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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 01:59 AM
This is a note directed at Gridkeeper specifically (I know you are out there LOL) and I will expect your U2U....

To our followers I promised I would start showing the 'list'

But as to the rest... this is one of my sources, one who has come forward before and does not mind his name mentioned...

To me and John personally, I can honestly say I was humbled by this contact...

I saw the following picture of the International Space Station taken by
a ground observer which I thought might be useful to add and compare to
the photos you have posted on the secret military space station:

Your web site is fabulous. Give my regards to John Lear. Thanks.

Russ Hamerly, PMP
Senior Project Manager
Boeing IT Services
Work (425) XXX-XXXX

Russ did not take the picture... it was presented to us with this additional note...

You could quote my name as finding and forwarding the image, but be clear that I did not take it. And here's an idea - get the fellow who took the pictures of the secret military space station that you have on your web site to talk to the person who took this one and tell him where to look - he may be able to come up with a comparable photo of the military one.

If you wish to know more about this gentleman you can visit here.. (second from bottom0

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by sr71b
If the person is not a scientist why is the the thread titled Nasa Scientist Fired?

Ummm gee I dunno maybe because the articles quoted say "scientist'? Just a thought that obviously escaped your observation

I love how Zorgon and lear twist every word to suit their claims. It's a complete joke.

I'll hold my contribution record up to yours any day. Your only angle is continual insults... and not very original at that... so who is the joker?


hoping to take aride on the soul catcher.

That's weird... I don't recall anyone but you suggesting you can ride the soul catcher... you sure you have your facts straight?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Aelita

Also, once Virgin Galactic starts making regular suborbital flights, there will be little difference between that and continuous orbital observations. To my knowledge, nobody's trying to stop VG.

Aquila Rocket (many have heard me mention this ship) made by Amroc "American rocket" ...George A. Koopman, president and co-founder
of the American Rocket Company.

"Mr. Koopman died of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. He was forty-fouryears old. The realization of George Koopman's dream of creating affordable access to space will be his memorial."

Amroc goes bankrupt...

SpaceDev takes over,,,,

"SpaceDev's background and expertise in hybrid propulsion technology was derived from the initial knowledge base produced by American Rocket Company (AMROC). "

SpaceDev makes deal with NASA...

SpaceDev Given Go-Ahead on NASA CHIPSat Mission

SpaceDev challenges Virgin Galactic

"Founder leaves SpaceDev, challenges Virgin Galactic"

Scaled Composites Makers of SpaceshipOne
July 2007 Major accident killing three key personal sets them back dramatically

Scaled Composites makes the ships for Virgin Galactic

Steve Fossett and Branson good friends Steve was to pilot one of VG's ships

Steve Fossett has vanished of the face of the Earth, plane and all still no trace founds after many weeks..

The world is NOT as you think... Stop wasting your time debunking that which you have no idea of and do a little research

[edit on 3-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
Could you respond to my post on page 13, please? I'd love to read your thoughts.

Tomorrow I will I just got to here now and need to turn in Heavy day tomorrow...

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:23 AM
I'm interested if this guy really reveals anything tomorrow. Hopefully so.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:50 AM
Lots of stuff to reply to, thanks Mr Lear!

johnlear-Here is the Lunar Atmopshere Data Sheet from NASA.

Check. Got that already, all the NASA centers are chock full of them. I think HQ buys them by the ton. These things are like sand at the beach, gettin into everything.
I should have been more specific as we were discussing a breathable atmosphere on the moon. Yes the moon does indeed have an atmosphere, but not one you or I could breath.
Well, maybe if your lungs were really odd, really, really tiny, and you don't smoke....

But this is not enough to fill the sails of my new propulsion concept for an updated LOTRAN rover, or make any money with lunar wind farming, is it? I can't save any taxpayers a single dime if I'm stuck with RTGs, batteries or Sterling engines. I guess we'll continue to certify for vacuum operation.

This statement is a distortion of the facts generally by those who have never attempted the experiment.

The "point the binoculars at the moon" experiment? I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right, tried flippin' them the other way for a bit, but then the headache made me stop. Had to clean the lenses too much as well.

Some excellent research was done by V.A. Firsoff and is related in his book Strange World of the Moon, Its Seas, Mountains, Atmosphere, Climate-and its possible Life., Basic Books, New York copyright V.A. Firsoff 1959 Printed in Great Britain.

Considering the best lunar science of 59' told us many things considered quite wrong in light of recent discoveries, perhaps this could be a problem.
In 59' the best lunar geologists were quite certain that most craters were the result of volcanism. And in time, Gene Shoemaker proved impact origin to be correct.

My favorite subject is the moon and I feel I know a little bit about it.

Same here. Can't get enough green cheese!

Here are some names I collected over the years of scientists/astronomers who belived that there was an atmosphere and life on the moon. You may recognize some of them:
William Herschel
Mestrius Plutarchus
Nicolaus Copernicus
Aristarchus of Samos
John Wilkens
Hans Kepler
Peter Andreas Hansen
William Leitch
John Herschel
William Whewell
Asaph Hall
Mikhail Vasin
Alexander Shcherbakov

I do indeed!
Several built on previous works, which perhaps can expand your list-

Lukian of Samosata
Francis Hicks
Lodivico Ariosto
Bishop Francis Godwin
Francesco Lana Terzi
Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac
(yes that de Bergerac)
Richard Adams Locke

Of course, most speculations by the above (including Keplers') dealt with lunar transport
via supernatural means, but it was the best science of their respective day.

But as the common denominator of that list is, mostly: dead guys... in several cases REALLY dead guys, I should think that those concepts have their proper place in antiquity, and we should move on to more recent science.
Like that of these-
Gene Shoemaker
Alan Binder
Paul Spudis
William Hartmann
Phillip Chapman
Carolyn Porco

and one other issue-

Ask yourself what they could be doing for those 52 hours for a trip that should only take 20 minutes?

I did.
And the answer I got: orbital mechanics. That complicated, counterintuitive stuff that makes landing a 100 ton glider in the right place possible.


posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:57 AM
More replies-

Is Virgin Galactic planning to travel to the Moon? I doubt that they'll be allowed to enter a low Moon orbit, or get close enough for passengers to make out any great detail. I don't see paying passengers landing on the Moon any time soon

Check out what Constellation Services International has been tinkering with-
Lunar tourists

Virgin has no immediate plans along these lines, but Burt Rutan does.

There was a guy in the UK who built some very large private rockets, but as he got to the point of making orbit, the UK government stopped him flying. I wonder why.........

At the link-
"An amateur unmanned rocket has been launched into space from the Nevada desert - the first time this has been achieved by a privately-built vehicle."

I think "amateur" is the key word there. The notion of poorly designed spacecraft raining down on population centers makes any government nervous, and me too.
Besides the obvious problems of gravity and FAA regs, things like ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) has some nasty side-effects. Say I buy a Japanese camera, and want to fly it on a Russian rocket, I can't as it's legally classified as a weapon.
Stupid, yes, and many are trying to get it's language revised. It's a wonder a UK built rocket got off the ground in the US.

People like John Lear are doing more damage to their own agendas than anyone else could.

You presume to have a grasp of his agenda. Care to share?

HE3 couldt be made on the moon because of the fact that there isn't an atmosphere ?

Helium III comes from the sun, it sticks to the moon because of ..well, no atmosphere there.

Well this is NOT a thread about the atmosphere on the moon... not sure how it got back to that... but I will answer your question..

Oops on 1, and thanks on 2.
(see previous reply regarding tenuous lunar atmosphere)
How big are your lungs Zorg?

You know that is very insulting, your insinuating we don't know what a spectrograph is.

Not if I don't know that you know what a spectrograph is. But you must admit a cereal box and CD spectrograph IS pretty cool.

As your new here I will let it slide ONCE

Most kind.
And if it happens TWICE?
What? Boot me outta here?
Did I miss the Zorgon section of rules?
Gonna get me fired from NASA?
(My contract is pretty airtight... so to speak)

Chill, Z.

Why, Planning a trip?

Very much so. Actually beyond planning at this point, we're building stuff!

Do you have any facts and figures to show me how high and how dense an atmosphere would have to be yo show this effect? Until you can show me this data I can easily see that an atmosphere low to the ground, free of water vapor and dust (most of the time - don't forget that NASA says the Moon sunset/sunrise rays are caused by levitating dust) may not be sufficient enough to show this effect.

And insinuate another insult? I think not. You're a sharp guy, you know what spectroscopy is and have a computer, you don't need me to tell you about refraction during occultation, like you might see observing Venus or Mars or any other planet.
Electrostatic dust effects DO need a lot more study, you're right about that.

However even NASA has a tracking document that does indeed contain observations of this effect

See! I knew it.

Sounds like a threat LOL You sure know how to make friends fast

I had no idea you were so easily threatened.
I didn't write the rules, but I do take comfort in knowing that nobody will post any BS, as it's not permitted.
May I respectfully suggest decaf?


posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:02 AM
More on topic-
I can't find anyone from any lunar lab who remembers anyone named Ken Johnston.
But I'll keep asking. Let me know if someone comes up with a year he worked there.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:08 AM

"Founder leaves SpaceDev, challenges Virgin Galactic"

They left out the "founder of SpaceDev lost 51% of company to his ex-wife in a nasty divorce after she caught him with a grocery checkout girl" part.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by SpaceMax

Is Virgin Galactic planning to travel to the Moon? I doubt that they'll be allowed to enter a low Moon orbit, or get close enough for passengers to make out any great detail. I don't see paying passengers landing on the Moon any time soon

Check out what Constellation Services International has been tinkering with-
Lunar tourists
Virgin has no immediate plans along these lines, but Burt Rutan does.

Interesting article, thanks. Here's a couple of quotes from it:

"That stage then ignites, pushing itself and the Soyuz and its passengers toward the moon. The flight, which slingshots around the moon but does not actually enter lunar orbit, will take six days."


"So far, then, Constellation’s moon tourist proposal remains just an idea."

It just reinforces my original quote. Firstly, it's just an idea and secondly, it only plans to shoot tourists around the Moon without letting them enter a lower orbit to identify any surface features.

If and when it happens, I'll be very interested in the results, for sure. Let's wait and see if it will be allowed to happen, or not.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
I have received a reply from Kay Ferrari of JPL's Solar System Abassadors program.

Here is Ms. Ferrari's response (emphasis added):

Dear ...,

In response to your question about the press release issued on the Enterprise Mission website, here's what happened.

On October 19, a question was raised about statements attributed to one of our volunteer Solar System Ambassadors, Ken Johnston from New Mexico, regarding NASA photos from Apollo showing alien structures on the Moon.

Since this seemed very odd to me, I called Ken to find out if this was true. Instead of answering the question, he offered to resign from the program. I accepted and followed up with a letter to Ken confirming the details of our conversation.

It wasn't until the next Monday, October 22, that I became aware of "Dark Mission" and learned that Ken was going to participate in a press conference regarding the book.

Thanks for the inquiry.

Kay Ferrari

Well, there's a twist to the story. Did Johnston offer to resign from the program? That's Ms Ferrari's version. Or was he fired? What exactly transpired? Read on....

According to Kay Ferrari, JPL Director of the SSA Program (in a phone call to Johnston last week), it was Johnston “being quoted [as] criticizing NASA in Hoagland’s new book, ‘Dark Mission,’” that prompted her to ask for Johnston’s resignation from the SSA Program. When Johnston refused, citing First Amendment protections of free speech afforded all NASA employees, even those at JPL, Ferrari apparently decided to remove him arbitrarily from the SSA Program this week without cause.

JPL’s ultimate decision to fire Dr. Johnston was initiated, according to Ferrari’s phone call, “by an initial inquiry to JPL from James Oberg, of NBC News.” Oberg is a former NASA contractor and a colleague of Johnston’s at NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center during the Apollo Program in the 1970’s. According to Ferrari, Oberg, in his e-mails, raised “serious issues regarding Johnston’s credentials” and his “crackpot accusations” against the agency. Oberg’s NASA contractor history begs ethical questions regarding his efforts to get Johnston terminated, based on Johnston’s testimony in “Dark Mission” and intention to present further “missing” Apollo images and data at the National Press Club.

Getting curiouser, what?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by zorgon
wow, that´s something..
good find.

once again,

[edit on 3-11-2007 by anti72]

[edit on 3-11-2007 by anti72]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Tuning Spork

To tell the truth, I haven't found (yet) anything written by Ken Johnston himself saying that he was fired, I can only find that press-release where they talk about the news conference where he...

... will testify at an Enterprise Mission sponsored National Press Club news conference this Tuesday, October 30th (Zenger Room, 9:00 AM) , how he disobeyed these NASA orders, secretly preserving the critical Apollo images. Johnston will then show some of the "missing" Apollo frames...

Nowhere can I see Johnston saying that he was fired or even saying that he will tell why he was fired.

As far as I know, "Dark Mission" can be using his name just to make the news conference more interesting.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
To tell the truth, I haven't found (yet) anything written by Ken Johnston himself saying that he was fired, I can only find that press-release where they talk about the news conference where he...

As far as I know, "Dark Mission" can be using his name just to make the news conference more interesting.

I've just made an attempt to contact Ken Johnston via email to see if he would like to clear this up. We'll see if he responds as promptly as Kay Ferrari did.

UPDATE: Oh, drat. It bounced back as "Mail Not Delivered".

[edit on 3-11-2007 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by rizla
What would produce a breathable atmosphere on the moon? There are no trees or plants.

If there is a breathable atmosphere on the moon, why is there no sign of vegetation or other forms of life?

If there is an atmosphere, breathable or otherwise, why don't we see weather?

Rizla, don't hold you breath to get real answers from John Lear. You probably realize that your questions are excellent and you know that there can't possibly be any significant atmosphre on the Moon.

You can add the following to your list -- never mind the absense of weather patterns, how come there are no dust storms? Dust just wouldn't settle fast in the atmosphere, as opposed to vacuum.

What about the craters? A lot of meteorites won't survive a reentry. Yet the surface is very damaged. Also, lunar soil obviously was exposed to plenty of space radiation -- that wouldn not be possible, if there was an atmosphere there.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:19 AM
Jim Oberg clarifies a part of the Enterprise Mission press release:

He claims a PhD in "metaphysics". I asked JPL if he had provided any documentation for any of his list of claimed graduate degrees. When they asked him if he would do so, he resigned. Nobody 'fired' him. Nobody even asked him to resign, just clarify bio data that he had given NASA to post on NASA's website.

Still haven't found evidence that Johnston has provided proof of his claims, credentials and key role at NASA on October 30th...

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:24 AM
It's now November 3. Where is the press conference?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:31 AM
Just band together and storm Washington, NASA HQ, NSA or any other place we might need to. After all the people there are just like you and I.

Why are they aloud to have oversight of somthing so important. Just knock on the door and say we are here to get the information we are rightful to. What could they possibly do?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Mailman

Arrest the people who storm their installations.

As far as I know that is illegal in the US, you can not enter any place just because you want it.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 11:54 AM

I think the only Aliens in our solar system are Lear, Zorgon and their cult following..........

Cult? Could you pass me the grape kool-aid there Father Zorgon? Thanx......

Do you choose to believe everything you've been fed or do you take the initiative and look for possible answers elsewhere and think outside the proverbial box. Its a choice. Just as you choose to debunk everything thats presented to you here, we choose to come here and discuss what might be possible. Again, its a choice. Its alright tho, I aint mad at ya, just open your mind. Enjoy your time here a little

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