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If the NWO were real.. it would've happened

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posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:38 PM
If the 'NWO' (wolfpack lol) were real it would've happened already. This is the biggest problem I have with the whole NWO conspiracy. Everyone always says 'its coming' 'its coming' but it never materializes. Its obvious from the plethra of videos on this site about police brutality and those videos from the RNC that the police can/could control us if they wanted to. My biggest question to all you 'NWO Fanatics' is this; What are they waiting for?

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Ketzer22

Look at things like the patriot act and the numerous other laws/acts that have been passed under the guise of terrorism prevention....then come back with your question.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:44 PM
It's happening. It's not the sort of thing that will happen overnight. They're using the "boiled frog" technique.

The cameras going up everywhere around you are for a reason. They're not doing it because they love you and care for you.

And if anyone doubts they have intentions of doing it, here's a message from (arguably) the most powerful man in the world.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
It's happening. It's not the sort of thing that will happen overnight. They're using the "boiled frog" technique.

The cameras going up everywhere around you are for a reason. They're not doing it because they love you and care for you.

And if anyone doubts they have intentions of doing it, here's a message from (arguably) the most powerful man in the world.

That video just creeps me out every time I see it...

The evil just radiates from that demon.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:51 PM
It takes generations to brainwash society so it may embrace such an idea. It is still to dangerous to "jump in" to a New World Order. Everything will be integrated slowly until nobody can fight back.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:57 PM
I understand your guy's concern, but how long will it take? How long has this conspiracy been around?

Its almost like any other doomsday prophecy. This one just never has a definite ending so it can therefore never come to an end. I feel no less free than I did 10 years ago, I've never been hassled by law enforcement, or anything of the like. I think the reason people are under this impression now is because videos are much more widely available. I'm sure no more police brutality happened 50 years ago than today, the only difference is people can put it up on youtube and other websites and it is now available to everyone to see. You might see 100 videos of police being jerks, but you don't see a video of the 100,000(?) traffic stops over the last month that have been routine. I think its all in your heads, a conspiracy of this magnitude is just impossible to pull off.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Ketzer22
I understand your guy's concern, but how long will it take? How long has this conspiracy been around?

Its almost like any other doomsday prophecy. This one just never has a definite ending so it can therefore never come to an end. I feel no less free than I did 10 years ago, I've never been hassled by law enforcement, or anything of the like. I think the reason people are under this impression now is because videos are much more widely available. I'm sure no more police brutality happened 50 years ago than today, the only difference is people can put it up on youtube and other websites and it is now available to everyone to see. You might see 100 videos of police being jerks, but you don't see a video of the 100,000(?) traffic stops over the last month that have been routine. I think its all in your heads, a conspiracy of this magnitude is just impossible to pull off.

Let me ask you this question...

10 years ago did you experiance the un-patriot act?
10 years ago did you experiance the fisa bill?
10 years ago did you experiance nspd 51?

Look into this stuff it is very real.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by TaZCoN]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:20 PM
I fear the real answer to the OP is completely different.

"It would have happened already"...

In a very real sense, it already did.

The beginning of any new 'order' must have with it the power to control nations; to be able to prop them up or take them down. You must have the silent complicity of all those in power around the world.

They must race to answer you call and come to you at the drop of a hat. The leadership they offer their nations must be complaint with the 'orders' will, and must never question or deviate from the objective of complete control.

It's called the World Bank. It is supported by the IMF, the International Bank of Settlement, and all the Central Banks of the world.

This has already been done. Comply or face UN sanctions, which all other countries are tacitly obliged to enforce.

The picture of the '1984' 'big brother' isn't something you're going to see, certainly not the way Hollywood has made us think of it.

The real control comes when people like you and me think there is no control. That's perfect control.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:33 PM
OP, I advise you to read over history text-books carefully, and read over essays by various politicians before you make your conclusion.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:45 PM
It is happening, and has been happening secretly for a long time now. Why isn't it outwardly visible in mainstream society? Well, that's just because it's not time for that part yet. These people are methodical. They get their orders from other entities (not the good ones, mind you). How do you think they know all the things they know about jet propulsion and flying at mach speeds or basically anything dealing with new-age traveling? Because it is being taught to them by other entities. They also are very religious and go by dates prophesized many eons ago. They are aware of this sacred knowledge of the ages and know exactly when to impliment their NWO. (it's written in the stars and even encoded in bible)Obviously that time is not upon us as of yet, but when it does come, it will come with full force.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 09:39 AM
Here In the U.K we are being pushed in to getting biometric ID cards. Nobody here asked for ID cards, but it's happening anyway. biometric ID cards are just the beginning. By 2010 i won't be able to get a passport without one. so i can't leave the Country with out an ID card! after the ID card comes the microchip implants. the tech is already there but it's just a case of convincing the public. they will probably say that people keep losing the ID cards of getting them stolen so now we have to put them under your skin, OK? Have a nice day now.
This IS HAPPENING NOW. The NWO is being implemented. the final stage of the plan however is mass panic which they will create through world war three, this has also started already. look at russia and georgia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and now the war mongering bush is talking about invading pakistan for no reason. it's not getting any better is it?
If you live in the US you no longer have a constitution or bill of rights, you can get arrested for "thinking" terrorist thoughts and held indefinitely with no evidence.
The NWO Is here my friend, the fight is on.
Get researching and start telling people, whether you care about them or not!

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Remember this video? He made this speech on Sept. 11th 1990...

Oh its real enough, and they want order from chaos.

First comes the chaos, the situation whereby order can be made...

For me this press conference seems like yesterday, it hit me hard, his words, and I have watched with open eyes the evolution of this process.

It is real and happening right before your eyes.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:52 PM

Is this what you mean?

because it certainly wont be this obvious.

Get back into your free speech Zone!

[edit on 9-9-2008 by TruthTellist]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Ketzer22
If the 'NWO' (wolfpack lol) were real it would've happened already.

Nope...You're not taking into account that the 20th Century is the first time in human history that mankind has possessed a sufficient enough level of technology to make the NWO possible on a worldwide scale. The UN is one of the key components for implementing "International Laws," to begin binding together a one world government over all nations...That didn't even exist at all until post-WW2. A look at the history of human civilization shows how their power has grown in increments, right in line with the advancements of technology.

Originally posted by Unmask The Deception
It takes generations to brainwash society so it may embrace such an idea.

And it's by controlling the education system (through subsidies & subtle control over the curriculum) is how they accomplish this over the generations. That & how they use the MSM to spread even more deception over the public. This is why they fear an uncontrolled internet...It stands in direct contrast to their plans of control. As we "progress" further into the 21st Century, the widespread public access to the internet & alternative sources of information has been the linchpin for people around the world to piece together the whole mess the NWO is making...The very same kind of mess that's been on the uprise throughout our history. This is why the NWO has started cracking down so quickly since the 9/11 attacks: They see People becoming aware of their actions & intentions & it scares the hell out of them because the control of information has always been one of their keys to maintaining control over how people think. Fortunately for the People, the internet represents a "jurisdiction" that the NWO didn't lay their claim on before it got out to the general public.

It seems to me, from the various sources of information that I've seen, that the USA is pegged to be either the "herald" of the NWO spreading across the world, or that the USA is "planned to fall as a failed empire," being bankrupt & deeply into insolvable debt already, to allow China's fast-rising economy & production capabilities to take the USA's place as the NWO's new herald, which would effectively reduce the USA to something no better than the "NWO's military Enforcement arm."

Originally posted by Ketzer22
I understand your guy's concern, but how long will it take? How long has this conspiracy been around?

The whole range of human history shows that it first started on the level of villages, towns, cities, provinces, nations...And now the technology is advanced enough to spread the NWO to the whole world. The people pushing for NWO are using the same old plans & the same general strategies, but it's the advances in technology & their use of it that's the real key. But their strategies are the same...lies & deception, controlling how information can be accessed (in which control over the internet itself has been a big failure on their part, but they're still trying), invasive surveilence, selective use of force on individuals, groups & nations. The growth of the NWO is directly linked to the growth of technology & how they implement it against their "enemies"...Which happens to literally be everyone else not actually with them.

Still, I think there's some time left before the NWO can claim total control:
There's still the Real_ID to be implemented. Even though there's over 20 States opposing it, the Feds are getting it out incrementally through the TWIC currently being imposed on Maritime Commerce & all federal employees. Piecemeal implementation will eventually include everyone...A common-enough scene in Stalin's Russia & Nazi Germany: "Your papers, please!"

Also, they need to gain control over more territory with tangible resources, either by the unification of large blocks of nations (like the EU) or by conquest (through the never-ending War on Terrorism), before they can "browbeat" the more reluctant nations into lining up (under the UN, most likely).

There are other factors involved, for certain, but I'm not up to listing them all here. However, nearly all of the infrastructure is in place for the USA's push for open fascist-totalitarianism, but they still need at least one more "national emergency" to "justify" that push to the populace.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:16 PM
If you really think it isn't happening then i think you don't know the idea started in 1776.... It's been planned carefully and now being executed. It goes deeper than you think..

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:10 PM

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 02:21 AM
basically its a step by step process. I remember a Illuminati member being quoted prior to any world wars, that the plan is for 3 world wars, the last one specifically to be between Islam/Xtianity.

Plus we havent been technologically advanced to chip people for a long time, but now the technology is here and they will start with prisoners in the UK then credit card holders. Get ready

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Ketzer22
I understand your guy's concern, but how long will it take? How long has this conspiracy been around?

Its almost like any other doomsday prophecy. This one just never has a definite ending so it can therefore never come to an end. I feel no less free than I did 10 years ago, I've never been hassled by law enforcement, or anything of the like. I think the reason people are under this impression now is because videos are much more widely available. I'm sure no more police brutality happened 50 years ago than today, the only difference is people can put it up on youtube and other websites and it is now available to everyone to see. You might see 100 videos of police being jerks, but you don't see a video of the 100,000(?) traffic stops over the last month that have been routine. I think its all in your heads, a conspiracy of this magnitude is just impossible to pull off.

You're kidding right? They're in control already. Do you really think they'll anounce publically, "We are the NWO and we're taking over." It is the same as your normal job. You earn a good salary doing something you love, but just go up against your boss and you'll find yourself in the street with nothing. He controls you by giving you what you want, as long as you don't upset the apple cart.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Ketzer22
If the 'NWO' (wolfpack lol) were real it would've happened already. This is the biggest problem I have with the whole NWO conspiracy. Everyone always says 'its coming' 'its coming' but it never materializes. Its obvious from the plethra of videos on this site about police brutality and those videos from the RNC that the police can/could control us if they wanted to. My biggest question to all you 'NWO Fanatics' is this; What are they waiting for?

Not only that, but how a plan thousand years old EVER had a "rebel"? If they are so greedy, vicious and without concern for anything besides profit and power, how can they stand eachother as a group?

I don't know how to feel about this, I do know that there are some very powerful groups that control media/oil/governments. You'd be a fool or naive if you don't believe this, as well as the fact that they manipulate to get what they want. But a matrix-kind-of society is just too far fetched for me until some serious evidence comes along.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Ketzer22

Look around man, step-by-step, it's constantly forming right in front of us.

This Nationalized Freddie and Fannie here, that Executive Order there, the consolidation of Corporate Power that I've been witnessing for the four decades I've been alive.

Privatization (corporatization, is more accurate).

The usurping of Constitutional limits on government powers.

The decline of the Dollar ( special thanks to the traitorous Federal Reserve System for this) the fact that two-income families are less financially secure today, than one-income families were in the early 70's.

The Welfare State, National ID Cards (papers please).

Weaponized viruses, the Medical/Pharmaceutical Cartel, GM foods.

Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21, etc...

Don't look too hard, or you will find evidence.

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