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Who is the Puppet Master?

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posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by traderonwallst

Are you kidding me? What name have I provided? ZIP! Hell, I was going to say Donald Trump, but you people are all too smart for that to fly!

I think we really have to look at the guys you mentioned, as well as the Dr.'s suggestion.

Does anyone know if either Conway or Gerstner is Catholic!?

[edit on 18/10/07 by kosmicjack]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:37 PM
So what about the Boards of Directors of major corporations? I am assuming that is public knowledge. Could we cross-reference names from say the top 50 or 100? We could see if these three guys or any of their representatives are on a majority of the boards or we could source new names. Just a silly college research paper technique/flash back.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:53 PM
I am pretty busy workwise right now (major project due TOMORROW--why I am here?!?!?!). But when I take a break, I'm trying to write up a little something about these two:

The International Monetary Fund vs. The Bank of International Settlements.

The IMF is a very pro-USA-policy lender, that demands that client states meet definite goals before they get any loans. Some of the goals are laudible: end corruption, develop a straightforward legal system, etc. Other requirements are much more sinister: develop a securities exchange that is available to outside investments. Set up a bicameral legislature with a civilian executive (easy to control like America?) etc.

The BIS does business in gold, and makes loans between states. It grew out of the Treaty of Versailles, and demanding German war reparations to France and the US. Those governments sold their shares to private citizens, so that in some ways the BIS mirrors the US Federal Reserve Bank. BIS supposedly settles accounts between governments, but also acts to intervene in states.

I think it's all connected.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

The International Monetary Fund vs. The Bank of International Settlements.

The BIS does business in gold, and makes loans between states. It grew out of the Treaty of Versailles, and demanding German war reparations to France and the US. Those governments sold their shares to private citizens, so that in some ways the BIS mirrors the US Federal Reserve Bank. BIS supposedly settles accounts between governments, but also acts to intervene in states.

I agree with you here, I know nothing of the IMF but the BIS is definately one to watch IMO.

The Bank for International Settlement, set up in 1930, was by 1941 under threat of dissolvement. Largely due to work by the "Nazi" industrialists working with the Abwehr, under the direct supervision of Admiral Canaris, they were able to preserve their existence. In "processing" the Melmer gold transports they ensured not only their long term survival but achieved a incredibly powerful loyalty base. They are today one of, if not the most powerful financial regulatory bodies in the world. They keep the little people little.

Similarly, the World Bank presents an image of overseeing and preventing disparity when in fact all it does is allow its members to invest in developing nations and exploit those resources.

Tanzania until recently was the untapped resource of the world. The World Bank has channeled billions into bringing Tanzania into the 21st century and it will soon be a major player in agriculture, forestry processing, textile production etc. Though there has been considerable investment in the creation of democratic processes little has been done to prevent the ‘natives’ from dropping like flies from malaria and HIV. Who then will benefit from all this economic investment? – the investors themselves of course. As time goes on it will become necessary to bring in skilled labour and management, colonisation therefore creeps in insidiously.

Incidently, Tanzania was at the start of World War One a German colony, which was then passed to British mandate by the League of Nations (and it was Madagascar just off the coast that Hitler hoped to settle the Jews).

On an apocalyptic note, Tanzania is almost entirely continental shield (as is Rockefeller owned Brazil), which means that should the earth (as some predict) suffer a period of cataclysmic seismic events, those areas of shield are the most protected and could therefore continue production ensuring that (a select few) would remain protected, well supplied and able to continue as before once the turbulence has passed.

Just thought I'd end on a positive note there

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:12 AM
On a semi-related side note, I thought this link was an interesting read on how the uber-elite have their own implied banking system and how they are trying to impede the gold investments of the average citizen.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Well it certainly isn't President George W. Bush,seeing that he Acts like he hasn't a Clue about how to run a Country & that's bad for us the American People ...

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by greenshadow1379

This is a well thought out thread and quite interesting. No need for stuff like this here!

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Why does the tip-top of the pyramid have to be a European or American? That seems a bit too western centered. Surely there are Asians who pocess enourmous influence, the Sultan of Brunai for example, I'm not saying its him, but someone like him.

If you are going to look for the power behind the various thrones, if such a person even exists, to center the search to Europe and/or North America
seems to defeat, or at least hinder the search.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:10 PM
All I can say is that they must have some great minds to be able to make so much money and gain so much power. They can drive the stock market in any direction they want, picking up billions everyday.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:26 PM
I keep thinking back to ancient religions/governments where the priests would pray to "gods" and the replies from the "gods" was used to tell the monarch how to leverage his power for certain situations. (Some say that the only spirits reachable from our plane are actually lucifer's cronies...)

Anyone remember the news article about Bush commenting that he would try to make his legislation coincide with the teachings of the Vatican??? That was a huge sign for me, but others ignored it as public relations as opposed to control from the church over nation leaders.

I've been spending all my time trying to research the most recent of Earth's ancient civilizations to see how our situation developed. History repeats itself, (as some would point out regarding our slip from democracy through fascism to dictatorship) - so, would it make sense that some of the tactics of the egyptians and sumerians be pre-cursors to the creation of a free nation which could be overcome without the knowledge of the inhabitants?

It took them a long time to devise this plan which could be enacted over 100's of years and in multiple nations at once. The guise of democracy was perfect for the planners.....

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:02 PM
Actually, you're almost certain never to have heard the names of your true rulers; here's why I believe so:

The super-rich don't own things. Because ownership leaves a trace. Instead, are the beneficiaries of offshore trusts, or they possess fractional shares in corporations that you "think" are public--you may even own stock in them, but you're vote is immaterial because you don't sit on the board.

Imagine a company that is a multinational conglomerate petrochemical firm. I'll call it Libom oil. Now, everyone assumes that, because you can buy and sell shares of Libom on the New York Stock Exchange, that it is a publicly traded company. Yet suppose, in truth, 10% of the shares are owned by a holding company we'll call Redshield Investments. Now, when the vote comes down to whom will be chairman of the board next quarter, guess whose 10% will make or break any chairman. That's right, whomever owns the majority of Redshield investment thereby controls Libom oil as well. . .

Now, you can do your research. You may find out who the chairman of libom oil is. You might even find out who is the chair of Redshield investments really is. You may even learn that Redshield investments is majority owned by two holding companies in the Cayman Islands. You might even learn who the trustees of those companies are. But you'll never legally learn who owns those two trusts, and thereby controls libom oil.

There was a thread early this year asking about "do the super rich pay their bills?" I explained in that thread how a "private bank" or trust is set up to shield the privacy and liability of the wealthy. See that thread for more info.

Now, I'm arguing that ALL the names of people you've heard of have basically nothing to do with the real control of our civilization. They are like . . . the Sultan of Brunei. A great example of someone who is superrich, and whose picture is in the papers, but who doesn't do much besides take the blame. In fact, it could be the case that a lot of property supposedly owned by the Sultan is actually only held in his name as a proxy, for other people that don't want to be known for owning stuff in that part of the world. For instance, if the Sultan of Brunei turned out to be a front-man for the Queen of England, there'd be a revolution by brunei's muslim population . . .

In the same way, I believe the Rockefellers, Kennedys, and Rothschilds have been used by the secret elite to control the wealth.

Two names that haven't come up yet are George Soros and Warren Buffett. Why doesn't anyone name them? Soros is actively backing "immigration reform" by pouring millions into the coffers of various PAC's, and candidate Clinton.

But soros and buffet are widely known for "managing" other people's money. Buffett, widely touted as america's richest man, doesn't even own a majority of his own company, Berkshire Hathaway. It's a "publicly traded company" in precisely the style of my fictitious oil companay above.

No way is Buffett any kind of Puppetteer. He's a henchman.


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

Actually Soros was named in my post I think, or he should have been. He has been related with the Carlyle group as an adviser and associate in a number of deals.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

No way is Buffett any kind of Puppetteer. He's a henchman.

I agree with you that Buffet is not a Puppeteer but I wouldn't necessarily class him as a 'henchman'. I actually have a degree of respect for him, not only has he bequeathed 87% of his net worth to the Bill Gates foundation for the eradication of malaria, but he also still lives a relatively modest lifestyle and values his employees contribution to his success. In a world where exploitation rules I believe that Buffet should be held up as an example that it is not a prerequisite to success.

It is noteworthy that he has visited with Jacob Rothschild at Waddeston Manor on more than one occasion. Whether they are friends or business collegues I do not know - but given Jacob's pedigree it is certainly worth noting. Though Jacob has returned to the Rothschild fold in his dotage he has spent most of his working life accruing a personal fortune and is very much part of the British, not European, establishment. His father Victor was deeply involved in the intelligence services....but that's another story.

What it does lead me to ask though is - are we just looking for those that have power - individuals or corporation based on the assumption that there is only one body of power (ie a single pyramid and/or committee) or are we looking to identify opposing factions? ie. Are there good guys and bad guys - shades in between? Am I over complicating matters?

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Check this out I searched google for Government Secret and I seen a Pyramid odd eh?

And maybe its not one person maybe its a family or a council maybe even a "secret" government. As suggested in the link above. Don't forget about Secret Society's.

Nordic Annunaki?
Free Masons? ( 33rd Degree of Zion ) or higher?

There are many things hidden within the government but I do believe someone else is giving the "public government" instructions on what to do. Terms are a cover up I believe every president is tied with the same things as the one before him.

[edit on 20-10-2007 by J R O]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:44 AM
I think we are actually pan-dimensional entities experiencing a collectively constructed illusion. Real power then would be in the hands of those who could control our belief systems. Altering those beliefts would actually alter the nature of reality as we experience it.
The puppet masters would therefore be those who control our beliefs. Look to religious leaders and/or top media execs.
Puts a new slant on the Inquisition, no? Imagine all those outrageous claims actually occurring before enough pagans were eliminated. This is why puppet masters throughout history have ordered the deaths of non-believers, meaning those who believed other than what that particular puppet master was pushing at the moment.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
What it does lead me to ask though is - are we just looking for those that have power - individuals or corporation based on the assumption that there is only one body of power (ie a single pyramid and/or committee) or are we looking to identify opposing factions? ie. Are there good guys and bad guys - shades in between? Am I over complicating matters?

Thats a good question that will lead us in good directions. Contrary to popular ATS-opinion I dont believe that power equals evil. Thats a myth perpetuated by the religious and the working class. As stated earlier, I also believe in competing and opposing factions in power.

But even if we are looking for competing factions, we are looking for those higher in power than publicly known. Waren Buffet, Donald Trump, etc. are far from being the puppeteers-behind-the-scenes.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by J R O
Nordic Annunaki?
Free Masons? ( 33rd Degree of Zion ) or higher?
[edit on 20-10-2007 by J R O]

Lets keep in mind that the whole Illuminati-Myth may be a diversion or cover for whats really going on.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by jabawaki
I think we are actually pan-dimensional entities experiencing a collectively constructed illusion. Real power then would be in the hands of those who could control our belief systems. Altering those beliefts would actually alter the nature of reality as we experience it.
The puppet masters would therefore be those who control our beliefs. Look to religious leaders and/or top media execs.
Puts a new slant on the Inquisition, no? Imagine all those outrageous claims actually occurring before enough pagans were eliminated. This is why puppet masters throughout history have ordered the deaths of non-believers, meaning those who believed other than what that particular puppet master was pushing at the moment.

Earlier in this thread I tried to hint at emotions/beliefs being a greater power than money & resources...but this was dismissed due the maslow-pyramid of human needs which has food/shelter as the very basic need the power-brokers could make us dependent on.

Nevertheless, belief-system does shape mass-reality...

which would mean that the media have more power than the banker.

Or not?

The media can mis-report about the banker.

The banker can withhold funds from the media.

Who would win the power-game?

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:34 PM
I've actually been watching a video on Youtube that explains how the Queen of England is the #1 person in the world. The only person above the Rothschilds. Here is part of the video:

It explains that the Queen's ancestry can be traced to ancient pharaohs and that she has much more power than people are led to believe. Very interesting stuff.

[edit on 21-10-2007 by bigbert81]

[edit on 21-10-2007 by bigbert81]

[edit on 21-10-2007 by bigbert81]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 07:08 PM
A last attempt to keep this thread alive:

Does anyone have any idea what corporations or entities control the traffic of food and water?

I am asking because Ive read theories in the lines of "there are only a few corporations controlling all the worlds food" but I dont have enough info to know of this is true or not.

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