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Gigantic Alien Craft Photographed By Cassini! NASA’s Cover-Up Blown?

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:02 AM
Many people believes that an object, if is not disc-shaped, it CANNOT be an UFO, maybe because they've seen too many movies.
Also, what should we post? Disc shaped objects with windows, antennas, central light at the bottom and with some small greys inside, same the Santilli footage ones?
Should we make a comparison with the Hollywood ones before posting them here?
UFO means Unidentified Flying Object, not alien space ship.
To state that these aren't UFOs you need to IDENTIFY them before,
and of course, PROVIDE PROOFS instead of empty words. If what you need are "spectacular sightings", then just wait for the next movie from Barzollf 814: that will be spectacular, of course.

[edit on 18/9/2007 by internos]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by antipigopolist
I do believe we are not alone...but the evidence put forth in this thread as support for the grand claim of the thread title is what is pathetic.

What is pathetic is that no matter what evidence anyone puts forward in any thread, those that "want to believe" will knock it down.

And as to books... Hitler didn't like books either... seems people actually READING one might get weird Ideas... I believe the Church had that idea once upon a time...

So yeah lets burn all the books and torch the Authors so no one will ever get any ideas

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

As to why they are making the rings... I did offer that perhaps they are Artists and they just look pretty...

Now wouldn't that be something, if turns out that the rings were just commissioned works of some extra-terrestrial da Vinci, to work on some alien "Celestial Chapel". Haaah..

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:18 AM
Hey you guys need to slow down...

Too Many images at a time I can't transfer them fast enough

While we are talking about things out there...

Maybe they turn asteroids into space ships...

Here is the control tower on Eros

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by antipigopolist
I do believe we are not alone...but the evidence put forth in this thread as support for the grand claim of the thread title is what is pathetic.

What is pathetic is that no matter what evidence anyone puts forward in any thread, those that "want to believe" will knock it down.

No sir, all that has been postulated here is not evidence at all, merely the thoughts of scientifically untrained people. There is no evidence other than those suggestions from people who want so desperately to believe.
Wild speculation from a few seconds of video clips does not advance peoples case one bit.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:33 AM
NegativeBeef said.... Jupiter is 10 times larger than the earth

Atticus_Black said.... Jupiter is over a thousand times the size of earth

Zorgon says... well who cares what Zorgon says... He has a picture
and THAT is worth a thousand words

Can I interest anyone in a game of Galactic Marbles?

And so we can directly put the Ring Ships into perspective and stop guessing...

[edit on 18-9-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by wildone106
Looks like a streak made by a long exposure..I dont see why a ship would be literally thousands of miles long

Perhaps a streak from long exposure (most plausible theory) BUT why can't they be thousands of miles long? How much do we actually know as humans? We are stuffing up a perfectly good planet, I seriously doubt humans are intelligent enough to comprehend what is out there. It is just too much for our primitive brains to accept. We cant live in peace and are accustomed to war more than peace. Even in our everyday lives we are at war with criminals, taxi drivers etc. We live at war permanently. Our brains have not had the chance to develop enough to realize that what we are doing is so seriously wrong. I mean, Bush is still in office - go figure.

So again, these "ships" IF they are, could be the SMALL ones. The bigger buggers are lurking out of sight. Perhaps the bigger ones are as large as Antares - possible? Who knows. We certainly do not!

We are so tiny in the bigger scheme of things that we do not even feature. We are a mere spec in a dust cloud. Big, we don't know what big is yet!

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Sophismata
I got all excited by the subject line and thought I'd see incontrovertible evidence of aliens and instead there's a crappy infrared long-exposure of Saturn with a moon or something (who KNOWS what it is) orbiting around the rings and also a really crappy illustration in some French magazine.

This is supposed to be exciting? I don't see any alien space ships. Do I have to squint really really hard?

Well you have freedom of choice. Your post added zero value so - in all honesty, move along now - nothing to see here. OR, perhaps do some research for yourself and post a new thread with incontrovertible evidence. The choice is all yours.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton

No sir, all that has been postulated here is not evidence at all, merely the thoughts of scientifically untrained people. There is no evidence other than those suggestions from people who want so desperately to believe.
Wild speculation from a few seconds of video clips does not advance peoples case one bit.

Scientifically untrained people? OK, so let's see what your so called 'scientifically trained' people have scored so far:

>Whether the Big bang really resulted in the formation of this universe, red shifts notwithstanding.

> The formation of the Moon, where a number of theories have been proposed, but they are yet to provide any evidence whatsoever, their expert scientific qualifications notwithstanding.

> How Quasars and Pulsars came into being and what's driving them on.

> Black Holes.

And many more...These are all conjectures based on inferences. Have they provided any proof or incontrovertible evidence of the above, so far? NO! But how come guys like you accept those theories as facts, as the gospel truth, as proof? Just because they have a yard long line of qualifications, many of them meaningless to the issue at hand?

And if you are a Christian, do you believe in Christ? Where's the evidence? Got any photographs or videos of him? Any scientific proof of his existence? If you don't have this scientific evidence, then how come you believe that he existed? Are those vague crappy looking paintings and statues proof enough that he existed?

Let's be clear on one thing. It's most unlikely you'll ever get to see hi-res close-ups of alien spacecraft with little green men at the controls and grey women space least not yet! And that probably is the evidence you want. But then you'll cry foul and holler, 'PHOTOSHOPPED'!! You can't win can you?

And then even scientists who don't fit your belief system, are trashed. Now if for a moment you believe that we are not alone in this universe, and that there are civilizations millions if not billions of years older than ours, (Considering that the universe is 15 to 20 billion years old) then what's the big deal if advanced civilizations are present in our comparatively young Solar System? I daresay that many civilizations evolved even before its birth! We know next to nothing of what's going on out there!



[edit on 18-9-2007 by mikesingh]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by antipigopolist
I do believe we are not alone...but the evidence put forth in this thread as support for the grand claim of the thread title is what is pathetic.

What is pathetic is that no matter what evidence anyone puts forward in any thread, those that "want to believe" will knock it down.

No sir, all that has been postulated here is not evidence at all, merely the thoughts of scientifically untrained people. There is no evidence other than those suggestions from people who want so desperately to believe.
Wild speculation from a few seconds of video clips does not advance peoples case one bit.

Untrained like yourself who likes to come in every thread and debunk the topic, thats what you sit on your ass doing all day.

These guys actually do something spending alot of time analyzing pictures, which contributes to the forum with excellent topics. The hell do you do? You explain the anomaly of the pictures then. OH its a rock, oh asteroid? blah blah blah.......

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Pilgrum
Rings aren't unique to Saturn though, haven't they been detected around all gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) now?

The Rings of Uranus...

The Rings of Neptune

The Rings of Jupiter

Just use the titles to Google

They are not as visible..

Because the Ringmakers are not finished yet

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
NegativeBeef said.... Jupiter is 10 times larger than the earth

Atticus_Black said.... Jupiter is over a thousand times the size of earth

Zorgon says... well who cares what Zorgon says... He has a picture
and THAT is worth a thousand words

[Debunkmode on]
Look at it!!! Jupiter is only half the size of the earth!!!
How can you not see this?!?!?
[Debunkmode of]

No evidence? Only suggestion? Desperataly believe? Wild speculations?
Says a person who desperataly not want to believe or see anything. Where photo evidence is telling us there is something there, you suggest it isnt there...
Of course you have to speculate about the origin of this. Because it's there, its significant! Its telling us a (new?) story! Doh!

Problem in such ever lasting discussions:
The new story (stories) does not fit with the history books, sciencebooks, the bible? Well, there are a lot of areas it will not fit in. Solution for those who are afraid to read and see new stories? Just never open the door to something new, then it just doesn't excist! yeah

Greetings Lunica

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Lunica

Problem in such ever lasting discussions:
The new story (stories) does not fit with the history books, sciencebooks, the bible? Well, there are a lot of areas it will not fit in. Solution for those who are afraid to read and see new stories? Just never open the door to something new, then it just doesn't excist! yeah

Greetings Lunica

Spot on, Lunica! One pic says it all.....

Courtesy: NewBrisbane


[edit on 18-9-2007 by mikesingh]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:20 AM

Mysterious Object Seen Near Saturn's Ring - image NOOO23784,
taken on the 29th October, 2004, and received by JPL on the 30th October, 2004.
The camera was pointing towards Saturn's rings approximately 491,458 miles away.
The image was taken using the CL.I and CL.2. filters.

Courtesy: NASA/JPL

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

I dont see anything weird, out of the ordinary or anything else that could possible been there. Euhr... you mean the strange looking blimp on the photo? Sorry, dont see it... Its NOT there!!!

(great pic btw!)

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

That's a weird looking thing. It's either that thing is blowing stuff towards the ring, or it's taking stuff from the ring. Any more pics of the weird thing?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton

No sir, all that has been postulated here is not evidence at all, merely the thoughts of scientifically untrained people. There is no evidence other than those suggestions from people who want so desperately to believe.
Wild speculation from a few seconds of video clips does not advance peoples case one bit.

Hey Corlton,
What video are you talking about?
No videos at all here, maybe you were dreaming, in this case wake up.

Since you're used to desperately "debunk" the videos ones, you go randomly on the threads ...

1) ATS members appreciates this thread
2) ATS members' opinion is more important than your (if you got one).
3) You don't appreciate this thread
4) You don't appreciate ANY thread on ATS
5) Probably you don't appreciate ATS
6) You've never added something to the discussions but crap.

Your presence here is an unexplainable mystery, but maybe a "scientist (?) like you could explane it easily.

[edit on 18/9/2007 by internos]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Is it only my imagination or does that object (i know its not there and thats just my imagination but roll with me
) emit some kind of stream towards the ring ? kind of looks like what you would see from a distance looking at the engine of a jet plane.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
]We know next to nothing of what's going on out there!

No sir, I dont, but neither do I make up fantastic explanations for those things I try to prove are correct.
If someone sees something that is unexplainable then accept it for what it is.....unexplainable, dont go around inventing fantastic explanations for something that can never be proven then jump on people who point that out.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by StarNeon

Dear Mr StarNeon
The fact that I reply in a lot of threads means I have a much wider interest in things and opinions on those things than you do.
Im saddened by your lack of understanding that people think differently than you and arent simply prepared to accept wild speculations on things they know nothing about. Never mind, with age comes understanding eh?

Thanks for your post though

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