dark about the secret government, and I'm fairly certain now that Obama came into office without a clue what he was getting himself into. Since most of our newest wave of subject matter is being echoed quite eerily in certain media outlets, I feel it is important to state the following. I want to assure you, anything Fox News says is almost certainly not true, especially something as treasonous as undermining a US president. They've never done this before, and there's a reason for that. They've lost control and they're panicking. They know it, and so did we. We knew who the bad guys were, and we all decided to elect a president who wasn't one of them. Literally, their only option now has been to crank out lots of clever propaganda and flood all media they hold sway over with it.

People need to stand up and redirect the spotlight on the real suspects, because you must realize any time the spotlight is turned one way, especially as intensely as we've seen it, the bad guys have their pants down and we have a chance to catch them. Don't waste the chance to defeat them by exposing the ugliness that has been tripped of nearly its armor. It could make the difference between a return to the status quo and absolute disclosure on all their dirty little secrets.

I can respect if you honestly believe Obama is downright evil, or a loser, or whatever. Forget what I've said about Obama if that's the case. Most of you say he's a puppet anyway, so why waste any time at all on the puppet? Go after the controllers, and do it now before they have time to cover their asses with anymore of YOUR money.

The reason your entire media experience is saturated in fear is because that's the best way to control people. When you're afraid, you become vulnerable on every level. It's what THEY want. The way to defeat the so-called "Powers That Be" is to stand up to them, call them on their crimes and don't stand down until the big, bad wolf runs out of steam. They're out of money, as I've said, and in fact barely have enough money adequately pay bloggers (they're offering just $10,000 now). We've got the dirt, we've got the numbers, we've got the voices. Now we just have march to the tune of a greater truth once more. Ignore the front guys, whoever you think they are. Go after the real bad guys, starting with the ones who look like they know exactly what they're doing. Goldman Sachs and Chase are among the final crutches these groups are leaning on. Almost all their money is in Goldman Sachs, which is why they've been very publicly bailed out, and Chase is one of the last major bank they have to work with.

On a deeper level, this is a frequency war. This great planetary war is meant to decide whether the people of Earth will live in fear or in love. It's your choice and yours alone. No shadowy elite can decide the fate of the world without your consent. The war is almost won, but we have to keep it together. Sometimes the closer you get to something, the harder it is to see it. This is bigger than any of us. Forget whatever ideology you've named yourself after. This is about the fate of the world, and we'll have allies, powerful allies. Nothing will get done until it hits mainstream though. Go out there and make yourselves seen, and be very careful what message you send. This is about doing the greatest amount of good possible. Destroy their money supply and avoid any and all fear porn. We're not in any danger right now, contrary to what they would certainly like you to believe. There's a great new movie by Michael Moore. You have to actually watch it, because it's no good to draw conclusions just from what you've heard. Keep an open mind at all times, then make up your mind after hearing every side. Accepting surface truths a habit we HAVE to break as a community if we want to win the so-called "information war" and we must also realize the deeper truth that if we are fighting the system, we are still a part of it.

Use your voices and your minds. Conventional weapons will not win this kind of war. We must evolve, as a civilization and a species, if we want any hope of escaping our sorted past. Live in your truth and firmly reject fear. This is not a hopeless war and our enemy is not all-powerful. Train yourselves to pick out the truth from the lies, because the lies will make you feel more comfortable with consensus reality, whereas the truth may be far stranger than you expect.

Namasté, everyone.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:34 AM
I'll now answer any questions.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:37 AM
I agree, the battle is idealogy, not gunfights. We could not win that one. Still, it's a pretty daunting task to overthrow the PTB, but I'm down to try.
Awareness is the key to the necessary paradigm shift.

By the way, anybody familiar with David Wilcock or divine Basically, 2012 will affect our pineal gland?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

Use your voices and your minds. Conventional weapons will not win this kind of war. We must evolve, as a civilization and a species, if we want any hope of escaping our sorted past. Live in your truth and firmly reject fear. This is not a hopeless war and our enemy is not all-powerful. Train yourselves to pick out the truth from the lies, because the lies will make you feel more comfortable with consensus reality, whereas the truth may be far stranger than you expect.

This is the most important statement you have made thus far Syrus Magistus, thank you.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

Sa'l me't ja'ri'n! Great thread. I starred and flagged it as soon as I read the words "fractal hollogram", another way of thinking of it is, is we're all fractals of our higher selves and ultimately of Ceator, and the universe is simply a hollogram we create for lessons and levels of service, perfecting self, by collapsing the wave into molecules.

Aside from us politically saying no firmly and with letters and in person, and phone calls and however we can organize non-compliance, making stands and asking for the banking and corporate heads to be brought to justice, or boycott their empires and banks and start to only buy and sell from each other. No matter how we could do this.

These two things will raise our freqency, they made mine skyrocket. I listen to whale and dolpins sounds for several hours, both at the computer and in meditaiton and doing dishes on mp3 player and this practice called ho'oponopono which is about releasing all the data that prevents you from seeing the light shining in all people and everything, and hence prevents us creating new and inspired, and edenistic world, by the all people I mean both the white hats and the dark hats, the good guys and the controllers. All. They're mirroring our dramas, and the dramas we've all cosmically been involved in for so long, and we really need to release the karma, and release the data, and free everyone to shine.

Whale Song - Pieśń Wielorybów

Dr Hew Len 1 of 9, ho'oponopono

When your frequency raises and you are cleansing your data its something incredible, your memories come back, you become aware on many levels, and you broadcast this high clear frequency out.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

The government is simply a body a body of people though, people need to change, the government reflects the citizens ideals

good point - good luck!
the only voice for change is more oversight and lowering the standard. it's the only idea the majority will ever support because most people can't manage themselves.
most people reside in urban areas and cities. how much crime and corruption happens in small isolated towns on average? then look what happens in cities. it's practically a law that the more people involved the less that's known about what's good for the house->community->district->state->region->nation...
it's not exactly common to talk about a revolution, but the idea isn't leaving the table either. every other month or so there's more food on the plate. but when it's finally time to chow down i hope there's a decent way to go about it - otherwise it's eat or be eaten and i get appetite fatigue real easy.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by bigdaddy7ftr
Good post...although I must disagree on a few points. Number one, Obama most certainly IS one of "them". The elite take no chances in this matter...they stack the deck with nothing but candidates who are already playing for THEIR team, so they cannot lose no matter who is elected. This is why Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are always black-balled from debates and media.

Obama and Hilary both attended the last Bilderberg meeting before the election took place, so you can be sure they were both on the same page, along with McCain.

Also, as much as I would LOVE to believe the Global Elite are struggling to maintain power and control, I don't believe this is accurate either. They make money whether there is a recession or not. In fact, they passed legislation bailing out the banks f which most of the powerful elites were shareholders...given our tax dollars! The small public bailouts are like brushing crumbs off the table, just to keep us appeased. They get more powerful and more wealthy every day...spreading their propaganda and profiting off catastrophes and wars.

Bilderberg is not a place where they scheme, contrary to what it may appear. It's like Congress for the elite. They meet and they argue. It's neutral territory for the warring factions of the shadow government(s). Also, if the elite controlled everything, we'd already have lost. They don't have complete control. Obama's campaign was funded by a number of white hat secret orders and the New International Group, consisting of notably the Northern Europeans, the Russians, and the Asians. They have access to a lot of the same secret technology the NWO has since the Georgia incident. Obama was the dark horse one-in-a-million. They didn't really spend a lot of time preparing for the likelihood that he'd win. The best they could do at the last moment was to throw as much money at him as they could.

I don't know exactly what he was doing at Bilderberg, but he was probably invited. Clinton's closely related to the Rothschild Illuminati, which controls the Dems to a great extent. Notice how Lady Rothschild withdrew her support for the Democratic party and voted for McCain after Obama beat Hillary. She build websites and went on TV about this. I paid very close attention to this election. The man won by 333. That's a cosmic synchronicity, you cannot deny. Same as the stock market crash, which initially plummeted to -777. It's all part of a grander design none of them can see.

Remember, a nation's real wealth is in resources. America's true wealth is backed by gold, which we've just sold to the Chinese, and they in turn discovered that everything in Fort Knox was gold-plated tungsten counterfeit. It's been that way since the Clinton years.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Syrus Magistus
I'll now answer any questions.

what do you suppose would put up the greatest opposition if everything we are subjected to subconciously comes from the very institutions they run and damn near all the high grossing comodities we invest/purchase makes them more powerful?
yeah helping your neighbor is great, but come on there's has to be a mighty knife that can kill the beast.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

another way of thinking of it is, is we're all fractals of our higher selves and ultimately of Ceator, and the universe is simply a hollogram we create for lessons and levels of service, perfecting self, by collapsing the wave into molecules.

excuse me, don't mean to sidetrack but i couldn't resist.
i never understood why people try to explain this. it's like speaking tagalog in cuba... it's really cool to understand this but i find it hard to believe that everyone who repeats these hermetic teachings actually experiences them. this information came from someone who was experiencing reality on a different level. some people do, but almost no one, even those with terrific imaginations, is ever going have this experience. how does knowing how a tv works help you watch it? i don't need a response and i don't mean to be a dick, but really...

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 02:10 AM
This is a very well-written thread, but why is this in the Aliens and UFO forums? Not trying to be a killjoy here!

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

I have no doubt that Hilary was their primary choice, but don't think Obama was a fluke! He was definitely invited by the Bilderberg group, for that is the ONLY way one can gain access into this very secretive club!

The Bilderberg group is just as you said, a place for the elite to meet and hash out their new agenda. This is exactly what they do and how they agree on future policies that will be created and backed for the coming years.

The elites are doing just fine in their quest for world domination and globalization...However, you are right that we the masses are still more powerful then they, IF we stand together as one! This is the problem though, they have pitted us all against one another, under false pretenses of political affiliation, social beliefs, cultural prejudices, etc...

For the people to have a chance we must take back control of our governments, which begins with ousting those who serve not the people they are supposed to represent, but their own interests and those of the wealthy who control the decisions and the policies...of which Obama is a part of.

Ron Paul 2012!!!

[edit on 8-1-2010 by bigdaddy7ftr]

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