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No Cataclysm in 2012? Think Again, Scientist Michio Kaku Says we should be alarmed..Heres why....(vi

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posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:52 PM
I would like to add a few words.
1) the present 11 years solar cycle will end sometime between the last quarter 2012 and 1st quarter 2013; well known and respected Professor Michio Kaku states the obvious, i.e. that it might cause troubles to our satellites and power grid, if it were of exceptional intensity; well, can please somebody explain to me what does this have to do with the Mayan calendar ?
We have advanced telescopes and satellites orbiting the sun, nevertheless, three years before the end of this cycle, we still cannot agree on its intensity (likely, medium) and the exact day when it will end, and is someone supposed to believe that the Mayans, observing the sun with their naked eyes, could determine 1,000 years ago the peak intensity of the present cycle and the precise day of its peak ?!?!?! and, by the way, what the hell did they know and care about the effects of solar cycles about satellites and computers ????
2) in 1929, the International Astronomical Union defined the edges of the 88 official constellations. The edge established between Pisces and Aquarius technically locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age around the year 2600.
According to different astrologers' calculations, approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 AD (Terry MacKinnell) to 3621 (John Addey).So, the correlation of this "change of age" (which, by the way, means nothing more than an easy way of keeping track of the precession) with the so called "end of the Mayan calendar" is very, very weak at best.
3) despite all of our observations, we cannot tell in which century there will be the next mayor volcanic explosion, in Yellowstone or anywhere else.
How much more advanced than us do you guys believe the poor Mayans were, in order to know about a major cataclysm 1,000 years in advance ?


posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
Here's my problem with this video:

I don't consider losing satellites and TV to be catastrophic.

Before everyone jumps all over me, I am fully aware of everything that runs and functions using GPS, satellites, cable, etc.

Nonetheless, the loss of such things are not essential to life. Life as we know it maybe, but not life. Not what life SHOULD be about. This is of course assuming that the wonderful gov'ts around the world have thought to ground all flights, etc. Having all of the planes fall out of the sky, with the assumed loss of life that would be involved, of course would be catastrophic.

And frankly, the majority of people agree that we can't just continue on as we always have. The Earth is suffering, people are suffering, species are dying off -- perhaps this would be the swift kick in the tush we need to right all of the wrongs (OK....realistically SOME of the wrongs) -- minus (hopefully) the billions of people dying as others have predicted.

- Buddy. You don't consider losing satellites to be catastrophic? Let me simply put fourth a counter argument. If satellites are our primary form of cross continental communication, then what happens to global nuclear fail safe systems? With global super powers acting on a 'first strike' policy, if our communication systems begin to go haywire; isn't there a possibility of a fail safe being tripped?

[edit on 30-7-2009 by Jhathaway]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Electro38

Can you back up your disrespectful claims with evidence of Dr. Kakus supposed off the wall claims? He is probably one of the brightest minds of our time. I guess I need to stay off ats until school resumes because I will end saying something to someone that just might get me banned.

Historically, physicists do not make a habit of making fantastc claims about physics or cosmology without scientific proof.

You know, when Einstein was wondering about the universe he didn't come out and say what ever fantasies he imagined. His fantasies happened to be true but he had to back up his statements with math and solid physics whch was proven.

This guy we're referencing ma be a good scientist but his also making a lot of money in show biz making unfounded claims.

Anyway, I'm just trying to say that rather than everyone instantly believing in some other people, because they have TV shows or are celebrities, or they are convincing, etc. Lets ignore that stuff, collectively, I mean by a lot of humans believing that things, despite all of the fear they try to sell us, thinsg could get better, things can improve.

Rather than just accepting all of these horror stories, people predicting our horrible demise, what if we concentrated on inventing ways we can make things better in our world in for each other.

These people who proclaim to know when we will all die are full of #!
Don't let these people convince you of your own demise!

Don't let them control your future!

The human mind, especially collectively (meaning all together) is more powerful than any of these so called prophets predictions.

Rather than preparing for your death because someone you think is great said so, start thinking positively, things could get better.

They're making money by scaring people, they have been doing it since recorded history, and probably before then.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by Electro38]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by antar

It was about possible communications disruptions. Not a "Cataclysm in 2012". It has zero relationship to either the Mayan Calendar or any of the other 2012 doomsday theories.

I suspect that 2012 will come and go like most any other year and the odds are in favor of just that.

If the communications disruptions are a reality and it would seem they are, then it means we need the technology to deal with and be ready for it. Nothing else. Which is what he basically said. A major disruption in communications would be a disaster, but not like the doom and gloom predictions about 2012.

I believe this is what the studies at the HAARP facility up here is about and you know the wild eyed theories going around about that.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Actually it is well documented that the Mayans had an uncanny knack for "predicting" events like Solar/Lunar eclipses and the like. It is these cycles that they based their calendars on. They even decided to have the official beginning of their calendar cycles start thousands of years before they started keeping track. Why? Who knows?

There calendar cycles often correlate accurately with solar/lunar/planetary events, even thousands of years after they "invented" the calendar.

Many people suggest the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. It doesn't end, just the 4th out 5 cycles does. It's called the 5th sun. So, according to the Mayan calendar, in 2012 the 4th sun cycle ends and the 5th sun cycle begins. I believe it's in the neighborhood of 3,000 some odd years each cycle. After the 5th, the calendar cycles start all over again.

So they didn't just whip up some calendar system on a whim. It is VERY precise. However, that I know of, the Mayans didn't really suggest exactly what the end/beginning of each cycle correlates too.

If you do some more research you will find that this is supposed to be the time when sun lines up with the galactic equator. Something that doesn't happen very often at all. Pretty uncanny for a bunch of moon worshiping human sacrificers, huh?

Also uncanny is that fact that the I Ching also has a cycle ending in 2012.

(The information contained herein may be slightly askew because I don't know the Mayan principles at depth. I just have a general view so it's not like I memorize this stuff. Feel free to correct me on mistakes I'm just going from what I can remember off the top of my head)

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:12 PM
It really annoys me at how the presenters pay him out at the end. And the masses are stupid enough to believe anything the media tells them "Well if he doesn't think its true, then i don't either!" We'll have to keep it in the pile of scientific predictions for 2012 but still take them all into consideration, because like he said- Since the suggestive scientific data is there...we have to be prepared and have redundant systems in place 'just in case'

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by antar

It was about possible communications disruptions. Not a "Cataclysm in 2012". It has zero relationship to either the Mayan Calendar or any of the other 2012 doomsday theories.

I suspect that 2012 will come and go like most any other year and the odds are in favor of just that.

If the communications disruptions are a reality and it would seem they are, then it means we need the technology to deal with and be ready for it. Nothing else. Which is what he basically said. A major disruption in communications would be a disaster, but not like the doom and gloom predictions about 2012.

I believe this is what the studies at the HAARP facility up here is about and you know the wild eyed theories going around about that.

Did you not read what I just posted?

- Buddy. You don't consider losing satellites to be catastrophic? Let me simply put fourth a counter argument. If satellites are our primary form of cross continental communication, then what happens to global nuclear fail safe systems? With global super powers acting on a 'first strike' policy, if our communication systems begin to go haywire; isn't there a possibility of a fail safe being tripped?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:16 PM
Ok, so he says multiple times in the video that this happens every 11 years.... So what I want to know is. If this happens every single 11 years, that means that we have obviously survived this time and time again, so why is it that you think this time will be different?

It happens every 11 years?

Also do not think that I am a skeptic on this subject. For what it is worth, I often lean towards thinking that something will happen. What that something may be, I do not know.

But if this happens every 11 years, and we have survived it time and time again, why do you think that this happening in 2012 will be any different? 11 years.... That means the last time this happened was 2001... and 1990 before that and some on. With all due respect. Why, if this has happened so many times before, could this possibly be the 2012 life changing, earth shattering event?

It wasn't in 2001 the last time it happened or in 1990 or any other time....

Again I want to remind you that I do tend to think that something will happen. Something big. But if this happens as often as it does, what is mentioned in this video is not the event we are looking for.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:20 PM
Is that what everyone's afraid of, communication disruption? We don't need that # to survive!

Are you people crazy?

People die horribly everyday, I'm going to die as well as you.

Not due to communications disruptions, not the whole world's population.

So are we all going to start preparing to die now? Or try to run away somewhere?

You're being sold a load of bull. Learn to see it!

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Jhathaway

Well, I really wasn't being as naive as you think. Just as i mentioned the grounding of planes, i was operating on the assumption that if our satellites and GPS were going to go down, and all precautions were taken to avoid immediate loss of life from said system failures, THEN it isn't catastrophic.

Obviously, if nuclear war/nuclear power plant meltdown began because of downed systems/miscommunications -- then yes, that would be catastrophic.

I kind of thought that was a given and didn't need to be said.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Bluebelle

Well, yes, you could argue that it had to end at some point, but..

As we are finding out more and more about the Mayans, we realize that they knew WAY more about the universe, the sun, and the relationship between all than we do.

Therefore, since they've shown great knowledge in many areas that are still uncertain to us (for example, the sun spot cycle), then it is more likely that there was a REASON it started and ended on those dates as nothing the Mayans did was random.

(Keep in mind that they maintained their calendars and every day had a different meaning and it was used to determine whether or not they should go to war on a particular day, feast on a particular day, etc. So all evidence shows they were not random type people.)

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:28 PM
i have nothing to add to this conversation except for the fact that i am SO OVER biased journalist snide remarks and self opinions!

GO BACK TO SCHOOL journalists and keep it unbiased.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:52 PM
This has nothing to do with the Mayan Calendar prediction, all this 2012 end of the world nonsense is backed by nothing. This is nothing more than a potentially dangerous burst of radiation that will disrupt our communication, not an earth ending event.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Electro38

You didn't listen to/watch the vid did you? Kind of hard to comment on the OP.......

Dr. K was talking about grid outage also. This in itself is not a new idea -- the probability of a CME/magnetic pulse killing power/communications/nuclear safeguards, etc. No, it isn't thought to be a killing force in itself, and it wasn't suggested so in the OP's video. It's the ramifications of sudden and unprecedented outages that could be a global distruptive event.

Yes, there are people around the world that don't have power and probably won't notice this event, IF it happens. Power goes down, people die, systems are SNAFUed, and possibly even FUBARed. It could reflect a potential and real change with peripheral repercussions. Of course, that part is my opinion.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

That's a very valid question GST. I don't know the answer, but would guess that global technological dependence has grown manyfold since the last time this happened.

Also, it seemed to me that Dr. Kaku was hinting at the potential for a larger event than in the past, although I freely admit that might be my foiletry kicking in.

(technolical? what was I thinking? or not..... :wow

[edit on 30/7/09 by argentus]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by king Pop!p

You know, I agree with you about the likelyhood...

However you sound as if you are hoping for a cataclysm to occur..

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by Electro38

You didn't listen to/watch the vid did you? Kind of hard to comment on the OP.......

Dr. K was talking about grid outage also. This in itself is not a new idea -- the probability of a CME/magnetic pulse killing power/communications/nuclear safeguards, etc. No, it isn't thought to be a killing force in itself, and it wasn't suggested so in the OP's video. It's the ramifications of sudden and unprecedented outages that could be a global distruptive event.

Yes, there are people around the world that don't have power and probably won't notice this event, IF it happens. Power goes down, people die, systems are SNAFUed, and possibly even FUBARed. It could reflect a potential and real change with peripheral repercussions. Of course, that part is my opinion.

I was responding to other comments made in the thread specifically.

I'm not assuming anything about what the OP said or what was in the video, I'm not responding directly to either, only responding to some comments in the thread. Sorry.

Aren't my opinions still valid?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:23 PM
Thanks for coming forward with this interview, very interesting and it gives you some things to research.

Everything said, if Dr. Kaku's work in the field of Astrophysics doesn't pan out, at least he can always work in the fabulous field of voiceovers! BO-OI-OI-NG!

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:29 PM
Listen to the Mayans, the ancient civilizations had better knowledge of our universe ‘why’. Who know? The fact is they did and they also had better values of life itself.
Scientist keep changing their minds on how thing work. “Oh we made a mistake on that” they say?

The scientist of today don’t even fully understand how the great pyramids where built, the ancient people built them?

Today’s people are driven by greed and corruption, the ancients where driven by values and reason.

Do yourselves a big favor and read more about the Mayans.
To my understanding they did everything with reason.
You don’t carve a calendar into a five tone granite stone to show the dates of 21 12 2012 for the hell of it.
Prepare yourselves peoples of today because there is no hiding from what is about to come. The signs are there for all to see, you need now to just open your eyes.

It’s not about doom and gloom it’s about facts and the facts are there if you want to see them.
Seek and you will find.
Our Governments are acting in secrecy. Look deeper to see what is really going on at this moment.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:31 PM
Like the OP, I do agree that something is amidst. I have a gut feeling that 'something' may very well happen in 2012. The road to disaster is already long since paved. I've always believed I'd live to see the end of the world "as we know it". I don't question that at all.

What I have a problem with is that it seems the video was intended to be portrayed as something it's not. The solar storm that was being described was in no way 'life threatening'. I follow all of the "doomsday scenarios" and this should be the least of our concerns as far as potential catastrophes go! Again, this only applies if the solar storm hits within the range being presented. If it's much larger and radiation becomes a factor here on earth, well then yeah, we're pretty much done.

The loss of electronics temporarily really should not be the death of a society. Sadly though, our society is already such a cluster F that it could very well play out as a last straw scenario. If you think about it seriously it seems pretty damn pathetic. Humanity couldn't possibly face the idea of living without the luxury of electronics'?????? Really?

Have we devolved so significantly that we wouldn't be able to function if our satellites and other goodies failed us? I know my family would manage. Sure, it would suck! We are all spoiled to some degree because the luxuries have been abundant for most people. Even those at the bottom of the income ladder have access to things like internet and cell phones.

That being said, there are still many of us that are well equipped to get by without all of the perks. Perhaps if the rest of the world cannot live without these things, then maybe they shouldn't be here anyway. That might sound cold hearted but it's not. My point is that if people are so spoiled and so removed from living "naturally"

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