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If man kind is to survive, religion must end

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posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:31 AM
Wow, you mean all religion?

Ooh, I don't know about Christian, Islam or other major religions but I'm a Buddhist and I like my religion just the way it is, thank you. Without its guidance I don't know where I'd be today.

And I'm sure people of other religions also cherish theirs as well.

[edit on 24/12/2008 by mandrake]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Clearskies
reply to post by SS,Naga

Like teaching children there is no God, when you don't even know that, or teaching them that we are just smart animals?
Indoctrination is inevitable, but are we taught truth or lies?
Better to KNOW the Truth! Jeshua, Himself!
You don't even have to go to church to be born again. I didn't.
Now, I go to be with fellow believers and give to charity.

There is no evidence for the existence of god. This is what I will tell my children. What the religious do is blatent indoctrination and is a moral wrong in my eyes. To teach children something with no evidence is fact and to shape and position their lives in this way as parents is something ugly.

Born again? Yeah you do that.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by robwerden

If you haven't already watched Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist 11 addendum, then it is a must see movie that you can watch on line or buy for less than ten dollars. It explains in simple terms the connection between organized religion and the ruling elite. The documentary exposes religion as nothing more than age old sun worship with modern day stories and made up characters blended together in different forms to make up all the many religions of our day. The reason is clear...for controlling the masses, pacifying the poverty stricken and starting wars. A word of caution if you are prepared for earth shaking revelations...your religious views will never be the same. This is (in my opinion) the best documentary ever...because it gives a real hope for mankind and our children when religion is finally scraped and man can live in harmony with the earth and nature.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:45 AM


posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by robwerden
People who have disagreed with me through out this thread, have resorted to attacking me personally.

First, I support your position rob, and I'm fairly confident I know what ideas you're expressing.

I had the same thought you wrote in the above quote, just as I was reading your post. I had to stop my reading and respond. Astonishing. Simply expressing the ideas, made you, personally, a target for attack and derision.

Unfortunately, I don't think religions will ever simply "go away." But what can go away is the special position that religions enjoy in society. I myself don't understand the exalted status they have in any compared to any other social program. Did you know there is a small religion in New Mexico, US, that gained federal protection for the use of a normally illegal hallucinogenic because they "believed" it helped in their worship? One little tiny church. Yet, despite the solid evidence that cannabis helps thousands of cancer sufferers endure the pain and nausea of the disease and treatment.....those humans can still be subject to federal prosecution for the possession of cannabis.

Abolish the "wall" that exists around religions, make them subject to the same scrutiny, commentary, and standards, that nearly every other aspect of our societies are exposed to.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:53 AM
Hey, YEAH!

I forgot! You get born again (until you die, i.e.). No more natural man stuff; you are now a born again, loving, war-mongering, killer-for-christ, a true christian (et al)!

Primary Creatoress is responsible for existence: God's are operator's within a WORD/AllSoul Field (called Universe-Sets, or Allverse).

Spontaneous Generation of Intrinsic Intelligence is what people call 'magic,' because they cannot understand how the
INITIAL IMPETUS occurred upon the Pre-Existant Grid-Framework called the Mother Substance.

So, they have to be Thought For! That's right, a religious-dogma auto-program (zealot?) or athiest cannot understand the Original Inception, so they are lost in the morass of the Body-Mind-Soul-Spirit Maze.

It's worth trillions, and is renewable (children!).

What came first, ladies & gents? The Egg or the dam chicken?




Spontaneous Generation of Intrinsic Intelligence has Occurred! The Original Motion has Caused All Unverses! Prime Creatoress has Birthed Itself! S/He.

We're gonna be rich! Nobody will be able to figure this out: we can sell it! Make everybody obey like stupid little lambs! I'll take this planet, you fellow offspring gods, pick one you like! If they get too smart, we can kill 'em & start over! It's a PLAN!

They'll never know what hit 'em! Let's see, children, 10-20%, born-again, rapture, anything else we can use....? Oh, yeah, Sam & Sue, hide that danged 4th Dimension! Anybody stumble across that, the WORD might get OUT!

Blessings, little lambs, the shepherd loves you, remember? Doubt it? Look at all the love & peace & glory that has been shed in glory's name upon the Earth & all history past. That proves it! Follow us...we'll show you where the shepherd lives!

Problem is, religious fanatics are throwbacks without the benefit of True-Mind, unable to think and perceive (perception~discernment) for themselves. There's BILLIONS of them. They need something, and they'll kill everything else to keep that snuggly security-blanket, yes?


[edit on 24-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Lawlord

There is no evidence for the existence of god.

The evidence is there every time you open your eyes and see order and the laws of physics and chemistry at work in the world and the cosmos, every time someone takes the trouble to ponder the biochemical marvels that sustain life in a single 'simple' organism (not to mention the human body) - far more complex than anything billions of intelligent humans could ever put together.

Believing inanimate rocks and elements somehow came together by chance to form billions of life forms infinitely more complex than all the world's computers put together defies maths, logic, and, frankly sanity itself. But no worries - we can't see who did it or even conceive a conscious Being great enough to conceive and then put together an entire universe, laws and all.

...So if we can't fathom it, we don't believe the evidence. That is the logical fallacy of atheism. Well, only one of them, if we are to be honest. Then there is the suggestion it is possible to be sure about a negative - 'There is no God' - (espoused by some, not all who don't believe) or the fallacy that chance mutations could lead to exquisite designs from the fish that bejewel coral reefs to birds of paradise to Queens of Sheba.

For Christians there is the evidence God personally stepped into history in the form of a man, having foretold the same over the course of several millennia. The incarnation. ("They shall call his name Immanuel, which means 'God with us'." Happy Christmas.)

Evidence abounds.

What is not there is total, seeing-is-believing proof.

Which is where faith comes in.

And where many people hold to their beliefs in good conscience and logical integrity.

No-one has the right to deny another freedom to believe and practice their faith in God.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:06 AM
My thought is that faith or a belief in something or someone supreme, divine, holy is not bad. These beliefs do allow us to guage our moral values and help to direct us to do good; primarily because we have seen others who believe act this out.

What I have serious issues with is the 'church' today. I don't view the church as what I would envision it to be. To me, it is nothing more than a business; a numbers game. I don't believe that what is being taught from the pulpit is accurate. I believe it is the propagation of ideals that have been passed on literally for centuries, which are designed to glorify the church and not God.

I have seen people oppressed by the concept of tithing. I have seen people misled by the false doctrine of free will. I have heard people whose loved ones have died and were not believers calmly state that their loved one is in hell because of their unbelief and they're o.k. with this. (I do not believe in a literal hell)

I have seen preachers rise from a small congregation to building a 50,000 sq. ft. facility, along with the size of their ego I might add. I have seen ministers decked out in $700 shoes, a $1000+ suit, rings, jewelry, riding his Harley up on stage and all the while admonishing the congreation to tithe and give so that the church can put up a larger facility and pat themselves on the back.

I have witnessed back-biting and fighting amongst people who call themselves 'men of God'. I have watched a church board completely disregard biblical teachings in order to further their agenda.

Faith in something greater than yourself, love, hope, peace, goodwill towards men are all things I hold on to. The church has gone astray. My recommendation is that people do what Christ said "come out of her my people." The church was never meant to be what it is today. If Christ were walking on Earth right now, I'm sure there would be many church doors closing.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

To say All Christians and western religious people are war-mongering, neocons is ridiculous!
You would have to IGNORE those of us who are looking past the propaganda and see the Political and religious MANIPULATION.
Even the non-religious can be manipulated.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Religion is not the problem, it is a symptom of ignorance.

Ignorance is the problem.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by pause4thought

Awesome post Pause .....and I second that ...I hope and pray that whether they believe or not ..they will at least have a wonderful holiday and be thankful for the day at least and rejoice and be glad that we have LIFE (which is the gift of God and is not manmade) ...and be thankful for the love of family and friends ...

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Blind in one eye, and can't think out of the other.

Only a few can truly think, instead of being thought-for. And for those who can, it's a journey out of the maze, which few make.

Please pay your 10%, beat's actually perceiving, which develops Realization, Knowing and Wisdom.

The entire race of humanity are blood-thirsty savages, with few evolving beyond that stage or level of existence.

DO NOT look at the history of mankind on Earth for example; it might confuse you.

Wake Up, please. Time to do Mature Adult Discernment.

Some can escape this tomfoolery of Control of the Ignorant Mindless Masses. And no, that doesn't mean become the alternative, an athiest...That's a cop-out of no-thought, also.

Not savages? Can I say, 'blood-thirsty' then? Oh, look at the peace-lovers...We'll pray for you as you go to different countries and kill for peace, son, daughter; god is with you. We'll pay your 10%, ok? Get you into heaven.

Can you say, Algonquin? Need some history?


[edit on 24-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:47 AM
You actually have a point. Religion has its downsides but it usually is manifested by an extremist or by someone who uses religion for his own selfish gain. We do not need to eradicate religion for us to survive because the fact is, religion has saved us in more ways than we can imagine. What we need is an open mind and an understanding heart.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 09:58 AM
Monotheism is mankind's greatest tragedy.

I think it's really monotheism, specifically the Abrahamic religions that are grossly out-dated and just an obscene afront and abuse of the collective human spirit.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by robwerden

You are an apostate who is destine to serve and worship the Anti-Christ. You will eventually wind uo in the "Lake of Fire" according to the bible.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:40 AM
I believe religion has caused good and bad through out life.

I personally do not believe in any of the mainstream religions, yet I have my morals and ethics I always stand by.

Religion itself is not bad. It is the people who abuse it...and I hate to break it to you, if people can not abuse one thing they will go to another.

Just thought I would throw that in considering the time...not all stories are religion related, but some are; those that are certainly made some peoples years go by a lot smoother.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by VelvetSplash

Back to "monotheism" and violence, as reflected, for instance, during the past seven weeks in the eastern state of Orissa, India, where Hindu militants force Christians to deny their faith, flee, or get killed. This case is especially interesting because, in the romantic concept of many Westerners, such things are not supposed to happen. It is said that the children of Abraham, being monotheists, find it easy to kill because they are acting in the name of the One God who licenses and sometimes impels adherents to engage in terrorism. It is read and said that such a God—Yahweh, Allah, or the Father of Jesus Christ—is clear and unambiguous about divine purpose, motivating some towards actions that would not be expected in the non-monotheist, and hence non-violent, faiths.

What to do? The American writers called "The New Atheists" have an easy answer: Simply kill off religion, all religions, get rid of God, and utopia can come. However, any review of the 20th century, with its records of the killing of hundreds of millions in the name of state-sponsored atheism, demonstrates that killing off religion will not kill off killing off. Anything but that. So, is the solution simply getting rid of monotheism in favor of alternatives such as polytheism? In South Africa, where decades ago I served as resource for a seminar on religion and violence, a Buddhist, advertising non-violence, was asked what the West would have to give up to promote peace among the religions. Answer: "Dogma" and "Monotheism." Dismissing "dogma" was non-threatening. Pop-religion in the West thinks it can jettison dogma and prosper with feel-good activities. But "Monotheism?" Give it up and have peace, we were told.

The E.U. and coming Babylon;

[edit on 24-12-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:57 AM
Responding to the OP. Its not a mattter of taking religion away. Because even if you did, does that stop the truth. Does that stop God???? The fact is without God and his Son Jesus Christ. I would not care what I do or what sins I creat. For my sins would not be notice.

I could do whatever I wanted without going to hell, or none existence. And there are others that are like me. Without God I would steal. Without God, I might even cheat. Without God I am not a good person. What i do I do not want to do. But what I dont want to do I do. LOL a Romans scripture. Funny. I didnt realize it was till I typt it. God bless

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:02 AM

reply to post by die_another_day

How about pledging allegiance to cloth and swearing oaths to paper?

How about working for and getting paid with electronic code that's backed by faith?

How about reading about events we personally can't confirm or deny, but put our faith in historians and researchers who do the writing?

Honor, Ethics, Law, Finance, History, and even Civics are really all bound by faith as much as religion is. We believe its important thus it becomes important. Its all driven by confidence and faith in systems.

In essence all of these systems are all Imaginary Friends.

very true, What comes up when religion goes away? All I will say is, regardless of how different beliefs are, or what they are based off, or what may or not be wrong or right with them, they are all trying guide us to a "right" way. I think everyone needs to seriously discuss their beliefs and come to an understanding that there will be some differances, and some fundamental similarities. Let us come together and see why or why not we shouldn't believe what we believe...and if we cannot come to an agreement, let us accept each other for what we believe.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by juveous]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by robwerden

The simple fact that an apostate like you exists and believes this absolutely blasphemist rhetoric proves the bible is the word of God and the prophecies of the bible are true and it simply builds my faith.
The abolishment of religion and the belief in a God that you haven't yet seen is exactly what usher's in the Anti-Christ and allows him to be worshipped as god in the Temple of David. Thank you for encouraging me in my faith. I do pray that the scales are lifted from your eyes.

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