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Life Will Be So Much Better When Aliens Show Up

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posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
I hear this argument all the time, even from those who are allegedly in contact with aliens. The answer to "why would aliens do that" is simple: If I (or perhaps you?) saw a child in danger or sick and had no where to turn, no one to help and no knowlege of how to help themselves, I would intervene and maybe teach them what they needed and maybe even stick around until they could fend for themselves.

You know why we do that? We are genetically predisposed to. In fact a human being, especially a female one (motherly instincts) will favor helping ANY animal with a large head proportionate to its body. Hence why kittens etc are "cute". An entirely different species from an entirely different ecosystem would in all likelihood have absolutely zero attachment to human beings. At best we would be an interesting case study.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Xtinguish

Finally! someone else that thinks beyond peace love and hope, and dives into the more realistic possibility. Who is to say we werent genetically engineered to be slaves mate? Really. And furthermore. there is not an illness that cannot be taken care of by natural remedies outside of aids. The only reason AIDS isnt a possibility through natural remedy is because it is an unnatural illness. A disease that alters the human DNA sequence specifically for immuno functions is far from what er find in nature. that and its the only disease that has no pattern of mutation hence it is man made. Gets in alters DNA, destroys immune system, and you die.
unless you're Irving Johnson.

and I have to agree with the other bloke that asked a great question: Why should THEY come here to clean up our mess? The way of the world is no ones fault but our own. We fail to stand up for ourselves. We fail to question and insight further question. We fail to bring our issues where they belong, it court houses, and in national/international legislation, and in the US, they fail to look deep enough into GMO, and rBGH, as the rest of the world has done. WE are to blame. Not the elite, not the powers that be, You, the previous generations, the readers, and myself. WE put them there. We put them there and said "Do as you will. I dont want to" and they are doing exactly as they wish unchecked by law, legislation, and us.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by stanlee

Umm, virtually all viruses alter DNA. It's how they hijack cells.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by JScytale

say what you want. baa. that's your opinion not mine. skeptics are sheep. baa baa. they do nothing but argue against anything they don't understand. baa.
I don't care if they have an opinion. baa. But that's all they are, opinions, like those that are not skeptics. baa

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

sigh. that's the whole point. by demanding evidence before committing a skeptic is thinking for himself.
if someone walked up to you and told you that a flying spaghetti monster created life on earth, what would you do?

the believer (sheep) would agree.

the skeptic would demand evidence.

it is the exact same thing with UFOs and conspiracies, whether you want to agree or not.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by JScytale

um... none but HIV/AIDS

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by stanlee

[edit on 18-7-2009 by JScytale]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by JScytale

baa. skeptics just don't get it. they need proooooooooooooooooof. they need substaaaaaaaaaaance. they need to be saaaaaaaaaaaaaafe in whatever they live in a five sense reality. they are scaaaaaaaaaaaaaared to look outside their small boxed in fixed views. i have nothing to prooooooooooove to anyone - and as soon as others wake up to this fact - they can believe whatever they want (even if i don't believe in it) they will be much happier.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by stanlee

wtf is with that avatar?

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:23 PM
I guess so.
Can't get a lot worse then this.
I mean, never mind. It can always get worse.

But this is what I think:
We ought to stop waiting for other people or other things to happen so that we can have a good life. No one can make a real change except ourselves. We have to start taking responsibility for everything that happens with us. I'm kind of tired of seeing people that want a change but are not willing to become the change.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

you are retarded, sorry.
skeptics are the first to look outside their "small boxed views". a skeptic is by definition a person who questions everything. it is the believers who are afraid to consider ideas which conflict with their own.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by JScytale

agree to disagree then

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:26 PM
Life will be so much better when people stop trying to controll, opress, and dominate each more GREED, PRIDE, and puffed up EGO.... those all = death..

Love,joy, happiness, peace etc = life...that simple..

The "aliens" have been here for quite a while tryingto spread this message, but everyone sits around arguing about weather or not they EXSIST instead of stopping for a minute to listen to the MESSAGE....

If we start applying these things in our lives PERSONALLY we have nothing to worry about... PERIOD, no NWO or any of that BS 2012 stuff, etc, etc, etc...

Do unto OTHERS....... stop lying, cheating, stealing, scamming, manipultaing, coveting , slandering, being greedy and jealous etc......THEN all your problems will go away....... THEN and ONLY THEN...


posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

you need a dictionary.

let me help.

in Western philosophy, the attitude of doubting knowledge claims set forth in various areas. Skeptics have challenged the adequacy or reliability of these claims by asking what principles they are based upon or what they actually establish. They have questioned whether some such claims really are, as alleged, indubitable or necessarily true, and they have challenged the purported rational grounds of accepted assumptions. In everyday life, practically everyone is skeptical about some knowledge claims; but philosophical skeptics have doubted the possibility of any knowledge beyond that of the contents of directly felt experience. The original Greek meaning of skeptikos was “an inquirer,” someone who was unsatisfied and still looking for truth.

One who is yet undecided as to what is true; one who is looking or inquiring for what is true; an inquirer after facts or reasons.
A doubter as to whether any fact or truth can be certainly known; a universal doubter; a Pyrrhonist; hence, in modern usage, occasionally, a person who questions whether any truth or fact can be established on philosophical grounds; sometimes, a critical inquirer, in opposition to a dogmatist.
A person who doubts the existence and perfections of God, or the truth of revelation; one who disbelieves the divine origin of the Christian religion.

skep·tic also scep·tic (skptk)
1. One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.
2. One inclined to skepticism in religious matters.
3. Philosophy
a. often Skeptic An adherent of a school of skepticism.
b. Skeptic A member of an ancient Greek school of skepticism, especially that of Pyrrho of Elis (360?-272? b.c.).

Skepticism (British spelling: Scepticism) can mean:

* Philosophical skepticism - a philosophical position in which people choose to critically examine whether the knowledge and perceptions that they have are actually true, and whether or not one can ever be said to have true knowledge; or
* Scientific skepticism - a scientific, or practical, position in which one does not accept the veracity of claims until solid evidence is produced in accordance with the scientific method.

Scientific skepticism is related to, but not identical to, philosophical skepticism. Many scientists and doctors who are skeptical of claims of the paranormal are nonetheless not adherents of classical philosophical skepticism. When critics of controversial scientific or paranormal claims are said to be skeptical, this only refers to their taking a position of scientific skepticism.

The term skeptic is now usually used to mean a person who is taking a critical position in a given situation, usually by employing the principles of critical thinking and the scientific method (that is, scientific skepticism) to evaluate the validity of claims and practices. Empirical evidence is important to skeptics as it is possibly the best way to determine the validity of a claim.

Skeptics are often confused with, or even denounced as, cynics. However, valid skeptical criticism (as opposed to arbitrary or subjective misgivings for an idea) strictly originates from an objective and methodological examination that is often agreed between skeptics themselves. It should also be noted that cynicism is generally defined as a position that maintains an unnecessarily negative attitude toward human motives and sincerity. While the two positions are not mutually exclusive and many skeptics may also be cynics, they each represent a fundamentally different statement about the nature of the world.

Many critics of scientific skeptics accuse them of being "closed-minded" or of inhibiting scientific progress. The majority of these critics, however, are pseudoscientists, paranormalists, and spiritualists, whose views are not adopted or supported by mainstream science.

A debunker is a skeptic who pursues dispelling false and unscientific claims. Famous debunkers include James Randi, Basava Premanand, Penn and Teller and Harry Houdini. Many debunkers are rather controversial because they have strong opinions and can be vocal about things which may offend people, such as religion and pseudosciences.

Critics of debunkers state that their conclusions are filled with self-interest, and that they are crusaders and true believers with a need for certainty and stability. They (true believers) are readily identified by their cognitive distortions. (In the world of science, the term "cognitive distortions" is not a slur, but a psychological explanation).

In particular, many pseudoscientists are quick to attack skeptics and skepticism in general because of resistence to their fringe ideas and theories, which lack evidence and are not accepted by the scientific establishment.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by JScytale]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Exaclty, star for you my friend......

We have to stop waiting around and be our OWN change, hence our OWN saviors...... no magic crytal ball, potion, spell, secret knowlege, etc,etc, etc, etc, etc, is gonna mean SQUAT unless you have the key to open it.....

That key is love....agape, plain and simple. Not erros or theross etc, etc, AGAPE.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by JScytale

aaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaa ceeeeeeee daaaaaaa ....

I am an atrocious speller! Thank the gods for firefox

I like your signature BTW - it's choice!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

I agree to this - so what do we do to help those that are not aware of this consciousness we seek as a collective? Every time I speak about UFOs/ETs in public i get 'that' look - and well after awhile you just stop doing it.

I still think a 'visit' would be in order to at the very least wake some good people up - like a "OK we are here - but we ain't coming for a party till you drop the fear!"

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

i wonder if you realize that by doubting an official explanation, you are being a skeptic - but the moment you make an assumption without evidence, you are being a believer / pseudoscientist.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by JScytale

baa. skeptics just don't get it. they need proooooooooooooooooof. they need substaaaaaaaaaaance. they need to be saaaaaaaaaaaaaafe in whatever they live in a five sense reality. they are scaaaaaaaaaaaaaared to look outside their small boxed in fixed views. i have nothing to prooooooooooove to anyone - and as soon as others wake up to this fact - they can believe whatever they want (even if i don't believe in it) they will be much happier.

Just saying.

The greatest minds in the world, several of which may be crucial to getting us off this jewel someday, are all skeptics. Far from being afraid of the universe, they search it for new mysteries, and better answers.
Your tone is beyond rude.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:38 PM
I have changed my stance lately on the alien arrival...

I'm going to let them eat a few people, particularly ones I don't like before I come out to fight them. This way no one is mad at me and I can improve the circumstances of my life and make a win/win of the invasion.

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