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Many of you are actually Aliens

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:21 PM
In this video starting at 1:22:00, Aaron McCollum confirms some of the things I've gotten, such as whales are about raising the frequency as opposed to energy balance (dolphins). I'd like to know how he gets his information!

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder

1) You always had a feeling that you don't belong here on this planet.

2) You've always felt being very different from humans.

3) You have a strong longing to "go home", although you don't know where home is (but its' not on this planet).

4) You often tend to watch humans and think "Why are they making things so complicated? It's really not that complicated."

5) You have a strong sense of purpose - that you are on this planet for a reason.

6) You may posses supernatural abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, super empathy, etc.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]

Hi Spooky Fox Mulder-

Hmm well I would fit close to 4 out of the 6 but not all 6.

To say I don't feel like I belong on this planet is like saying I don't feel I should live. We all have our reason for being and if we are all one then no matter where I am at, it is where I am suppose to be so I don't fit number 1.

I don't fit number 2 as well either. Again, if we are all one then why would I feel different from "humans". Are we all not one? Are we not the same as any animal on this planet? We are all made up of the same things so how could I feel that I am somehow different? Now that is not to say that living creatures do not have different phases of existence and some are more advanced than others but that is not the same as saying I am somehow better than all "humans". Is that not trying to say that you are somehow better? So no for me on number 2.

For question 3 I can say I am somewhat mixed as how to answer. I guess the best way to answer is that I think people mix up state of mind with a physical place. For instance, I always long for better peace of mind and to learn more knowledge of life as a whole but that doesn't mean I can't learn that on our planet, or have to be in another physical place in our universe to make that happen. Don't we have everything we need to learn that information on our planet? For changing ones state of mind is changings one place, is it not? So yes, and no to question 3 for me.

For question 4 I would agree that I wonder why so many people with so much to give hold on to it like it will never return. So many people hold information from others to keep them in the dark. Or so many people with power keep it for themselves rather than share it with others. We have so much that we could do as a whole but we choose to be singular or just a handful rather than the whole. It seems that many people are afraid that if they give this information to others then somehow they will be less.

Number 5 I think everyone feels. If you try your best then you will know your purpose.

Number 6 will come to me in time..

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Trudge]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:57 PM
I feel - actually KNOW all 6 of those experiences - - - from my earliest memories.

And OBE's. I was "flying" all over the place as a 5 year old. Didn't understand it though.

Few people made sense to me. Couldn't figure out why I just didn't fit. Why I was so different. Its tough on a kid.

Sure wish I'd had the Net sooner.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Òmg- i have felt like that since i was just a little kid. Weird, as a scientist i know annanuki and extra terrestrials exist..but myself being an alien?hm, interresting thought.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Archirvion
Òmg- i have felt like that since i was just a little kid. Weird, as a scientist i know annanuki and extra terrestrials exist..but myself being an alien?hm, interresting thought.

Well - - ya gotta first determine what "alien" means.

In this case its probably more of a consciousness that has had life experiences in/on other physical world creations.

It could be an evolved consciousness with purpose of helping the physical beings known as human evolve in consciousness.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Trudge

Hi Spooky Fox Mulder-

Mulder has not been on ATS since 2009, maybe they were infact an Alien that has now left ??!!

Im joking of course but just wanted to point this out seen as this thread has been re activated.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Oh hehe didn't know that

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

I can associate with the first 5 quite strongly, but for the life of me have not been able to experience #6, even through years of trying. Not even the 1st OBE or anything. In my younger years (and up to this day) I have always had a fascination with Venus and 'want to go back there again'. I've read The Law of One and it resonated with many familiar things. I gave up on religion but still remain spiritual. I'm pretty sure I'm a wanderer and have somewhat of a clue as to why I'm here. For many years my hands have had a unique vibration. I did tests with it as I would close my eyes and begin moving my finger towards my forehead, and could feel the energy at a few inches away like a pencil touching my skin.
I've never been much of a social person as most of the time I cannot fathom the cages of human though. I've lived alone for the last 2 years in a rural/backwoods type setting and I feel more at ease out here. Many nights I would sit at the window late at night and just watch the stars. I have a magnificent view of the southern sky.
I remember a few vague scraps of past lives (Egypt, and some civilization much older, possibly Mu). I had a vision of an acquaintences' past life that we both had in Egypt. I told her about what I saw, and I haven't heard from her since
. I was able to see a few people and had a gut feeling that 'she was a Persian Princess', or 'She has had some bad past lives', but nothing specific.
I've read about Rainbows, Indigos, Crystals, Angels, and such but have yet to have an encounter with any, or ETs for that matter. Out here is a prime spot too, sparse and quiet. It's not like one can place an ad to solicit contact with Pliedeans or Venusians as many are believed to be in 4th+ density. I'm nearly 50 years old and have no clue what group I belong to, or if I would be considered an elder. I've learned so much about human nature and emotion but at times I wonder about alot of things. I'm terrible at math, but I seem to be able to see physics as a 'mini movie' in my head (the assorted actions/reactions, tangents, mechanical theory, energy, etc). So in closing, I'd say that sometimes I feel like I am just not able to 'connect' with people or concepts of this world. Sometimes I think 'OK, I've learned enough. Can I come back now?'. I have so many questions, but I'm not sure if they can be explained as they are personal in naure. I'll hush for now, as I'm not sure what kind of response this will generate.

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

I'm surprised and pleased at the number of intellengent responses to your post.

I believe I'm a first waver.

Am amazed at the sheer beauty of this planet and how it's inhabitants keep right on allowing a small number of people to horde so much of the planets wealth, while, at the same time, destroying this planet's delicate ecosystem all in the name of power and money.

There is no "on the fence" You are either a STS or STO.

If humanity doesn't wake up and take a stand against the few tyrants who are systematically destroying this planet, they may find themselves left on a dead and ugly world.

The Gulf Oil Gusher (it's not a spill) is a good example.

Humanity must stop feeding the monsters of greed, power and tyranny.

I feel time is very short - we live in extraordinary times.

Apathy is no longer a luxury any of us can afford.

While I am not for a violent uprising - something must be done and soon.

There is enough beauty and wealth on this planet for everyone but some want it all for themselves and these individuals are the ones holding mankind back from realizing humanity's true potential.

I also do not understand the cruelty and bloodshed both to each other and the other creatures mankind inflicts, all in the name of power and wealth - this is the most confusing aspect of human psychology to me.


[edit on 4-7-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Pilot

I'm probably one of those "weirdos".

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 09:41 AM
1) You always had a feeling that you don't belong here on this planet.

I think this is nonsense. If you are here, you are supposed to be here.

2) You've always felt being very different from humans.

Yes, but this is not because I'm an alien.

3) You have a strong longing to "go home", although you don't know where home is (but its' not on this planet).

Lets for a second think about the choice you've made coming to earth.

4) You often tend to watch humans and think "Why are they making things so complicated? It's really not that complicated."

I feel that all the time

5) You have a strong sense of purpose - that you are on this planet for a reason.

Yes but first you have to convince my I'm an alien.

6) You may posses supernatural abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, super empathy, etc.

Yes, but I'm not going to discuss them.

If it was up to these 6 rules. I am an alien.

But I'm not.

I would suggest any alien that feels different, home sick, the ambition to give meaning to your life and have an opinion on everything.
Eat fat, smoke, do drugs.
The sooner your body fails the faster you can get home.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Your OP text seems to me to be copied 1:1 from the book "E.T. 101"

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
1) You always had a feeling that you don't belong here on this planet.

2) You've always felt being very different from humans.

3) You have a strong longing to "go home", although you don't know where home is (but its' not on this planet).

4) You often tend to watch humans and think "Why are they making things so complicated? It's really not that complicated."

5) You have a strong sense of purpose - that you are on this planet for a reason.

6) You may posses supernatural abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, super empathy, etc.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]

Interesting thread. Even numbers, you bet. Odd ones, somewhat. Posted something about this sort of idea myself before, but not quite the same way. Don't buy into the psychic's line of reasoning at all, though. For one thing, her physical descriptions don't fit ANY of the people I know that could fit your list. Not even close. Then again, if you assumed several possible types, not all would fit.
In any case, quite interesting.

Opinions on things like dreams with color, taste, smell, feel, etc? That you can manipulate? Any unusual physical traits that might stand out? (Yes, have one in mind, quite subtle, and very real.) Think there is some truth to this, and some not-so-good information.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by pieman

What makes you think drinking the kool aid would cause death for a super star seed? No weapons shall be formed against us bytches!

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:11 AM
I guess I am a pureblood human, I dont feel any of those things...
ALIENS GO HOME!!! YOURE TAKING OUR JOBS!!!\j/k...couldnt resist LOL

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:35 AM
I've seen and read your intro paragraph before on the internet.
To be an extraterestrial you would have to be born off planet,
or one of your parents would have to be born off planet.
The qualities you listed fit many highly intelligent and artistic or creative
motivated human souls. I myself am the family's light bulb popper. I get alot
of grief from them. Everyone has a few of those traits on and off in life.
My theory is we are a genetically tampered colony from aliens a few
hundred thousand years ago (350,000 BC). During the era of that fossilized
size 10 leather shoe with a heel and double stitching. The shoe was fossilized
with the triobites. But it is interesting that 12 to 10 thousand years ago all
this knowlege suddenly appeared in stone works.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

Ok, so I've been reading through this thread with some fascination, and this comment was really the clincher for me that I just have to respond.
I have been entertaining this theory for a couple of years now, about how some if not all of us carry alien DNA. Just some things I've thought about over the past few years, and I'm warning you, this may take a while.
If we go by how a living being evolves physically/intellectually based on their environment, there are some things that just don't add up to me. It would make since that since we are relatively close to the sun that the beings on this planet would have dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes in order to be better suited for a place that is this close to the sun. How did some of us end up with blond/red hair, pale skin, and light/blue/green eyes?? It makes no sense when you're looking at this from a purely logical, biological, scientific aspect. And the RH- thing, this also strikes me. A weird thing I came across, purely by chance, is that myself and many of my friends/acquaintances who seem to be more intuitive/open-minded are RH-. So the RH thing is suppose to be from the DNA from the rhesus monkey that humans supposedly evolved from...why would everyone not have this gene???? It, again, makes no sense. and people say 'well that's just a mutation.' Uh huh. So what caused this mutation?? Just because you label something doesn't mean you've explained it's origins. Because of the RH -, I must get a special shot while pregant, otherwise my body will abort the fetus because it recognizes it as a foreign body if the father is RH + and the baby carries his gene, unlike what would happen if I was RH +. Isn't that interesting? Why, HOW, could your body identify something that is part you, as a foreign body that must be gotten rid of because it has the rhesus gene??
I'm just saying it doesn't all just add up nice and pretty like some may want it to. There are so many questions...and I believe the OP's theory is just as possible as any other one I've come across. And this one actually 'feels' right.

And I am a Pisces, with a Pisces moon and Mars in Pisces.
I have had a very intense life emotionally speaking, and truly know that there is more to this then most people think. My journey has been one heck of a spiritual awakening, and my eyes have been opened to some truly amazing things.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:51 PM
Just today I told my wife that I wasn't from here and had grown tired of the human race. Her reply was, "don't you think that is just a bit crazy?" While I admit it does sound insane, I truly believe it. I have never felt as though I belonged here and as a child I would stand and stare at the night sky for hours on end. Since I was about 8 years old I have had a longing to just "go home". For some reason I have a very strange fascination with Orion, always have, and every year I await the return of Orion with the same excitement and anticipation that a child has on Christmas Eve. I have never witnessed a UFO but have always had a strong belief in them. I think about it 24 hours a day. I schedule my days around any documentary having to do with ETs and read as many books on the subject as I possibly can. I harm nothing, and find myself becoming upset if someone so much as harms a plant, kills anything, etc. I have devoted my life to helping people, I am an RN, but find myself becoming more and more annoyed at the foolish and violent ways of people. I have also told my wife that this physical vessel has outlived it's usefulness and it will be time for me to go soon. She gets annoyed with me because she is a devout Catholic and I have told her that God as humans have come to see him is a false belief. Sounds crazy, I know. Glad I found this post, because I really thought I was starting to lose my mind.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by IamAbeliever

No, you are not losing your mind. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the ride...
What you 'feel' and what you 'know' are one and the same, in my opinion. It's hard to not see one's self as alone and isolated on this Earth, and I, too, am very thankful for this thread.
Much of the pain and discomfort of remembering who you are comes from the breaking down of our conditioning that we've been through on this planet since birth, and it can be a difficult thing to un-condition ourselves but we have to in order to become fully aware.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Hmm, I feel or have felt all of these things at one point or another, heightened sensitivities and such and it's just because I'm autistic. Going by this logic, all autistic people are aliens? Are so called indigo children just undiagnosed autistic children? I think if I started calling myself a star seed instead it would have less negative implications.

Sarcasm aside, this was a funny thread to read. It reminded me of the autism website appropriately named WrongPlanet.

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