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Existance of Ufo's/E.T.'s Have Been Proven!!!

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posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:26 AM
Well personally, I have mixed feelings about the existence of aliens, but flying spacecrafts do exist. Those have been proven without a shadow of a doubt. The RFZ-2 Round Aircraft was made in 1934, and that thing could move better than any modern airplane today, so one can assume that there must be more advanced aircrafts than that today.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Well personally, I have mixed feelings about the existence of aliens, but flying spacecrafts do exist. Those have been proven without a shadow of a doubt. The RFZ-2 Round Aircraft was made in 1934, and that thing could move better than any modern airplane today, so one can assume that there must be more advanced aircrafts than that today.

NASA makes a fine line of flying spaceships. Their existence is not under question as much as the people/things piloting them.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by Cydonian Priest]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:03 AM

The great thing about skeptics (which is who I think you're really mad at) is that they are the only people helping point you toward the real mysteries... not the fantasies and hoaxes. It's not about spoiling your message board fun, it is about clearing away the fiction.

I apologize if I came across as being mad in my post. I'm not mad at anyone; especially not skeptics. In fact I consider myself one. My point was that you can't approach a topic like UFOs the same way you would, say, the Loch Ness monster or mothman. The evidence that there is substance to the phenomenon is such we must take the matter seriously. We can't shrug off Antar's original post just because he chose to present a body of evidence instead of a new piece of evidence. If we are to do this justice, we have to look at ALL of the evidence that has come up, including the anecdotal, as any court of law would.

There are photographs that have never been debunked. More importantly, there are cases that include radar detection and reliable witnesses on ground and air that CANNOT be debunked. A good example is the case of the objects that flew over Belgium on March 30th of 1990.

If such cases didn't exist, I would be as skeptical about UFOs as I am about other wacky stuff. The fact that such cases certainly do exist, and that they have been occuring for decades, makes it imperative, in my opinion, that we approach new and old evidence with a skepticism that is tempered by a realistic consideration of all of the facts.

That's all I meant.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:11 PM
Cambrian, thankyou for your kind words. I also think that the skeptics are very important in Ufology/exopolitics. With out them I would never come to any forum to rationally discuss the subject. During the time in my life when I was having the most sightings and experiences I lived in Sedona Az. At that time the new age was flourishing and I steered clear of them all because what I was needing was not found through airy fairy imaginings and channeling. I took a more scientific approach to the subject. Hands on so to speak. Repeatable science. For me it was a personal journey and I did not have the time to sit through hundreds of meetings and gatherings discussing the field, I needed to be in the out backs. I followed my deepest intuition at all times, and sometimes it paid off and at other times it was just a good walk. I was invited by Bill cooper on a couple of occasions to join him at his home in the Verde Valley, and to feel free to come read or borrow any of his data and books on the subject. I never did. He sought me out after we had met through my Mom at a gathering for the war effort back during the first Bush administration. I never put myself 'ever' in the position to be debunked or ridiculed for my interests. That is until now, here. I did not take any offense what so ever at your post, and as far as the Schuylers and such here, it is OK, they bring insight and balance this thread and forum. I am not offended by what they propose, and can fully understand why they react the way they do. But thankyou, I will look forward to reading more of what you perceive as interesting in our forum here. Antar

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Sophismata

Originally posted by antar
There is no more proof needed

If there are enough threads posted with sensational titles promising the proof we've all been waiting for, does that add up to proof?


I am very sorry about the misleading title, as you precieve it anyway. Honestly for me, there is no more proof needed thats what the title means to me . Ok?

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Cydonian Preist, (quote)
NASA makes a fine line of flying spaceships. Their existence is not under question as much as the people/things piloting them.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by Cydonian Priest]

It is abundantly clear to me that there are Ufo's that are "our" ships being maneuvered by "our" guys and gals. But one point I have to make at this junction is this: Is it possible that some of "our" people flying theses craft are from the future? I have my opinions on that having seen back in the early 1990's 3 large black triangles hovering over head in route towards Luke AFB. No one was even remotely talking about triangular craft at that time. My first and lasting impression was that they were other worldly, but as time changes everything (or most), I have spent countless hours rethinking it. I really do wonder if they were from the future based on how they looked and the possibilities of time travel.Maybe some of the technology we have today is from ourselves in the future. And if this is so, then would our people still be conceived as alien to us? We treat people from other countries as alien why not from another dimensional time realm? This does not change the course of this thread as it is muliticomplicated, and there are so many directions and possibilities. If you feel most interested in the current and future earth technology, then that is probably what you will see when you look up into the skies. As for me, I like to keep all my options open, because with an open heart and mind the possibilities are endless. This is my truth. This is my experience.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Existance/Existence of Ufo's/E.T's Have Been Proven!!!

A guy I've known for 40 years, told me about his work-mate
who was travelling to work on his bicycle on an early summer
He'd just peaked the top of a road-bridge across a railway line
and looked down hill to where a crossroads waited.
The road is in a town of a population of... let's say 30,000, the
time was maybe 7.30am and the traffic was light.

Above the crossroad hovered a spaceship. It's size was estimated
at around 150 feet across, it was circular and that was the only
description I obtained.
My friend's friend cycled under the ship and met another bike rider
coming in the opposite direction. 'Our guy' says to the other biker,
"is that real?" the stranger says "yeah, I've just had to ride under it"

Our guy went on to work and it wasn't until the next day that he mentions
it to my friend.

I quizzed my friend and pressed him to ask more questions.

Bottom line, after all the above tale, it was a joke, a lie to enhance
a dull day.
Welcome to the real world.

I admit there are strange shapes in the sky at times, but they're only
strange 'cos I don't know what they are yet.
Forget spaceships and have a bit of faith in what we can engineer,

[edit on 27-5-2007 by IronMan]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:36 PM
Again I say, All the proof we need for disclose is already available for anyone interested in knowing the truth. The elephant is in the living room.

How could anyone deny? It does not matter now how many people scoff and debunk, or how many cover ups are out there. It is insanity or incredibly egoistic to even think that this is the only planet teaming with life!
And then there are the mediocre's who are sitting on the fence, they say, yes there could be life on say Mars, small microorganisms... Aghhh!

Believe me I am ready to see the skies filled with hard evidence one day, but people are really not ready, it would interrupt their lives too much. It would be an inconvenience, they would have to look to the Government and Fox and Friends, CNN ,MSNBC and such for guidance and structure.
Remember Bushes face during 911 as he sat in that elementary school room? How do you think he will look when the skies over all of the major cities are filled with off worlders? Will he be turning on the local news station to watch it unfold? Will he be calling his Dad or FEMA?
They owe us the truth. They owe us a dignified strategy in the event this does happen. People need to be officially informed of the truth so that they don't freak out and start shooting up the place.
The reality is true. I am sorry for those that have not had a personal experience, and at one time those numbers were huge.
Now the tables are turning and more and more people are having sightings. And you know what it does feel personal when it happens., and there is no denying the fact that they are from someplace other than here.
Just ask or poll the hundreds here on Ats alone that have been witnesses.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 10:56 PM
Retired Airforce Captain Robert Collins will be appearing on tonights Coast to coast broadcast and I for one will be listening! Sounds very interesting. Here is his c2c link I will attempt to drink some coffee and stay up to listen and report back here with any interesting points. For anyone that does not know c2c it is a talk radio program that is hosted by Art Bell and George Norey. You can actually listen to the shows through streamlink for 6USD membership per month. Here is that link;
He will be discussing his work on uncovering Gov. coverups including the nature of tunnells,vaults and underground infrastructure at places like Wright Patterson AFB.
Here is a good link to Wright Patterson

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 11:55 PM
Here's a plausible cause for why the pictures of UFOs are often hard to read both with the naked eye as well as in photo enhancements. It talks about the plasma field creating distortion. I am just saying this because having seen and photographed them myself , this is as good an explanation as any.

This is an important example of one of the best credible witnesses to the Ufo phenomenon, and how his first hand sighting charted the way and opened up the field of Ufology and put it on the map so to speak. Interestingly his speciality was cloud formation and physics.

Even president Bush can some what agree with me in this thread

Here is an excellent list of books that can be purchased and should be a part of anyone looking for the truth's library of evidence.

Everyday there are more reported sightings by people from all walks of life and from every country on the planet. All I can say is even if you personally have never witnessed a Ufo, keep your cameras handy and with you at all times because when it does happen you will want documentation, even if the people you show swear that you did it in photo shop! Above all stay positive and keep on working to expose the truth. Talk about it with your friends and loved ones. Help them to get comfortable with the subject. I can say with out any doubt, there is an alien presence behind many of the craft flying in our atmosphere daily.

This is not something that can or will be debunked away.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by antari]
There is no more proof needed, what more could people possibly be expecting to convince them of the reality of UFO/E.T. presence?

Are they waiting for George Bush or his predecessors to make a formal declaration at a White House press conference? Would that legitimize exopolitics?

For me personally it was validated by the brave NASA Astronauts who stepped forward against all criticism, debunking and personal assaults, to inform the general population of the existence of craft that is not from our planet.

Furthermore the World Governments, Politicians and Intelligence agencies that have been opening their private archives and moving forward is astounding and unprecedented.

I have the deepest and greatest respect for the Famous Personalities that are coming forward to bring public awareness to the subject of the existence of UFO/ E.T. presence on our planet. Here are just a couple of examples;

What really amazes me are the military whistle blowers and politicians that are coming forward as well.\

Scroll down about Jimmy Carter,

And last but possibly most importantly, is the UFO community which consists of Scientists, Doctors, Researchers, Investigators and Writers, who at the cost of their very lives and freedom have made Exopolitics their life's work.
There are too many to even begin giving links to their work, and as this thread continues any and all contributors to this amazing collaboration of net-workers who have so much incredible or should I say credible accounts that lend validity and closure to weather or not UFOs/ E.T.'s exist.

This thread was not started for the debunkers at heart, for they will not believe unless they find themselves sitting over coffee across the table from an E.T. that parked their craft on the front lawn. To those debunkers I would say, unless you sit across from world leaders and politicians now, you most likely would not be part of the inner circle connected to the visitors anyway.

For my friends that seek to abolish Ignorance, lets bring it all to the table!


I've been convinced that aliens exists since I was old enough to realize we're just a little bitty dot in the middle of no where.

The only thing that scares me is when we do realize there is other life forms out there, how will man kind react? I'd hate to see us make asses of ourselves with "Wheres Elvis" signs all over the place.

But seriously, its human nature to hate on something we cant explain or doesn't resemble us.

A select few might welcome the aliens, but if a redneck with a shotgun decides he doesn't like the little grey guy, that could # # up for everyone.

All im saying is for every action there is a reaction, and with the way life works, that reaction might not be a pleasant one.

So on that note. I wouldn't blame government leaders of keeping the public in the dark about something like this, until they figure out how to communicate, what they want, and information to some of their technology. At least this way, if # hits the fan, we have some information to fall back on.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Israel became a nation again in a day in 1948 as biblically predicted.

Yeah and did it not say somewhere that the trinity would create the kingdom of israel? So as it was britain that created it (due to the terrorist activities of the jews..hanging British soldiers etc) doesn't that make britain god?

Incidentally is it not the case that some heavy zionists don't accept israel in its present state for this very reason?

Back to thread. All I see is the same old tosh dug up. As has been said "disclosure" is a conscious act...assuming of course that there really is something to disclose...that has been covered up

As I see it, if there is something going on it would take all the nations of the world to reveal it...well the major economic ones at least. But there again would such a disclosure effect the markets? I suppose this would be a case for a gradual release, a gradual realisation of what is happening.

Its to big a thing I think to stay hidden so long. That some people experience events that they relate to ET is not really fact. Like any eye witness testimony it is a subjective report of events subject to the interactions of their own personal bias and experience. For example I see bedtime experiences like Alien abduction, Demonic possession and Sleep Paralysis as a similar experience. Our own beliefs colour the recollection. I suffer from SP but having read many abduction and possession accounts I can relate the experience. Its just that I have no belief in demons or aliens waiting by my bed with an anal probe that means I just perceive it as SP. Not saying the experience doesn't seem any less real to the vics though. SP can be ruddy scary too but my personal bias discounts demons and aliens...even at a succonscious level.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:19 AM
Well I am sorry, but as interesting as Robert Collins's 'story' sounded, it turned out to be nothing but second and third hand accounts and conjecture for the most part. I did stay up and listen but there was nothing new reported that we havent heard a hundered times before from as many different sources.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:37 AM
Thereisnogod, thankyou for your post. I knew at some point the issue of 'anal probes' would come into play here, however that was not the purpose of this particular thread.
And I do agree with you that its a huge mosh pit of information out there, and as others on this thread have been so kind as to point out, it is rendered useless unless the information is from first hand accounts.
I have never been one who can believe anything that has not been within the scope of my experience, however I am just an average ordinary person and therefore considered discreditable.
As with every other topic beyond my scope of expertise (I am a great cook, and I can clean house like nobody's business, and make my family #1 priority),I need to to keep an open mind and a good measure of trust in the sources I pick and chose to listen to. Then I make my own decisions based on several factors. The first being my gut instinct. And from there I look at credibility and the information shared.
Disclose is all around us, the table is over flowing with evidence.
As more and more people begin to see for themselves the craft visiting us on a daily basis, it will finally begin to shed light on the subject in a different direction than those at the top levels ever expected of us. How long did they expect people or sheeple to remain asleep and snoring anyway? How long did they expect people to remain dormant and compliant? Well people are developing stong oppinions on the subject, and are waking up to see the dawn of mans potential direction.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:38 AM

Its to big a thing I think to stay hidden so long. That some people experience events that they relate to ET is not really fact. Like any eye witness testimony it is a subjective report of events subject to the interactions of their own personal bias and experience. For example I see bedtime experiences like Alien abduction, Demonic possession and Sleep Paralysis as a similar experience. Our own beliefs colour the recollection.

True. And if all cases of sightings and abduction could be reduced to bedtime experiences, I would agree with you. However, there are cases that offer evidence of an objective experience having occurred. And there is massive corroboration when you compare a large sampling of cases.

The whole point of my posts was to argue that there is a body of evidence here, not just scattered anecdotes. The phenomenon cannot be dismissed that easily. I am not saying that aliens are visiting the earth, but I am saying that something real is going on. I don't think any honest researcher could look at all the evidence and come to the conclusion that this is just folklore.

My belief that there are in fact visitors -- either from another planet, from another dimension, from the collective unconscious or from a hole in the ground -- is a personal belief that has nothing to do with this debate. It is, however, a conclusion drawn from looking at the evidence, not from indulging in fantasy.

Finally, as for the argument that something that big could not stay hidden for so long, I agree. However, the fact is that it HAS come out. Several credible witnesses have reported this stuff, many of which were in the employ of those who, according to many, are hiding it. All that is missing is official disclosure. It may not be easy to keep a secret of this magnitude for long, but it is very easy to refrain from making an official announcement.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by cambrian77]

[edit on 28-5-2007 by cambrian77]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:43 AM
Right on Cambrian77! We just posted at the same time so go up one from your last post, it seems we see things in many ways the same.
This is a fun debate if you want to call it that, and your insight to the matter is very grounded and just what this thread needed. You can agree and still hold to your own convictions at the same time. An honest open heart and mind, good!

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:07 AM
Thanks, Antar. I think it's important to separate the "faith" aspect of this discussion from the "reason" aspect. The faith aspect has to do with defining what the phenomenon actually is; the reason aspect is seeing that the phenomenon exists. Although I do believe that the best explanation here is aliens, I don't know that. So I can't really argue for it. I can, however, argue that it is a strong possibility.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:18 AM
Yes Cambrian77, you are correct, however my point being that we once believed from the supplied evidence and trust in the experts that the world was flat. We also believed from the body of evidence that Pluto was a planet. As a global society we live, grow and learn daily. Nothing is set in gold. All we have is observation and in many aspects of our growth it can be nothing without speculation and the courage of certain individuals to persevere through to expose what some times only starts with a strong hunch. Ufology has stepped far beyond that point.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:31 AM
You're right, Antar. And I think that anyone who really holds on to the view that there is no such thing as extraterrestrial life -- the old scientific view -- is in for a humbling experience.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."


posted on May, 28 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Cambrian77, do you mean that you believe the complete story will come out in our era? Or do you mean that with or with out the formal disclosure including the aliens sitting arond the table sipping coke with the world leaders, it is destined to happen in our life time? My point is that it is happening already, but even if they showed pictures of world leaders, people will chose to say it was faked. If you do not already sit around the table sipping coke with the rep's from the Galactic Federation, you most probably never will. ( I don't drink coke)

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