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This is Why there's Swine Flu In The Media!

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by andy1033

You are confused.

Being poor doesn't mean anything. The value WE GIVE to money is not real at all.

The state of poorness doesn't exist for those who have total control over their minds. Our goals are NOT to get rich and be famous.

Our goals are spiritual evolution.

Would you have 20 billion dollars and live 70 years, or would you rather evolve and never die?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

This is not theory.

There is an order to everything. Energy runs everything.

Also, I think lots of you people are worried about "death". There's NO such thing. Energy can't be destroyed.

The energy you put into something is the energy you get out of it.

If you keep focusing on death, then that's what will come your way.

It's the basis on how everything in this universe operates.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
reply to post by andy1033
Would you have 20 billion dollars and live 70 years, or would you rather evolve and never die?

My guess is you'll return to learn what you are choosing to ignore in this life.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by MCoG1980

When things go "un-noticed" then they cease to exist.

If you don't give something your energy it CAN'T appear in your life. It's just how things work.

If you have a question ask it to me in a clear manner because I didn't really understand your question if there was any to begin with.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Jb0311NY

How do you know the people who got murdered weren't thinking about it?

The state you live in currently has been brought to that point by EVERY action you've done previously.

Also, if people DON'T control their minds, then they are set on "default" and others as a whole group mind runs their life.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:15 PM
Everything we have in the world was created by thought. All our cars and buildings and planes etc. The Bible says that "as a man thinks, so is he..." If you don't want to get a virus, "think", that is take precautions such as not inhaling when someone coughs at you or sticking your finger in your nose after you shake someone's hand. It is said that we change the universe by merely looking at it. Anyone who knows the double blind test on electrons understands this. When viewed it changes.

When you see the hurricane coming, leave town. They are calling this flu a hurricane so we need to take thought and do precautions. A lot of people don't know that a virus is weak outside the body. Let's keep it that way. To coin a phrase, "don't inhale", and don't pick your nose, and don't touch your eyes with your fingers. keep the virus outside. I also heard that zinc tablets give viruses a hard time getting in because it's molecules bond with the ones the virus needs to use to attach to to get inside.

So yes.. the OP is correct, we need to think rightly.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
reply to post by MCoG1980

When things go "un-noticed" then they cease to exist.

that statement is untrue, and you know that. If you don't then you are seriously blinded by your own beliefs.

If you don't give something your energy it CAN'T appear in your life. It's just how things work.

really, you would be surprised how many things have APPEARED in my life without any effort on my part.

If you have a question ask it to me in a clear manner because I didn't really understand your question if there was any to begin with.

I was trying to demonstrate what you are choosing to ignore... that is your choice i suppose. If i did not reply to this - would i not exist. Or even better, if you choose to ignore the logical answers people are replying with, are you HOPING they do not exist.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by MCoG1980]

[edit on 26-4-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:12 PM
agree with the "energy flows where attention goes" energy is attracted to the same energy so if everyone has Terrorism flooded in their minds then that's exactly what's going to happen.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by MCoG1980

If things have happened in your life which you think you had nothing to do with, then you are living in a state of denial.

EVERYTHING that happens in your life is your fault. No one else is blamed for what you think.

It may not be something you thought about yesterday, but your life choices and experiences that lead to where you are now living today.

If you fail to acknowledge that fact, then you live in a state of denial.

The key is to find and be aware of what's going on, then DETACH yourself from what's going on. You enter a state of bliss.

This is the KEY to life.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Yes people, words cause things to happen out of mid-air! Wooosh, terrorism! I just caused a bombing in Iraq! Oh god no!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:19 PM
Oh wow, so simply ignoring a potential Pandemic will simply make certain that it never occurs? This is quite the logic I must say, as time and time again, simply ignoring issues has proven to be so successful (Note Extreme Sarcasm). History has proven your Hypothesis wrong, I am sad to say.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

If you read the ENTIRE thread, you'll know that is NOT what I said.

You don't ignore the problem.

You acknowledge the problem and become aware of it, then you DETACH yourself from the problem. This tells your mind that you know there's a problem, but your not going to be bothered by the problem, and therefore the problem never comes your way.

So you enter a state of bliss.

The people who are worried and panicking WILL be the ones who'll most likely contract the disease via negative energy. They WILL be the ones who would go and get vaccines, and most likely once again contract the disease.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by bobbylove321

I think the Swine flu came from you opening up them portals

See I can make stupid assumptions too

I have to agree with this assessment.

There are cases of this around the world, including in the US. Sars was widely reported but nothing happened here, or really at all. Anyone can see this has more potential for pandemic than Sars ever did, it spreads human to human quite easily apparently.

The globalists did hype the terrorist threat, but the American Empire is a great recruiting tool and I see the reasoning for fighting back the only way one can. An accurate calculation on the globalists' part.

You can't ever know what is going to happen just because you think you're on to how TPTB operate. They are smarter than you and three steps ahead.

[edit on 27-4-2009 by CapsFan8]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:11 AM
The logic of the "the energy flows where the attention goes" sounds nice, but it basically means we should all pretend that terrorism never happens, and somehow it will go away. That doesn't work.

The main reason why terrorism increased after 9/11, in my opinion, is because we attacked an innocent country and started killing innocent people. We committed an unprovoked, unjustified attack against Iraq. That is justification for jihad.

The US was attacked by 19 Saudi terrorists. What do we do? We bomb Afghanistan and Iraq. We never touched Saudi Arabia. Why is that, I wonder? My guess is that we need the Saudis, but not the other countries. Afghanistan was harboring bin Laden. It was also an easy country to attack, since they have almost no organized defense.

Iraq was also supposed to be easy. We had our "Shock and Awe", which to me sounds very much like "Blitzkrieg". Unfortunately, we didn't learn anything from our defeat in Vietnam. We went in with guns blazing, killing everyone in sight. All we did was unify the country against us. Now we have so-called "insurgents" that gladly die just to take a few US soldiers with them. These "insurgents" are freedom fighters, fighting against an invading enemy.

But the terrorism didn't start because we gave it our attention. After all, no one was focusing on an attack on 9/11, were they? The terrorism started because we declared war on terrorism. We did all the things necessary to guarantee we'd be attacked by terrorists.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:16 AM
The OP is right.

I can see it already with some family members in a panic. Governments have been doing this for years because fear works. Fear allows governments to get away with murder and take away rights.

Hitler said something years ago, he said:

"It's a fortunate thing for government that the people don't think"

He also said:

"People are generally stupid, if you repeat the same slogans again and again they will eventually believe it"

Governments of the world use this same playbook.

Look at the economic crisis, it was planned and you can tell by the way it was introduced.

The Congress met with Paulson and the news reports started the domino effect. They reported how the Congress members looked terrified coming out of the meeting and it became a self fulfilling prophecy.

Obama was hope, hope, hope until he got into office and then he became Dr. Doom in order to get trillions of dollars.

They know survival instincts and fear cloud reason.

They want the Swine Flu to get worse.

They are saying things like "it will spread" and "a dangerous strain will hit the U.S."

This is what they want and the American people and people around the world will give it to them because their not thinking when these government crooks appeal to their fear.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:22 AM
As far as I'm concerned, this recent attention by the Mainstream Media on the Swine Flu is simply to rally the support for "our need for a national health care system".

The Obama Administration is once again trying to set itself up to "be the hero" and at the same time cramming their agenda down our throats.

I hope it backfires on their asses and there is a push to start controlling our southern borders!

[edit on 27-4-2009 by CreeWolf]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

You acknowledge the problem and become aware of it, then you DETACH yourself from the problem. This tells your mind that you know there's a problem, but your not going to be bothered by the problem, and therefore the problem never comes your way.

So you enter a state of bliss.

So this philosophy could easily be explained by the cliche....
Ignorance is Bliss

I don't mean in a ATS deny ignorance kind of way ( I think) but in that detaching yourself from a problem is to ignore it and not let it control you.

If this is what it equates to in a roundabout way, then I agree, yes ignorance is bliss.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by CreeWolf

It would be great if we gained national health care from this pandemic scare.

Some have said that the reason for all the death in Mexico is because of the lack of health care for those individuals.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by CreeWolf

Good points and we don't need National Healthcare. The Government just wants our money because our money gives them power.

You could set up healthcare with private charities and government oversight. This way Obama, Bill and Hillary or anyone else can help raise money for the charity as well as donate.

We could start off by providing people with 2 free physicals per year paid by the charity and then we can move to lower income individuals who need help.

We don't need to send billions of dollars down another government black hole. It has nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with another program to get more money because control of your money gives them power.

I think they could use the pandemic to try and backdoor health care but I actually think they have more sinister motives. Theirs 6 billion people on the planet and I think they want to reduce the population. These people are global warming nazi's and they know they can't change behavior without a major disaster first.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
reply to post by infinite

I'm talking about your average person going into a random street plaza and blowing himself up.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by bobbylove321]

Ummmm.... its been going on in Israel since the country's conception...
Also in Scotland between the catholics and prodestants.

Sorry. While I believe there is SOME credit to your theory, I think you are mistaken in your logic.

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