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Gigantic Alien Craft Photographed By Cassini! NASA’s Cover-Up Blown?

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I don't see the structure you posted in the accompanying NASA picture link. I looked hard. I couldn't spot any anomalies.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by internos
Many people believes that an object, if is not disc-shaped, it CANNOT be an UFO, maybe because they've seen too many movies.

Yup people make that mistake all the time..

While a 'Flying Saucer' is a "UFO' a 'UFO does not have to be a 'Flying Saucer'

The funny thing is... and this shows how people's though processes work (or don't
) is that once you have decided it IS a 'Flying Saucer' you have identified it as a spacecraft and its no longer a 'UFO'

Now i could give you a course about why 'Flying Saucer's' need to be a certain shape, it has to do with the propulsion, much the same we we expect airplanes to have a certain shape... ie wings...

But that is for another thread. We also took the wings off and make triangular airplanes with no ailerons and rudders, but that is plasma tech and more into what makes 'Flying Saucers' work.

If what you need are "spectacular sightings"...

Ah well spectacular.... well we could show the "Critters"

But the problem with 'Critters' is that despite the fact that they were first identified in 1956; despite the fact that NASA knows about them; despite the fact that even Star Trek the original series showed us one... people have more trouble believing these then 'UFO's" or Aliens with nothing better to do then pester silly humans for decades...

Norman Bergrun said this... (in his book "Lunar Life Forms: Revelations of Apollo 14")

"Some life forms are small, reminiscent in appearance to those found on Earth's ocean floors but without the ocean, while others appear as large "growths!" Just as some life forms are capable of creating light, such as the firefly, this has also been found to take place with some of the life forms that exist on our moon. It is evident also as on Earth, that some lunar life forms use camouflage to adapt to their surroundings providing the ability to "hide in plain sight!"." - Norman Bergrun

Trevor James Constable, noted military historian and engineer wrote a book titled 'Sky Creatures: Living UFOs.'

He claims that some..not all...are giant aerospace organisms...

Constable believed them to be as, "...amoebae like life forms existing in the plasma state. They are not solid, liquid, or gas. Rather. they exist in the fourth state of matter - plasma - as living heat-substance at the upper border of physical nature. They consist of calcium and fluids, the metal and the fluids both being in the plasmatic state."
...Normally hidden from us because they are in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, critters occasionally emerge into the visible portion of the spectrum... At such times they are invariably identified as UFOs - which they are, of course, although they are not constructed craft. They are living creatures. Failure to recognize this, and to distinguish creature from craft... has deeply confused UFO research.

As living organisms, critters appear to be an elemental branch of evolution probably older than most life on earth, dating from the time when the planet was more gaseous and plasmatic than solid. They are part of what occultists term 'elementals.' They live invisibly like fish in the ocean of atmosphere. Like fish, I estimate them to be of low intelligence.


I personally don't agree with the low intelligence estimate.. I have seen NASA footage that shows otherwise. I also believe many 'ghost' sightings in history may have been 'critters'

Because of their 'plasma' state it would account for readings on 'paranormal investigators' instruments

Wilhelm Reich, believed UFOs to be bio-energetic in nature.

They feed off plasma
- hence the swarm around the tether
- hence spotting them near thunderstorms and power lines
- when they 'feed' they get brighter and are more visible
- they exist out of the normal spectrum but can be seen in the infrared
- most NASA UFO's are filmed in the infrared...

NASA knows about them, knows they are harmless so can ignore them
Look back at the Tether film I linked to as one crosses past the end of the tether (at about 4 minutes) in an arc and goes off screen the camera zooms out to watch it, as it TURNS and now moves DOWN the video Look at it closely all you skeptics and tell me how "dust and debris" changes direction...

If you watch the video this is the one I am talking about... moves in from the left in an arc over the end of the tether, then arcs down and moves straight down... its also pulsating with energy...

I have seen one video that shows what appears to be an energy beam shot at one.. didn't work, it changed direction and speed off... that shows some intelligence

I have seen another video that shows them make a rough circular formation with one moving into the center and "turning on' its energy (these are on google I believe most of you know which ones I mean)

Now here is a sequence that shows one giant one going BEHIND THE TETHER. The tether is 12 miles long, 85 nautical miles away and you can see the shadow of the tether on the 'critter' Because of the shadow I can surmise that the 'critter' is close to the tether so I can estimate the diameter about 3 miles across 'dust and debris' my a.. Do you skeptics REALLY buy this stuff they feed you? You ever take a minute and use your 'scientific knowledge' to actually LOOK?

Hmmm... well I can see WHY they keep taking the high res video off of google

Here is a sequence from one NASA video... look at the frames closely

Look at how the center hole changes size and the pattern around the hole changes

Look at the edge of the 'critter' the outer rim notice how it changes JUST LIKE AN AMOEBA

Be skeptical all you want, but at least LOOK and THINK before you 'shoot from the hip'

Why keep it secret? Do you really need an answer? Giant Space Amoebas that are round spheres when young and grow to flat disks several MILES in diameter? They exist in the atmosphere and outer space... can you imaging what this would do to peoples minds?

HA! right lets just call CNN right now

[edit on 18-9-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Chorlton
No sir, all that has been postulated here is not evidence at all, merely the thoughts of scientifically untrained people. There is no evidence other than those suggestions from people who want so desperately to believe.

Ah Hey There Chorlton Missed you and your ever so cheerful "I see nothing" posts... Did you at least bring that keg of Guiness this time?

I'm sure Mike would join us for a few...

So are you honestly going to sit there and tell us you "see nothing" in this image of Eros from the ESA?

[edit on 18-9-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 08:19 PM
The tether incident is a favorite of mine, and truly shows spacecraft seemingly responding to a possible threat from humans. I think the size can be deceiving due to the fact the tether is curled up in a spiral. Also its way out of focus, and you can hear the astronaut say "thats the best I can do", which I believe is a flat out lie. I think they purposely distort the image. Most of the controversial footage I've seen is worse than camera-phone footage. NASA with all its might and glory can't get better footage than that? Some of the images they release are so distorted it looks like a web graphic blown to 500% of its original size. They are obviously hiding it all... We need other sources to find out what going on in space, cause all NASA gonna do is tell us lies. I say cut all NASA's funding, but thats just me.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 08:39 PM
This is amazing.
Aliens in our solar system.
Also when where these photos taken, and there any more photos of these objects taken shortly afterwards because I could calculate the speed these objects where traveling.
Remember if these are spacecraft the could be visiting Earth because we have been sending out deep space communications for decades (SETI).

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by internos

Originally posted by Trauma
Mikesingh you are truly the man. Your posts are always jaw-dropping, fascinating pieces of information. This is an amazing find man. Honestly you should start your own website.

I agree. I forgot to say it in my previous post; the threads that he starts are ALWAYS amazing!!!

Thanks guys! Now does that call for a beer? You bet it does!

Originally posted by internos

And, WOW! Amazing find internos!! That's just mind boggling!
Thanks for the link. Heck! Will surprises never cease? Add everything up and the coincidences are far too many to just brush off the whole affair of ET presence in our Solar System as some big hoax or vivid imagination.

Better to keep an open mind, what? Until ET actually lands in your front lawn and shares a beer with you!


[edit on 9-9-2007 by mikesingh]

as a former sonarman the harmonics of the video are what have my attention. anyone know what the fundamental frequency was?I know they had to reduce it. the spectrum showed the frequencies to be "harmonically related" or in dude speak the result of something mechanical or mathematical. I would venture a encrypted radio wave...? all informed guesses but to me thats an good indicator.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by DIRTMASTER

if i'm correct there should be a thread about it ....

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:20 PM
This is one of the dumbest threads I've seen here yet. The OP image is obviously doctored. The "ship" is obviously a simple "clone tool" in photoshop of the rings. The small rocks orbiting Saturn in the myriad cassini photos and movies are all well-studied by astronomers and are just that: orbiting satellites (rocks).

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Beachcoma

That's a weird looking thing. It's either that thing is blowing stuff towards the ring, or it's taking stuff from the ring. Any more pics of the weird thing?

Or it just passed THROUGH the ring leaving a 'wake'

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by internos
Triangle shaped UFO on Saturn (if someone knows what this is, please explane and provide proof , so i'll replace the word "UFO" with its real name.

Thank you

OH! Me!! I will take Triangular Black Ops Space Plane for 500!!

I have three testimonies from military people who have seen one, not like the picture, but larger, much larger...

PS Look at the picture "Look Ma! No Ailerons!!
" Come to think of it, just where did you say the engine was?

Repeat after me... Plasma Actuators
(Air Force Research Lab)

They look cool in the hanger too...

Well you asked

According to my connections we have had for some time some very large triangular craft tucked away in black ops projects. I wish I could tell you more, but "it's a secret" The boys at the DoD have 'issues' with saying to much

PSSTTT ummm no tail on that last one.. wanna guess what keeps it on it's path?

[edit on 18-9-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

nice posting, Zorgon!!!

Interesting how the tether developed a coil shape during its undulating movement. Almost can see the magnetic fields twisting and writhing around the tether material.

Don't forget the other uses for tethers. They make excellent slingshots and low energy surface delivery systems.

Do you notice how similar the etching on this picture resembles the lunar surface in the Aristarchus region, as well as Mars in the Valles Marineris region.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by internos
It's a matter of luck!!

Hmmm Luck you say?

Let me ask you a question...

When you started looking for stuff did you have as much 'luck'

When I started it took days to find little snippets of data... now when I type in search, I am taken right to the 'front door'

You would not believe what's inside those doors... and who

If you have noticed this drop me a U2U and I will let you in on something... That goes for you too Mike, but you should already have a copy of Dr. JR's note, yes?

A friend of mine in the military says... 'There is no such thing as coincidence'
A friend from a ummm 'Three Letter Club' made a statement a while back that John touched on earlier... 'You only have the tip of the cat's tail'

To the rest of you I apologize for being cryptic.. I have my reasons...

But I can say this... and I know there are many 'out there' who will understand...

It has been said that we are going down a very deep 'Rabbit Hole' in our various investigations. Well at the first level I met the 'Rabbit'... this 'Rabbit' has very sharp teeth... I talk with this 'Rabbit' and eventually he shows me the secret of the 'Cheshire Cat'... my eyes are wide... wow I say... then the "Rabbit' tells me that to ask questions about the 'Cat' draws the attention of the 'King's Men'...

So now I feel like I have stepped through that 'Looking Glass' at Los Alamos and I am not in Kansas anymore...

Signed... Humpty Dumpty...

PS I have it on real good authority that above the door at S4 in Area 51 there is a 'rabbit' holding a 'watch'

As John stated...

"If you only knew...."

You have my U2U

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by internos
By the way today, randomly surfing the internet, i came across this pic
(don't know if already posted):

Randomly... uh huh sure yeah right

Interesting it has the same wavy pattern in the 'tether' Seems John was right there are MANY PEOPLE out there! Seems we have a whole fleet of these things running about out there...

Might have to look around Jupiter too

Originally posted by Beachcoma

I don't see the structure you posted in the accompanying NASA picture link. I looked hard. I couldn't spot any anomalies.

I assume you mean the Apollo 11 one and not Eros?

First let me point out that the best way to look for anomalies is with a graphic program many great ones out there if you don't have one... Paint Shop Pro 5 is free and I still use it for some things....

But this one is one of our best finds because it can be seen in a browser (note anyone using AOL needs to turn off image compression - thats how AOL 'speeds up' dial up service

Here is the location...

Here is a close up of the one on Eros

Hope that helps

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Irradiatus
This is one of the dumbest threads I've seen here yet. The OP image is obviously doctored. The "ship" is obviously a simple "clone tool" in photoshop of the rings. The small rocks orbiting Saturn in the myriad cassini photos and movies are all well-studied by astronomers and are just that: orbiting satellites (rocks).

Well you are so obviously informed you don't need to be here then. OR, perhaps start a thread of your own and stick to the rules and let's see how you state your case and defend it. Unfortunately you are a noob so you wouldn't have had time to look around - but again that may be genetics. If i can make a suggestion; before you come in here bashing the older and wiser members, please do yourself a HUGE favour and start reading - please take your time - 3 months should work in your favour - then you will get to "know" the members and who does and who doesn't post "the dumbest" threads. Then I would also go as far as to say you will be a little more "enlightened". This site "denies ignorance|" you just made it part of your M.O.

[edit on 18/9/2007 by shearder]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Freezer
The tether incident is a favorite of mine, and truly shows spacecraft seemingly responding to a possible threat from humans.

Nope it shows "Critters"

I think the size can be deceiving due to the fact the tether is curled up in a spiral. Also its way out of focus, and you can hear the astronaut say "thats the best I can do", which I believe is a flat out lie.

You cannot 'focus' on the tether as it is showing a 'glow discharge' of the plasma its collecting...

"The most famous sustained arc event of all led to the breakage of the TSS-1R electrodynamic tether, and the loss of the attached satellite. Figure 8 shows the burned, frayed and broken tether end still attached to the Shuttle after the break. Incidentally, the tether continued arcing long after it and its satellite were drifting free, until finally it went into night conditions where the electron density was insufficient to sustain the arc."

From a paper I ordered from NASA - NASA/TP—2003-212287 - Page 27

I think they purposely distort the image. Most of the controversial footage I've seen is worse than camera-phone footage. NASA with all its might and glory can't get better footage than that? Some of the images they release are so distorted it looks like a web graphic blown to 500% of its original size. They are obviously hiding it all...

You are forgetting an important point... those images you see are taken with a hand held INFRARED camera, not a normal one... because the 'Critters' or 'UFO's' if you prefer are not visible in normal light... they exixt on the edges of the normal spectrum of light. The INFRARED camera picks up the plasma emmisions

All the NASA 'UFO' footage that is famous is the same infrared filming... that fact alone should tell you that NASA KNOWS

We need other sources to find out what going on in space, cause all NASA gonna do is tell us lies. I say cut all NASA's funding, but thats just me.

LOL if we did THAT we would see nothing... at least NASA makes mistakes... many mistakes... and things slip through...

The REAL space program is run by the Department of Defense... and believe me little leaks out from those guys

Lunar Orbiter pics.. went to the DoD mapping dept THEN to NASA
Clementine Satellite - a DoD Navy 'Star wars' project

And now NASA is actually under the DoD anyway Just google DoD NASA merge...

Oh and about NAS bungling... here is a comment of an investigator in that report...

"Of course, these measures would have severely restricted the power or propulsion that could be obtained by tether operation and could not be tolerated on an experiment that was not just a proof-of-concept. An arc detection circuit could have also been used to shut the tether down at the satellite end when very large currents were first detected. One should never assume that a high voltage power system will not arc."
- Page 32

Basically they were told to put a damn circuit breaker in next time and it took 367 pages to do that

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by DIRTMASTER

as a former sonarman the harmonics of the video are what have my attention. anyone know what the fundamental frequency was?I know they had to reduce it. the spectrum showed the frequencies to be "harmonically related" or in dude speak the result of something mechanical or mathematical. I would venture a encrypted radio wave...? all informed guesses but to me thats an good indicator.

I would certainly value your assessment of the sound file. I would love to have you check out "Ganymede' in the SpaceSounds link too

Go to Jupiter then Ganymede and listen to the whole thing... its near the end..

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:33 AM
About Saturn again...


it doesn't look to be a dot...

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Ok, I see it. It is kind of weird, but it's not too convincing, though.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Greetings, oh Zorgon of the fuzzy pictures and fairytales :-).

In reply to your question............
Of course I see something in that picture. I see craters and a crater with a rock in it, theres nothing else there, I mean...its the moon.

Oh by the way...The Guiness thing? Thats for Tourists and strange Irishmen.Its a horrid Irish drink. People of taste here in the UK drink real beer, at room temperature, not that ghastly anaerobic chemical concoction consumed by many other countries called lager, which can only be consumed freezing cold at that makes it barely palatable


posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton
Of course I see something in that picture. I see craters and a crater with a rock in it, theres nothing else there, I mean...its the moon.

Actually the image I asked you about is no where near the Moon its the Asteroid Eros... but your right just more rocks... must be all that warm fuzzy English beer...

Personally I prefer my home town brews
In Hamburg you can have the beer company install a meter in your house

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