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American Media Purposefully Hides News

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 01:20 PM
Does any one say what the cause of the tensions are?

I think its oil.

But do not know all the factors.

I don't trust too many web pages, I wait for TV news analysis so my
computer is not affected.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 06:27 PM
I doubt it is not really the issue of whether you are using the CNN main page or the CNNWorld Edition main page.

I agree for the most part with news being hidden and suspect at times.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
If THAT is not a conspiracy, evidence of information control .. what is?

Welcome to the machine my Celtic friend. Try not to awaken to quickly it has a tendency to take a person off there feet.

When deregulation began I knew this would happen.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Does any one say what the cause of the tensions are?

Its not simple.

There are A couple regions WITHIN Georgia, that are effectivly, thier own Autonomous Republics... These regions are technicaly rebellions against the Georgian Goverment, and are not Regonized by the US, Nato, or the UN.

Russia has close ties to these areas.

Georgia made a move into one of these regions(South Ossetia), and then Russia moved in to protect the Region... As 90% of south ossetia is Russian citizens..

So, now Russia has moved into Georgian land...

ITs pretty crazy... and there is no simple answer here...

Georgia has been building GREAT relationships with the Western World... Including having the 3rd most troops commited in Iraq/Afganistan... Behind the US, and UK...

Russia feels like they are only defending thier allies..
Georgia feels like they are only trying to Re-stablise thier country...

Its a shame that Russia had to make this a BIG deal...
Its on the West to respond now...

Russia is doing this as a show of power i belive...

If this doesnt cool down right away, then it could get worse...

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:33 PM
One of the biggest problems is media consolidation. The mainstream media is falling into fewer and fewer hands. The companies that control the media are larger and larger, more and more "corporate" in attitude and outlook. More and more there is pressure not to "rock the boat" or to print anything that could negatively impact the share prices of the mega-corp that owns a particular station or newspaper. News gets blander, more pro-status-quo, less controversial. And with a smaller number of people in charge, the temptation and opportunity to use the media for self-enrichment or other nefarious purposes grow larger.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by silent thunder]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:39 PM
I thought it was only me, but I know exactly what you mean. Wolf Blitzers show on CNN yesterday was almost entirely dedicated to the whats-his-face scandal. I dont normally watch news channels because they are full of people's opinions and no actual facts, but I wanted to see maybe some footage of whats going on over there and all I could get was people talking about the Edwars stuff. Seriously who gives a shi*. I don't understand how anyone in this country, or around the world for that matter, could be shocked that a politician lied.

Thank God for the internet I guess.

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