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Ahmadinejad: Israel A 'Stinking Corpse'

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posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
reply to post by US Monitor

Funny isn't it? Why does every congressman/woman fear them? Why is it that every presidential candidate must visit them and say they support them on record? Why is it that they're known as the most powerful lobby in the US?

Really? They all fear them? And any wanting to be POTUS HAS to visit them? Paranoia is a scary thing.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:02 PM
.....I hate to do it but I am agreeing a bit with DJ.
I don't like that so many of our high level government officals have duel citizenship with Israel. Did Vatican tell someone something about we better protect the "homeland" or we will have some plague brought down upon us? ( I mean no disrespect to anyone ) I just am a little concerned why we don't mind them spying on us as openly as they do, and why "we" are so overt in our protecting them at all costs.
I'm no CT, but I sure do get uncomfortable from time to time about this.
I imagine DJ is even more so, obviously.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:04 PM
What's funny about this is that when Bush called Iran a part of an axis of Evil that it was the worst thing ever said and how awful it was and how wrong he was. Now how many people here who feel that way are in turn defending ahmanutjob and his remarks?


posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah

Originally posted by lightseeker
So, just in case his sentiments were not clear enough in 2005 when he called for Israel to be wiped off the map

And if I were to prove to you that he didn't, what would your response be? Not only can I show you that he didn't say that, so can the countless of other posts on this site.

Can you also show me that he didn't make the remarks about Israel being a "stinking corpse" that was destined for "annhialation"? Why would you even defend someone who makes remarks like that, unless you agree with them. Is that the case with you? Inquiring minds want to know!

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
Funny how this news translation of him saying Israel is like a "stinking corpse" is from the same people who said he wanted "Israel wiped off the map." Coincidence that Jpost is a propoganda website, or what?

If you bothered, (which I doubt), to look at the other news site links in the OP, you would see that the Jerusalem Post, and many other newspapers, were only reporting the original news report by AFP, Agence-France-Presse, which only happens to be the oldest news gathering entity in the world. Don't try to blame the JPost for making this up. Ahmadinejad doesn't need their help; he is perfectly able to put his own foot in his mouth without any assistance.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
.....I hate to do it but I am agreeing a bit with DJ.
I don't like that so many of our high level government officals have duel citizenship with Israel.

Ermm, excuse me!!!??? Which high level government officials would you be referring to? Perhaps you would be kind enough to shed some light on this amazing statement and list those high ranking government officals for us uninformed boobs.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:01 AM
Betcha oil prices will rise some more. This guy just has to fart to make some pain at the pump.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:21 AM


Or is this more


along the lines of

PRE-TEXT for unilateral Military Action?

I note that the Haertz and the Jerusalem Post were the sources quoted and links provided.
President Tom reminds me of Mohamed Shahab al Shahif the Iraqi information Minister full of rhetoric and bluster.
Fact Israel has nuclear weapons..Israel is not allowing anyone to inspect anything.
Fact Iran has the right to pursue anything that Israel has all ready done..fact.
Now if IRAN wants to be an idiot about it and say " I am going to kick your ass when I get it" He's stupid...because...he's gonna get his ass kicked before he gets to the point that he can..BOO HOO Osirk was not an anomaly it's POLICY
Let me tell you if we want PEACE in the Middle East the least we can do is We provide all PARTIES
WITH NEUTRON BOMBS and delivery systems...Live in Peace or Die in pieces
We can walk in and pick up the oil when they are done..If we cant win the peace then lets WIN THE WAR by getting the oil when the FOOLS who have it are dead and gone .


posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:22 AM
He's full of it...He's been saying how much he hates Israel ever since he got into office...This guy is all talk. He thinks he has the power to wipe everyone off the map but he's got more eyes on him now than he ever could have asked for. Whether or not he has nukes, he'll be attacked I'm sure. He's just an evil idiot in my opinion. Hellbent on making chaos and instability in the world. I look forward to seeing this guy get what he deserves.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Yea, the tyrant is too afraid of Israel and the freedom of democracy that they represent along with the rest of the west. He and others aims in the ME are for everybody to be a muslim in the end. Too bad some of the ME just cant tolerate seperating church from state like the west. Maybe they would be happier people if they could. As for the dinnerjacket and his proxie war against the ME who want to freedom, I hope this comes to a head soon and he can get a tamohawk through his bedroom window. I dare hezbollah to start the rockets into israel again to see what happens. I think everybody is about fed up with the proxy war his regime delivers. Hopefully when it's all said and done the moderate muslims will flourish with other religions able to live in peace in the same area. I say we hit them with Overwhelming force and hit them hard so it's over fast with limited civilians hurt.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:40 AM
This is just the usual pathic propaganda i have become use to, MATE if someone invaded America and then treated you guys like animals how would you react ?.


[edit on 10-5-2008 by helium3]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by helium3
This is just the usual pathic propaganda i have become use to, MATE if someone invaded America and then treated you guys like animals how would you react ?.
Alright, I'll bite; when did Israel invade Iran? I must have missed that while I was out at the grocery.
BTW, how, exactly, are the Israelis treating the Iranians like animals? Inquiring minds want to know!

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:15 AM
The Iranian clown boy better shut it up before he ends up as a design on the side of the worlds largest glass salad bowl. All he has to do is say he has one, for a counterstrike to take him out, and make him a glowing design on the side of it......

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Forgive me for being naive but what is the animosity between Iran and Israel all about really? Is it all solely based on religious views or is there more/something else to it?

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by zephyrs

Here ya go:

Iran - Israel Relations

This should give you an overview of Israel-Iranian history. Hope it helps.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by lightseeker

Originally posted by helium3
This is just the usual pathic propaganda i have become use to, MATE if someone invaded America and then treated you guys like animals how would you react ?.
Alright, I'll bite; when did Israel invade Iran? I must have missed that while I was out at the grocery.
BTW, how, exactly, are the Israelis treating the Iranians like animals? Inquiring minds want to know!

To be fair there not, but the point was missed. I was trying to make the point that why are Americans so PRO-Isreal ?. After all if the US stop supporting Israel you guys just mite have FREE HEALTH care, i guess you like paying just for a GP vist ?.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 02:14 AM
Heres some other great stuff dinnerjacket is up to in lebanon:

In an interview with Al Jazeera’s Rula Amin Druze leader Walid Jumblatt admitted he underestimated Hezbollah’s strength, “I did not anticipate such a strong response from Hezbollah but…yes…the group is much stronger than other armed militias.” That should not have been surprising since Hezbollah has been seriously trained by Teheran since 1982 with the intention of having them become one of the more powerful presences in the country and a virtual extension of Iran’s military. Jumblatt then added omniously, “If you want to know what the next move for Hezbollah will be, ask Ahmadinejad (Iran’s President). This situation goes beyond Lebanese borders.”

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 03:11 AM
Well I hate to break it to the die-hard Republican hawks here, but this is nothing more than war-time propaganda in a lame attempt to try and discredit Ahmadinejad and make him out to be the "clear & present" danger Iraq supposedly was...
And we know how true that turned out to be, what with the phantom WMD's and all..

I wonder how long it takes this load of Western-propagated crap to be debunked? I personally give it two weeks..

Just like how Ahmadinejad supposedly said he wants "Israel wiped off the map"?

Oops... mistranslation. DEBUNKED.

Or that he was one of the hostage takers in the US Embassy Crisis in Tehran in 1979?
Even the CIA admitted there was no

Or that he hates Jews?

"...some people think if they accuse me of being anti-Jew they can solve the problem. No, I am not anti-Jew ... I respect them very much ..."


Don't forget his supposedly arming Shiite Militias in Iraq:


And look at the source of this dubious story... the Zionist publications of Jerusalem Post and Hareetz?
You gotta be kidding..
Yeah it's really above the Israelis to try and smear Iran with falsified publishings.
Nice try anyway..

When will people wake up and smell what Bush is shoveling.

He's pulling the same stunt he did with Iraq here and people are actually falling for it a second time! Unbelievable...
How the hell can you trust the man who told you Iraq had WMD's and links to Al-Qaeda?

Fine be blissfully ignorant, just don't say people didn't warn you when Iran turns out to be a paper tiger as well...

[edit on 10/5/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 05:37 AM
Hitler was one cruel and cold-hearted dictator however actions of Israeli regime suggest otherwise. Period.

PS: Hope it does not open up a can of worms here

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by LOYAL
Hitler was one cruel and cold-hearted dictator however actions of Israeli regime suggest otherwise. Period.

I agree 100%, but tragic twist is after what Hitler put the Jewish people through Israel turns around and does the same thing to the Palestinians.

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