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My problem with Alien Implants

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posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Hey sure I use sure too much! I like the word OK

Yes you are right nanotechnology is work in progress but its still a recognized science. We have a nanotechnology lab where I work and those guys in that lab would not like to be described as anything but scientist.

Do I have any evidence of implants or nanotechnology working in our yes and I do believe the subject in this video is very real.

You say OUR R&D isnt advanced enough to implant nano bots into us, but thats not to say alien R&D isnt though is it.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:39 AM

I sent you a U2U

The words 614 wrote are right on.

Earth is a Laboratory and some humans are pets, some specimens and some left to roam. We are to them as animals on Earth are to us.

Instead of your tracking tag hanging from your ear it is implanted in the tracking device located in the back of the head in the middle of the lower left lobe as I have written about many times before.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
reply to post by mellisamouse

Marks and bumps in and of themselves do not prove alien implants. proof would be having them removed and such, when you could see whether or not they were alien in origin. So far no testing or observation of any implant has shown such.

correct. I have some of those bumps on the inside of my foot. He looks flat footed. Mine are only veins that stand out to much because i sit on my A** at work and the blood flow causes it. You need to check out your circulation with a doctor.


posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:21 AM
NavalFC,I was abducted and had two implants that I am aware of,one was a nasal implant which my body rejected or rather ejected,the other is firmly lodged between my calf muscle and my leg bone,yes it shows up on x-rays,no it doesnt show up on mris.

No I will not remove it,it might save my life or the lives of people I love.I considered removing it but posters such as yourself helped me decide that it really was special after all.

I have pictures of the x-rays on my cell phone and I could download them right now,but I wont simply because I have already provided enough proof through my story,if my word isnt good enough then my implant surely wont be.

As a military person you must understand the value of intel.I happen to have it,and you dont.

Be careful when you advise people to contact others in the hopes of recieving help with their implant issues,it isnt that cut and dried,I know I have tried.

Proof is simple but then again so is free energy[flying saucer technology which is really egyptian tech rediscovered],I dreamed about it and then found another Canadian who built it.Read about David Hamel.

While you are at it heres one with some military history for you,remember the Kursk?

Do you know what the Kursks mission was when it was sunk by an American sub?

Research the mission the Kursk was on and when you learn about the torpedos that Russia was threatening to sell China then you can research the technology used to make the torpedos a gamebreaking weapon worth starting an international incident and even a war over.

Then you can accept this,I dreamed a dream that explained to me how ufos fly and as soon as I learned about the method used by the Russian torpedo to defeat the drag in the water it all came together for me.

Because of my dream pal,research David Hamel and keep your mind open.

I also dreamed the reason that cattle are mutilated near abduction sites.

Read Canadians abducted by humans in blue uniforms sound off.

Then come for a walk or a drive with me and count the lights that go out or on as we pass by,then drive the same route with your wife or someone you trust and recount.

And dont ask me to video tape it and post it please.

Actually if you dont mind catching your own airfare and accomodations you are welcome to come to Canada and check out my implant in person,but it will cost you ,survival equipment is expensive and I'm one of those guys who is a little nutty over surviving.

The amount of evidence in every sector of the UFO search grid is overwhelmingly decisive,time to wave the white flag if you were a non-believer.

Thousands of pictures and videos,thousands of corroberating witness statements,from all walks of life ,implants removed from patients,physical trace cases of all types,and because of your background TONS OF MILITARY EVIDENCE.

But yet you ask for more proof?If there were loud bangs going off outside of your foxhole and you could hear the buzzing of angry bees,and you could smell cordite in the air,and there were bloodcurdling screams all around you but you had to go use the bathroom ,and your buddy told you to wait and keep your head down because someone was shooting at you,would you stand up and ask him for proof later,or would you keep your head down and piss in the corner just that one time?

Does your bladder feel full,because if it does I would advise you start looking around this circular room for a corner you can use.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:56 AM
The problem I have with the OP is that it is basically a list of unsubstantiated claims and assertions.

Yet ALL claims need to meet the burden of proof. The OP doesn't do that at all, it just makes a list of claims and assertions without supporting evidence but then requires others to provide evidence to prove it's unsubstantiated claims wrong.

The requirement for evidence works both ways.

If all the OP is going to offer is opinion based on impressions (which is fine, we're all entitled to our opinion), then there can be no complaint when opinion and impression and personal experience are offered as refutation.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by Malcram]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:32 PM
Excellent perspective ,thank you,I believe that it is the personal choice to make a decision to accept specific information to be reality when one considers evidence THAT supercedes in importance the weighted value of the evidence itself.

What I am saying is that I could put a real piece of nonterrestrial metal in your hand and you would have to make a personal choice to accept that it is what I say it is.and before you do that you will have to make a personal choice wether the lab that did the actual testing was the very best lab available?,then you would have to have made a personal choice before all of this that something merritted your investigative curiosity in the first place.

This my dear Watson,is proof that you do in fact accept that there exists a perspective that includes these things and you naturally want to find,or learn,or share that new perspective

All that is left for you to do is decide which pieces of evidence are the most authentic because we have already established that you accept that something exists based on the merit of your personal choice to engage in an exchange of perspectives.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 10:19 AM
Good Job, Tezzaj! This Naval guy strikes me as someone paid by the government to discredit ET existence.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Ascens1on
Good Job, Tezzaj! This Naval guy strikes me as someone paid by the government to discredit ET existence.

Excellent first post - resurrect an old thread just to accuse the OP of being a paid disinfo agent.

Looking forward to seeing much more of the same.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: one4all
Excellent perspective ,thank you,I believe that it is the personal choice to make a decision to accept specific information to be reality when one considers evidence THAT supercedes in importance the weighted value of the evidence itself.

What I am saying is that I could put a real piece of nonterrestrial metal in your hand and you would have to make a personal choice to accept that it is what I say it is.and before you do that you will have to make a personal choice wether the lab that did the actual testing was the very best lab available?,then you would have to have made a personal choice before all of this that something merritted your investigative curiosity in the first place.

This my dear Watson,is proof that you do in fact accept that there exists a perspective that includes these things and you naturally want to find,or learn,or share that new perspective

All that is left for you to do is decide which pieces of evidence are the most authentic because we have already established that you accept that something exists based on the merit of your personal choice to engage in an exchange of perspectives.

If one lab found that the isotopic ratio of the metal indicated it was of extraterrestrial origin then it would make sense to get another lab to test it as well, perhaps even a third.

But then what?

You have a piece of metal which was not from Earth. How would we know it was not manufactured from a metallic meteorite? Further testing by metallurgists as well as planetary scientists who specialize in studying meteorites would help greatly.

The whole point is that the establishment of your hypothetical piece of ET technology would not be subject to belief.

It would be subject to testing and discernment of facts.'

If after rigorous testing it turned out to be something of extraterrestrial manufacture then you are likely to share a Nobel Prize with whoever wrote a paper on it.
edit on 1-12-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-12-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: NavalFC
many of thse surgeries are done by one man, whom these documentaries always refer to as a surgeon or try to make him out to be famous or reknown, when hes not, and what the shows dont tell you is that the man is a podiatrist. Not to insult podiatrists, but in instances when your dealing with alleged alien implantation and things such as these youd need an expert with a bit more knowledge then a podiatrist brings

I believe you are refering to Roger Leir? He IS a surgeon, he is a pediatric surgeon. What sort of knowledge should one have to remove implants that this guy doesn't have? He knows how to use x-rays, perform surgery & send the objects to a laboratory to have them analysed. What else does he need to know?

EDIT: He kinda is famous for removing supposed alien implants so they aren't really making him out to be famous or "reknown", when hes not.

P.S- It's spelt R-E-N-O-W-N

edit on 3-12-2014 by HanaDambi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: HanaDambi

I believe you are refering to Roger Leir? He IS a surgeon, he is a pediatric surgeon. What sort of knowledge should one have to remove implants that this guy doesn't have? He knows how to use x-rays, perform surgery & send the objects to a laboratory to have them analysed. What else does he need to know?

EDIT: He kinda is famous for removing supposed alien implants so they aren't really making him out to be famous or "reknown", when hes not.

P.S- It's spelt R-E-N-O-W-N

He was a PODIATRIST, not a pediatrician.

Whatever expertise he had [foot stuff] did not include the identification of "alien implants" and analysis of their nature, or any detailed knowledge of materials, terrestrial or otherwise. Pretty much anyone can pry out a splinter and make wild claims of its extraterrestrial origins based on dubious lab analysis interpretations.

And you're right... he's only known because of his appearances on sensational UFO shows.
edit on 3-12-2014 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: draknoir2

Yeah I know lol I remembered afterwards when i was away from my computer. Still doesn't change the fact he IS a surgeon.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: HanaDambi
a reply to: draknoir2

Yeah I know lol I remembered afterwards when i was away from my computer. Still doesn't change the fact he IS a surgeon.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 10:07 AM
It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a world renowned surgeon to do what he did.

Clearly he had all the expertise one needs to remove foreign objects from someones body and have them supposedly analysed by an independant laboratory.

but yes alien implants are bs and he was dellusional and/or

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: HanaDambi
a reply to: draknoir2

Yeah I know lol I remembered afterwards when i was away from my computer. Still doesn't change the fact he IS a surgeon.

He's made some outrageous claims and exhibited a reluctance to test them. That's not something a -credible- scientist (which is what he pretends to be) would do.

For instance, he stated on one show that the 'alien implants" broadcast on a radio frequency. When the host asked him which frequency he said he couldn't tell him because that was secret information and then invoked a bunch of scalar waves nonsense which you see in pseudoscience circles.

He's a podiatrist with outlandish and unverified claims who like to appear on TV. Nothing more.

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