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Who is the Puppet Master?

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Sure. Check out these companies:

USA. Was the company referred to as "Thorn Industries" in The Omen movies. Cargill controlls major segments of world grain processing. Most countries on earth do business with either Cargill, Conagra, or ADM. The difference is that Cargill is a privately owned company, meaning that it doesn't have to submit to the sort of public scrutiny required of publicly traded companies. For this reason, the only real estimates of its profits are provided by the company itself. Wikipedia says that last year, Cargill claimed receipts in the 80 Billion dollar range.
That said, they are also liable to grievous misteps. The soya plant in Brazil is in danger of being shut down by that state, costing cargill billions. In addition, I got a front row seat for their 1997 mishandling of the spike in wheat prices, that saw them leverage futures losses into the billions, and they paid the top price in CBOT history for a contract of wheat, surpassed only this past month. . . .

(The biggest private company in the US is Koch industries, who owned an early patent in oil refining. They have said they plan to go public when the founder and CEO dies.)

Siemens AG
- German engineering conglomerate; major competition for american GE corp.

- another "german" multiantional, with serious ties to the Nazis and fascist movements in a number of developing nations. They armed the world, for ww2.

Anglo American Plc
Don't let the name fool you. This is the South African Conglomerate that owns the leading stake in DeBeers Corp. It also owns most of the biggest gold mining fields. It was THE central support for the Apartheid state in South Africa. Look them up on wikipedia, and you can see that they are currently being accused of actively oppressing native peoples in africa in a de facto slave state --- just like apartheid, before the fall of the Botha government in SA. I say they have had a major part in jacking up copper prices worldwide, by applying the lesssons of the diamond industry to the industrial metals business.

I'm currently looking into a couple of spanish conglomerates that seem to be landing lots of plush contracts in the USA. But I'll wait to post, since I hope to create a specific thread about bidrigging and bribery of state and national politicians by one of these companies.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
I'm currently looking into a couple of spanish conglomerates that seem to be landing lots of plush contracts in the USA. .

You say you are "looking into this" so I am assuming you are a researcher? If so you might provide a website featuring some of your work. Thanks for taking the time to add some quality & fact to this thread.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 07:47 AM
First off, I think the premise for this question is fundamentally flawed in that we cannot know for certain what the shape of the power structure is. We can guess at it, and make assumptions based on those guesses, but that's it.

Assuming that it IS a pyramid though, I'd have to go with a step Pyramid, with the President of the World Bank, the world's single largest money lender, as the top spot. The next in line would be the CFR, with their Orwellian philosophies and grand design concepts.

This would be followed closely by the UN, for reasons that should be obvious. Does anyone know what they actually DO now? I've not seen one of their resolutions get upheld in recent years. They seem pretty defunct to me.

These are just my preliminary guesses though, based on what extremely limited research I've done on the subject. Please take them for what they're worth.


posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by TheBorg

Your post contains two somewhat contradictory statements:

"The UN is in a high position of power"

"The UN seems pretty defunct"

Whats it gonna be?

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 06:54 PM
Actually the US Gov operates a black budget which is money that is taken off of the financial records. This is publically viewable and for each year there are trillions missing. The excuse is always, "we are working on publishing the rest of the cash flow soon."

2006 black budget was around 3-5 trillion.

Also the Federal Reserve bank in the US is a privately owned corporate bank that prints money. Who owns the federal reserve? Find that person and your close to your answer

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Your post contains two somewhat contradictory statements:

"The UN is in a high position of power"

"The UN seems pretty defunct"

Whats it gonna be?

It's gonna be just that. The UN is allowed to remain in a high position of power to give the world the false sense of security that it needs to perform the way that those at the top want them to. The UN hasn't actually been able to enforce a resolution, that I've seen, in the past 20 years. They've made half-hearted attempts, and talked an awful lot, but nothing seems to get done.

This, to me, is evidence of their usefulness to those at the top, because no one with any sense of justice would allow the UN to not enforce the resolutions that they make.


posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 04:17 AM
You are all touching on who is in control, but I believe the closest statement to the truth was "knowledge = power". The various groups that control society, who have been discussed at length in this thread, share control. They all know the "big picture", they know why things are as they are, they are the reason things are as they are, and they know how things will be in the future. Disruptions occur in their plans because many people climb too high in the pyramid of knowledge, they inform the masses who in many areas of the world still hold a level of control. The power structure of society is portrayed in the enigmatic "unfinished pyramid". The pyramid is unfinished because those in power, by necessity, must share the plateau. The pyramid, they believe, will be capped when they achieve the ability to share a consciousness and have total access to the consciousness of the masses. If they achieve their goal they will have in their hands perfect knowledge and perfect power.

I personally believe that the people who have the power to control society all have a severe psychological condition. This goal may not be achievable and if it is it means the destruction of humanity, yet they strive ever forward towards this reality.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:31 PM
I am the pupetmaster (mispelled but still my name).

Here are my guesses;

- Ancient mystery religion Priests
became royalty around the world and maintained Jesuit / Roman / Vatican networks.

- The Rothschild, rockerfellers, George soros, henry kissengers, dick cheney of the political & financial world.

- Some unknown General in charge of:
The MAJ 12 committee and the national security state (NSA, DIA, CIA, NRO, naval intelligence, AREA 51, private contractors, RAND corporation, lockheed martin, northup gruman, SAIC, Kroll associates & others.

- GOD, SATAN & other deities or supreme beings (includes aliens from other planets & dimensions)

Interesting question.
In the future though, the powers that be want AI, artificial intelligence & supercomputers to control society.
They want the computers to be the puppet masters. The "world brain".
The internet, social media Digitization of all data & operating processes is a part of that.

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