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The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World Order

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by holywar

I wanted to thank you for the video links that was very interesting to say the least.

I've also started a new thread here called "The Great Game" it goes very deeply into what is happening and how it started. This will be a frank and open discussion of the evidence as it's presented. Your opinion and participation will be respected as long as you respect the other contributors.

No flaming is allowed!
The New Great Game

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:22 PM
What gets me is that people would rather complain about the current situation and then continue to throw the responsibility for the individual back on the same powers that have the control on them in the first place.

We could turn this around by sheer numbers but the game has been going on for so long most people would rather reamain contented in their fantasy world of illusion than to stand up for themselves and do what it takes to reclaim their personal lives and true liberty.

I have to tell you SLAYER that i have spent the last hour reading your well thought out and intelligent threads from your signature. You have my respect and admiration.

No matter how far we get from our prospective it is good to see there are some out there such as yourself that are willing to take the much needed steps we forget are nessisary for the people just waking up to the real world.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well see that's just it. Some people will look at it and say...

2. It's real and how wonderful.
Even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I belive I am of this camp. If it is real then you must make yourself as useful as you can, if not, then you look good anyway because you have worked hard to be a good and valued person.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 12:06 PM
I am 23 years young, two kids and I want to WAKE UP! someone anyone u2u me and give me the run down on what's going on and what i can do. I want to do what I can to make sure my kid's future isn't going to be horrid

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

just want to point out that Cash For Gold USA is a subsidary of privately owned company CJ Environmental who are precious metal refiners and traders. can you substantiate that the American Government, Rockefeller, Rothschild, or any other notorious names in NWO are investing heavily in gold?

Also, the confiscation of gold in 1933 was a capitalist action to prevent the banks from collapsing completely, because rightly stated the Federal Reserve is in fact privately owned and would too have been affected in the great depression.

I furthermore object to the copy and pasting direct from wikipaedia to generate insight, it's plagerism, and hardly solid fact, or did you not know that nearly 60% of the submissions have contestion to the validity of the information, or at least the authors interpretation. But of course everything is objective.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Kajajuam
I furthermore object to the copy and pasting direct from wikipaedia to generate insight, it's plagerism, and hardly solid fact, or did you not know that nearly 60% of the submissions have contestion to the validity of the information, or at least the authors interpretation. But of course everything is objective.

Exactly "Objective" Also there is no plagiarism involved. I have provided direct links to the source. Credit is given by default. 60% are contested well that's a good thing isn't it? Now either the information is good and TPTB are trying to move the ball down field away from public awareness or it is flawed and needs to be adjusted either way it is a good thing to be aware of my opinion.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I retract the use of the word plagerism, apologies.

Further on the gold conspiracy, it's simply not viable, say Rothschilds and Co. were hoarding the gold of the world. The current currency of the realm is not cash anymore, it is simply numbers, false values. If this, and cash were stripped of the world, the currency would not revert back to gold. Gold will not feed the world, it no longer has any REAL value. One man could have all the gold in the world and still starve to death. No doubt it would become catastrophic, but there would be no room for a NWO.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

You have really done quite a wonderful job here Slayer69. A lot of material to

put together. Your efforts are well appreciated

[edit on 10-6-2010 by KIZZZY]

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 05:53 AM
So tell me Slayer, what do you think can be done? eh?

I think they have us by the proverbial brass. I know all of this info and still I

don't know what is to be done or have we all been sleeping far too long that it is

beyond repair?

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 06:03 AM
I thought I might add this to your collection:

Have a wonderful day!

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Thank you for this post, I feel totally honored you thought of People like me

The first time I heard of the term "one World Government" I thought it could be a good idea, if you had People in charge who put Humanity first...... but alas, this is Planet Earth, back to reality.

May we always have the strength and wisdom to regain our freedom.


posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 04:26 AM
You are missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle - the jesuits and the Church of Rome!

Ps the Protocols are a forgery and smokescreen by the jesuits, in order to blame the jews as cover for thier own activities.

The New World Order was founded in 1943 at the first Conference between England, the United States and the Soviet Union by leading Jesuits in Tehran. It was reconfirmed at the end of of World War II following the complete victory of the Roman Cult controlling the Roman Catholic Church in the re-establishment of effective Catholic control of the former Frankish Kingdom principalities now known as Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
However, the term first entered the public arena in 1949 through the work of Jesuit co-agitator George Orwell and his book "New World Order" providing a chilling account of the future world under global Catholic socialism (Fascism).
At the heart, the New World Order is a defined membership of global financial, political and industrial consortium based around the underlying massive financial assets of the Catholic Church based from Zürich still in control of the Jesuits and their continued monopoly as the only organization in Catholic history (excluding the Knights Templar) to hold a Papal document granting them exclusive rights to conduct banking and financial activities.
As the New World Order is a consortium of financial, political, military and industrial entities, its precise structure, rules of operation and agenda remains difficult to precisely confirm. For example, a few dozen private banks in Europe and the United States first formed by the Jesuits in the 18th and early 19th Century continue to remain the foundation pillars of the global finance and credit system -- the same private banks that have withdrawn hundreds of billions of dollars of credit from the global financial system in 2008 and 2009 causing what was a localized credit squeeze of bad loans into a global depression.
The New World Order also maintains a political military structure through co-operative ties between intelligence agencies and large private and public arms manufacturers such that this apparatus serves to protect the interests of the Catholic Church across the world.
The New World Order also represents a discrete group of global companies, principally involved in industries such as pharmaceuticals as well as substantial media and publishing interests, again which have successfuly maintained protection against Catholic interests, with the exception of unavoidable occassional public scandals such as ongoing pedophilia by priests.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Thanks for that well thought out reply.
For further reference to the "Rome connection" Here is a very well thought out thread on that angle here

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Thanks for that well thought out reply.
For further reference to the "Rome connection" Here is a very well thought out thread on that angle here

Wow! what an amazing thread - a real epic!

I don't agree for a moment that Julius ceasar survived his assasination - but a lot of the later history is very interesting!

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:22 PM
I see you got this off to a good start as well... but seems as you say people don't want to here it, so better to argue over CGI UFO's and hoax Aliens than to face that 60% of the world's wealth is owned by a handful of families

How do the banks of today work? What is your money really worth? Where is all the gold?

The Secret of Money Revealed

Also this...

NWO from the Mouth of the Horse

Very interesting documents originally posted by ChickNorris (ATS member) as the links are directly to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)

Now it is her(?) opinion that the whole UFO phenomena is a mind control operation.

We have heard a LOT about the New World Order..

Well following are a set of documents on the NWO direct from the official .mil information center. I have only glanced over most of them so far but the titles are intriguing. So have fun and see what you can find...

Originally posted by ChickNorris
UFO is a satellite called Ultra High Frequency Follow on that uses "terrestrial" waves also known as electromagnetic waves to develop psychotronic weapons otherwise known as mind control. See the following documents for PROOF:

Ultra High Frequency Follow On Satellite:

A Comparison of the UHF Follow-on and MILSTAR Satellite :

The Rowell Report: Fact vs. Fiction



An Approach, to Understanding Psychotronics:

CIAs Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90



The New World Order: A Vision and Its Dimensions:

Disorder in the New World Order:

A World 2010: A New Order of Nations:

Bush's New World Order: The Meaning Behind the Words:

Policing the New World Order: An Alternative Strategy

The Gideon Doctrine: An Army Strategic Vision for a World in Chaos

Chaos Theory and Strategic Thought

DTIC New World Order

edit on 31-12-2010 by zorgon because: Classified

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Kajajuam
I retract the use of the word plagerism, apologies.

Since wikipedia is under Gnu License to cut copy paste and modify I always wonder how people can say 'plagerism' specifically this;

Share Alike—If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license.

Further on the gold conspiracy, it's simply not viable, say Rothschilds and Co. were hoarding the gold of the world. The current currency of the realm is not cash anymore, it is simply numbers, false values. If this, and cash were stripped of the world, the currency would not revert back to gold. Gold will not feed the world, it no longer has any REAL value. One man could have all the gold in the world and still starve to death. No doubt it would become catastrophic, but there would be no room for a NWO.

I posted this in my other thread but it needs to be here... I would recommend you watch it...

OH and they don't look like they are starving

The Rothschilds Exposed 1/3

And where is the gold that is supposed to be in Fort Knox?

edit on 31-12-2010 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 02:40 PM
u forgot tho about NWO is all Satans plan, most of the people working for the NWO they will not see it materialize, the plan is of supernatural origin, why do mere men want to get rid of peoples belief in God, why would they care, its because they are not really in charge nor make the rules.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by 0thetrooth0
u forgot tho about NWO is all Satans plan, most of the people working for the NWO they will not see it materialize, the plan is of supernatural origin, why do mere men want to get rid of peoples belief in God, why would they care, its because they are not really in charge nor make the rules.

Satan has nothing to do with it. Stop blaming him for everything. There is no NWO... it is the just the Old World Order doing business as usual.

The real NWO had a chance when they created America to be a land of the free.. the New Atlantis... unfortunately for us Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve into existence and thus gave control back to the bankers, and the OWO. He even apologized after.. but too late.

The NWO is a good thing... like the Federation of Planets in Star trek.. but as long as we have these Old World Order power hungry money grubbers in control, we will never see the true NWO...

And they have spent a long time feeding disinfo to make you believe the NWO is a bad thing.. so you will be distracted

"Satan" (Lucifer-Bringer of Light) gave mankind knowledge and supports free will... Because of that the OWO for thousands of years has fed you lies.

THEY want blind obedience of the FLOCK "The Lord is Thy shepherd... though shall not want.."
THEY have killed and maimed and cause destruction all through history and blame it on the other guy

That "god" they speak of in that book... He gets ticked off a lot when you disobey... and even wiped out all living things just out of spite... What the heck?

More death and mayhem in his name, The Crusades, Salem witch hunts, Inquisition, The Jews wanting to wipe out the Arabs, The Arabs wanting to wipe out Jews and Christian... yet all three worship the same Overlord...

Yup... mankind has been fooled and the OWO is still going doing business as usual.

This is why there will be no disclosure. It would destroy their hold on you all. Edgar Cayce predicted a Pope would reveal the truth... that Pope was assassinated

Wake up and smell the coffee... or go back out meekly to pasture and be part of the flock

edit on 22-2-2011 by zorgon because: YOU don't have a NEED to KNOW

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Great thread!

Many will ask what is the solution to fighting the elite? Well there is no real solution unless you know how deep the rabbit hole goes. You can always kill a few but what about the men left in the background? The elite aren't stupid and they use the past to predict the future. Any plans that didn't go accordingly in the past are destroyed than rebuilt to become more effective.

He who controls the world money controls the world. I think many of these banks are already under the control of the select few and the rest will soon fall to them as well.

So what can we do as regular human beings? We can't do anything because there is no proof of any crimes being committed. You can't just take pitchforks and torches and pull off the old lynch mobs. They also have enough room between each other in case if anyone gets caught committing crimes they can wash their hands. This isn't some mom and pop operation, these guys made a lot of money because they are smart and they know the smartest people.

For us to foil the plan is impossible now because everything they do is legal. What we have to do is wait until the rest of the population is starving and upset so we can make a move against the elite. But right now, we have nothing to convict them because last I checked, greed isn't a crime.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:39 PM
They are going to kill us all!

*points at reader*

Especially you!

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