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massive oil deposit found in the usa

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:59 PM
The issue with drilling in this area and the oil shale of Colorado is that is not cost effective.

Like other people have said this has only come back to life because oil prices are soaring and its only now that is becoming a viable option. Any kind of annoucement to star drilling in these two areas combined with declining demand and people changin their habits would certainly lower the prices of oil to the range in which these two projects would become once again not cost effective, and you should probably add to that that OPEC would make sure that they saturate the market with oil just to make sure this would not happen.

Oil is the past, get rid of it.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:12 PM
Most likely they would drill the oil and sell it to the Saudis to make a profit. As long as we keep paying for it at the pump it doesn't matter and we can't win.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Lets for a moment pretend that the world is not all in cohoots and really each country independant and there are no such conspiracies.

If you were the US Government and knew you could access Oil on your own Territory at any time would that stop you from depleteing the other nations and doing business with them to make money and if their oil supply runs out you will just tap into your and be the only nation that has oil???

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by uknow_me72

You're assuming two things:

1) Every oil nation is running out of oil in the near future
2) The United States buys oil from every oil nation

Both assumptions are wrong. The major oil nations will not be running out of oil anytime soon, and we do not buy from every oil nation, so being the "only country with oil" is not going to happen.

I hope you don't truly believe that the scenario you typed out is actually happening. If your scenario was truly what this government has planned out, I'd be sorely disappointed. I know its the popular thing to assume they're incompetent, but you know what good it does to make assumptions.

[edit on 5/28/08 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

Was just to spark a thought.

I know that Oil is a renewable resource contadictory to popular belief to have a reason to raise Oil prices.

It's a by product of Earth...

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Bunch

Agree. As I've also cynically said about ANWR oil, it would be put on the world market and slurped up at the going rate. Thinking that any of this oil would lesson the price we pay is an oil pipeline dream.

Oil rigs can't be built fast enough down the road from me, and a friend said that the oil platform next to the one he works on (off the Pacific Coast near Santa Barbara) is being taken out of mothballs, being readied to start production again. I don't think all this is being done so I can drive cheaper.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:23 PM

This is a 2500 square mile field that is in Saskatchewan,Manitoba, Montana and North Dakota. There are many wells being drilled as we speak.

Saskatchewan, partly because of this as well as Rare earth, diamonds, coal, uranium, potash, is booming. The fastest growing economy in North America.

Also great fishing and hunting!

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:33 PM
I could be wrong here, but I think we'd have to pull out of OPEC in order to see a drop in oil prices. That's probably not going to happen.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
reply to post by uknow_me72

The major oil nations will not be running out of oil anytime soon.

It has already been proven that demand outstrips supply. THIS IS CALLED PEAK OIL"

There may be many oil feilds that have not been tapped into but to get it you will be burning more then what will be pumped out of the ground.

What oil is left will become harder to refine so the price will increase because of running cost to get it.

[edit on 5/28/08 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by SystemiK
Just for clarification, this oilfield was discovered back in 1951. It's only been "rediscovered' by the media since the booming oil prices have made it economically attractive to drill there. On the downside, pipelines and refineries need to be built before this area can be fully utilized. Something that will take time and plenty of money.

This resource will be a great boon to the US but you need to understand that it will be years before the bakken field can even put a dent in our oil imports.

Actually, with the rise in fuel costs being attested to speculation in the market, knowing that this reserve would be online in 5 years actually would drive down prices.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Bunch
The issue with drilling in this area and the oil shale of Colorado is that is not cost effective.

Like other people have said this has only come back to life because oil prices are soaring and its only now that is becoming a viable option. Any kind of annoucement to star drilling in these two areas combined with declining demand and people changin their habits would certainly lower the prices of oil to the range in which these two projects would become once again not cost effective, and you should probably add to that that OPEC would make sure that they saturate the market with oil just to make sure this would not happen.

Oil is the past, get rid of it.

thank god we have a winner .

finally someone who doesn't have their head stuck up their
. oil IS the past and we need to move on guys . this is a roller coaster ride that we've seen already . how many times do you need to get bent over and have it busted off in you before you take a different path .we need to move on to an energy that we can't keep being hijacked by other country's over . and basically our politicians are no longer our team and they fall under the same category as the saudi's and the Venezuelans " another country ".when it comes to the all mighty dollar they " our politicians " are only here to rape us of every penny they can get out of us AND ALL of our rights . so if you think that they or the oil companies want to help you and your family's plight your kidding yourself . all that is being done is to try and quite the uprising attitude of the people here in the us before we rebel and they don't get to keep our hard earned money any more.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:16 PM
I worked for over 3 yrs. in the oil field around Evanston Wyo. in the late 70's before the drilling was shut down, over night. I would talk to the Geoligists on the rig where we were drilling, we were just mapping the oil field. One hole on the Utah side of the boarder and we were getting crude over the shakers. They told me the profit margin was higher for using oil from other country's. It's up there we are just pawns

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:19 AM
you realise (of course) that the this field hasn't been exploited so far because it is enormously difficult to produce from. The fact that it is being reassessed as a viable field is a sign of the desperation of oil companies. Just get used to it - natural resources are not infinite and you have no justifiable claim over the oil which is under other nations. Saudi natural resources are for Saudi's to use (either to burn themselves, to sell to you or just to sit on and watch your consumer society crumble)

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Solarskye

But what about the wildlife in North Dakota and the people living there? What about the air and the fifth the oil would bring to the state? What about living green and keeping our beautiful country beautiful?
What about that

I say get out the drills and start the motors and get ready! tooo RUMBLE!
But what about?

I agree with you that we should try our best to protect the environment.. I look at it this way... If gas prices get any higher in price then they are now very very very bad things could happen which would make the occasional oil spill and oil air smell in North Dakato seem like paradise.. what if a new war is started over oil... think of all the frikin damage that will cause... depleted uranium.. exploding oil fields... maybe a nuclear war and world destruction? Sometimes there is no perfect answer... I think a real enviromentalist should be begging the US to start digging for oil in Alaska.. the coast of the us... ND... It would do less harm than not digging...

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by centurion1211
Depends on whether the eco-nazis can come up with a reason why we can't drill in North Dakota. BTW, I've been there and it should be OK to drill there.

You are correct about the eco-nazis.
It should be ok to drill anywhere within the U.S. and it's waters.

Very good using the method of association to sway your argument.

The world is going to hell in a hand basket and we are burning our way there and shortsighted nazis like you want to keep doing it.

Not nice being called a nazi is it. Please refain from doing so. Just because you disagree with a group of people who passionatly believe we are destroying this planet and whose actions are altruistic is no reason to call them nazis.

What would you do with books and scientific papers proving we have to stop burning oil? Burn them? Hmmm I wonder who did that the last time....

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:49 AM
I think Bush, the Saudis, and all his oilmen buddies planned this all along. His little show of asking the Saudis for more oil was just another public television stunt, to pretend he is looking out for us when in reality he is in league with the enemy. They have driven the price of oil up in order to get the public so worked up that we are willing to open up all areas for drilling, so these companies can come in and rape the planet with less opposition.

Remember there are many old wells in the U.S. that have oil, but were abandoned because it cost more to extract the oil than they could sell it for - as others have pointed out this is no longer true, but prices will need to remain high in order that it makes sense for the oil companies.

I agree, the fact is we need to quit relying on oil for transportation. That is the ultimate solution. The other fact is how long is it going to take until we can all turn over our primary cars to alternative powered vehicles. It looks like the affordable ones wont even begin to be sold for a couple years. So, at the very least we have 5 years of pain.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:55 AM
If nothing else we should all start the dissemination of as much positive information in regards to oil availability and all the alternatives that will soon be available, so that we can counteract the false reports that have created this price madness in the first place. We need to exercise our power, to change the outlook. We can do that by writing post such as this and by word of mouth and change our fear to their fear of not having customers in the near future.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:57 AM
As I understand it price is governed by supply and demand if supply cannot keep up with demand the highest bidder gets the oil.
So while the price is rising it would be good business sense to increase supply. I believe they cannot and time will prove me right or wrong.
I'm a firm believer in Peak Oil and I think we are seeing it now.
There is no way Big Oil will admit this as this would immedietly (edit that word for me) cause riots and energy wars that would make Irac look like school ground rumble.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 07:00 AM
some people are so ignorant its not even funny

high prices? the USD is being revalued - quite correctly against the other currencies in the world - it has been over inflated as a currency for too long; next oil - if you actually bother to check any bource around the world there is a surplus in oil , which is why OPEC have said ` why do we need to pump more oil?` - the prices are a result in US speculators in imediate and futures wanting to make money - at your expence , coupled with the revalued USD means that US consumers are now paying for the greed of the market men in nyc etc

so instead of blaming OPEC and the saudi`s - look for the real reason for high prices, look at the people getting rich at your expence and look at the way teh currency USD is being revalued.

the `problem` is that transactions , to date , are taking place in USD - which is why countries are now moving away from USD to the EURO.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 07:38 AM
How about the Air Car being developed in India? erID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&n=1101406101

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