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posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

I'm posting off the top of my head here but I think that Atta's girlfriend, in her interview with Hopsiker, also said that Atta had a pilot's license.

I wouldn't argue from "authority" on any point that was a matter of my own personal life and death, but in these internet discussions, it's a kind of shorthand for proper evidence, assuming the "authorities" did their jobs properly.

I know that there are other questionable "authorities and sources" out there on the net. My point is only that Popular Mechanics is one of them.

I will try to track down more information about the licenses on my own, since you don't have it.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Daniel Hopsiker interviewed a flight instructor who wasn't very impressed with the flying skills of the one pilot he was training, Hani Hanjour, alleged by your source to be the most experienced pilot of the bunch.

Why is this little tidbit always the one to keep coming up? Didn't Hopsiker interview anyone else, any other CFIs who had contact with Hanjour, or for that matter, with any of the others?

My understanding is Hanjour, and others, trained in Pipers, mostly. Hanjour wanted to rent a Cessna, a 172 to be precise. Now, it is not a complicated machine, the 172, but it is different in some aspects to someone who was only familiar with the a Warrior, or whatever he learned in and built his time in.

We know his English sucked, and he likely was a very, very marginal pilot, at best, when it came to the myriad tasks and procedures involved in flying, from pre-flight, starting the engine, taxiing, radio techniques, airwork, and, landings. To a crappy pilot used to a Piper, he'd not be accustomed to the feel of the 172, especially the flies like a brick, as some would say. I'm sure he hit the nosewheel so many times the CFI said 'no go' to his desire to rent.

Heck, when I was a CFI I saw it quite often...guy comes in, wants to rent, and you end up giving him an hour of instruction that he should have got from someone else. AND these were Americans! Licensed! Who spoke fluent English!

But, I digress. In the B757, Hanjour merely had to know to operate the Mode Control Panel and through that, the AutoPilot. Shoot, they can train monkeys to push buttons in the right sequence! MicroSoft Flight Sim has programs that will familiarize you with it.

All he had to do, once in the vicinity, is spot the Pentagon (easy, it's real big!) fly around it, circle back, descend, point and whammo!

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by ipsedixit

Daniel Hopsiker interviewed a flight instructor who wasn't very impressed with the flying skills of the one pilot he was training, Hani Hanjour, alleged by your source to be the most experienced pilot of the bunch.

Why is this little tidbit always the one to keep coming up? Didn't Hopsiker interview anyone else, any other CFIs who had contact with Hanjour, or for that matter, with any of the others?

My understanding is Hanjour, and others, trained in Pipers, mostly. Hanjour wanted to rent a Cessna, a 172 to be precise. Now, it is not a complicated machine, the 172, but it is different in some aspects to someone who was only familiar with the a Warrior, or whatever he learned in and built his time in.

We know his English sucked, and he likely was a very, very marginal pilot, at best, when it came to the myriad tasks and procedures involved in flying, from pre-flight, starting the engine, taxiing, radio techniques, airwork, and, landings. To a crappy pilot used to a Piper, he'd not be accustomed to the feel of the 172, especially the flies like a brick, as some would say. I'm sure he hit the nosewheel so many times the CFI said 'no go' to his desire to rent.

Heck, when I was a CFI I saw it quite often...guy comes in, wants to rent, and you end up giving him an hour of instruction that he should have got from someone else. AND these were Americans! Licensed! Who spoke fluent English!

But, I digress. In the B757, Hanjour merely had to know to operate the Mode Control Panel and through that, the AutoPilot. Shoot, they can train monkeys to push buttons in the right sequence! MicroSoft Flight Sim has programs that will familiarize you with it.

All he had to do, once in the vicinity, is spot the Pentagon (easy, it's real big!) fly around it, circle back, descend, point and whammo!

as easy as that is it......the most secure building on the planet gets circled by some terrorists and allowed to smash into it.....

how many key figures were taken out in the Pentagon.....not sure if this is a fact but the part of the building it crashed was the accounts/financial sector .....where allegedly the missing trillions were only mentioned prior to 911....Dov Zakheim.....

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Another thing (besides the faked voice recordings and fake telephone calls) that I think is most obvious about 9/11 is that WTC 1, WTC 2, and Building 7 all came down by controlled demolition.

I've worked in a major TV news operation and have seen dozens of videos of controlled demolitions. They all looked like 9/11. Obvious. It is beyond me why people don't just acknowledge that these 9/11 building collapses were controlled demolitions.

Of course, now it is coming out that most likely thermite was used to cut the steel support piers and beams by turning them into butter at joints. Perhaps these thermite charges were ignited by remote control in a very fast, bottom-to-top sequence, firing the most thermite charges at the top few floors to start in motion the entire collapse. This is what it looks like on all the videos.

Carting off the evidence and selling it as scrap to China ASAP. Fits the profile. JFK's limo was sold as scrap and disappeared soon after the professional, contract hit on JFK.

As I recall, some incriminating artifacts were planted on the scenes of the crime... Atta's passport, flight manuals and Korans left in rental cars, stuff like that, obviously planted.

Pentagon... I don't know what made that hole but whatever it was didn't create the wingspan/engines/tail shape of an airliner. Obvious, as well. I guess we will never see security cam videos because of what they would reveal.

UAL93... the story makes a nice, patriotic legend of heroes but it could all be just a made up story... no hard evidence of any of it (I don't buy the phone calls --- "This is
your son" --- faked stuff).

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

The Israelis who were arrested before during and after 9/11 for various reasons including spying, were all ordered released by Michael Chertoff who at the time worked for the State Deppartment and later headed Homeland Security and who is suspected of having dual American and Israeli citizenship.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
All he had to do, once in the vicinity, is spot the Pentagon (easy, it's real big!) fly around it, circle back, descend, point and whammo!

This guy, an airline pilot who actually flew two of the planes involved in 9/11, doesn't agree with you about how easy it would be to execute the Pentagon manouver.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Hmmmm, the way I see it, the best way to ever get to the truth is to leave the word Jew out of it and save that one for bar talk with your friends. Otherwise you'll capsize the credibility with the label of racism... Whether it's true or not.

Furthermore the ultimate bottom line is that it's really all about the untouchable financial elite Bilderberg crowd anyway, they are the real string pullers, and they come in every race, religion, and nationality and will gladly make patsies out of and sacrifice anyone in their own group to further the agenda of the financial elite.

The average Jew has no more influence or agenda than the average Christian, Muslim, or whatever. Any attempt to blame one group or another for this or that is all about divide and control. The poor all fighting each other while the billionaire elitist string pullers laugh at our foolishness while having drinks together in the penthouse.

And besides, everyone knows it was really the blacks that did it... hahahahaha, just kidding!

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by booda

......the most secure building on the planet gets circled by some terrorists and allowed to smash into it.....

'the most secure building in the world'...! Truthers love to use that lie! You know what's more secure than the Pentagon?

Fort Knox



Just to name three, in the US. What about the Kremlin? MOSSAD headquarters? The vault in Atlanta that holds the secret recipe for Coke???

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by SaraThustra

I agree. The vast majority of Jews are decent, hard-working and LOYAL people who would be appalled at what a minority of zionist hardliners are doing if they found out about it. That zionists pulled off 9/11 I have no longer any doubt. That 9/11 should be blamed on all Jews is neither defensible or appropriate.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:37 PM
With all this information continuing to come out it is apparent that those who refuse to consider that both elites from US and Israel had their hands all in the 9/11 tragedy and cover up are either stupid or just plain brainwashed.

I am so tired of people abusing the race card. If there is evidence that Zionist Jews were involved the first cry is antisemitism and that is a bunch of crap. When people cry racism at every turn what they do is make it more difficult for those with real racist agendas to be seen for what they are.

I just don't understand why there has not been some way to do an independent investigation.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

This guy, an airline pilot who actually flew two of the planes involved in 9/11, doesn't agree with you about how easy it would be to execute the Pentagon manouver.

Oh, good ole' Russ, lying through his teeth!

No, not lying intentionally, but certainly being disingenuous enough to get close.

Firstly, he shows the 172, then 'spins' the story as if they 'magically' jumped into the 757/767 with no prior training. Rubbish!! I've already told people how that is BS.

THEN, he claims that they'd pull....what was it he said? Was it "6 or 7" Gs? Again, the man is a pilot, and he sits there and exaggerates for no reason I can think of except.....he's a member of P4T!! Guess he doesn't have any other hobbies in retirement, or got sick of golf?

Folks, in a steep bank (that's defined as over 45 degrees) you will pull Gs. How much? Well, at 45 degrees, level flight, it's about 1.3 Gs. At 60 degrees (that's two thirds of the way to 90!) you pull a whopping 2.0 Gs!

Now, in a bank, and if you are descending, and apply more back pressure to level the descent, then the Gs will increase...but even at 60 degrees, you'd have to have the nose down really low to begin with, and yank with a lot of force...OH! And I almost forgot how full of puppy poop this esteemed retired "captain" is. (I can say that, because I'M a retired Captain, 20,000 hours and over 5,000 in the B757/767...they share a common type rating, because of their similarity to each other).

"6 or 7" Gs will cause a person to begin to black out, if not wearing a G suit. Just ask your friendly next-door-neighbor fighter pilot.

Looky here, and he's not even a pilot!!!

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 05:11 PM
Great Post Mike!
Considering that 1.78% of the American population* and 9.35% of New York's population* is Jewish, can somebody calculate the approximate odds of all the players mentioned by Mike being Jewish?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 05:30 PM
I can see the Mossad being used by the rouge elements that pulled off 9-11 to babysit their patsies look at how many times the FBI and other investigators were told to back off on their investigations of Atta and the others.They used certain agents from the Intelligence community to ensure that those towers went down and to also obstruct and misdirect any investigations.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Studenofhistory

Exactly. This has to become the dominant meme. Thinking Jews when talking about Zionism is about as apropriate as thinking Italian when talking about the Cosa Nostra. Sure, they're usually jews and italians respectively, but everyone, by now, knows that they are not the general population, just a rogue, if well connected, criminal minority. As is the same for any illegal action, we should not extrapolate to the majority, as it fails to take into consideration just how humaine and good most people, given a chance, would prefer to act.

Again, ponerology. We have a psychopathic minority in any population. This is a given and my take is it's a direct result of male dominance hierarchical organisation systems, which have been with us since we came down from the trees. We are a group species, but a strong leadership structure has benefited us in the past, the problem is ocasionally we have a psychopath outbreeding the rest of us. It's not the rule, or they would be more than 1-3% of the population, but that's just the cards nature delt us. We have to realise the true issue and deal with it, as the pyschopathocracy threatens the validity of the very social organisations our modern life depends on. If we can deal with this we have a good chance at utopia, otherwise... well, it's just another little bit of history repeating.

[edit on 25-6-2009 by Mindmelding]

[edit on 25-6-2009 by Mindmelding]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 05:45 PM


I was very skeptical of many of the conspiracies...but this opens the shades to me much better than other conspiracies.

Seems to me there were many people who knew this was going to happen - and instead of preventing it, used their insider knowledge to make a lot of money.

That doesn't even include the comment on Bush and other appointed officials.

I still do not believe the "U.S" did it - but I am now starting to think that there are some of OUR own "leaders" (don't even want to use that word) that got some hefty foreign investments...

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by Crakeur
Can't the real investigation focus on how this happened, not focus on coming up with some of the most inane and ridiculous propaganda around?

If so, then I'm guilty of bringing out nothing but pure fiction and nonsense! This thread therefore may kindly be closed. Thanks!


NOW, you are starting to make some sense!

Congratulations for seeing through this anti-semetic mindf*ck that is 911 truth.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist

It's not a case of "The US did it", it's always elitist parasites within the powerstructure that pulls these stunts off. There are two ruling structures. One is legitimate, voted in, a show for the public eye. The other is the behind the curtain deal of real on the ground power. This latter is much darker and violent a world than the former, which it corrupts.

Think of modern politics as a Jeckll and Hyde complex, as it really is a schizophrenic control structure.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:13 PM
I think that it is idiotic that some feel that you should just ignore the major link between these all these guys because it isn't politically correct. Who invented political correctness? oh yea, the media. Who owns the media?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

Originally posted by mmiichael
Just checked. The 4 9/11 pilots were trained and licensed in the US between 1999 and 2000. One had a commercial pilot's license, 3 other private pilot's licenses.

And my point still stands. How does one become a licensed pilot (commercial in one case) that doesn't have the training to even land the darn plane?

How do you know they couldn't?

I bet dollars to doughnuts that Hanjour could land it. Probably Atta, and Al Shehhi too... Jarrad.. I doubt could as he was the least experienced and only licenced to fly single engine aircraft.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by mikesingh

Let me see if I get all of what you're theorizing.

The heavily accented voice (presumed to be Atta, AAL11) when he thinks he's on the PA, but keys the mic on the ATC frequency, telling the passengers that he is 'captain' now, and 'we have some planes'...that Atta and company were stooges? What I mean is, this notion that you dupe the Arabs, tell them to hijack, and they don't know they're gonna die, because the "Jooooos" are going to remotely take over the airplanes and crash them?

What story were the Arabs told? Extortion? Prisoner swap?

The sounds on the UAL93 voice recorder, at the cockpit intrusion..."Hey! Get outta here!..." etc. The chanting in Arabic as the United was being intentionally flown into the ground after the passengers rose up.

You see, there are contradictions to your theory that you may wish to reconcile, if you can.

My battery is low, so I'll wrap up (for now) with this: As to the C-130 airborne remote control platform --- you will have to show evidence of such an airplane (well, two actually) being n the air in the vicinity of NYC that morning.

Also, look up a paper titled "Human Factors in UAV Flight" It can be found at


This whole issue of 911 and responses to it are so sad. As to 'tapes' and other audio 'evidence'- I can't believe you could be serious. I do audio engineering among other things at my employment, and I could have you ( yes , PROVEN to be you in a court of law ) say pretty much anything I want if I can only record your speech for a couple of moments. It would help if I owned a telecommunications business...
Ah, people have no idea how bad it really is .
How long has it been since that movie with Gene Hackman, ' Enemy of the Strate' ? ' Wag the Dog' ?
We are hopeful, and just don't want to believe it.

But, we're always shown both sides of the coin... the Mask has two sides.

Who are these people who actually claim ( with a straight face ) to be descendents of Juda- one of the true low-lifes of the Torah ( old testament ) ?

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