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July Chalk Circles - Stunning Implications for Earth !

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:42 PM
These latest chalk circles were found upon our return from a few nights out of town. Their origin must remain a mystery, since we did not witness their creation and appearance.

Some have suggested, laughably, that a group of local kids, all girls between the ages of 2 and 8 years old, now on summer break from school and all more or less bored, are responsible.

Ha !

Likely story -- almost too perfect, wouldn't you say ?

As is immediately obvious to even the most casual observer, this set of chalk circles has been organized into four well defined regions which conform to the local surface structure of the walkway and drive.

Our working theory at this point is that the three 'triptychs' on the concrete walkway represent the inner (1), outer (2), and secret (3) levels of 'truth' in terms of the information which has been embedded in this latest group of chalk circles.

Area four, way out on the blacktop driveway surrounding the storm drain is more problematic, but majority consensus at this time is that 4 represents the extremely subtle mindstream state as it experiences the bardo of the moment before death, the three lights, and the bardo of becoming. Interpreting such 'intrinsic archetypes' as the images in this area obviously are, can only lead to endless squabbling. For this reason they will be mostly neglected in what follows.

It is best to start with triptych two, the 'practical point' of the message which amounts to nothing less than a stunning confirmation of many theories which have originated in widely divergent fields of study and are currently at the forefront of 'alternative' thought.

The entire focus of the message being embedded in the following image, one which is referred to by us as the Pole-Shift Closeup -

Clearly a schematic diagram of the moment of truth for Earth, with regard to an impending pole-shift anyways, and not the first one either, by any means, which is represented by the aquamarine chalk circle, which 'comes into alignment' with the 'three fundamental forces' of a small brown dwarf star, represented there by the violet circle ( and accompanying field-lines of course ).

Even further we claim with complete certainty that the impending pole-shift will be on the order of a 45-degree rotation of the Earth's pole's current position. We can be sure of this because the 'head' of the Earth 'bug' is located on the equator, this is certain since the fundamental force lines are parallel with the Earth's new axis orientation. Since this chalk-circle is located in Michigan at about 43-degrees of latitude, the implications are immediately obvious, and will no longer be labored upon, trusting in the reader's more than ample ability to draw his/her own conclusions.

Why violet, and not brown, you may ask concerning the color of the brown-dwarf circle? The answer is as ingenious as it is plain to see - since the brown dwarf is currently 'physically manifesting' at the next higher vibrational level above where Earth is currently physically manifesting, then of course the brown-dwarf's sub-infrared emissions would currently be percieved by someone on Earth as an ultra-ultra violet light.

Rather a subtle point, and yet a most vital one for the success of this current working theory of ours for the interpretation of this vitally important message.

Children's drawings, indeed !

Ha !!

I say posh to that !

How stupid do they think we are, anyway ?

That being the point of the message, and indeed a major corroborating discovery of yet another important 'piece of the puzzle' confirming yet again that major Earth changes are indeed immanent, to see the reasons which have driven events to this point one must begin to unravel the message of triptych 3.

We see here the 'secret,' or subtle causes which have led to the results so profoundly expressed in triptych 2.

Beginning in the upper left we see a very advanced quantum physical representation ( more on this later ) of our planet, Earth ( a ). Next we see a heart containing the international standardized mathematical symbol for less than or equal to ( b ), next another heart ( c ), then another, much bigger heart ( d ), then what we have been referring to as the 'cosmic feminine force' ( e ), then what we have concluded can only be a pictorial history of the Earth, showing six previous global cataclysms, and another one, the seventh, now pending ( f ). Finally we have what certainly has to be a 'blob diagram' of the Milky Way galaxy ( g ), another heart ( h ), and last but certainly not least, what we are certain is a pictorial representation of the Earth's upcoming galactic alignment ( i ).

The information contained in triptych 3 is extremely dense and very highly sophisticated. We don't even know what it all means, but we are very comfortable in presenting here what we are so far sure of.

Here we see a beautifully intricate rendering of our own lovely planet, Earth, the surrounding heavens, both fixed stars, planets and important asteroids. Furthermore, we see the sophisticated scientific acumen of a very highly developed intelligence, most likely of an extraterrestrial origin. What appears to the layman as just an ice-cream cone if far, far more than that !

The cone is symbolic of a contruct commonly used by quantum physicists -

On shell and off shell

In physics, particularly in quantum field theory, configurations of a physical system that satisfy classical equations of motion are called on shell, and those that do not are called off shell.

Functional equations which hold off-shell are denoted by the "=" sign. Functional equations which only hold on-shell are denoted by "~".

For instance, in classical mechanics in the action formulation, extremal solutions to the variational principle are on shell and the Euler-Lagrange equations are on shell equations (i.e., they do not hold off shell). Noether's theorem is also another on shell theorem.

Source : Wikipedia

OP Continued Next Frame --

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:43 PM
OP Cont'd --

But, more to the point -

String field theory

String field theory (SFT) is a formalism in string theory in which the dynamics of relativistic strings is reformulated in the language of quantum field theory.

The principle advantages of the formalism are that it allows the computation of off-shell amplitudes and, when a classical action is available, gives non-perturbative information that cannot be seen directly from the standard genus expansion of string scattering. In particular, following the work of Ashoke Sen, it has been useful in the study of tachyon condensation on unstable D-branes. It has also had applications to topological string theory, non-commutative geometry, and strings in low dimensions.

String field theories come in a number of varieties depending on which type of string is second quantized: Open string field theories describe the scattering of open strings, closed string field theories describe closed strings, while open-closed string field theories include both open and closed strings.

In addition, depending on the method used to fix the worldsheet diffeomorphisms and conformal transformations in the original free string theory, the resulting string field theories can be very different. Using light cone gauge, yields light-cone string field theories whereas using BRST quantization, one finds covariant string field theories. There are also hybrid string field theories, known as covariantized light-cone string field theories which use elements of both light-cone and BRST gauge-fixed string field theories.

A final form of string field theory, known as background independent open string field theory, takes a very different form; instead of second quantizing the worldsheet string theory, it second quantizes the space of two-dimensional quantum field theories.

Source : Wikipedia

And specifially -

Source : Wikipedia

The level of sophistication is far beyond anything we've seen before.

Note that the Earth's cone ( in an 'on-shell' sense ) is pointing directly at another 'pictogram' -

This is very clearly illustrating the alignment of the moon-earth-sun system in the so-called 'full moon configuration,' hence this pole-shift event will occur during the time of a full moon, secondly it has been suggested that the yellow line serves the dual purpose of not only representing the disc of the sun, but also the center-line of the galactic plane, since we feel that item 'g,' as already pointed out above, is the 'blob diagram' of the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

And why is this happening ?

This critical research question is answered very poigniantly indeed by the following chalk circle configuration -

Clearly we see the story being told is that because individuals ( c ) love and care about the Earth ( a ) 'less than or equal to' the love and care the Earth has for individuals ( b ), then this 'galactic alignment' will occur during the time of a full moon ( i ).

But, not to worry, it seems like the 'seventh incarnation of the Earth' will be happy one -


Source :

Some Troubling Mysteries Remain

A few features of these latest chalk-circles are not yet fully understood, and frankly are more than a little troubling. For example

Zeroing in on the right figure's lower left leg, we see something very troubling indeed -

Which we are of the opinion this is almost certain proof that a level-X or higher solar flare will accompany this pole-shift.

One other feature the meaning of which is currently being hotly debated is -

Nobody's for sure about it ( yet ), but we think this could very well be the 'fingerprint' or the 'signature' of whichever advanced agency or organization is responsible for transmitting this profoundly important message for the entirety of mankind.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:57 PM
I've been seeing these same kind of strange looking patterns in my yard lately.

Nobody knows where they come from, they usually appear while i am at work.

My neighbours say that they heard some kind of strange giggling during the time they were created.

Might be something to do with 2012 and pole shift i guess.

Great analysis star and flag!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:58 PM
S&F, nay, a MILLION stars and flags!

My friend, I salute you, this is maybe the best thread I've seen in a long time, seriously, my sides are still hurting.

I'm glad the seventh incarnation of Earth will be a happy one!

But who do you think made them?
I'd have to say it was a race of 3-4 foot beings, wearing brightly coloured outfits, who emit a happy-go-lucky, carefree feeling and make us forget our worldy troubles.

Have a great day dude.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:02 PM
NO WAI those could be made by man.. We do NOT have the technology or intelligence to do it!

But there's one way to prove it for sure... has the sidewalk been genetically altered somehow? If so, that proves they're real, and not man made.

Amazing, just amazing!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:02 PM
i think TPTB is in on it and something really bad is going to happen in the upcoming months killing millions.

i also see patterns of extreme weather related disasters and possible WWIII.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by scordar

Originally posted by scordar
I've been seeing these same kind of strange looking patterns in my yard lately.

Nobody knows where they come from, they usually appear while i am at work.

My neighbours say that they heard some kind of strange giggling during the time they were created.

Might be something to do with 2012 and pole shift i guess.

Great analysis star and flag!

Just more evidence the Earth is definately moving into a higher dimensional plane.

I expect to see many more reports of this nature in the weeks and months to come !

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by purehughness

Originally posted by purehughness
S&F, nay, a MILLION stars and flags!

My friend, I salute you, this is maybe the best thread I've seen in a long time, seriously, my sides are still hurting.

I'm glad the seventh incarnation of Earth will be a happy one!

But who do you think made them?
I'd have to say it was a race of 3-4 foot beings, wearing brightly coloured outfits, who emit a happy-go-lucky, carefree feeling and make us forget our worldy troubles.

Have a great day dude.

How anybody could laugh in the face of the almost certain doom these chalk-circles predict is beyond me !

I think you may be a highly advanced extraterrestrial disinfo agent whose job it is to keep us all sleeping.

Flattery is nice, as far as it goes, but your mission will fail !!!

Thanks for stopping by.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

Have you noticed any glowing orbs, flashes of light, or strange magnetic and/or radioactive signs lately? Have you thought about setting up a YouTube directed camera to capture the aliens? We all know everything on YouTube is thoroughly documented and authentic.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by jaden_x

Originally posted by jaden_x
i think TPTB is in on it and something really bad is going to happen in the upcoming months killing millions.

i also see patterns of extreme weather related disasters and possible WWIII.

Finally, somebody who understands the value of scientific evidence !

Thanks for your support !

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

I will say I had a similar experience in my OWN yard! But when I got out there to look, it had rained, and all that was left was a big mush of colors.

Maybe that in itself signifies something.. maybe the creators forced the rain to appear, using strange weather control technologies, and caused it to wash the colors together as a message! YES! That's it! It's a message of hope for us! All things will come together in the end of days and we'll see everything work out for the best!

Still, though, I do not like weather control. HAARP is definitely involved in this!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:11 PM
S & F for you. Has the concrete and chalk been tested and confirmed to have radiation? If so, I bet it will come back to be true that there is a radiation anamoly.

This had to be done by Aliens, since their were no witnesses of little girls drawing on the conrete. How could a group of little girls done this without there being witnesses and in such a short time frame.

Great thread. Wish I would have thought of it. I am jealous.

Edit..did you notice the drawing of the bicycle and how that is reminiscent of earlier alien travel methods as shown in the movie ET. This is proof.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by jaden_x

Ah well that's too bad.

I wish it could have been a peaceful ending.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:18 PM
diffidently not man made.

was to advanced for our minds to comprehend.

heaven help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!

OP you made my day...bravo star * & flag for showing the light to us.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
reply to post by visible_villain

Have you noticed any glowing orbs, flashes of light, or strange magnetic and/or radioactive signs lately? Have you thought about setting up a YouTube directed camera to capture the aliens? We all know everything on YouTube is thoroughly documented and authentic.

Yes, detailed illustrations of these phenomena were present in this latest collection of chalk circles -

And we think the following is definately a warning about an impending very powerful solar flare -

Or it could be a volcano too -- we are still evaluating the evidence.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:25 PM
Ahh, this may be the silliest thing I have ever seen on ATS. Come on, surely you can find something a little more realistic than chalk?

Sorry, this one is laughable....

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:31 PM
One of humans finest traits..... humour.

I love it - well done!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:39 PM
did you really waste your time with this?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

Great Idea for a thread OP, I loved it... Really gives a great perspective to all of these CC case's BS. Great Idea, Really... simply Great Idea.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by octaviameister
Ahh, this may be the silliest thing I have ever seen on ATS. Come on, surely you can find something a little more realistic than chalk?

Sorry, this one is laughable....

don't be so skeptical.. it's well known that the nazca lines were done by Giant 4 yr old Toddlers.

the measurements between the segments on the happy-face caterpillar is a direct parallel to the space between the x-ray pulses.

you need to take this seriously octaviameister.
I'm not joking.


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