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'God is punishing Canada'

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

im not sure exactly what you meant by that, but i can tell you that the only reason that these people have been allowed to get away with what they get away with here. is that we are all Americans and as such are all entitled to our opinions and our right to protest.... do i agree with them? most definately not. Is it my place to tell them they can't do it? no, it's not... they have a right to spread their message... no matter what it is.

so please don't turn this into "America is lazy, that is why these people can get away with this."

keep your anti-american rhetoric to the threads where it is relevant.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by johnsky

speaking about not liking someone, and killing them are two totally different things, please keep your anti-american mind set out of this.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by johnsky

you clearly speak from pure ignorance... no offence intended, but you just don't seem to have a grasp on the fact that. just because i say that i don't like X race... it doesn't necassarily mean that i am going to kill anyone from X race if i see them

like i said in a previous response to you... talking about not likeing someone and actually killing them because you don't like them, are two ENTIRELY different things.

you Canadians are so worried about not getting someone's panties in a bunch, that you have basically taken people right to free speech away... at least in a very small way.

seeing as how now, if you truly don't like gays.. you can't say that without going to jail... simply saying you don't like someone doesn't infringe on thier personal safety... only their feelings.

Fred Phelps and his goonies are labeled the most hated family in America for a reason... but they are allowed to say what they want because we are a free country that respects the right of everyone to say anything that they want. so long as it is not a direct physical threat, and so long as it doesn't infringe on anyone elese personal liberties (and im sorry, but if you think that saying you or that God doesn't like a particular group of people is infringing on their personal liberties and rights... then you guys are just a punch of you know what's.)

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:58 PM

What about the Dont Taze Me Bro, guy?


We have more freedom of speech here, regardless of what you say

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 01:03 PM
There was a line that I found oddly funny in this story. I say oddly because it was not by any means necessary:

"The group has held pickets and protested on issues throughout Canada and the U.S., commonly with only a small handful of people in attendance."

Only a small handful, huh? lol. I really hope the intention was to bring a bigger crowd to run them out of town. well time can only tell i guess.

Phuck Felps

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

ahhh, i figured that would come up... did you watch the video??? he was yelling at the man, and causing a general rucuss. he was asked multiple times to sit down and shut up, and instead started yelling...

there is a difference between standing across the street holding picket signs saying "god is punishing canada", and walking into the funeral and screaming that he dies because god hates him. and not allowing the funeral to carry on as it is supposed to.

you see... like i said before you can say what you want, so long as it isn't infringing on someone's rights... protesting and picketing a funeral from outside the cemetary, most likely across the street (because that is how they have managed to do these things without getting arrested here in the US.) is not infringing on anyone's right....

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by thecandyman
God already punished Canada by allowing it to become part of the Federal United States

Hmmm, you would figure us Canadians would have gotten a memo or something if we had gotten annexed by the U.S.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:56 PM
Too bad this has turned in Canada vs US freedoms thread.

Heres some relevent information. A group of about 200 to 300 Winnipegers
has come together on facebook and plan to form a human wall to keep the idiot protestors far away from the church.
I am in Winnipeg currently and cannot believe these idiots are here. I plan to lend my support to the counter protestors tommoro at 3pm and cannot honestly say I want to remain peaceful. The thought of these idiots chanting BS slogans at this grieving family turns my stomache.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:55 PM
We Canadians will not allow those freaks anywhere near the funeral.
The second one of their picket signs is lifted i promise you it will come down very very quickly as will the person holding it.
I wonder if they realise they are entering the crime/murder capitol of Canada?

There is groups of people signing up on facebook saying they will be there as a human barricade and this pretend church of freaks wont make it anywhere near the funeral. That is if they get into the country. One vehicle load of them has already been denied entry.

Either way they will soon find out they are not welcome.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:22 PM
So a group of them managed to cross the border. We've also received word that they've been spotted in a small town near Winnipeg.

Church members enter Canada, aiming to picket bus victim's funeral

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:11 PM
What ever happened to lovely church people? Here we go again American Church people judging Canadians when will this ever stop. Canadians have done nothing to Americans. Ignorance and stupidity it it so sad that they are so scared of everything that is different. Religion is the root of all evil if you ask me. Most of the problems in the world are because of the way people think well I hate to tell ya all but you are going to have to change and soon...

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by ZombieSlayer

I ALMOST feel bad for them. I know some guys in the 'Peg, plenty tough. I also know cops there, Those people are in for a world of hurt if they show up there.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Rook1545
reply to post by ZombieSlayer

I ALMOST feel bad for them. I know some guys in the 'Peg, plenty tough. I also know cops there, Those people are in for a world of hurt if they show up there.

You are very correct. This has been the hot topic in the Peg all day. At breakfast and lunch, this is all you could hear being dicussed all around. These baptist idiots will not find there welcome here very nice. Truth be told they are not even staying in the city proper, but are hiding out in rural Manitoba with some people who are giving them shelter. Kills me that they have supporters in Canada. Funny thing is, their local supporters have not come out to voice their support for their southern brethren. They obviously know whats going to happen tommoro and want no part of it.

Hope there is a large police pressence, because this will end in violence judging by the emotions I have witnessed all day.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Going through these posts I see that nobody here actualy knows what kind of problems Fred Phelps and his family can cause. Fred is an accomplished lawer as well as every single son an daughter. They all have law degrees and have caused holy hell for folks because it costs them nothing to sue but it costs plenty to fight these cretins. A certain gentilman punched the old man during a protest a few years back. That man lost his farm and everything he owned, then these bastards went after the sons and daughters of the man. They spent most of the families money fighting Fred and company. They need to be delt with in a more permanent manner. They are dangerously deranged but not stupid by any stretch of the imagination. If you intend to take them on. Be prepared to take each and every one of them out.


[edit on 8/8/2008 by ZindoDoone]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:41 PM
For the first, and god I hope the only time, I'm mad that I live all the way over here on the West coast. I really wish I was closer so I could attend the beatings. Err, I mean counter protests

Give 'em hell Winnipeggers, if you're gonna let them leave alive, make sure they make their exit in a world of pain and pelted rocks.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by ben420]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

The problem he will face up here would if he was allowed to practice law here. If not, they would have to find a lawyer that would be willing to take the case. With our laws against hate speech and congregation, he might even find his followers on the defendant side of the room. The other problem is being able to get the guys that actually knock them around arrested. One of my wife's cousins is a cop there and he has said that if he is there he will not be arresting anyone that does anything. He will be "too busy with crowd control", he said most of the cops have said that. Whether they actually do it or not will be found out tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Rook1545

Knowing how this family plans things, don't be surprised that he has infact already attained the rights of counsel in Canada. These cretins never go anywhere they cannot fight back in the manner they choose. They believe in the tactic of never fighting on anyones terms but they're own. Just a fair warning!!
I've seen it before is all I'm saying!!

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Finn1916

Its similar but there are subtle but significant differences when compared with the U.S. While there is freedom of speech, it often is trumped by the sensitivities of the community. They have a very real chance of being denied entry into the country or of being arrested the moment they start the protest.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:27 PM
Wow, can't believe I didn't hear about this sooner. I live in Winnipeg...I'm so there. I can't believe I'll finally have a chance to spit in the face of an actual Westboro Baptist Church member. There really is a god.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:51 PM
Wow those protesters are going to get their asses kicked big time if they show up.If they put up any violent resistance,the cops have no problem using Tasers on their asses and from some reports I heard these cops have even shocked and killed people over there with Tasers so let's see,this could get interesting!

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