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US govt mind control

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posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

B@*%$s!!!!... Yes, that's right. they dont have any morals.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Quote below from this site:

They don't even need to chip us anymore, it's all done with frequency waves aimed at your brain.

They're talking to you..subliminal hypnotic messages..courtesy of these particular they are Mind conditioning and Mind control towers and they're going up in every neighborhood across the country.

Was Columbine just a bunch of radical kids on revenge or were they, as the mounting evidence suggests mind controlled and triggered to do exactly what they did? If you want to know if something is legit or crazy, you have to look at the circumstances surrounding it. Shortly after Columbine, gun legislation that was stalled had been suddenly passed. Bang! Gun Control Agenda. The real reason for Columbine.

There's a very dangerous element being played out on the unsuspecting people of America today. This being hidden amongst the black programs buried within our intelligence community, security agencies, and the military.

ELF and Mind Control is without a doubt, the most dangerous and deadly weapon of warfare affecting people across America today.

ELF is a high tech weapon abbreviated for Extreme Low Frequency signals which mimic natural brain waves. It is not only used to brainwash and control people, it's used to physically attack them as well.

Look at some of the patents filed:

U.S. Patent US5629678: IMPLANTABLE TRANSECEIVER – Apparatus for Tracking and Recovering Humans.

Implants and mind control technology are not simply the creation of paranoid conspiracy theorists, nor are they the stuff of science fiction based on imagination. In fact what is science fiction? It's the future foretold. Is there anything really fiction about most of the fiction we're seeing today? Truth is often masked under the term fiction so that you won't think it's real when often it indeed is.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 04:59 AM
'They send electro magnetic currents to your brain............"
thats why its important to set up a homesite far from the cities
these young people have such active minds.
do you think older middle aged people will believe or care about this?
lots of video games, are controlling your mind these days,,,, great ideas, and sure, this is all done by government officials that
have salaries and are thus bankrupting us. sure whatever.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by sunny_2008ny
This technology is used for spying on people who pose a threat to the govt, in US or elsewhere. There is a chain of US satellites revolving around the earth that cover the entire earth.

Anybody who does anything that the govt does not like is manipulated in his brain to get the mental state in that person that the govt desires.

Important channels like CNN are monitored this way to ensure that they say only what is acceptable to the govt.

So far they have failed big time with this device then,
Terrorist attacks are still happening, people are still talking about UFO's, Aliens, 9/11, etc.. we are all still talking in this forum about some extreme topics.
CNN anchors just read what they see on their monitor, nothing more.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:20 AM
The US Government doesn't, but aliens do. That's the tinfoil hat mind war.
That can be used in different ways, to instill love and hate, amongst other purposes. Generally, the goal is to ensure more love than hate is felt, on a planet wide scale, which is an admirable goal, while personal freedoms may be diminished slightly in the process, that is more sustainable for the future.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by pandorashope

the goal is to ensure more love than hate is felt, on a planet wide scale, which is an admirable goal, while personal freedoms may be diminished slightly in the process, that is more sustainable for the future

I am unable to understsnd why the goal is to instill love? Why would the government care to instill "love"? What is the definition of this love and how does this help the govt? NWO maybe?

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 02:56 AM
i think you mean scientology not the gov

i mean they have those demon detectors what are they called thetans?

i mean they use devices to read minds and all that

besides i watch mtv and if this stuff worked we would be using on that show exposed!

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:32 AM
With these theories I always find it very hard to understand how the government, or the extremely limited few who are in control of these operations, have the time to go through every single persons every thought to find one which could potentially be dangerous to them?

And also, i hope you dont mind me asking..
Surely if this was true, you'd be dead by some freak government-induced heart attack or something?

And none of us would be capable of believing it?
Not even yourself?
Surely they'd have sent messages to all of us saying


Im sorry for being so disagreeing on this, if you are right then I guess we're all doomed.. but wait! NWO, Planet X, Alien invasions, we're all doomed anyway!

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Oh and also, if you are serious, there's not much point in informing us of this without telling us how to prevent it?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by lishabby

Oh and also, if you are serious, there's not much point in informing us of this without telling us how to prevent it?

There is no way to prevent mind-control. Faraday cages and tin foil cannot prevent it. The normal ELF signals of your brain are overridden by their signals and you will not realize it.

They have Strong AI which keeps track of the thoughts of people, every single thought, and it communicates telepathically with the administrators (if I may call them that), and communicates only relevant thoughts

[edit on 20-5-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by lishabby

And also, i hope you dont mind me asking..
Surely if this was true, you'd be dead by some freak government-induced heart attack or something?

This is true and the govt will not give a freak heart attack.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:49 AM
"As horrible as this is, it goes on to prove that there is no GOD and that we have beaten nature "

Thats not necessarily true. How can you equate humans figuring out the wiring of nature proof of no originator i.e. God?

I have an ability to use my emotions and the earth grid similar to voodoo to imply my feelings into others through the earth. I know this because I use it for selfish purposes randomly and it works for me.

I wish, and repeat thoughts in my head I want the person Im thinking of to hear and within hours the action desired is achieved. Of course i dont force anyone, merely suggest to them subconciously. Is it wrong. I dont know? Is everything else in the world wrong..indeed.

sanity is perspective based.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Oh, you want to see how DEEP the rabbit hole goes?

Yeah... I'm the rabbit, follow me Alice.

This is Chris Langan, he is the "Smartest man in the world" as measured by traditional Intelligence Quotient tests:

If you keep watching the series, you will hear about when he designed a Neural Network and the idea was stolen from him.

Relevant? maybe... keep following Alice.

This is an article that describes the use of quantum entangled particle pairs held in suspension in a Carbon nanotube matrix.

This allows computational speeds that exceed 1*10^15 floating point operations per second.


The human brain sends signals in Electrochemical signals.

Now, if you understand conduction, and also induction, then you know that electrical currents flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field.

And conversely, that a magnetic field moving across a conductor it will induce a current flow in the conductor.

Consequently... the Global positioning Satellite system uses Microwave frequency Radiation to send signals.

So, technically... it is possible.


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Edrick

Consequently... the Global positioning Satellite system uses Microwave frequency Radiation to send signals.

So, technically... it is possible.

The signals are not microwave radiation, but they are electro magentic signals that are sent to the brain. They match the frequency in the brain when they reach it. It starts off with a signal of higher frequency and by the time it reached the brain it is the same frequency that the brain has

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:45 PM
Everything is sound ok for me. but i dont really belive that us govt just maked this technology from nothing. i think there is some alien or ufo technology's behind it.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:12 PM
In reference to all of the patents listed in this thread, mindcontrol technology is and has been scientifically investigated for quite some time.

So why are we skeptical that this technology exists? Further why are we skepitcal that experimentation is being carried out to further scientific study? Is it reasonable to assume that the patents were applied for and granted for no purpose? Is it reasonable to assume that a manipulative technology is in existence and keeping it secret is implausible? Employing a blanket of ridicule and doubt to deflect serious contemplation of this technology and it implications are likely.

If one wants to shroud truth, there is no better way than to fictionalize it. Hiding in plain sight, we see nothing.

Mindcontrol technology is not out of the question nor is the fact that we are not supposed to believe it is possible to achieve desired outcomes by implementing this technology. We are supposed to disbelieve.

I don't have personal experience as a victim of mindcontrol. But I do know that at my house, our thoughts and speech are garbled. We laugh about it because we say the funniest things, while our intent was to convey a different thought. We all swear to each other that what we were thinking was nothing like the words that came out of our mouths. People who visit infrequently also experience this mind-blank, superimposition that overrides our intended words. On the surface, its hysterically funny. Beneath the surface, what do we all have in common to produce such bizarre communication results? That's not to say occasionally it doesn't happen elsewhere too, its just predominant and obvious that it happens all the time at home to anyone who comes here.

Is the land my house sits on haunted? Or is there technology spectrum radiating from a point nearby? We have dish satellite, live near firestation, hospital and airports and there are railroad tracks within 2 miles. We are near the outskirts of a large city, in range of the warehouse district and several trucking companies. What's going on? Are we all losing our minds along with our ability to speak the words we are thinking?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny
Excellent post S&F.

As horrible as this is, it goes on to prove that there is no GOD and that we have beaten nature

We are each like a grain of sand and "God" is the beach.

Yes I've heard that the masses of humanity are being controlled through various "waves / frequencies".

Some of us though seem to be immune to "it".

I feel like the guy in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" where everyone around him is a "pod person" and I'm the only human left.

and I also believe the technology for this did not originate with mankind.

The articles I've read on mind control state that people who are being controlled have no idea they are being controlled.

A slave that doesn't know he/she is a slave will not rebel and a prisioner that is not aware they are imprisioned will not try to escape.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

The articles I've read on mind control state that people who are being controlled have no idea they are being controlled.

These people will know that they are controlled, they can know that they are controlled, if there is a way of knowing what the person is doing and that he does not want to do it.

U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on top-secret mind control projects with a goal of creating totally dependable, programmable human robots

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 10:12 AM
sounds like alien technology, or at the very least has been developped with the influence/assistance of NTIs

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:39 PM
Well, what I can tell you about mind control technology is that they are making people become terrorists using it, as they tried to do that to me in the UK.

Also, the sectarian violence in Iraq which has killed hundreds of thousands has been made to happen with this same technology.

The ONLY protection against it is to know that the technology exists and that they use it for their nefarious ends.

KNOWLEDGE is the only protection against mind control technology.

If you want to see a movie about it then rent the film 'control factor' and be scared of what they can do with this technology

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