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The Islamic 'Lie' & Other Fun Facts

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posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:52 PM
OK, firstly lets all come to the conclusion that unlike what most people think, Islam is NOT the Jewish answer to the 'Abrahamic' age-old mystery of which son is the precursor to which faith, Judaism or Islam, Isaac or Ishmael.......they subscribe to 2 TOTALLY different Gods. This is a HUGE misconception, this is also why most tolerant people put up with the 'Arab Problem', by elevating Islam along with the 2 other Monotheistic faiths, Judaism & Christianity, under the SAME God, YWHWH...well nothing could be further from the truth...let's go to school here a sec:

Allah and God are emphatically NOT the same God.

"The doctrine of Satan is that all religions are equally valid, that ALL paths lead to God, that God is impersonal, unknowable, and it is therefore irrelevant to Him what we call Him or how we worship Him. If Allah and God are one and the same, then wouldn't the worship of the Hindu chief Gods, Vishnu and Shiva, also be the worship of Allah and God, only by a different name? Pretty soon everybody is God...which is the same as saying nobody is." Hal Lindsey

the God of the Bible and the Allah of the Qu'ran are nothing alike. The differences allow zero possibility of synthesis.

The God of the bible is knowable, according to the Qu'ran, Allah is so exalted that he cannot be known. The God of the bible is a personal being with intellect, emotion, and will. Muslim theology tells us Allah is NOT to be understood as aperson. The God of the Bible is a spirit, to Muslims this is blasphemous and demeaning. The God of the Bible is one God in 3 persons. The Qur'an denies the Trinity and views this as heresy. The God of the Bible is one of LOVE,. Allah has NO emotional feeling toward Man. The God of the bible is one of GRACE. According to the Qur'an there is NO savior or intercessor.Clearly we are talking of 2 TOTALLY different Gods. up (now that we covered the most basic of principles)..the origin of 'Allah' and why it's a fabrication and empty promise. Mohammed worked in professions that brought him in contact with MANY Jews and Christians, this caused him to question the religion of his own people.In the 7th century Arabian world, the people worshipped 300 different Gods, one for each day of the lunar year. One of these Gods was 'The Moon God', the very God of Mohammeds fathers house (catching on yet?) This 'Moon God' was referred to by many names, one of which was, you guessed it, ALLAH. So, pretty much Mohammed found a nifty way to begin a bigtime religion on par with the civilized world (judaism and christianity) by simply taking the name of the moon God and sliding it over to a new religion....this ENTIRE religion was dreamt up by one guy in the different that Mormonism or any other fabricated 'Cult' of personality. The religion is an APOSTATE faith and holds zero creedance as a TRUE faith.....

It's funny, right here i live there are literally thousands of these 'lost' people..and i can't help but laugh when i see how the women willfully subjugate themselves to their religion and's really sad and i am a firm believer that the world would be a MUCH better place without this religion or its evil, sick influence.

One thing these 'people' are taught by their 'Imams" is that the western world (us) are very tolerant and generous...they are taking advantge of this by encouraging their people to pursure levels of politics right here, to invade slowly and carefully, and legally...until it's too late...the Islamic faith is one of evil and wonton disregard for even the most innocent of lives and it PAINS me to see a tolerant world handing over control to these people little by see this scourge taken lightly by the accepting these people as equals.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:09 PM
I do not know why you would indulge yourself in such nonsense. You start your thread with divisiveness and you continue to drive that wedge in between groups of peoples who are brothers in faith. For your sake, and everyone around you I hope that one day you find peace of mind, body, and soul.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by TheOneElectric]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:30 PM
Having Read the Bible, I would swear that one book speaks of two different gods, one that is vindictive and harsh and the other that is good and kind. So if the god in the bible can have split personalities and be the father, son and holy ghost, why cannot Allah also have split personalities. Actually let's take that further, we then agree that all gods from all religions have split personalities and multiple identities, so isn't possible that somehow all these gods overlap?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by jeddun

The God of the Bible is one of LOVE

Got some verses for this? Or is that just what they keep saying in church.

The God of the bible is unfair [favoring one twin over another? WTH]
The God of the Bible is a jealous God
The God of the Bible is so many things other than love... Playing with a man's life over a debate with the Devil?
Making a man's daughters have sex with him, after getting him drunk, to carry on His chosen people?

I'll just stop there...

This is THE SAME AGE-OLD argument that sparks wars, lack of acceptance, and hatred! "My religion is right, yours is wrong"


My recommendation? (rather than just complaining)

Find the love, the peace, the connection between people, that which we all share - ALL humans. Don't judge one group as wrong and yours as right, just accept.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

You're forgetting the sacrifice...the reason why 'God' changed his tune..its all there in the it.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by jeddun
reply to post by worldwatcher

You're forgetting the sacrifice...the reason why 'God' changed his tune..its all there in the it.

God is all-knowing, time doesn't exist for him because He sees past present and future all at once, He is perfect... yet He changed - yet another fallacy.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Research current events as well as scripture first...then look at the state of the world today...i also compel you to 'see' how they operate...for a people 'so enamored by faith', the Muslims, why shed SO much innocent blood? why willfully execute Christians in front of their families just for NOT being Muslim? What crime did they commit aside from being apostates? please do some research. Im trying to enlighten people here not argue with them as to the true directive of Islam..

[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by notreallyalive

No...but time exists for us...doesn't it? how can we chronicle events without the measure of time?

God would understand this

[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Jeez everyone here so far has missed the BIG point.

ALLAH was a pagan moon god, one of 300!

Is it sinking in? what i'm TRYING to explain?


[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:56 PM

There was NO subtlety is Mohammed's evangelistic technique. One of Mohammed's popular claims is that God commanded him to fight people until they became Muslims....

Experts believe that a staggering 15 to 20% of the world's Muslims will willfully strap a bomb to their bodies and deliver vengeance to any and all non-believers, including children. Nice "Godly' people huh? I mean i know of NO priests or Rabbis that ACTIVELY recruit, in PUBLIC forum, by COMMITTEE, the young men, as well as women lately, to kill innocents in the NAME of THEIR faith(s).

This is being fed to Muslims THROUGH their CLERGY!!!!

[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

[edit on 26-10-2009 by jeddun]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:57 PM
There is NOT ONE of the 55 PREDOMINANTLY Muslim nations in the world today where Christians and Jews are not persecuted...this doesn't raise any flags with anyone? really?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by jeddun

Realistically most religions are plagiarized or transformed from other religions. As people migrated or were invaded they often picked up other's belief systems and changed them to fit their culture. There's quite a bit of the Old Testament that is conveniently similar to the religions of older and more dominating cultures in the fertile crescent.

It's what happens when two cultures collide. You take what you like from one culture and then fit it into something that works for your people.

I guess I don't really see the point? You could argue that the God of the Bible is tainted with Pagan belief systems that are older than the Hebrew religion...but I don't think religion is meant to be taken that way.

Just like a people that experience a new belief system, we should take the good in things and fit them into our lives. If the word Allah referred to some moon god, so be it. Oddly enough, the word God in English also refers to Apollo, Zeus, Osiris, Thor, etc. So by that logic you can say that the God of the Bible is actually a an angry Norse viking that flies around with a hammer and thunderbolts, right?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:18 PM
I totally agree with everything the OP said and think its really important to get it out there and hopefully some people will see the light. Good job OP

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:18 PM
I totally agree with everything the OP said and think its really important to get it out there and hopefully some people will see the light. Good job OP

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by jeddun
The God of the Bible is one of LOVE

Hah! What bible did you read?!

i can't help but laugh when i see how the women willfully subjugate themselves to their religion and men

What is wrong with you that you laugh at the suffering of others?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by jeddun

No it doesn't.....because History shows that regardless of the religion in control of a govt, the minorities are persecuted, alienated, oppressed etc., so while you single out "muslim" countries", it is a fact that so called Christians countries also turn a blind eye to atrocities commited against others including Jews, Muslims and others.

My problem with your approach to this debate is that you seem to have a predetermined disposition to the side you favor and are unwilling to argue the logical points that all gods of all religions are portrayed in many different lights depending on who is making the argument. Your gripe seems to be with Islam and your tone seems to be one of that thinks that because there are contradictions within the religion then therefore it is wrong and invalid. Btw the tone of your writing is also coming off as being baiting and argumentative.

But if you are an open minded person who believes that the world is better off with religion, then you would also see that the Bible, Torah, Veda, and Koran, and every other religious text you want to name can be traced back to show ties and roots with pagan religions and all show contradictory information about the personalities of their gods.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko still missing the point.

Islam was a 'jonny come lately' religion deigned to rule over loosely banded arab tribes and beyond. The texts are littered with fallacies and inconsistencies. The texts are also steeped in voilent, unrepentant behavior with an advocation and EMPHASIS on violence and violent behavior.

My post is simply there to educate people as to what this monstrosity has become and what effects it 'could' have in the future should we not SEE it for what it truly instrument of war.

If we are to even, for a second, take this text as fact, then one must consider WHY in Surah(s) 5:20-5:21 Mohammed CLEARLY states that the land of the Jew is the land of MUSA"S people!!! Israel is that very land! If they are to have us believe that they SO want to be in step with the teachings of Allah, why then disregard this point? Why insist on keeping Israel as their own?

This is where the danger lies...not in semantics of literature, like these arguements suggest, but in intent.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

See, me being an open minded person has ZERO weight on Gods opinion doesn't change Gods intent...Gods being tolerant and accepting is fine...but it changes nothing. The facts are in scripture...not my opinion.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:27 PM
I'm going to post some VERY enlightening facts on Islam soon guys...bear with me.

These people have waged a war with free societies..they have actually come out and stated such a fact even on, don't attack me. rather than get angry with, read and listen.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:29 PM
Why does Israel and Palestine have to get into every Muslim religion argument. Israel did not exist in the manner it does now when the Koran, Torah and Bible were written. The problem of Israel and Palestine is a modern border dispute now being used by religion on both sides of the border. It should not be used in theological discussions because the writings of both religions didn't have the lines set up by the western world on their maps.

I find it hard to understand why members of both religions forget that neither has more claim than the other to the land they fight over. Coexist people, they did it in ancient times and we need to do it now.

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