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Conspiracy against the black race?

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posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:20 PM
I am a whitey with some question-marks in my mind on the subject of black people. There are some questions I would like to explore in this thread and learn about myself. Through listening to a lot of uplifting music by blacks in the last decade (reggae, gospel, soul, jazz, hip hop, blues, ethno) it seems to me that in some areas blacks are more spiritually mature than whites. But there seems to be an uncurrent or a subtle consensus in the world that being black is associated with poverty, crime and non-education. Why is this? Is it a conspiracy?

There is evidence of a high culture of black people in ancient times (olmec statues, african kings, ancient egyptian blacks). Why has this history been supressed?

Was africa relatively peaceful and prosperous (in their way and culturally) before colonization began?

Is there a conspiracy by whites to start wars so that weapons can be sold (an insider told me this is the case)?

Why, after whites have exploited and enslaved africa financially and physically are now the Chinese allowed to do the same?

Why is there hardly any improvement in Africas welfare although the problems and their solutions have been obvious since a long time?

Have black leaders such as Malcom X, M.L. King and maybe even some music artists been assasinated by whites?

Is there a conspiracy regarding jewellery trade?

Has the hatred of some white people fueled deliberate attempts at subversion of black culture?

I hereby pass the topic on to more expert posters.

Update: Thread Re-Start

The Conspiracy-Theory as it refers to Africa:

World leaders know that it is better to teach how to fish instead of giving people fish for free (and making them dependent). Still, most of the times they choose to give the fish for free rather than teaching about boats, fishing rods and fishing techniques.

Knowing this and not acting according to it = conspiracy.

I will stick to this for now and accept the rest of my opening post as insufficient or inconclusive.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by Skyfloating]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:35 PM
Well, firstly, Malcolm X was not, verifiably not, killed by a white man. It is debatable as to whether Martin Luther King was. His family certainly have their doubts as to who actually killed him.
I want to get that on the record before I even start on the other issues you mentioned.

Has the hatred of some white people fueled deliberate attempts at subversion of black culture?

At one time, I'd say that it probably did. There was a time when white hatred did fuel the undermining of the black man. Can that be said today? I don't think so. Blacks, as far as I can tell, have as much opportunity, if not more, as anyone else does.

Why, after whites have exploited and enslaved africa financially and physically are now the Chinese allowed to do the same?

You need to get your history straight. There was slavery in Africa, by the AFRICANS themselves, long before the "white man" ever intruded into the affairs of Africa. As far as the Chinese doing the same, I am not aware of that.

There is evidence of a high culture of black people in ancient times (olmec statues, african kings, ancient egyptian blacks). Why has this history been supressed?

Yes, some of the greatest civilizations that have ever existed, existed in Africa and the Middle east. However, for whatever reason, there cultures have collapsed. Ethiopia was once the "jewel of the world" until after WW2... I guess the English weren't so bad after all, eh?

Why has their history been suppressed? I think in regards to this, it probably is racism. There have been many, many black inventors, but, judging by the "history" books in the schools, you would never know.

Why is there hardly any improvement in Africas welfare although the problems and their solutions have been obvious since a long time?

Out of all of the questions you asked, I think this one is the most pertinent one for this day and age.

I really don't know why we, as America, continue to allow the atrocious governments of Africa to reign, yet, if it's in the Middle east of Europe, we are quick to jump on the "war eagle." I have never understood that myself. Thousands and thousands of people die in those African countries, needlessly everyday, yet, we turn a blind eye. It doesn't make sense to me at all.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:40 PM
I dont think its a conspiracy. Its more just about white supremacy and racism

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:42 PM
White Power!............... ( On a more serious note that there is no conspiracy other than the fact of divide and conquer used by the ruling elite throughout history race is used when its useful. )

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Thanks for clarifying the assasination point and a few other points.

As for the chinese: Current affairs are that the chinese are issuing credit to africans if they can take their resources. That is double-exploitation. I am more outraged at the black people who are not resisting it at all.

As for africa: Either black people are not interested in building propserity or there is a conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I was watching a chanel 4 (UK) programe not so log ago it was called "The Great African Scandal" i had a quck look on youtube but couldnt find it maybe you will have better luck itis very intresting here is a quote from a site i fond about the programe

Potential riches

On paper, Ghana should be an African success story - rich in minerals, fertile, a stable democracy and free from conflict - so what would I find?

My journey began in the hot dry north of Ghana - in the small rice farming village of Gbirima.

I joined the men in their backbreaking effort to clear a new rice paddy. As we worked, they talked about how Ghana used to be nearly 50% sufficient in rice production, partly due to the help offered by government in the form of grants and subsidy.

Such was the success of the rice industry there was even a colloquial saying 'as rich as a rice farmer' that signified their prosperity.

But as I looked around me, 'rich as a rice farmer' was definitely not how it felt any more.

Enter the World Bank

And this was in no small thanks to more than 20 years of IMF and World Bank policies - macro-economic, free market driven -and in Ghana it meant a stop to state subsidies while at the same time opening its rice market to foreign competitors.

No surprise then that cheap rice flooded in, much of it subsidized by foreign governments, and Ghana's indigenous rice industry collapsed as it had no access to government protection or support. So, villages like Gbirima were left devastated and impoverished.

And there was more human tragedy as families lost their young daughters to the cities in search of work. Going in search of two girls from Gbirima I found them working in slum areas, at risk of their well being, somehow surviving in a place where no young woman should have to find herself trying to make a living.

Was this the net result of IMF and World Bank policies drawn up in Washington for Ghana's poor?

And foreign businesses are not setting a shining example of how to make trade work for the poorest either. Our film looks at Ghana's two prime commodities –gold and cocoa.

It seemed to me that those cocoa farmers included in the fair trade system see real benefits but for the rest it’s a very hard life.

Cocoa and gold

What’s more we discovered that even at a Fair Trade co-operative only 3% of the cocoa was purchased at the fair trade price. After 100 years of importing Ghana’s cocoa is that really the best that international companies can do? I was left thinking who is really profiting from the cocoa industry? In my opinion, it’s not the cocoa farmers.

Gold offered no better a story. We witnessed shocking conditions in the gold mining areas where people claim they are forced to live with dangerously high levels of pollution around the mines and where poverty drives men to mine illegally.

And in Accra, the former Ghanaian finance minister told me that the country received as little as 3 per cent of the profits from these mines.

I thought back to Bob Marley's assessment of the 'Babylon System’ - how economic systems work to quote Marley, 'suck the blood of the sufferers(poor) day by day.'

And so I wondered about 'independence'. I asked myself how - when bodies like the IMF and World Bank, or international businesses have such widespread influence and control - could Ghana exercise any economic independence at all?

Of course there is a Conspiracy against blacks ..........crack coc aine was inveted for black people that is a fact ..they got a chemist out in the jungle trying to find a way to make coc aine smokable because black people didint like to sniff it and.... there was a void in the market

I could go into the ins and outs of how he "invented" crack but id probly get a ban so i wont ....but belive me crack was invented spasificly for black people ..........and while we are on the subject alco-pops where invented because when Rave culture was at its hight in the UK people where off there faces on Extasey and didnt want beer on wine they only wanted soft drinks/sodas juice's or water so the alcohol companys invented alco-pops .........sad but true

[edit on 08/10/2000 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

what a great post. thanks!

Ghana was fairly prosperous before World Bank and IMF entered the game. More neednt be said to indicate conspiracy.

Well...more need be said...this stuff requires more media attention than britney spears.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

thanks for the probs
...try and get to see the video if you can its well worth it are you a UK resident?

if so go here

download it and you will see the video in the free section

[edit on 08/10/2000 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
But there seems to be an uncurrent or a subtle consensus in the world that being black is associated with poverty, crime and non-education. Why is this? Is it a conspiracy?

They are associated with crime, simply because they lead the crime statistics.
Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)
to be admitted to prison during their life. Among women, 3.6% of blacks and
0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males
compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the
time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will
be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Some have noted that more black men are in prison in America than are in
college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)

There is no conspiracy there, just cold hard facts.
Maybe it has something to do with their 'uplifting' hip hop, that talked about shooting, stealing, killing and drugs.

As far as their poverty levels being higher, that is fact as well "Real median income did not change between 2002 and 2003 for non-Hispanic white households (about $48,000), black households (about $30,000) or Asian households (about $55,500)." US Census.

Hispanic and Asians are doing well, probably because how hard they work.
And in studies, the only thing effecting poverty levels more then anything is over all lack of self motivation to succeed, advance education and work hard.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by xstealth

well, a theory of my own is that blacks may be less interested in working and less interested in what a white man calls "education" and "building wealth".

But that doesnt make them stupid or lazy. It just shows that they dont fit into what white people term to be "a properly working society". The same could be said of many conspiracy-theorists here....critical of the way things are. Maybe the ought to stick to their own culture and roots rather than trying to become white.

To N.B.: I cant get the video to work right now. I will try again later.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by xstealth

well, a theory of my own is that blacks may be less interested in working and less interested in what a white man calls "education" and "building wealth".

I suspect that theory is probably correct. If you look at what has happened here in the U.S, it becomes apparent that that may very well be the case. I don't see a mass of blacks congregating to put in applications at the local colleges after graduation. So, I don't know.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:15 PM
Quite frankly the reason we don't get involved in African wars are for many, many reasons.

1. Sad but true, there is no strategic resource in Africa that we specifically need, like as there is oil in the Middle East. Basically, no long term profit. We profit because Africa is war torn, not stable, as does every other importing country of African resources.

2. Where do we get involved? Africa is so war torn, who decides where to deploy forces? Where do we start, and where do we end? We all know Darfur is a killing field, but where to go from there?

3. What happens to racial tensions at home if we do get involved in African warfare? What happens when we see white American soldiers getting dragged in the street on TV, while dealing with racial tensions at home?

4. Jungle warfare, brutal, long term, and higher than normal casulties. Look at Vietnam.

I'd like to comment though on "Soda alcholic beverages." I believe though the main decision to create these drinks was too spread the market more to females and non drinkers, just not to sell more to black people. That's an absurd statement IMO.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by ShooterSix

I think your reasons 2-4 are likely reasons why we don't become involved. Reason two raises a good question. If we do get involved, where do we start and a better question, where do we stop. We could go on and on in Africa and still only solve a portion of their problems.

Number three is a little more iffy, to me. I personally don't see a racial problem in this country that is not instigated by the media. What I mean is, if there is a racial problem, it is caused by media hype, not by the feelings of your average Joe on the street.

I think number four is a very likely reason. America has no desire to ever experience what it experienced in Vietnam. People try to correlate Iraq with Vietnam, and while it is a bit of a quagmire, the comparison really does not match in number of casualties, at all.

I really don't see anyone doing anything about the problems of Africa. Bush donated, what, 14 billion dollars to Africa for aid? While that is indeed a lot of money, it is a drop in the bucket in regards to the aids epidemic in Africa. It winds up being about $114 dollars for every aids patient in Africa. That is nothing, really.

I don't know what the answer is for Africa. To be honest, I haven't looked into the whole problem, that is Africa, enough to really even venture to guess on a solution. All I know is that the people who are running things certainly don't have a solution.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:31 PM
""I'd like to comment though on "Soda alcholic beverages." I believe though the main decision to create these drinks was too spread the market more to females and non drinkers, just not to sell more to black people. That's an absurd statement IMO""

I didnt say alco-pops where invented for black people ....i said they where inveted because back in the 90s "youth" was more intrested in going to raves and popping pills therefore not drinking beer,wine/.spirts etc..........all they wanted was softdrinks.water,or juce because alcohol and extasy do not mix well but you get thirsty and dehidrate hence the craveing for water .........and alco-pops have lead to even more underage drinkers i guess the alcohol companys got a "doubble wammy" there

[edit on 08/10/2000 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

You're right, I took that out of context from you're post. I apologize. Although I have heard that statement many times before that these beverages were designed for black people.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:35 PM
of course the "white man" is the cause for their demise, the white man gave them baggy pants and told them to wear them really low, the white man gave them rap music and told them to have many illegitimate kids, the white man told them to get on food stamps and spend all their money on cheap jewelry and gold teeth, on,
the white man makes them smoke crack and drink cheap liquor, the white man told them to not evacuate during Katrina, the white man, the white man, the white man!!!

why dont you let them take credit for their own demise? why not let them be adults? why not let them stand up and say
"yeah we screwed up, keep your welfare, i'm gonna get an education and a real job and i will pull myself out of poverty!"
many of them have done this, but it doesn't help when you give them a crutch and tell them that is not their fault! quit babyfying the entire race!
they already live in their "crib" they're girlfriends are their "mommas" their friends are their "boys"

Let them live up to their failure.
As an example I give you HAITI this was an island country given to them completely, to be govern themselves by themselves and use the natural resources to heir advantage. LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO HAITI!
it is a complete disaster. and yet neighboring Dominican Republic is thriving since they kicked Haitians to the curb (best thing that could have happened)

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Solving Africas Problems

We all know the analogy "If you really want to help someone, dont give him fish but teach him how to build a boat and a fishing-rod and how to fish himself".

I would assume that our world leaders are also aware of this. Why then, do they keep pumping billions of dollars into africa, keep issuing credits, keep giving aid...

...instead of teaching finances, business and economy, investing those billions on schools and learning infrastructure????????????????

Fact : Our leaders know how it works (know the abovementioned analogy) and dont apply it. Since they are not that stupid, I can only conclude that this is being done intentionally.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:41 PM
ICY, well... you have a point. I think that if the white man does anything, it is that we are continuously, in subtle ways, such as affirmative action, telling them they aren't good enough. "Here, we know ya'll can't do it on your own, so, we're going to help you." I think this type of thing inhibits, rather than exemplifies the black race.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

i apologize for venting on my last post, i was p.oed at the 5th of november thread and vented here...i am not racist but i still stand by my point of view...cheers

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by ShooterSix
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

You're right, I took that out of context from you're post. I apologize. Although I have heard that statement many times before that these beverages were designed for black people.

And your right it would be ubsurb ...and im going to genralize here so shoot me if you want to BUT i have many black friends and id say none of them really like to drink... well not in the way a white English man does

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