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Ron Paul and the death of freespeech

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posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Johnmike

Yes political censorship is what is at the heart of this post.
Ron Paul was just the example in this particular case. But the kid that was censored by tazzering at the John Kerry speech, the people that were putting up anti iraq war posters in NY that got arressted, Freespeech protest zone at the republican and democratic national conventions, political actions such as these are at the heart of what I am posting about. Political speech IS being supressed and censored in the US and it is time to wake up to the fact of the matter.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:27 PM
Ron Paul will be another Illuminati puppet like Bush and Hitler.

Only the presidency will go to the biggest puppet... Guliani...
an Illuminati robot. Smile some more creep.

He has to defend the Bush policies... he lived where 9/11 happened.

Zecret Government Rules... break away fast.

You will see the biggest PR job to get Guliani elected since 9/11 for Arab
terror revenge or Roswell for Aliens in UFOs to cover Top Secret Tesla Atomic Science.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Ron Paul is nobodys puppet. If you check out some reverse speech sequences done on him you will know that 1 he is a represenitive because he wont play along to get a senate seat 2 he knows the truth about 911 but doesn't dare say it while running for president 3 he really is as well or better informed than either you or I.

He is a great hope for the constitution , freespeech, and revolution. He may not win the presidency but I think the point of his running isnt to win but to prove the the whole thing is a rigged system controled by tyrants.

All he needs to do is win the Republican nomination and he CAN do that because that vote is not as rigged as the electoral college vote.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Ron Paul will be another Illuminati puppet like Bush and Hitler....

....Zecret Government Rules... break away fast.

Read this interview with Dr. Paul, it's freakin great:

Illuminati News
Interviewer, Erik Forman - Congressman Paul, thank you for providing time for this interview. With your permission I would like to skip the formalities, as my readers are fully aware of your Libertarian ideology and your platform. I would specifically like to talk about certain powers in our government that, to the thinking of a growing band of Constitutionalists, seem to have taken control of the political system itself. First question: do you believe there are secret forces at work that are attempting to dismantle the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

Congressman Ron Paul - I don't know what the best word is, but secret is pretty good. They're certainly not known to a lot of people; it's actually what their doing. But then again, it's not absolute secrecy. If you look around you can usually get the information. There was a time when nobody even knew who was a member of the CFR or the Trilateral Commission. I think it's a bad sign that they're not as secret as they used to be. They're bolder now. But there is an agenda. They're behind the scenes in many way - very secretive. And, that was certainly the case on those individuals who planned and pushed us into the Iraqi War.

Ron Paul is like an ATS member with a Congressional seat. He should be embraced by most people that frequent this place.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Ron Paul will be another Illuminati puppet like Bush and Hitler.

Yes, I am sure you will think that about any person who comes into power

Do you have anything to back your statement up or you just trying to make ATSers look crazy?

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 02:41 AM
So, has anybody found the uncensored version yet (if it even exists)? Or are we waiting on something?

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 02:58 AM
No nobody has found an uncensored version because it likely doesn't exist.
I am also told by the one that brought this to my attention that when this video was viewed live it was not censored. And no she does not remember what exactly he said during the 9 second edit.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 11:07 AM
Who cares what he said. If you know anything at all about Ron Paul you will see it doesn't matter. Yeah it sucks they keep him off the air and won't even let you pick him in some polls or they say on day one that you can't double vote on their phone polls and on day two they tell you the only reason RP is winning the poll is because people are double voting. It would be better if he was in the media more but it would be even better if your common American could use their own head and research the truth. Just read ANYTHING Ron Paul has written, not only is he the best running but it's not in the usual way of the lesser of two evils, he is actually an honest man, who else can you say that about? Look at his record, it speaks for itself. I think he should win by default because he is the only one running who did not vote for Iraq or the Patriot Act, the only one. Every single other person running voted to let the government spy on you yet you will still vote for them, so sad. His message is loud and clear, freedom is popular, but sadly most Americans are to stupid to help themselves. If you don't vote for Ron Paul you deserve to pay for the internet in 2009 and to have a National ID card because you did nothing to stop it. I hope you also like the Amero and open boarders because those conspiracies of a North American Union are real and the last step before a NWO. Open your #ing eyes people before the reset button is hit. We are going to be looked at by our children as the ones who drove the final nail through America.

[edit on 20-10-2007 by dark_matter06]

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 11:50 AM
I came upon this thread after it had been running for almost two days. So I watched the YouTube link in the first message. Of interest is the fact that the audio track and video track are slightly out of sync. Some editing has occured here, probably by the owners of the YouTube post, or possibly by the C-SPAN editors In the second video, the tracks are in sync.

Video transcripts are usually recorded off of the broadcast feed. I have no doubt that this was a mistake on the part of C-SPAN and the video was edited to remove the mistake.

Nonetheless, someone needs to contact Ron Paul's camp to find out what he really said. If you try to read into the contaxt of what he was talking about, I think he was just confirming what the caller from new Hamp#e said about troops being in 130 countries. It would be interesting to hear their response.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by dark_matter06
Who cares what he said. If you know anything at all about Ron Paul you will see it doesn't matter.

It probably doesn't, but we still want to know. If what people are saying is true and it did air uncensored, they censored it for some reason, and we need to find out why.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 05:31 PM
I am glad someone called JJ on his Ron Paul hating comments. Sad how many people are throwing out such propaganda with no thought about how they could be contributing to the greater deceptions being fed to America by the corporate media.
I have found very little evidence of a "viral" technique of a small group of people. What I have seen is a huge group of very real human beings who are smart and tech. savy. They are using the new internet media in a real and efficient way. And they are scaring the hell out of the powers that be in government and media. Look at just a few of these examples. No "Ron Paul Hater" has tried to debunk or explain away all the proof that almost every media network has tried to suppress thier own poll results when ever Ron Paul wins. Check them out for yourself.

I don't care if Ron Paul wins... I just want him to be in the race as long as possible...To get more Red State folks to open their eyes and see all the corporate media control and manipulation, and to cheer for a person who thinks Iraq was a mistake...a mistake we brought on ourselves. You can't tell me that isn't progress. Young educated college kids, silicon valley yuppies, red state red necks, and anti war progressives are all sharing one common vision... Dismantle the "military industrial complex"...

Two minutes of this video show what Paul thinks of the military industrial complex

I felt leaping rushes of joy as I watched Ron Paul and some of the Neo-con dipsticks battle it out. Rending the crowd in two. Stiring up the flock. And the longer Ron Paul stays around...And the more support he gets despite slander and hidden polls...The more people might wake up...and start unifying around common goals...

"Our government routinely lies to us and uses
Ron Paul "Freedom under Siege" '88

He has been saying these kind of things since '88. I don't see a other canidates daring to be so honest about the destruction of our democracy.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by titorite
I know 9 seconds does not seem like an exterme amount of time but keep in mind how long it takes to say some of the most powerful things like "I love you" or "I hate you". Whatever Ron Paul said in reguards to the US military still being an unstopable superpower like china even if it followed Chinas example of isolationism as opposed to imperilism; it was a strong enough message to get censored.

And worry not about the "List" because if you even looked at this site you've been on the "list" for awhile LOL..

[edit on 18-10-2007 by titorite]

China and Isolationism? Those two words do not belong in the same sentence. They make practically everything on the consumer market. If anyone actually believes that China is an Isolationist society, then they have sadly fallen for the ruse.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

I don't think the label 'isolationist' country was intended to be taken in the same vein as North Korea, for example. I believe it was intended to underscore the point that Dr. Paul has been trying to make. That is: you don't have to spend $3 trillion a year and have your military in 130 foreign countries in order to be secure. China's military isn't foreign deployed. Nor is Russia's to any significant extent (they both have small deployments of 'military advisors') but nothing even remotely close to our level of foreign deployment. And no one has attacked either of them.

The former USSR 'lost' the Cold War becasue they went bankrupt trying to sustain a military buildup that was unsustainable. You'd think we would have learned from that. Given today's warfighting technology it would seem entirely unnecessary to have troops all over the world. Unless the purpose isn't actually defensive.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:55 AM
i wish i was american just so i could vote for ron paul, he seems like an honest man who loves his country, i think the world would benefit from such a statesman, its a shame that honesty seems such a rare attribute in the political world, if we choose people we know to be corrupt to lead us how can we show suprise at the corruption all around us, heres to ron pauls success and a better world

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 08:16 AM
I suggest that in the future Ron Paul only go on these television interview programs, provided they give him an uncensured copy of the entire interview, so that he can post it on the media section of his web site. Suggestions can be sent to [email protected].

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by benjahbrubaker

Its all proof of Nazi TV was imported here since the end of WWII.

I wonder if RCA ripped off TV from Germany and gave it to us in the 1950s.

Entrenched in the media since the beginning ... people can protest and take
the broadcast license away each any every year.. why don't they.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by benjahbrubaker
I am glad someone called JJ on his Ron Paul hating comments.

Wha? Which one? If I missed a post, it wasn't intentional. I stand by my, erm, hate(? Now we describe someone being against a candidate as hateful? How...Orwellian.). His campaign stinks of creating a phantom presence. I've heard other explanations, but I personally lean towards Occam's Razor, where the simplest, most obvious explanation is probably the most likely.

EDIT: Caps in BB code doesn't work. Take it from me, Mr. T!

[edit on 10/21/07/21 by junglejake]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:24 PM
JJ, how in the world is Ron Pauls Campaign a conspiracy of some sort? You said that it stinks of something. Well how have you come to this conclusion?

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by junglejake

JJ said
Besides that, Ron Paul has been running a viral campaign geared to misrepresent reality from the get-go. I wouldn't be surprised if his pr staff put this together and put on on YouTube just to get him the additional conspiracy theorist attention that he's getting. ...

Finally, if he was censored, why in the world would he not come out and say something? That would play right into his campaign. Surely he would go public. Yet, he doesn't. Why? Because then the full tapes would come out and his deceptive marketing campaign would be even more exposed that it already is becoming.

This is unsubstantiated slander... Sorry if my slang "hating" sounded Orwellian to you but it was slang for slander and it seems slanderous that you put a negative bent on my slang by labeling it Orwellian. As for claims that discredit his entire campaign and insinuate that he is deceptive without one example or shred of proof. At least you could respond to the poster who asked you to explain how his campaign is viral... And how that differs from others canidates campaign. Off hand comments that echo the mainstream media propaganda against Ron Paul worry me. Keep repeating the same lie and it becomes a widely accepted truth.
Racist, Deceptive, Facist, what ever label is repeated the most will stick in many peopl's minds. But where is the Truth...

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 08:07 AM
Oh how disappointing it will be when we find out that in that 9 seconds, all we missed was the interviewer thanking the person for the call.

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