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Stephenville Lights are Back Again!!! 12 Feb

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Those pictures are just show that even ETs like to boogie.
Either that or they're terrible drivers.
I've seen those images before. I've even gotten some when I've taken pictures of the moon or the sky at night.
The Google Map image is wild. My question is if it is some secert govermnet plane they are testing or something why is it on Google Map? Wouldn't they make sure that satellite "traffic" was clear? Because like when they send up the space shuttle they make sure as little as possible is out of the way. It kind of makes me think someone wanted us to see it.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by AnnunakiX

Those colors are not from this Dimension and does not follow our laws.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:01 AM
Hmmmm....... Once again I ask the owners of this site. "Have you guys tried to contact any of the people who are witness to these events"? If these people want to talk then I.M.O. the owners of this site should encourage them to come on here and talk about these events? This site has enough crediable people to conduct a cross forum on these events and come up with a plausable explanation or solution as to what is going on down there. If A.T.S. wants to be a front runner for this type of stories then all of us in here need to encourage the owners to "be more pro-active" in getting to these people. I'm not trying to be a ass hole here but silence on these matters isn't the answer.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:06 AM
How great would it be if a single one of these blurry light photos were taken with something else in frame? The light of the flash reflecting off a tree... or a distant building or light on the horizon... just something to confirm that the lights are actually up in the sky.

Until I have some frame of reference, I simply can't believe this. I'd like to, heavens would I...

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by TheBorg

I would like to point out that the pictures in this post could just as easily be the result of an overanxious witness trying frantically to snap a picture, only to get a shaky thing like we see there. I think it bears mentioning that we always need to take these kinds of pics with a grain of salt as well.

I hope I am not breaking any rules by posting this, but I believe it is quite worth mentioning. The only other way to provide this info is to have Angelia Joiner post her own words here.

Anyway, Angelia Joiner has stated the following about the symbol lights:

I interviewed this man and did a story that I still have. I watched the video about three times. In the frames from Howe -- the first frame you see is when he tries to zoom in. That happens several times as he tries to zoom in. There are parts of the video that are crystal clear. Those frames you see here are very blurry and do not really give an accurate picture. He did show me how he held the camera against the porch post to try and remain steady. Don't know if this or the article might help. I also noticed the background noise was continuous throughout. Just traffic passing on the highway and he and Eric talking about what they were seeing. He said his grandson called his attention to "funny lightning" the night before but when he went out he didn't see anything and the skies were clear. The kid was seven and he told me about it. too.

One more thing, the constable confirmed to me this is what he saw. He said it was "like a light show." It was not exactly what Steve Allen saw but he said it was the closest thing to what he had seen. He said, "It kept changing shapes." It was shown on Channel 11 news with Carol C. broadcasting from the courthouse square in Stephenville. She sent the small portion she had to her analysts and as far as I know they found nothing questionable. I was there with her in the live truck so I'm sure she would have told me if they had found a problem. She called me just to come and see it because they were all so amazed. But I have to say those reproductions look a lot like it.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:43 AM
EDIT: Tired, Mixing threads up, fails at posting

[edit on 14-2-2008 by JRedBeard]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by JRedBeard

No worries man.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by AnnunakiX]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:05 AM
The witness say that the streaky jumpy lights are what they saw. Yet that Ricky fella described a very lage craft hovering overhead but that was in daytime(?). I thought the video of the jumpy light strings was in real time and not a series of photos but actually the way the phenomena appeared to the witnesses.

Does anyone else agree or disagree?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by seawolf197
reply to post by AnnunakiX

AnnunakiX, I've been saying the same thing about Dorthy Izatt's films. The Stevphenville lights, and Dorthy's light beings are one and the same.

People just don't want to take the time to compare the two.

Come on Dave Rabbit, please comment.

For the people that say: "I've never seen anything like it." It's because you haven't seen her documentary.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by seawolf197]

Was she on Unsolved Mysteries??? the reason I ask is because I did see something similar and it was on this show where they interviewed this woman that took photos similar to these images. Though I don't know if this is the same person.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:28 AM
These types of sightings (dancing lights in the sky) are always intriguing. Mostly because in my mind I can't come to a solid opinion of what they could even be. Lets say it was either Military or ET, then what is the purpose of having a craft "dance" in the sky for several minutes. Perhaps it has a perfectly logical reason for doing so, but no one here can answer that yet. As mentioned before, it's eerily reminiscent of Dark Knights EOTW theory...

I remember watching this YouTube video recently which is a great recording of a "dancing light" in the daytime. I'm sure many of you have seen it, but for those of you that haven't, go to about 8:45 to see the real "dancing effect". (Warning: this guy has focusing problems)

YouTube Video of daytime dancing light

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Question

Yup. Dorothy Izatt was on a couple episodes I think. The one I know for sure is Unsolved Mysteries: Vancouver Lights.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:54 AM
AnnunakiX, my first thoughts were that the nearby airfield, given it's history, would be an ideal place to experiment with those mid air holograms that you had mentioned AIST 3D IMAGING here.

The scale must need an amazing amount of energy. My question is, is there still activity at that airfield that would account for that kind of power?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by AnnunakiX

Great find AnnunakiX. Flagged & Starred.

Just wondering if you think this report on nuforc has anything to do with the Stephensville sightings? It's kind of weird it's on that site, if no UFO was mentioned.
This incident was around the same time. Strange to say the least.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:40 AM
Here is the (sky highway map”) of the area.
If you find Dublin , right below it is a big box drawn with fuzzy edges. That is the Brownwood1
MOA (military operating area) It is the airplane version of a kids sandbox, where Lockheed and
The military get to test their new toys and where our brave airman learn how to defend our nation.
They are supposed to keep there toys in the sandbox. Find the FWNAS JRB (KNFW) and draw a line between them. See the towns that are in the path? Remember the Lockheed SR-71? Built by the skunk works
AKA : Groom lake/ area 51? That “Blackbird’ was built around 1959. I saw it land at WPAFB air force base
“retired” to the museum around 1995. Wow if that thing was flyin’ low and slow over the neighborhood in say
1960, we would have pooped our pants! Kelly Johnson designed that one with a slide rule! Imagine what the boys are playin with now.

All about the base here.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:17 PM
I think i know what these images are really of. They are pictures of stars with a digital camera. I'm an amateur in astrophotography, and i have numerous pictures of stars and planets that ended up looking like this. I would show some pictures, but unfortunately I deleted them (they were bad pictures). I will see if i can some tonight. I was really shocked when i saw these pictures of the stephenville lights because i knew i saw them before.

I also noticed the little lights in the background of the images. This is called noise from surrounded lights from stars.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by xRedlinex]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:52 PM
This Stephensville incident is just great. It won't die and the military will have to either retract their statement or put themselves further up #s creek by telling another whopper to cover all the recent activity. All the different accounts from the people are what I find the most interesting. Now, most people here are trying to delineate between the massive object seen during the day and the lights coalescing into one bright light at night as different objects. I submit that they are one in the same. After listening to many testimonials from different accounts from all over people have said that these ships have been able to turn themselves into energy and back again. My guess is they are being shown the physical craft by day and shown their alphabet at night. A subtle way of saying "hi, we're here and now we're showing how to communicate in our language."

I wish a fellow such as Jim Sparks would try and decipher the symbols. These symbols are very similar to the ones shown in 'Capturing the Light' and that gives it more creedence imo. The fact that she filmed these symbols with film as opposed to video gives you 2 different mediums yet both producing similar images.

I took a gander at this site. It shows alien symbols, unfortunately it doesn't show their meaning. If we had some sort of pocket dictionary for alienspeak perhaps we could decipher what is being said in the skies. Alas, we don't so we can only look dumbly at the pretty imagery.

I just had a thought. There seems to be a large amount of contactees on this board. This would be a great challenge if you could tell us what is said it could only help bolster your claims. If anyone on here has been shown what the letters mean please provide a translation. Oh, and show your work.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:02 PM
FOX 4 News in Dallas video report from last night!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:13 PM
can't believe this hasn't been raised for discussion yet: perhaps the lights are signals. signals to whom? well, presumably there are 3 groups that it can be designated towards.

group 1: humans, correction, a particular group or person, it would be unlikely to send a signal to all humans by displaying and releasing the signal in one small section of the earth. with that said, who sends a signal which can't be translated and thence interpreted? I know. someone who sends a signal that doesn't have an interpretation. by that I mean, perhaps the signal was the actual lights being in the sky. that was the signal. the color array, the formation, the time, none of that mattered. because the lights being there was the whole signal. for instance you have a group of assassins (figuratively speaking of course) that are planning a strike. you say Ill give you the signal. they don't know when to strike but know to be prepared. they see the lights/hear of the anomaly, and know that, its time. lame scenario I know, but still, some signals work in this fashion. in fact many signals have been communicated in the sky. smoke signals for instance, were heavily relied upon by american indians, and many other groups. also, if there were 10 jets in the area as is claimed by the military, these may in fact have been defensive actions/offensive actions/or warnings. I can see why it would return if this was the case.

group 2: extraterrestial beings. now suppose that the anomaly was caused by et's. the lights may not have been meant to be directed to mankind. but being as that they were in the sky above them, mankind couldn't help but wonder what it was, what it means/meant, what it is, where its from, what's it look like, what what what, why and how. this could have very well been a signal from one et to another et, who would likely understand just what is being shown. it is also possible but again highly unlikely that mankind sent this to et. extremely unlikely imo.

group 3: the unknown. an unknown must be accounted for.

I will post the rest of my thoughts on this eventually.

[edit on 2/14/2008 by agent violet]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by damagemouse
Those new pics really remind me of Dark Knight's warning/predictions....

Maybe I should move to the catskills?

Exspecialy, with the plasma laser technology mentioned above. DK did say "they" were going to show symbols and such in the sky to scare people. Looks like they can do just that, put symbols in the sky. Not sure why people will get scared at symbols in the sky, but thats me. If DK is right, then the next couple of years we'll see more "Stephenville Lights' in other parts of the country more frequently.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
FOX 4 News in Dallas video report from last night!


UFO Hunters is doing a show on it. Nice. I've caught a couple episodes of that show so far and it's pretty decent. All the episodes I've seen have covered cases from 30-60 years ago. So now if they are investigating a current case they have a chance to acquire some contemporary evidence and not just sediment and searching for lost plane wreckage. Hopefully they can hook up with Ricky Sorrells and capture the lights with HD cameras. Then we'll get some real great detail.

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