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posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by smarteye

Some forums don't have a star option... The HOAX forum is one of them (when the thread was moved, all stars went to star heaven which is right next to where those missing socks from the drier goes). You were not singled out in any way, as a quick perusal of the thread will demonstrate. No one has any stars, nor can any stars be awarded.

I hope that clears things up.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Oh yeah, I'll bet the Jews made you do it.
Just kidding, however, I believe this thread at worst should be moved to skunk works. Documenting and providing credible sources is very important to any debate. Mike has presented a theory which if true, logically wouldn't have any credible sources, because those who control the major outlets are the same people who are theory that is. We should debunk the parts that can be debunked. Dismissing the whole thread is wrong and closed-minded.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Skelkie3

Could not find any post by you on page6, not that it is important for what I'm going to discuss anyways.

The fact that someone posted what they believed to be true along with textual proof that they believe as fact, we have someone else go cry a river to the MODS probably citing some sort of heated threats of retribution because their beliefs are put into question or their feelings are hurt?

How is that any different than censorship to suit an agenda of silence and unquestioning of events?

I will us Bernanke as an analogy.

He recent said that any investigation into the FED (federal reserve) would result in the collapse of the economy. Meaning, we must not dig into the matter because it will bring down the whole house of cards?

(link to Bernanke statment)

I see a complete parallel here.

Anyone else agree?

I suggest that the "exclamation" in the title (!) be changed to a "question" mark (?). This solves everything. Instead of a statement of FACT it is now simply a possibility.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:30 PM
I had originally linked to original source of this information in another thread some time ago.

I too wonder as to why this thread has been deemed a HOAX ?

Apparently we're venturing too close to revealing the truth.

And in that regard, here's the original link:

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by smarteye
I believe this thread at worst should be moved to skunk works. Documenting and providing credible sources is very important to any debate. Mike has presented a theory which if true, logically wouldn't have any credible sources, because those who control the major outlets are the same people who are theory that is. We should debunk the parts that can be debunked. Dismissing the whole thread is wrong and closed-minded.

I'd like to see a thread that intelligently weighs claims of Jewish and Mossad involvement in 9/11. It's clear a number of countries had some level of awareness a major act of terrorism was going to happen in the US. This includes Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Israel, and other states. How much they knew in terms of specifics, timing, and planning, has never been fully determined. There were claims after the fact by a number of foreign intelligence agencies that some branches of US intelligence were provide information.

These are the greatest outstanding questions about 9/11. Who knew, how much they knew, who withheld information, who chose not to act on it, etc.

Not accusing the OP, but the thread started out with substantial information from a site attempting to show 9/11 as Jewish conspiracy. Much of the information derived from this source is demonstrably false. An unfortunate start.


[edit on 26-6-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:29 PM
Whenever a subject like this one is called a hoax- beware... it is likely ( therefore ) closer to the truth than we think.
Some people are buried so deep in badness that things become twisted and reversed in thier reality.
One poster lamented the loss of his/her stars. Stars are a sun symbol, just as surely as Sol-o-man worshipped it. Not a symbol of stars at all ( with the exception of the nearest one ). Who told us we should call them stars ?

When we discuss the followers of Juda ( and I have with people who consider themselves so ) , the discussion invariably becomes one of morality- and also invariably touches nerves. It is a discussion of identity, what that identity is ( who best represents it )... and how that identity is percieved ( and perhaps reacted upon ) by others.

The reason for such ( often debilitating ) identity issues is simple : Being J----sh is a SELF or FAMILY chosen condition. That is, unless you have papers to prove this rather unbelievable descendancy. It has been many thousands of years, you know. Or, perhaps you were told in a vision from God ( or your grandmother was ) ? Will you believe me unquestioningly if I tell you I am a descendant of Dan, or some other tribe ? Why would you ?

Who would choose allegiance to so dispicable a degenerate as Juda ?
The only ' proof ' might be your actions, unfortunately... and- there's the rub.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Skelkie3


Skelkie, I'm not sure of your expertise in the field but perhaps you can take a stab at answering my questions in this post:

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by warrenb

I am no geneticist, but I do know that I myself am ( diluted ) with darn near every group who has ever trudged through Europe , and if I could look further... probably everywhere else.
Of course, everyone else is, also.
You may hide out for a generation ( or several ) in New Zealand or someplace, but that's about it.

The belief that one is racially pure is- IMHO - a psychological condition of delusion, probably brought on by denial of some percieved failure or shortcoming...

Who could not expect Israelites ( or Germans, for that matter ) to cling to SOMETHING - even a delusion... after having been conquered and screwed by absolutely everybody with a pair of sandals and a spear ?

The thread you posed your question in is Zealoutry, I think. Someone looking for something to cling to, I expect. I did not look too deep because I am an atheist and have no interest in gods OR devils.

One thing to remember when discussing the Torah and its histories: there was this thing called a flood ( after the time of Abe ) , and ALL humans are descindants of only those who were aboard the ' ark '.

I hate to be so cynical, but- when people started learning things about organized animal husbandry, certain ideas of creation and descendancy had to be modified. Why, we can't have a retarded / inbred priesthood, after all.

I believe that the garden of eden story in India involved more genetic choices... people probably penned animals earlier there. Well, I'm wandering- sorry... where ARE my sandals ?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

I always knew you were a great hoaxer. Who but a hoaxer would have everybody looking at a bunch of rocks trying to convince them there is an alien civilization on Mars or the Moon based on a rock that just barely resembles a skull or a wrench, etc. But I must say, I appreciate a good hoaxer, so Kudos to you.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Mikesingh did not perpetrate a hoax. he put forth theories that were based on things he read that were, it turns out, hoaxes. Let me again state that Mikesingh did not perpetrate the hoaxes in the opening post. If he's guilty of anything , it is the assumption that the facts in his opening post were accurate.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

I agree but I must say other the the Jew part it paity grate S&F and I do usually ager with and enjoy your post mikesingh!!!!

[edit on 26-6-2009 by jackell]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Where were the women in the Torah ( old testement ).
Well, women are the most important thing in all but the most psychologically damaged of societies ( to put it simply: the warlike ones ), therefore- they are rarely if ever mentioned, because these people worship the opposite of good, the opposite of truth.

If I were religious, I would reverse every phrase in the bible- just to see what I come up with...

I could see it now ( to grossly paraphrase ):
And the woman who had led the people set down her staff, and the horrible parting wound of the red sea was healed and they went to egypt were there was order and science and industry, forever turning away from the temptation of insane delusional spiritualism...

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Skelkie3
One thing to remember when discussing the Torah and its histories: there was this thing called a flood ( after the time of Abe ) , and ALL humans are descindants of only those who were aboard the ' ark '.

Genesis for a new topic. Was influence with God employed to have him wipe out the rest of mankind preseving only one 'Chosen' family.

Why didn't Noah alert other families of the impending disaster? Was it a self-serving tactic to stand by silently watching innocent children who might have been saved in other arks?

Why are there conflicting reports on the extent of flood by contemporaries? Why does the geological and biological evidence conflict with God's Official story?

Who benefited from insurance policies? Resources and land were seized by the sons of Noah with no regard to their legal status. Was this part of the plan?

Why does the Torah not provide information on this? What is being covered up?


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:25 PM
How many times can we prove that 9/11 was planned, come on folks you got the proof and go tell mommy, oh wait mommy is the government and the government doesn't care, the children don't care because they don't want a beating from mommy and they love mommy even though mommy did such bad things.

we can't do crap...just wait and hope people can catch on sometime soon...

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Skelkie3

that would be something indeed!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:26 PM
I fail to see how this thread is considered a HOAX!, could someone enlighten me?

Which parts are the Known Hoaxes?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Has anyone paid attention to the general that ordered the jet scrambling being in the front car of the train that "Happened to crash" in DC Can't believe yall missed that one . Also He is not he only person to die in an interesting was that was connected to 911.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

I caught it... The only train car destroyed was the one he was in

Had to go back and look

It was posted in this thread page 2 and 3... but it was only noticed by a few

Seems the article has already been removed

[edit on 26-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Mr_Sushkov
How many times can we prove that 9/11 was planned

It was obviously planned by some group. This thread started with the claim that it was planned by the CIA, MOSSAD and a certain ethnic group.

So far little in the way of solid evidence answering questions like:

-how, when and by whom it was planned; dates, places, a paper trail

-memos, any type of taped or recorded communication of any kind to support any of this obviously huge operation, which must have involved hundreds of people over a long period of time

(note: paraphrasing an ATS member)

Lots of agenda driven highly speculative dot connecting and inferences. No proof.


posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:17 AM
There seems to be a rather considerable gulf here.....

On the one hand the Jews/Israelis (don't try and pretend you have any real separation in your mind) are considered cunning and highly astute. With a global reach into every aspect of control imaginable from censorship organised corruption and a general ability to manipulate and own.
They purportedly plan one of the greatest acts of terror in history to further their aims. Run by Mossad by far the most secretive and supposedly evil organisations in the world lay their plans out to atomic perfection.


On the other hand they seem to have left so many holes and imperfections that they manage to be caught out by a bunch of paranoid part time internet detectives. Not only this but as of yet not a single one of you has in any way shape or form been prevented or discouraged from preaching this bizarre and altogether contradictory argument.

However, please don’t hesitate to message me if you happen to be executed by a Mossad agent armed with a suppressed Israeli made hand gun; when answering the door to the pizza guy later on.


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