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My problem with Alien Implants

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:46 AM
All the implants that I've seen on the net all are either blurry due to pisspoor camera work or are so small they can either be some sort of shrapnel or buck shot. Being in the UK it can be anything including windblown debris. Unless you get a really crisp closeup and detailed analysis from a qualified scientist then any evidence anyone puts online is going to be laughed at.

I for one haven't had an alien implants that I know of ( haven't been 'abducted' either) but any report as stated earlier seems to come from somebody who's medically savvy either being like as before a podeotrist or a dentist, any doctors that are quoted wouldn't have a clue as to what they were dealing with but most likely remove the offending item and bin it as windblown debris / grit/ glass splinter.

To the person in question who reported the 'implant' has no recollection of how the item got into their bodies , glass is explainable in the foot, ever trodden on glass before?. as for the rest of it, I'm not sure . Unless you know for sure that you have been abducted or have 'lost time' and 'find' a lump / bump or nodule that on closer examination has some sort of item under skin then please by all means have it examined by a professional not your local vet or worse still a family member who's a first aider.
And don't let said item out of your sight unless it goes 'missing' , you'll have to face upto the facts that people will think of you as a nut but at least it puts your own mind to rest to find out what it is , even if you don't find out what it does.

Oh and BTW you can buy microsopes cheaply and theres even ones to connect upto your pc that zoom upto 200x as follows (UK)

that way I'm sure you can look and take really close pictures for the rest of us to look at...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 09:23 AM
ok - a couple of issues with the oft repeated notion that the " amien implants " are to track and control us

1 as far as " tracking " goes - they are on a par with pet / livestock microchips -

2 tamper proofing - why are the subcutaneous implants nmost compnly discussed so near to the surface - where they can sometime be detected by palpitation - current medical rechnology can implant a device deep in the body [ arterial implants for corranary patiens ] where they are undetectable without sophisticated scanning

2b tamper proofing 2 - they are very easy to remove arnt they ? just make a shallow incision - and pop - its out when was the last time you saw a bird remove its own leg ring ? or a cow remove its ear tag , or a fish remove its fin tag ?? we manage to tag ` lower species ` with a device the " victim " cannot remove - why are alien implans so easy for us to deal with ?

3 - detectability - x-ray photography has been a std diagnostic tool for > 100 years now can the advanced aliens not make an x-rey transparent implant ??? i have 2 x-ray invisible knives

4 - control ??? wouldnt hardwired instruction one be " never try to remove this " ? a control chip that allows the free will for the victim to remove it isnt doing a very good job

i have numerous peices of foreign debris in my body from various acidents , injuries etc - some even show up on x-rays and the last attempt to MRI scan me had to be postponed to have my eyesockets x-rayed for a suspected metal fragment that my notes say was never removed

people get bits stuck in them all the time - why do people assume that a lump " must be " an alien implant , the need to feel special ?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 09:58 AM
I've had a few x-rays that apparently showed two marble sized implants in the back of my head. Supposedly, I also used to have some small ones in the front as well that fell out after an MRI.

Yeah, people with metal in their heads shouldn't have an MRI. So, it doesn't make sense unless they pulled a switch using a clone or for some reason magnets don't effect these.

Yeah, a clone. Apparently, that's one of the reasons they take scoop marks, but for some reason, only off of living people. A clone would be used if this chosen person was also an experiment in the field using different experimental cloned bodies and when they get sick or even die.

There used to be a site that mentioned these exact marble sized implants. But apparently has since been taken down and there doesn't seem to be any more mention of these either. It would seem as if google and the internet are getting cleaned up.

Most implant videos are non eventful and boring. I suppose some of these might be replaced by some unseen alien in the room also.

Refer to Bud Hopkins book: Sight Unseen

Otherwise, these alleged aliens operate much like the biblical watchers and demons with possessions and than implants would just be disinformation.

There's also mention of Mkultra or government mind control programs that may be responsible for all of this.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
I have proof of them being IN there, help me find someone to get them out and then you can figure out what they are for yourself.

I have enough proof for me they are in ME is what I am trying to say.

I would LOVE to get them out though, believe me...

You've had 3 implantations that you believe were from alien abductions and you've never had/tried to have them removed?? I'd be in on a mission.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

It wouldn't busrt a bubble because like I said it really isn't a big deal and not really a signifigant part of my life. If it was just someone drugged me and then put a rock in my foot to make me look weird I could face that too.

there are psychological diseases that will cause you to experience very vivid dreams and if you were sleepwalking you may have done this to yourself by accident. not trying to insult just saying you should have an evaluation done and with today's medicine they may be able to give you some medication that will block those dreams.

I am a 35 year old female who looks about 17, I get wayyy enough attention as it is, and feel we are ALL special anyways, NO ONE is better or more special than the next, each is different in some way etc....and barley ANYONE in my personal cirlce knows squat about it.... it is usually people I meet by accident who end up talking about it somehow etc... not my party friends or anything.

it's not uncommon to look younger especially if you're on a vegetarian or low caloric diet and don't pop burgers or meat at every meal or if your parents also looked young for their age. i have chinese friends who are in their 50s and look no older than 30.

I just don't now how, or where to get the help..... I kind of gave up.... the last time I went to the hospital the doctor looked at me like I was an alien, because I have had namonia sooo many times, they can't knock me out with anything because I seem immune etc

i personally someone who is immune to morphine and have been given that by mistake multiple times after operations. they were still wide awake and in pain and docs could not give them anything else until the morphine drained out. you're probably immune to some pain medications too, nothing unusual.

I WILL let anyone come to me though if they wanna take them out and disect them.

as a child i ran into countless shards and had to be taken to the ER to have them removed. as an adult i've had my soles become sore randomly and have been tested with some electrical device for nerve functionality. it all looks fine so the docs cant explain it. that doesn't mean there may not be any pieces of glass in there which are causing this. am i alarmed i'm implanted? nope. i'd say you should just not think about implants and aliens and you'll be fine after a while.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by DarkSecret]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:12 AM
This is a good thread and I particulary liked ignorants apes issues/points - very rational. I think you raise some important points there and your quite right about the "tagging" aspect. Another point worth considering is would a significantly advanced civilisation need to use large clumsey implants at all. I can easily imagine a nanotech solution or something that could disguise itself as a white blood cell for example?

also a funny story which is kind of related -

I had a uncle who had a big lump on his arm (below his elbow)and he used to tell us when we were kids that it was magic and If he pressed it in the right way he would turn invisible! When I got older he told me that he fell off his bike as a kid and had a piece of gravel trapped in his arm which then healed over and left a funny floating lump on arm. He never had it removed as it would of taken surgury and could of damaged his nerves and he could of lost some dexterity (He was a musician).

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:33 PM
I'll provide a bit of an explanation for WHY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS DONT REPORT IMPLANTS OR MAKE AN ACCURATE RECORD WITH THEM BEING ACTUALLY DESCRIBED AS IMPLANTS .In my country there is a group called the college of doctors and physcians,this is a professional organization that "basically controls the professional conduct of ALL doctors using punitive measures up to and including absolute denial of license to practice"this group is also involved in training all the medical professionals it will govern .Millions of dollars are donated to this group each year by "stakeholders"government depts.,private individuals,large multi-national companies,political parties,LARGE INSURANCE COMPANIES ect.with the "cover story"true as it may be, that training doctors is good for all citizens of our country[this gives the group immunity from critical investigation and ultimately accountability on any level.]If you are injured at work in my country and you attempt to gain assistance from the insurance company [you are forced to deal with by government law] via medical documentation FROM A DOCTOR GOVERNED BY THE COLLEGE OF DOCTORS AND PHYSCIANS of a work related incident[there are rules demanding that the medical doctor is aware the injury is work related BEFORE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT and hence connected to the large insurance company[SEE STAKEHOLDER OR PARTY WITH A VESTED FISCAL INTEREST AMOUNTING TO HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS] Medical doctors will NOT FIGHT WITH THE DIRECTION THE INSURANCE WISHES THE TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS OF THE INJURIES TO GO.If they are contradictory in there findings they are eventually "blackballed" or punished by their own professional governing body.Do you get it?the doctors arent going to cost the insurance companies[that donate millions to their own training -governing fund] money by documenting expensive long term debilitating injuries so they consistantly find soft tissue injuries and co-operatively undermine the treatment of insured patients through a later finding of "arthritis --which we know almost everyone gets eventually AND IS NOT COMPENSABLE-- By REMAINING WITHIN THE PROFESSIONAL BOUNDRIES THAT THEY THEMSELVES SET OR DICTATE they are untouchable.If this type of coercive behavior is this common AND IT IS S.O.P all over CANADA then you can rest assured that any group or entity that wishes to keep the reality or existance of implants a secret ONLY NEEDS MONEY INVESTED IN ONE PROFESSIONAL GOVERNING BODY to ensure the secret remains a secret in my country CANADA.Did you actually believe that a doctor would risk ten plus years of education and a six figure salary for the disclosure of AN ALIEN IMPLANT?Disclosure of implants through the medical community will come the same way and at the same accelerating pace it is happening all over our world and for the same reasons.THE OLDER GENERATION THAT WAS FORCED THROUGH COERSION TO REMAIN SILENT NO LONGER FEARS ANY RETRIBUTION,THEY ARE EMBRACING THE FREEDOMS THAT THEIR MORTALITY TRULY GIVES THEM, AND THEY ARE SPEAKING UP BEFORE THEY DIE, THEY ARE DOING IT IN DROVES AND FROM EVERY WALK OF LIFE FROM SCIENTISTS TO POLITICIANS TO ASTRONAUGHTS TO BAKERS AND CANDLESTICK MAKERS.One by one they will step forward when they judge that they and their familiers cant be hurt anymore,the most ill ones will come first.THIS IS HUMAN NATURE AT ITS FINEST,YOU CAN CONTROL US SINGULARILY USING THREATS AND DEATH BUT WHEN WE CHOOSE TO ACT AS A GROUP THERE IS NO POWER THAT CAN UNDERMINE OUR CONCERN AND COMMITMENT TO OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS.I had two implants,one came out and the other is still in me,the first was round metallic b.b in my nose the other round non-metallic and in my muscle tissue.X-ray found the second and doctor would not explain anything and told me he wouldnt remove it unless it caused me physical problems.That would have been the end of it for possibly thousands of people-NOT ME.I have an event history.Money can hide anything but mortality will disclose it.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

People who claim to be abducted and have implants removed from them is evidence. It may not be alien in nature, and many are actually natural occurring or have explanations for them. It is the ones that produce signals, or have the nerve endings around them I think is interesting.
To ignore the implants completely is not logical, and against the scientific research for evidence that so many skeptics say is not there for the phenomena.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by NavalFC

People who claim to be abducted and have implants removed from them is evidence. It may not be alien in nature, and many are actually natural occurring or have explanations for them. It is the ones that produce signals, or have the nerve endings around them I think is interesting.
To ignore the implants completely is not logical, and against the scientific research for evidence that so many skeptics say is not there for the phenomena.

There has never been any so calld implant removed that "sends signals" or has "nerve endings" othr then the tissue that overlapped inside their body

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC

There has never been any so calld implant removed that "sends signals" or has "nerve endings" othr then the tissue that overlapped inside their body

Maybe not that we know of publicly. Supposedly the government squashes these as frauds and with death threats. Although, I doubt they're as obvious as they used to be, they now most likely give people agressive cancer.
If someone was found to have implants, someone would still say it's fake? I guess the denial never ends with some people. Whatever makes you happy.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by NavalFC

People who claim to be abducted and have implants removed from them is evidence. It may not be alien in nature, and many are actually natural occurring or have explanations for them. It is the ones that produce signals, or have the nerve endings around them I think is interesting.
To ignore the implants completely is not logical, and against the scientific research for evidence that so many skeptics say is not there for the phenomena.

There has never been any so calld implant removed that "sends signals" or has "nerve endings" othr then the tissue that overlapped inside their body

When doing actual research (as opposed to arm chair quarterbacking the experiences of others) scientists interview their volunteer (target) population. For example, the CDC spent literally years researching their volunteer populations for HIV to be sure that they had nailed down the exact "how" of transmissions. Have you, personally, interviewed abductees who claim to be implanted? Would you change or alter your stance if say 80% of them were former US Armed Forces members? That could open up the playing field to these objects not being ET implants, but US government nanotechnology experiments.

I don't think you can make a judgment on this issue because you don't have a complete set of facts. Science and scientific research is limited when you create conclusion and then work backwards. You then are relegated to isogesis, and that is not particularly helpful to anyone.

You are essentially saying that you don't believe in them, and, worse, are asking people to "prove" the existence of them without providing your criteria for what consists of evidence and/or what would trigger a positive verification and/or validation. That is not true "skepsis". That is cynicism disguised as skepticism.

The ancients knew what skepticism truly was and that is a questioning of a subject; not the doubting of it. Had they doubted and then subjected free thinkers to the slings and arrows of public humiliation you, Sir, would be wearing a wool tunic and thinking that those shiny things in the sky were holes in the celestial window.

I assume by NavalFC you are a Navy Fire Controlman, yes? You are well-aware that the military uses nanotechnology for tracking and monitoring. Some of that technology is disguised as foreign objects. If they implanted someone, a foreign national or hostile, with something that looks like the RFID it would show up on a regular XRay and potentially be removed. Perhaps, a logical hypothesis based on how we humans act in similar situations would be to assume that, like us, aliens are making it difficult for them to be removed.

Now, I am not saying that they (implants) exist, but I am open to the possibility and may conjecture without buy in the "whys" of alien abduction and their potential approach. Allowing myself to be open also prevents me from looking like a total jerkoff if it is later proven to be true.

For example, do we not research at danger species by abducting them, chipping them, and then tracking them? Perhaps, this is what is happening?

I don't know, but I don't ever want to limit myself to the possibilities of something simply because I have not seen it with my own eyes. I don't ever again want to say to someone: prove it! I'd rather ask them to explain it to me.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Rintendo]

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Rintendo]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Dreams don't take you to the other end of town, 2 hours away drive, for 2-4 days when you aren't a drug user and never have been....dreams don't have your grandmother worked up into a frenzy getting the police to look for you, dreams don't have you walking down the street with 4 people, them turning the corner a bit faster than you, and you ending up in the back of a truck in -40 weather hourslater, but not even having a chill, and then getting the police to pick you up, and having the entire family who's house you were staying at for christmas being flipped out thinking you were frozen in a snowdrift somewhere and looking for you all over town all night........

blah blah blah....don't want to repeat myself, with anything....

the age thing, I am a chain smoker, have the worst diet on planet earth, and drink beer 4-5 times a week at karaoke.... ( I actually started drinking so they wouldn't think I was healthy enough to use if that was their purpose, because for a few years I would look pregnant, like 13months pregnant for a month or two, then look fine again for a month or two, when I WAS eating so healthy, and not smoking etc, etc, so I though mabey I WAS pregnant, hence, the new drinking habit did rid me of the pregnant look)

It is pretty much ANYTHING not just morphine for the trying to knock me out thing, the date rape drug doesen't work on me anymore, I am immune, etc, etc, etc...

As for implants? mabey they are used to transmit a signal FROM us to the rest of the world? That is why they are just like a crystal?

Mine are NOT that easy to just 'remove", I tried, and just couldn't get to them.....I tried to burn them off with things for warts and corns, and the skin there won't even get irritated, I stuck a saftey pin through there a few times, again, nothing, won't get irritated....freaks the crap outta me, so I gave up, and yeah I tried doctors and that guy who says he does it, no help. nadda!.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Rintendo

Out of the so called implants removed so far, none demonstrated signa sending or nerve characterisitcs, and no target tracking is NOT done via nano technology.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:47 PM
PS ANOTHER reason there is fear of removing them, is the fear they will come back to replace them.....part of me says leave them in there so they will leave me the heck alone.

The only blips of memories I have, is everything ALL white, and some guy with white hair lecturing me to get back on track and away from religion and back to proper spirituality of loving they neigbor by deed not fake religiosity etc...... I just felt like I had screwed something up and was getting in harsh sh&^%, like when you got cought drinking in high school, or got caught sneeking out in the middle of the night with friends........ that "OH CRAP! I am gonna be grounded for a long time for this one" feeling etc.

Those are the only memories my brain made up for me, so not sure if those memories are false or real....but each time, I KNOW years and years of my REAL memories were gone. So do those close to an amnesia.....mabey of the wrong lessons I learned? Who the frig knows?

I really don't know. I just know that I learned from this that religion is ALL wrong, and it is all about how we each ACT, and treat each other day to day, moment to moment, in not only our ACTIONS, but in our THOUGHTS as well.....blah, blah blah, all that part is in my videos etc.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Please Post some images of these Implants (Holy Truth Knowledge Trackers) and I will TELL YOU which ones are Real and Which are fake (Hoaxers seeking attention from Their Sad and Meaningless Lives and Joining an Internet Message Board to pretend they have Fake Alien Implants)

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

I really have to agree with you here. It's just too sketchy a field to have people on here swearing by it.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
The alien implant craze is another sad part of the field that has become the UFO circus.

Amen. It's really just another way to sensationalize a subject that doesn't need any help being amazing and thought provoking. It doesn't need the hype, nor the lies and nonsense.

I'll say it again:
There are rules of evidence. What doesn't pass the filter has to be discarded.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Originally posted by Wertdagf
you obviously know everything and gave no hint of you possibly accepting its possible. So i guess theres nothing to talk about. Good job. please dont even concider it.

I didnt say it wasnt possible, what Im saying is proof is needed. Something which alot of people in this field dont seem to demand too much of. I never said I knew everything, but based on what has been put forward so far I say the Alien Implant pheonemonon is also bunk.

If there is ever a implant removed and testing reveals it isnt from Earth, no way no how, fine then so be it, but that HASNT been done, and tests so far have revealed nothing of the sort, unless you believe aliens are sticking people with broken glass shards

Maybe the proof is there but we have failed to correctly interpret the proof.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
reply to post by Rintendo

Out of the so called implants removed so far, none demonstrated signa sending or nerve characterisitcs

Prove that none of the so-called implants removed thus far have demonstrated signa sending.

My criteria for what constitutes "proof" is this. I ask that you have all of the "so called implants" in hand, and you have a device that I can verify in a repeatable manner is able to detect signa sending and nerve characteristics. Then show me by running the device over the aforementioned implants and prove to me that no signal registers.

I have to require this because I saw a show on the Discovery channel where a medical doctor performed surgery, removed a triangular chip from a toe, and then proceeded to demonstrate using his technology the opposite of your supposition.

With two competing stories, more proof is required to substantiate either party.

, and no target tracking is NOT done via nano technology.

Prove that no target tracking is done using nanotechnology. Is there an official Department of Defense document that states unequivocally that they do not use nanotechnology for tracking and monitoring?

So you don't believe that something like this: dex.html?source=r_technology

has ever, would ever, or would have ever resulted in implant nanotechnology being used by DOD?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Rintendo

my specialty was fire control, I know how targetting is done none if whcich invovles the use of nano technolog, but radars and satellites.

We dont have any spy equipment so small to be on the Nano Scale
The US military is currently developing spy robots to be miniature, (the size of a bird and then of an insect) but accrding to the media and the military, finishing these will take until 2030. Mankind has only very recently began to delve into nano techology, wehave a long time before we master it on such a scale as you have claimed.

As far as the implants, the tests results are available online and I have refrenced them numerous times now. Not one alien iplant currently removed has been a transmitter. No alien implant has been shown to be anything "out of this world"

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