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Conspiracy against the black race?

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posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:28 PM
Johannesburg, South Africa - In the boardroom of South Africa's legendary black newspaper, the Sowetan, there hangs on the wall the following injunction: "What have you done with your freedom, South Africa? Don't let it go to waste. Cherish it."

It is now 13 years since South Africa turned its back on the oppressive era of apartheid and, in a remarkably peaceful transition, embraced democracy. Much has been accomplished as blacks and whites sculpt a new, multiracial nation. But the warning in the Sowetan's boardroom is a reminder that democracy must be nurtured to flourish.

While many of the fruits of freedom have gone to the former black revolutionaries who now hold cabinet posts, sit in Parliament, and hold other government positions with substantial salaries and perks, there remain large numbers of blacks whose impatient, and perhaps unrealistic, expectations of the transition from white power to black have not been met.

Shantytowns have not been replaced with affordable housing. Water and electricity and other basic requirements of the infrastructure to support democracy are still lacking for many. Official agencies are sometimes bastions of bureaucratic incompetence and corruption. In Johannesburg, it can take more than four months to get your car license renewed. Some citizens say they circumvent the system by "buying" their renewals – slipping a bribe to a licensing officer.

South Africa has just outpaced India as the country with the highest incidence of AIDS in the world, and critics say the government has been tardy in grappling with the problem.

Though opportunities have arisen for some upper-class blacks to prosper in business, many others still live in squalor. For many, the jobs that they thought would come overnight with democracy have never materialized. Unemployment is running around 25 percent.

Thus the big cities such as Johannesburg have become seedbeds for robbery and violent hijacking, making crime South Africa's biggest problem.

So im the bad guy right. I dare any of you to call me racist. If i am its because of the attrocities of their people. When hitler did it everyone called him a monster and still make movies about it. But he was doing it to the jews so i understand it making the headlines a little more right? Wrong these people are worth just as much as a jewish person. Why no headlines?

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by ccclean

So im the bad guy right. I dare any of you to call me racist. If i am its because of the attrocities of their people. When hitler did it everyone called him a monster and still make movies about it. But he was doing it to the jews so i understand it making the headlines a little more right? Wrong these people are worth just as much as a jewish person. Why no headlines?

well, kkklean, your post sticks to facts so I cant debunk them on the grounds of racism. I could do that with your motivation for posting those facts though. You have a talent for sifting out information that puts blacks in a bad light, and ignoring all other types of information.

Again in SA, blacks are being made to look like idiots because they cant copy the whites idea of democracy (or maybe they can and it just hasnt been accomplished YET).

In any case, what is a racist? Someone who thinks another race is inherently lower in intellect and ability. Someone who invests time in sifting out information that puts that other race in a bad light.
That wouldnt apply to you though, would it?

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

You know what all i have left for you is a big # off. I have tried to prove points and show different examples. I have went to great lengths to be nice and polite about this. But i am through. You can call me a lot of things but kkk is not one of them. I support all colors, and people except gays. I am through explaining myself to an ignorant monkey. Thank you and good knight.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Slavery is no the be and end of all of a culture or race.

The Jewish people have been enslaved, dispersed,and even the target of a genocide but that doesn't seem to hinder them from being successful.

Slavery has been on every continent in nearly every period of history, yet somehow their cultures remained intact. In fact, much worse things have happened. Millions and millions of Europeans died and almost every major city was leveled in under a decade in World War II, yet their cultures somehow remain. Even the countries that lost held onto their cultures.

Africa has never been as advanced as Europe or Asia at least as long as those two other continents have been populated. The only thing you're pointing out is that the Africa of hundreds and thousands of years ago was better than it's current condition.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Elijio

Google Video Link

This video deals with the history of the african americans and other "blacks" as well as the corruption of their history and the corruption of the present legal system in the USA. It also deals with conspiracies in religion esp Christianity. It may blow your mind have to watch the whole thing as gets better and clarifies a lot near the end.
lol @ ur knowledge
[edit on 9-8-2007 by Elijio]

not a
1 liner...honest

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by ccclean

youve done a good job at what you are got at. But you have to ask yourself about your motivations: Research (looking at something from all sides) or bias (to prove a point, to prove blacks are inferiour). Thats the difference between journalism and extremism.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:13 AM
cursory study of the world is all the "proof" needed

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:54 PM
it is ignorant to assume that people of a race - by birth - are born less capable than others of a different race. instead, what governs the collective fate of the race is the historical background and current conditions of such people. Blacks in America started on the back foot - as slaves, have not quite been able to collect together to forge ahead.

this is easy to understand when one considers the simple fact that most average people (regardless of race) will progress as much as their environment allows them, so unless a large majority of them fight against the environs to improve their lot, it is very hard for subsequent generations to achieve a breakthrough unless a cataclysmic event provides such an opportunity. Again this is true of all races.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 01:26 PM
Just to end the thread, everyone must realise, there heritage no matter how long ago, all began in africa, therefore civilization, wisdom and knowledge and everything that goes with it, began in africa, true story, and if you think there is no conspiracy against black people, then just try and find out if Britain’s own, Queen Victoria, was of mixed race, well she was but they never told me so in school although I did ask my history teacher if this was true, she gave me that shy look, and simply said “yes she was“.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by MESSYSC
Just to end the thread, everyone must realise, there heritage no matter how long ago, all began in africa, therefore civilization, wisdom and knowledge and everything that goes with it, began in africa, true story, and if you think there is no conspiracy against black people, then just try and find out if Britain’s own, Queen Victoria, was of mixed race, well she was but they never told me so in school although I did ask my history teacher if this was true, she gave me that shy look, and simply said “yes she was“. aren`t a mod, buddy. You don`t get to 'end' the thread just because you say so and then spout off a few final pieces of rhetoric. Sorry to burst your bubble there.

What race Queen Victoria was or was not has no relevance whatsoever to the discussion at hand.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

My advice, stop taking the lyrics of songs as the cultural platform you wish to share.

The ideas and opinions of those musicians are crap. If there is a conspiracy for whites to keep blacks down, nobody told me and it looks like black people are doing it on their own.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Simply amazing that this thread continues on. It's obvious there are racist members on this board (sad but true). The question I have is how can you be racist towards your own ancestors.

All modern men and women are traced back to one single African man and woman (Adam and Eve). According to scientist who have far more degrees than I do accepted the fact that Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, and Asians are decendants from this African couple.

You can't judge a whole race from a small percentage. There are many races struggling to survive. The wealthy chuckles over small minded individuals who use race to make themselves feel better. It's not about race anymore, it's about hard cash and how much of it you have or you can make.
Those who use color and other prejudices to make themselves feel superior will continue to struggle financially, and socially.

The wealthy continues to get wealthy, while the ignorant continues to struggle in their made up world of hate.

I propose a challenge to all the racists in the world; Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics. Come together for a short period of time and use the hate you all have for each other to create some sort of advance technology in order to leave this planet and colonize a planet of your own. You can call it whatever racist name you can think of, and you never have to worry about interacting with any other race but your own.

Leave this planet to us who really care about each other so we can repair it and live in peace.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:44 PM
How good to see your post again. I hope all is well with you and your family.

I should tell you that I dont put much stock in the so called scientific explaination of men and mens origins. I dont happen to think it is all that important over the long run.
The narrative of which I know and believe by Faith, is that all men today are decended from the three sons of Noah. Shem, Ham and Japheth. THe significance of Adam and Eve is that He is decended from them... not so much men today. I refer to post flood times. Pre flood is a different thing to me by is post flood.

Dont misunderstand me here. I am not against science for I know that science has put us in better clothes, foods, cars, houses, medecines, longer lifespans etc. etc. etc.

As He Himself declared..." the poor we will always have with us."

What I detect in many posts both on this thread and others is that though many of us are rich in goods we are often poor in spirit. I do not exclude myself in this. A little humility would do alot of us in good stead.

If I have judged your caliber correctly, you comprehend this concept more immediately and clearly than do many of he posters here on this thread. Knowing and comprehending this does not make us better people than others ...hardly.....only different in our comprehension and thinking. It also tells me that our knowlege (yours and mine) and understanding of stewardship with which often we feel tasked is different from most peoples.
I think a word under which we often are burdened in this called Longsuffering. It can be precisely that by the posts on this thread.
With this in mind I make this thread in hopes that others may understand and thereby grow beyond the provincalness with which we in our natural natures are wont to burden ourselves as men.

I know there are very frustrating times in this for you as well as myself..but as well as we can.. be of good cheer. There are times when we feel like a island among the madness....but be of good cheer.

ON another topic line....the photo in your avatar...I have seen that somewhere in my readings, yet it escapes me at the moment...from whence does it come??


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:18 PM
oh my wee ears! (as we say in Scotland)
half way reading down this page, I totally forgot what the subject matter was!
it seems to me a lot of you are maybe harbouring a little racism in your words?
To be honest, I doubt there is much of a conspiracy. Fact of the matter, in the late 1800's, White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants (W.A.S.P.'s) came on a boat to Ellis Island.
Few years later, the melting pot of WASP's basically closed their open door policy, became extremely racist, brought black slaves over (particularly in the South)
Slaves got "freedom", and had "rights" that individual states took away from them, through the power of state laws, and the huge influence of the KKK.
Segregation was rife, separate drinking fountains, bibles in court etc.
Malcom X, Booker T Washington and M.L.K all tried in their own way, M.L.K making history in the process.
So yay!, now all black people have rights, and there isn't any racism in America, yay, so there is complete equal opportunities, yaaayyy!...
how idiotic...
Racism is still a huge thing, whether we like to think it is or not.
A black man (particularly in the south) who has the same qualifications as a white person, is much less likely to get a job if the white person also applies.
Yes, there are some very lazy black people in the world, but don't forget that there are plenty of white, Hispanic, Pakistani etc people who are also lazy. It doesn't apply to one race or culture.
Maybe we should look at the world in a whole, and realise the problem with Bigots and Racists, before we start looking at the possibility of conspiracies.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Thanks for the kind reply and all is well here. I wish the same for you and your family. It's difficult for me to continue to read postings like these. It's hard for some people to understand that people will adapt to their surroundings; if I were to move to New York, I will eventually change my accent and attire as well as my attitude in order to succeed in my environment. The same applies to the many different ethnic groups. If a white person was born and raised in a black community, he or she will most likely mirror what they are surrounded by, vice versa for any other ethnic group.
When speaking about slavery, today majority of the population are slaves themselves. Although they are not physically in the fields, they are in shackles. As I stated before, the wealthy around the world understands the system very well. It's only the ignorant who pass judgement against their own by using childish prejudices.

The symbol in my avatar is the Tree of Life. There are many meanings associated with this symbol. I believe this symbol is a road map to the design of the universe. I posted several threads about my theory of atomic frequencies. It can explain many things from UFO's to the Spirit World.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:50 PM
When I was young I had a cousin who did not like white people at all, he used to call them bluefoots, and say that whites were the devils children and have a natural barbaric instinct to do evil, he believed whites had no culture so stole others, I always rubbished his ideas and thought how could that be, but know I am getting older I realise there may be some truth to his thoughts, sometimes I wonder why do many whites not believe in god, why is it whites think they know better than god and I am not talking about the bible etc, why do whites cling to material things like ipods, why are so many whites racist towards others not only blacks, why do whites start so many wars on the venerable, why are whites so fake even the poor ones when out and not known act like there loaded, if you have seen one average white girl then you have seen all of the average white girls, because they mimic each other, why do whites make everything crap like a chick that’s fed steroids, and becomes a full sized chicken in just 30 days, now put it in the microwave and you will get a chicken curry, whites really pee me off for instance I am on a train minding my own business I will get some silly white looking at me in a judgemental way like they are trying to figure something out, like hmm that’s a nice bike, like your ass has never seen a kona. I mean we only have one place to live, one earth so why would the whites want to destroy it and everything it stands for
did I mention Hitler, I can go on forever to prove that whites are the devils spawns, I believe whites are working for the devil without knowing just check the facts, and you will see that the whites and there democracy is a gateway to hell, I am in no way racist infact my mums white and my dads black

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 05:20 PM
Interesting I was watching a show about astronomy. they were showing the earth lit up at night. you could see all the lights from the cities and so on. the narrator wen't on to describe what we were seeing in the image. The brightest sources of light in japan (other than the major metropolises)was actually in the sea between japan and china. it was lights from all the fishing fleets lighting up the ocean to lure fish. you could clearly see the outline of all of europe and most of the americas. the middle east had it's brightest sources of light other than the major cities coming from oil well fires and from all the oil rigs. then the narrator mentioned off hand. other than south africa and egypt the brightest sources of light on the entire continent were from tribal village fires.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
Interesting I was watching a show about astronomy. they were showing the earth lit up at night. you could see all the lights from the cities and so on. the narrator wen't on to describe what we were seeing in the image. The brightest sources of light in japan (other than the major metropolises)was actually in the sea between japan and china. it was lights from all the fishing fleets lighting up the ocean to lure fish. you could clearly see the outline of all of europe and most of the americas. the middle east had it's brightest sources of light other than the major cities coming from oil well fires and from all the oil rigs. then the narrator mentioned off hand. other than south africa and egypt the brightest sources of light on the entire continent were from tribal village fires.

So the point is a black man invented a way to harness fire, and to use electricty for light bulbs, true story

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by MESSYSCsometimes I wonder why do many whites not believe in god,

I would say that the dwindling faith in God, is due to differing social circumstances than in the past.
Also, this is a recent trend. For centuries 'whites' have believed in a God, hell, failure to do so in the Medieval Ages often lead to death.

Originally posted by MESSYSC
why is it whites think they know better than god and I am not talking about the bible etc,

Er, what?

Originally posted by MESSYSC
why do whites cling to material things like ipods, why are so many whites racist towards others not only blacks,

No, it couldn't be because whites are on average have higher incomes than blacks.

And, if we're entering that murky, often hypocritical realm of 'racial behaviour', why the preoccupation of blacks with violence, gangsterism and 'bling'?
Wait, I already know your response:
'Blacks are not preoccupied with crime/violence/gangsterism, it's their low average incomes/parenting/white oppression'.

Originally posted by MESSYSC
why do whites start so many wars on the venerable,

What, like other European nations?
And we must remember that Africa was always that shining beacon of peace and tranquility 'til whitey ruined it

And don't you mean vulnerable, not venerable.

Originally posted by MESSYSC
why are whites so fake even the poor ones when out and not known act like there loaded, if you have seen one average white girl then you have seen all of the average white girls, because they mimic each other, why do whites make everything crap like a chick that’s fed steroids, and becomes a full sized chicken in just 30 days, now put it in the microwave and you will get a chicken curry,

Hey, you seen one violent, out-of-control black you've seem them all, right?

Originally posted by MESSYSC
whites really pee me off for instance I am on a train minding my own business I will get some silly white looking at me in a judgemental way like they are trying to figure something out, like hmm that’s a nice bike, like your ass has never seen a kona.

And I'm tired of blacks 'lashing out' for something as silly as a knocked-off hat:
Black man blinds 96-year old veteran because of hat
And, according to you, if several white children were raised by non-whites, would they still be 'unconciously' racist towards non-whites?
Racist hypocrisy is always funny

Originally posted by MESSYSC
I mean we only have one place to live, one earth so why would the whites want to destroy it and everything it stands for

Hey, I'm just addressing the other whites on this forum, but which continent are we gonna despoil next?

Originally posted by MESSYSC
did I mention Hitler, I can go on forever to prove that whites are the devils spawns, I believe whites are working for the devil without knowing just check the facts, and you will see that the whites and there democracy is a gateway to hell,

And are we gonna mention Louis Farrakhan and others who seem to want whites as a race 'removed by any means necessary'?
There is a blinding racial double standard on ATS.
If I posted that blacks were degenerate, Satan-worshipping animals, how quick would I get banned? Condemned in a vicious chorus by other posters?
Yeah, democracy sucks, doesn't it.

Not that, y'know, it (if you live in the U.S anyway) gives you the right to insult members of other races.

Originally posted by MESSYSC
I am in no way racist infact my mums white and my dads black

I'm not racist (I have black/Asian/reptilian friends)...

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 09:01 PM
The only conspirators against the black race are themselves. Period. If you cannot see that, you are blinded by white-guilt.

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