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US govt mind control

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Majorion

one thing I find implausible is that they report to the president. Why would they even do so?

I have been told that they report to the Prez. The Prez also communicates with these people via telepathy. They are definitely not a bunch of wild cats out to do whatever they want.

A lot of infrastructure is required to operate this technology
-A chain of satellites around the world
-High speed supercomputers
-Large data storage capacity
-Physical facility to monitor, although most of the work is done by AI

All this infrastructure can only be provided by the govt.
The Prez is the supreme commander and there is no one above him and as a matter of fact such an important technology cannot exist without him knowing. The reason they directly report to the Prez has something to do with the high secrecy surrounding this technology, apparently even the Vice-Prez dosent know about it.

And I may add that the Prez does not supervise the day to day activities of this group, but gets regular updates

[edit on 4-2-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

[edit on 4-2-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Majorion

The OP is speaking in general. There ARE agents on ATS and other forums on the net.. haven't you heard yet?

At the very least, they come here to see where the public mindset is.

I have never doubted this for a second. To sit around all day long see where the public mindset is sounds like a great job! Where to I apply for this sort of position?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by sunny_2008ny

They will use this information to gain a general understanding of the entire spectrum of reactions that may come, ranging from complete disbelief, rejection to blind acceptance of what is being said. It helps them to understand how to respond to such reactions.

Tell them they are going a little far with the tinnitis I have that no Dr.'s can find an explanation for. Right now it sounds like there is an orchestra tuning in my ears!

As i said, this is an invasive technology and would not be made public atleast in our life time, but these people like to look a few hundred years ahead

See my reply above!

Reading the mind is a covert way, while reading the posts is an explicit way of finding out what people feel about this. Besides the govt. does not know who you are and where you are (each one of you) so it would be very difficult to read your minds

This isn't what you said earlier in your opening post. Here is what you said:

Originall posted by sunny_2008nyThey can read a perosn's thoughts, emotions, stored memories, dreams and planning etc from the satellite. Our brain emits Extremly Low Frequency electro magnetic currents while our brains are functioning. The satellite is able to read these waves and Strong AI is able to decipher them. This way a person's mind is no longer private and the govt can access it. The person does not come to know that his/her mind is being read. All the brain data can be stored in a data bank that acts like a database that can be updated real time

What is even worse is that they dont just read your brain they can control your brain through the same satellite. They send electro magnetic currents to your brain that match the frequency of those in your brain through the receptors in your brain. Your brain does not recognize that these electro magnetic currents are not yours and that they are from outside.

Your thoughts, emotions, feelings, thinking, speech, vision, hearing, in short all the senses can be thus controlled. This exercise goes on a large scale and any person who opposes the govt in any way is a potential candidate for mind control. Do you know that the CNN anchors dont speak their own stuff, they are made to speak. The President is aware of this technology but not everyone knows about this.

This technology is a sophisticated version of EEG, the only difference being that it can decipher and control your brain through the satellite.

This technology can also be and is used for harrasment. They can send voices and pictures into your brain, they can give your heart attacks, numb you momentorily and even kill you by stopping your brain chemistry

[edit on 4-2-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

So why would they want to do all of this if they just perusing all these thoughts, dreams, and so on of the general public, without knowing who they are? Explain how they specifically target people who might be anti-government, or just simply doing something the government does not like?

edit to add quotes from orignal poster in their opening post

[edit on 4-2-2009 by Enthralled Fan]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:57 AM
I was reading the info provide through the OP's link, and I have to say it sounds like an abreviated version of fritz springmyer's futher research wich I have a copy of and would be more than happy to share. It was kinda mind controll history and applications 101, not to be iinsulting. A simple patten search will make all suspicions of maliciouse intent by the powers that be more than suspicion.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by BeyondBelow

So why would they want to do all of this if they just perusing all these thoughts, dreams, and so on of the general public, without knowing who they are?

I meant specifically about ATS, the govt does not know the real identities of ALL the people who come to ATS, they can find out if they wish but they dont, they are interested in seeing the explicit reactions of the people.

Any one who does something that does not please the govt is first identified through the regular channels and is then worked on with mind control

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

Explain how they specifically target people who might be anti-government, or just simply doing something the government does not like?

Let us say someone is trying to target the govt with an intention to malign the govt or some high ranking people. Let us say that this person is doing it just for the sake of it and publicity to this person could cause potential harm to the govt. How would mind control take care of this person

There are a couple of ways
1) Manipulate the person's mind so that he/she stops doing what he is doing. This is a slow and painful process that takes a long time and does not happen overnight
2) Harass the person through mind control
a) Give him a slave like feeling in everything he does ( as if these people are making you do everything)
b) Make him do things that you want him to do and prevent him from doing things that he wants to do
c) Send abusive voices into the perosn's brain
d) Send loud music into his brain
e) Show him pictures and visual apparitions in his brain
f) And while doing all this give him a feeling that he has to stop what he is doing
g) There are other ways of harrasment like giving him pain, pressure in his body, heart attacks, stopping his breadth
h) A person can even be killed through mind control

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

First of all I want to say thank you for having the guts to post this information. We need people like yourself and others like Alex Jones( to be bold and active to disseminate this information before it is to late. There are people in this world whose agenda is diabolic in nature and must be stopped or the horrors of history(mass genocide,slavery and suffering) will only be repeated. I need to get my hands on some of this electromagnetic radiation technology so I can personally counter their electronic attacks of which I beleive I have already been a victim of. Any suggestions. God bless you.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I need to get my hands on some of this electromagnetic radiation technology so I can personally counter their electronic attacks of which I beleive I have already been a victim of. Any suggestions. God bless you.

Unfortunately, at the present there is no way to beat mind control from the satellite. Even Faraday cages and tin foil cannot beat it.

While I am not a technical expert on electro-magnetism, I think one way out of this could be if the frequency of the currents sent by the satellite is deflected/amplified/reduced in some way so that our brain does not recognize them. But as of now I do not know of any such device that is capable of doing that.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
To sit around all day long see where the public mindset is sounds like a great job! Where to I apply for this sort of position?

Well since I'm not a debunker, nor am I an agent of any organization, I can't tell you.

However, there seems to be an agent, who should be more than willing to answer your question, after he obviously exposed his cover. Maybe you should ask HIM, here;

Just to make it clearer for you, because you don't strike me as the type of person who would be willing to read into one page only, I'll give you a hint, he's at the very top of this page here;

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:02 PM
Apparently the Secret Government Contact was looking for a public representative who would pointedly not use periods.

Probably some deeper, darker meaning to that.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:10 PM
This technology came out of germany, then all the related projects, Philadelphia Experiment down to Montaulk not to mention reports of people, perhaps over 250,000 including many children being used brutally, and many dying, for their experiments and the government/militia knew everything that was going on.

The Mkultra mind control is all around us, in every town and city,and many are being used. I believe much of the crimes result from this (recently New Orleans and people being shot is one I feel is M Kultra and that woman with 14 children who worked for the mental health somehow, I really believe that one is). These are designed to change laws and take away rights. Its safer to suspect everything is, because even if you're wrong, they've earned this suspicion.
Its time for people do some investigation and end this ASAP!!!!

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by mystiq

The Mkultra mind control is all around us

Here is the reply that I got from the authors of Trance Formation of America. Apparently they are not aware of satellite mind control, or atleast they deny that they know. My original email is a cut and paste from my ATS post, please bear with it!
Hi Sunny,

I will do my best to respond to your questions here.

First of all it appears you are somehow convinced that you have been a victim of a technology (reading and/or minds via a satellite) that to my knowledge, and all those who still work for the US government (in research) that I know well and trust are completely unaware of beyond urban myths I would first give the CIA credit for creating.

It is not even plausible that if the "government" had control of mine or Cathy's minds that we would have been permitted to self publish TRANCE Formation of America, now in it's 15th English edition and in 11 languages including Arabic,, much less provide our sworn legal testimonies to both houses of Congress, and speaking before the UN's Human Rights Abuse panel (twice), and even the World Bank (awful group!) executives.

I am also a member of Jane's and thus privileged to know of every technological breakthrough , worldwide, that's been made and/or deployed that could have military application use...and the only technology that is capable of reading one's mind and/or implanting thoughts is land based and requires a mobile means of delivery that must be used in very close proximity to the targets.... and is extremely expensive to operate in terms of what it costs to monitor a person.

Yes that technology is being used and with mixed results on known/suspected foreign and domestic spies, though certainly not the general public.

No Sunny, what you are reporting here is not anything we were subjected to or know about as being anything other than something someone put out as fact on the internet some years ago.

Thanks again for your good inquiry and beyond suggesting that you read our books, especially our last one "ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security", where you may well find the real answer to what you may have been subjected to at some point in your life.

We wish you all the best.
Mark (& Cathy too)

----- Original Message -----
From: Sunny S
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:01 AM
Subject: My experience

My name is Sunny. My experiences started in 2004 when a voice spoke into my head and said that this was the US government. Apparently someone had written a threatening letter to Bush in my name (turned out to be a prank by someone, but no one knows who, the letter was signed as Al Qaeda with my name in it). In the next few days the voice told me all about this and also told me that I was being screened thoroughly by the Secret Service and that there is nothing to worry. I also got a call from FBI regarding this letter. If you have access to Secret Service/FBI records, you may verify these facts.

They then told me details about satellite mind control and how it works, the technology behind it and the difficulties faced by them in overcoming what turns out to be one of the biggest accomplishments of mankind. They told me that they can read a person's brain and also control it via the satellite. No guesses why they read my mind. They told me that the US govt owns this mind control technology. This technology has also been extensively used for harrasment in Guantanamo

Since 2004 it has been a long journey and I still communicate personally with these people. Most of our communications are through telepathy. I am willing to reveal how this technology works, against the wishes of the people I communicate with.

I am willing to undergo a lie detector test for this and I havent flicked anything from the internet. I have read your book and have a question for you.

1)What happened to Cathy, was it through the satellite?
2)Is it not possible that, not the CIA, but the US govt was doing all this.
3)while you were helping Cathy, are you be sure that your brain was not read and controlled by the US govt?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Fascinating! Thank you for sharing this response. I think you give a great example - that none of us are 'alone', either in our political doubt or anything else. There's a great wide world out there - filled with others that have expressed themselves, and not only here on ATS! Email people, reach out, and amazingly we find we're more connected than we've ever realized.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Mark Phillip's integrity is questionable. He uses his alleged past work for the US government and his association with Cathy O'Brien to establish authority on mind control which he uses to dismiss more sensitive operations. He isn't the authority he has presented himself to be as he isn't within the inner circle of government.

It is not even plausible that if the "government" had control of mine or Cathy's minds that we would have been permitted to self publish TRANCE Formation of America

It is plausible as evidenced by how society has ignored Cathy O'Brien's story. Here is a post I did on the 'chosen ones' 1.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by tmk81]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by tmk81

He isn't the authority he has presented himself to be as he isn't within the inner circle of government.

I agree tmk, that he does not seem to be an authority on this. I read the book completely and there are many instances in the book that smack of satellite mind control on Cathy. I have the book with me if anyone wants to read it

The interesting part is that he denies the existence of satellite mind control, and if he is speaking the truth, that indicates that his "contacts" in the CIA and elsewhere are themselves not aware of this!

Strange world indeed

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:47 AM
well altho bits of it sound a bit nuts and there doesnt seem to be much evidence to back it apart from patents and the huge us military budget.. and the fact that everyone knows the us is miles ahead with military technology than what it tells the public..

i happen to think its very likely that this stuff is real; because my grandfather was a victim of it.
the medical profession calls it schizophrenia. the symptoms include suddenly getting voiced beamed into your head (like telepathy); occasionally images that just arent you - you recognise that its not your mind cuz its 'not your normal thoughts/brain pictures - ; and a whole lot of other wonderful stuff.

its real and the victims are treated like c...p and medicated and ostracized by their families and society because of these 'experiments'. i will never forgive them for what they did to my grandfather. i always knew he was sane. he wasnt the type of guy to make stuff up. ....

but i spose until it happens to you, you dont know.

think about it. they've got all these patents. they've got some type of mind control technology. who do you think they've been practising on? do you think they'd ask you first or get you to sign a consent form? obviously they've got to experiment on somebody and improve their technology. the us military has experimented with germ warfare on its own citizens and admitted it. so mind control experiments shouldnt really surprise anyone.

what saddens me, is that people and families suddenly stop trusting someone that they have known since that person was a child, because one day they admit that they 'hear voices'. why not trust them? especially if they've never lied before.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by rapunzel222]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

do you think they'd ask you first or get you to sign a consent form? obviously they've got to experiment on somebody and improve their technology

Certainly they dont ask. If they did they would be revealing the technology to these people. They experiment on unsuspecting people and these people are at a loss to figure out what is happening to them.

Doctors, Psychiatrists, Neurology body can help

This is what leads to helplessness in these subjects

I would like to share one more fact that I havent shared in this thread.

If there is a real person sitting up there (and there could be just the AI), then this person will be hooked to your brain. Everything your brain thinks will be transfered to his brain real time and anything from his brain that he wants to send to you will come to your brain (telepathy...if you can distinguish your thoughts from his...again it is at his choice)

The problem arises when this person substitutes your thinking with his and you dont realize it. This is the basis of brain manipulation and can lead to you thinking or doing somthing that this person wants you to.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:47 AM


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[edit on 10-3-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:54 AM
Do you use telepathy?

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by telepathicjon

Do you use telepathy?

Yes I do telepathically communicate with people, but it is a result of mind control technology, that enables telepathy, as I have explained in my earlier post.

I do not have any "divine" powers and I wouldnt be able to communicate telepathically, without this technology

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