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Shocking movie depicting what happens in Iran prisons on a daily basis

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posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by john124

you pointed out to another poster what a dramitization was, if you go by just eye witness accounts and then put it to tape, I would be the best ball player of all time,

You can make a tape of a supposed torturing if you wish to do so, otherwise you're just making pointless statements. Maybe you have a desire to be deceitful, but don't tarnish everyone with that belief.

but alas it is not true because we all have a little habit of over exagerating the story

Incredibly enough, the many many stories all correlate with each other from the victims, and remarkably enough from the accounts of guards who defect, and even recently from defecting basij who were interviewed by channel 4 news in the UK.

With raping and torturing causing psychological damage many witnesses are more likely to hold back on what happened to them, much like some of the concentration camp victims from WW2 who wait until before they die before telling their children what exactly happened to them.

Do you have a dramatized version of what it is like in Guantanimo bay?
of course filmed by an Arab, rather than a western interest.

You or anyone is free to make a film of that. Rather than complaining, go do something useful for whatever cause you wish to follow.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by john124

The only cause I follow is "The stop making enemies out of nothing" cause

I see no benefit from the video except for propoganda, which appears to be happening over and over again.

I am mot Iranian, nor Arab or muslim for that matter, but I can see BS and also comment on it.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by munkey66]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by john124

The only cause I follow is "The stop making enemies out of nothing" cause

And in the process you want to ignore or excuse the actions of criminals. Congratulations!

I see no benefit from the video except for propoganda, which appears to be happening over and over again.

This form of prisoner abuse is what has happened again and again for over 30 years, and it's a tragedy that for so long this has been ignored in the western world. It has taken months for the media to understand that this revolt is almost everyone in Iran as the video correctly shows the prisoner saying - that the regime will have to kill millions if it wants to prevent protests.

I am mot Iranian, nor Arab or muslim for that matter, but I can see BS and also comment on it.

A nonsense comment devoid of anything but a conclusion without first evidence or analysis.

I have known about this form of prisoner abuse for years ever since an Iranian told me about it, and then I investigated it in depth and found tortured victims commonplace in evin torture prison. There's been books written on this since the 1980's, this is not new at all.

The evidence points towards this reconstruction being fairly accurate up to the point where the regime interrogators take the prisoners away to rape them. They are ordered to "seed" the victim (both male and female) by rape so they will be punished by god, if they are then to be executed.

Personally I don't know who is luckier, to be executed or have to live with it after getting released and knowing that another few hundred of their university friends will soon be kidnapped and abused in the same prison.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by john124

The only cause I follow is "The stop making enemies out of nothing" cause

I see no benefit from the video except for propoganda, which appears to be happening over and over again.

I am mot Iranian, nor Arab or muslim for that matter, but I can see BS and also comment on it.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by munkey66]

A close family friend of ours is iranian. He used to tell us stories about his time as a serviceman in iran ( i forget which branch he used to serve) and he told us many stories that are similar or exactly like what was shown in this film.

The only BS and propaganda i am seeing is that you have been conditioned to believe that this is impossible or has not happened. How do you explain the stories of Iranians themselves, the prisoners, former service members describing things similar or exactly like this? Yes the video is a dramatization but clearly there is some degree of truth in it. I don't see anyone calling for the destruction of the Iranian people because their corrupt officials are raping and torturing people. What it made me feel was the urge to hop on a plane to Iran and help these people install a government that would put a stop to these types of atrocities. I'm afraid you yourself are a victim of propaganda.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

Please pay attention to the thread, then you'll realise that it's a reconstruction of events in Evin prison.

Could you point out where anyone has claimed it to be real footage from inside Evin prison?

And can you actually discuss Iran without talking about war? This thread has nothing to do with any war agenda.

You're the one intonating it's 'realism', by using all-caps for the title and the words "shocking video". [2g1c]

Discussing Iran and war go hand-in-hand, i'm afraid.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:00 AM
Iran: Basij member describes election abuse

A defecting member of the infamous Basij militia, the men who wounded and killed in the aftermath of the Iran elections in the summer, talks to Lindsey Hilsum about what he witnessed.

Arrest orders

"The command was to arrest as many 12-18 year olds as possible and bring them back.

"They said this group caused the most trouble so the idea was not to give them any opportunity to congregate.

Many were arrested.

"Again, several locations had been prepared to take them and keep them there.

Sound of screams

"They had some containers ready. They had arrested some youngsters and were asking them their age and were separating them accordingly.

"Over 18s went into to one container and the under 18s into the several other containers. The number of children under the age of 18 was greater. They filled three or four containers of some 25 people in each.

"I saw all this and passed them on my way into the main courtyard building to see my relative. I greeted him and other friends.

"Then we heard noise from the yard. We thought it must be the youngsters making trouble. We went there and saw there was no-one, just the forces. The sound came from the containers.

"The sound of screams and pleading and crying. We didn't understand what was going on.

"They were pleading: ‘We're sorry, please, we regret our actions’. Or screams, or crying. We were confused. I couldn't believe that they would want to do such a thing: to rape."

Sexual violence

"This is such a heavy burden, my head hurts. But you're a woman. I'm sure you understand. Can you give me some time?

"It's as if it's replaying in front of me.

"The faces, the screams are with me every moment. It's not something you can forget or separate yourself from.

"They were pleading, they were crying, they wanted help.

"There were two men of the Sepah and they came forward as we approached.

"We asked what all the noise was about. They said "Nothing, this is Fath Al Moin (aid to victory).

"We said: 'What do you mean, what are you doing? Who's in there?'

"Because they were Basij from the provinces we didn't know them. We asked: ‘What's happening, why are they crying?’

"As we pursued the matter the confrontation got worse and they said 'You have no right to enter.' My relative said: 'What do you mean? I'm one of the leaders here. You can't tell me I have no right.'

"And it really was so, but they didn't allow us entry. We were all responsible and we clashed. After a few minutes a vehicle came into the courtyard.

"Someone must have alerted the others that we were trying to prevent them from achieving what they set out to do, the Fath Al Moin.

"They had come for us to prevent the scene from deteriorating. They said our superior had summoned us.

"They said: 'Let's go. He wants to speak to you.' When we got there he was visibly furious, very frustrated. He didn't speak.

"They said: "Let's go. Haji wants to speak to you." My relative was furious and very frustrated.

"He was very angry. When we got there he said: ‘What is this? Sexual abuse is a serious crime. Who gave this order? Who authorised this?

"Haji calmly replied with a smile: ‘This is Fath Al Moin. It's a worthy deed. There's nothing wrong with it. Why are you complaining?'

"When he said this Haji thought it would calm my relative down to know this. But the opposite happened, he became more upset. He raised his voice saying: 'What do you mean it's not a crime?'

"What do you mean it's not a recognised crime? That it's a good deed? Haji saw that he had lost control and said: ‘What's the big deal? Nothing's happened. What is the issue here?'

"My relative said again: 'What do you mean what's the big deal? Is there anything more filthy than this, more ugly than this? With children, these are children, they haven't done anything. They're from our own home town.'

"Haji saw that he couldn't control him, that he wanted to return to the base and stop what was going on.

"He said: 'You can stay here for now. Tomorrow we'll have a meeting about it, we can discuss it and see what the issue is.'

"I insisted on staying with him. But Haji said: 'You go and rest and we'll get him home. You go, the driver will take you home and wait there. We'll call you.'

"They dropped me home and my relative stayed there."

Pain and shame

"The pain and the shame in front of people and before God. I've lost my world and my religion.

"I never thought that these matters could be contaminated like this.

"I thought that I was continuing the path of my uncles and our martyrs. All my interest and enthusiasm: to have the integrity for martyrdom.

"We really saw ourselves as upstanding and separate from others. We really believed that what we did was correct, that we were serving the people, that we were serving God and that our mission was nothing but worshipping God.

"But now I am ashamed in front of people, even say that I was mistaken, and I am ashamed in front of my religion. I committed crimes, knowingly and unknowingly.

"Now I'm left with my conscience punishing me for what I did.

"I hope that God and people forgive me."

[edit on 4-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

You're the one intonating it's 'realism', by using all-caps for the title and the words "shocking video". [2g1c]

Well there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that: that's the title of the youtube video, and for breaking news the rules say to use the same title as the source. It doesn't matter anyway since it says "depicting", and the moderators changed it to lower case. Is this reconstruction not explicitly violent and shocking? Is this your only point you have left to make?

Discussing Iran and war go hand-in-hand, i'm afraid.

No it doesn't, an intelligent person can distinguish between different issues, and the difference between the thugs & the ordinary Iranians.

edit: source title changed, so thread title edited accordingly.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by john124

Dude, the following video is shocking; it's real horror of what happens as opposed to some staged video propaganda.

Edit: Also, why have you put this thread in breaking news?


[edit on 4-1-2010 by PrisonerOfSociety]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:29 AM

What a lovely piece of propoganda you bring to the table, just out of curiosity, do you have the numbers of US prisoners raped by other inmates?
or tortured? or maybe even killed by fellow inmates?

That's right. The western tradition isn't that the guards do it themselves. If they want you raped, they will do it by proxy, and put you in a cell with someone who they know will do their dirty work for them.

That way, they can still claim to be the good guys...

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by DeathShield

I am not saying these atrocities do not take place.
I am saying that this is all part of the spank Iran mantra doing the rounds.

before we get all high and mighty about how bad Iranians are and how corrupt the goverment is, please take a look at the so called civilized countries who turn their superior back to the attrocaties that they fund others to do in the name of freedom.

What short memories people have, we also jsut had a thread started about abuse by the British soldiers against Iraqi prisoners, or doesn't that count because it wasn't an Iranian doing it?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Sean48

If these video's were about the US .

It would be called Enhanced Interrogation.

well put! the US is responsible for some of the worst atrocities known to modern man. the only difference is that our governmental powers are better at keeping secrets and down playing events to the public.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by PApro]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:01 AM
These are pretty well made. Who made them and for want ends. Nows i read the other week that Iran had executed some of its prison guards for torturing prisoners, does that happen in American?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Maziar Bahari: an ordeal of terror and absurdity

Recalling his three-month ordeal in prison in Iran, journalist Maziar Bahari tells Jon Snow how he was threatened with execution, tortured regularly, and repeatedly quizzed about his sexual relationships.

Recalling his three-month ordeal in prison in Iran, journalist Maziar Bahari tells Jon Snow how he was threatened with execution, tortured regularly, and repeatedly quizzed about his sexual relationships.

The Newsweek journalist has in the past worked on assignment for Channel 4 News. In June he was arrested at his home in Tehran, caught up in the crackdown which followed the disputed presidential elections.

After an international campaign to secure his freedom he was released suddenly, 118 days after he was first detained.

Now back in Britain, with his partner and newborn child, Maziar Bahari has been speaking about his ordeal inside Iran's notorious Evin jail.

He told Jon Snow: "It was 7.45 in the morning. I was asleep at my mother's house and I think I could smell some strangers in the house.

"I smelled a mixture of rosewater and sweat, which is a typical smell of the Iranian officials.

"My mother came in and said 'there are four people who say they are from the prosecutor's office and they want to take you away'."

"These four people were led by a large man with a massive head and thick glasses, who I called Mr Rosewater. They searched the house and confiscated some of my tapes and some of my cameras and my laptops and some documents.

"They put me in a car in a blindfold and drove north. I asked one of the people in the car of we were going to Evin prison and he said 'maybe we do maybe we do not'.

"Evin prison was established in the Shah's time and it it synonymous with torture, perished lives, broken limbs, pulled nails. It is hell basically.

"There were three sentences on the wall of my cell, scribbled by other prisoners: 'God I repent', 'please help me God' and 'God have mercy on me'.

"There was no toilet or bed in my cell. They gave me two blankets and I had to use one of them as my mattress and the other as my blanket.

"They also gave me a book of prayers and a copy of the Koran and within half an hour they took me to the interrogation room and put a blindfold on me.

"I could smell and hear Mr Rosewater and I asked him why I was there and he said I was a mastermind of the western media in Iran and they thought I was working for four intelligence agencies: Israeli Mossad, British MI6, the American CIA and Newsweek.

"He told me the magazine Newsweek was part of the intelligence apparatus and he said I was spying for them and all the western media were getting their orders from me.

"There and then I knew they had a scenario for me.

"Mr Rosewater looked like the boss and he was obsessed with sex, which is a sign of many ideological in Iran and around the world, but especially in Iran and among the Revolutionary Guards.

"For a month he was asking me about my sex life and what he was imagining in his head. He was going through all the female names in my mobile phone, on my Facebook account and my email addresses and asking me one by one whether I had had sex with them.

"Of course there was some physical torture. He beat me, hit me with a belt, punched and kicked me but to me the scarier parts were these conversations because I could see he had a very wrong view of the world.

"Like everybody else, Mr Rosewater spoke to his family while he was at work. One day it was his wedding anniversary and his wife called and was obviously complaining that he was not at home with her.

"He was very loving on the phone to her and he was twisting my ears at the same time.

"He said: 'I'm so sorry that I cannot be there tonight but I will make sure that I will finish this guy' and then he slapped me in the head.

"Then he continued: 'This week so we can celebrate our wedding anniversary next week.'"

[edit on 4-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

Dude, the following video is shocking; it's real horror of what happens as opposed to some staged video propaganda.

Yes I'm aware of the shocking videos taken on the streets of Iran's cities & towns. People seem to be less aware of the brutality inside evin prison. Although both together paint a picture of the regime's actions towards peaceful protestors.

Edit: Also, why have you put this thread in breaking news?

It's in breaking political news because for many some of this is news, even though these events have occurred on a daily basis for over 30 years.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:45 PM
I hate to say it but this thread should be labelled a hoax and taken out of breaking political news.

Did anyone put clips from Farenheit 9-11 in breaking political news?

This is just more propaganda by the Zionists. Not just the film itself but the misleading way the thread is titled and presented.

It's shameful.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by DeathShield

You or anyone else are free to make a film reconstructing the atrocities of American/british soldiers if you wish.

These atrocities do occur in evin prison, and there's even a new personal account of a man's torture on channel 4 news today, that I've posted a couple of posts above.

Don't blame the people who have produced an accurate representation of what happens in evin prison, because nobody has yet bothered to do so about iraqi prisons, as you're only being childish.

This thread w/ my postings do not misrepresent anything, and I am not denying that other countries torture people either. Two wrongs don't make a right and nobody can justify torture & rape of peaceful Iranian's just because the US mistreated arabs in an Iraqi prison. Did the US & UK do this consistently for 30 years in an iraqi prison? No, and some US soldiers have been imprisoned for their actions, and these are the actions of individuals, and not a whole organisation.

Nobody is stopping you from starting a thread on iraqi prisoner abuse and making your own documentary to represent those actions.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by john124

Why isn't this in BTS in the Movie Section ?

It says it's a movie in the Title

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Because it represents a part of a truth concealed for a long time from so many people.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by Sean48

Because it represents a part of a truth concealed for a long time from so many people.

Au contraire, it doesn't "represents a part of a truth"; it's fabricated film making; that's why it's erked a few people.

I understand your concern, but you have to admit, it's misleading, both in title and premise. I created a thread about US cops and their shenanigans, that shows real footage. It's long and is from a researcher who had the balls to try to file a complaint to test procedure and their silent code of corruption.

Whether it's Iranian, Chinese or cushy UK prisons like Wandsworth, there must be atrocities everyday. Here's an ex-convicts account of how he was raped and speaks of other goings on in prisons. Number one rule: "never borrow anything in prison, EVER".

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:11 PM
As most are aware, disgusting corruption and brutality aren't unique to any nation, Iran included

In Australia, according to a well-researched book, a paedophile was finally captured (rape and murder of at least one child) and jailed. He 'escaped'. Public outcry and pressure on corrupt police resulted in his 'recapture', after which, he was reliably reported to have been provided a new child-man per week -- with the guards enjoying themselves as witnesses to the depravity. Often, the victim was killed in the repeated, ferocious sexual attacks, after which he would be buried in the jail-ground, under laws which demand even a prisoner's body 'serve its time'

Man's inhumanity to man knows no limits, either in Iran or elsewhere

And just about everyone knows that, or will come to know it

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