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So...Why do women want marriage?

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posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 03:29 PM
Most females have "imagined" expectations. They have a mental picture in their heads of what is "perfect" and they think men should conform to their ideas of perfection or needs. Thats rubbish.

What about what men want? Women will never even imagine the possibility that men were people before they met them and want to remain the same afterwards too. They will never think how they can adapt themselves to suit the man better and be happy in the process as well. Instead they will set out to mold the man around their vision of "perfect" and somewhere along the line the man decides he doesnt want like the pressure to constantly adapt and will exit the relationship. Instead of being a merger, most women make marriage a takeover, a hostile one at that. While the man conforms to avoid confrontation and keep the status quo the woman readies to restructure him into servicing her requirements. Women are better at emotional powerplay and make use of this advantage to arm twist the man into conforming or yielding to their position.

I believe that a man should like himself first and foremost above all else otherwise the woman will impose her "utopia" vision upon him and force him to conform to that. Most people say that men do not understand women and thus the great tensions in marriages. I will submit that it is women who make a lesser attempt at understanding the male psyche. Those few who do, only use it in attempts at exploitation rather than furthering their relationships.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 07:21 PM
I've heard of women who do that but it was not what I did. If that has been your personal experience, then no wonder marriage sounds more like a death sentence than a life journey.

Both the man and the woman had lives before they got married but living with someone else (married or not) requires compromise on the part of both to be able to adjust to the "togetherness".

When a man is single he may leave his dirty clothes lying all over the place, leave the toilet seat lid up, spend his entire paycheck on beer and dog races, take health risks with questionable sex partners, etc. but why would he want to be married if he wants to continue that life style? When a woman is single she may leave her pantyhose drying on the back of the kitchen chair, eat entire tubs of ice cream for comfort, shop til she drops on every day off, etc. but why would she want to be married if she wants to continue that life style?

He may prefer the window open at night for fresh air while she wants an electric blanket turned up to the "toast" setting. If he wants to spend all his free time with his buddies then he doesn't want to make a life with a woman. If she wants to spend all her free time at tupperware parties and such then she's not interested in making a life with a man.


Married, IMHO, is about relinquishing the life you had as a single person and making a new life with your partner. One person should not be expected to give up everything they had in order to ensure that the other is able to keep their single lifestyle. Male or female.

Why I think women don't want marriage is because generally the woman gives up everything and the man makes few if any sacrifices for the relationship. And then they complain that you're "not the woman I married". At least that has been my observation and personal experience.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:11 PM

I understand what you are getting at in the term you use ..maturity. I agree. Maturity is a desired trait. Unfortunately it is often consumption rates which take over. I dont agree with this high maintenance fingerprint ..male or female.

I too have little use for a woman or female I have to spend alot of time picking up after and still go to work and maintain such in addition to thier maintenance costs. I am not a womans moma. or daddy. I am big on getting those who are with me to pull thier heads out and not default on me at my expense.

At one time I rented out rooms in this house. YOu learn quickly about the maintenance habits of others ..including my own brother whom I eventually told to move out. His maintenance costs were just too high while he was pit stopping with me as the pit crew. I dont put up with such nonsense from my own brother ...I certainly wont put up with it from a woman.

I am not big on passion per se. I think the template for this with which most people have ingrained is a counterfit. Life is hard work..even in our passions. Often we substitute artificial expectations for real value or what is valuable here. The template which I know is that often the light which burns twice as bright burns only half as long. While not absolute...this can be applied to alot of things.

LOL LOL..agree about the locker room stuff and womens thinking. It is the same with the men I know. Give them a little sex and sports and they are good for another 100,000 miles. Astonishing how little thinking is going on here.
I too require that a woman acknowlege my life is as valuable as is hers. Nor that I am disposable and expendable. Nor do I think that the natural position of the toilet seat is down. NOr that my value system and thinking are adjustable and amendable for hers. Children or no children. Anyone think that after a woman uses the toilet in a relationship she ought to raise the toilet seat for others. It is not a quantum amount of labor to do this..why is the default down?? No one seems wont to bring up this simple point. Would this require to much commitment?? How about thinking??

I will make a point on this concerning IAF 101s post on this angle.

ON the subject of children..I am not saying that a woman put the children behind her man...but dont forget her man. This is so often the fingerprint among so many marriages. I dont have much respect for a woman who does not put her children first. This is happening all to often with the caliber of women coming up today. I am saying dont forget to put her man first too. This too happens all to often today too.

It is also a sad state of affairs when a man has to make his point clear. It is an even sadder state when you finally figure out that most men can't even make the point ..much less make it clear.

Conversely ..why would most women today even be intrested in a mans point of view when the home they are in is considered theirs by default...socially..within the social structure. Remember that 7 to 1 buisness in the stores with goods and services directed to women??
It is by default in this social structure that it is a woman or female who determines market direction..not the males. This carrys over into every angle of marketing...every angle.
It is not who earns the moneys..but who has discretionary control over how the money are spent. Women understand this...most men are way to dumb to get it. The merchandizers are not ignorant to this concept. They are not about to clue the men into this logic and reason.

Once I understood this for the scam it is ..I never again bought into this drivel about a Partriarchial society. What we have here in America is a Martriarchial society masquerading as a Patriarchial society so as to play through by default.

Another point I want to Some time back in another room you posted about the men lacking in manners or caliber/ability as were their fathers, grandfathers or great grandfathers. I agree with your point here. I think this trend is waxing worse and worse. I attribute much of this to the lack of a man in their lives. Instead rampant consumerism and consumer values being substituted instead.
Many of todays women are not intrested in this nor laying the groundwork for this to take place..but are themselves intrested primarily in consumerism. They dont want to think about how things get here or are made...the risk involved....but just that they get here. They raise kids on just such a doctrine of instant gratification. The sad thing is that these kids grow to be adults and still think that instant gratification is the normal course of events out here. Astonishing!!

IF you look at alot of what passes for men out here and the lack of male figures in thier lives..who or what is the dominant influence in their lives if not their mothers?? Must be peer groups and the boob tube!!

Now that I have those points out of the is important nation building moral high ground stuff!!

Concerning the toilet seat...most men are horrible shots or horrible at aiming. I detest cleaning up after them too. However be fair...alot of women are not the neatest thing in their habits. I dont like picking up after them either. If man cannot aim worth a darn..he needs to make accomidations so as not to leave pee pee tracks all over the place. What a bunch of wimps!! Enough said??

Also ..the premise here is why women want marriage..not dont want marriage. Though I understand your points and concerns. I just dont happen to agree with all of them.


Your point about women haveing a concept of what is "perfect" and men conforming to this concept is what has bothered me for some time now. Some conformity is ok. But often with me it is not. Particularly within the concept or limits I posted to Whitewave.

Give you an example. Some years back while seeing another woman her pattern was often to get me to take up her concerns..her expectations...her honeydoos. If I was round her she would often try to task me with jobs to be done or repaired..etc etc. What never happened with her was that she did not ask me what my plans were for the day. She just began the process she thought was put me to work if I was around. To replaced my needs or thoughts with her requirements. Including lets go out to eat...and take the kids. Translate that ...I pay. She had a job!!
One day when I stopped by for a visit..I knew she was going to begin her honeydoo fingerprint and or lets go out to eat. I went out to her shed and took out some paint I knew was in there and began painting her shed. The honeydoo list stopped and we did not go out to eat. Instead she fixed some sandwichs and iced tea while I painted.

The lesson here is that as long as I was doing something that benefitted her and her kids..all was well. Translate that further ...this is the natural role or default setting for a man. Now are all women like they are not ..but it happens more than most men are wont to tell.
This relationship did not last long. I did not bother explaining it to her as she was not receptive to the idea at all. This was commitment phobia on her part. She was not mature enough to understand beyond the settings on her dial.

THe other lesson out here is that there is a caliber of woman for whom you want them to think you are the dumbest most uncoordinated non mechanical idiot around. All you can do is make love and play video games and watch sports and drink beer. This is as far as you want them to know. Mechanically and want them to think you are a train wreck.

If a woman wants to keep me coming around she needs more than the ability to and beauty. Ive been up this trail before. It is often so overated to me. Lots of women out here can fill this niche. Cooking has become a lost art in the days and times of prepared microwave foods and the fast food lane. Not that I dont appreciate a good meal prepared by a woman who cares. It is just that it is not the asset it once was..unless combined with other real intrinsic values.

But this thread is about why a woman would want to get married and my tack is what are they offering for marriage..what value. I have yet to get a specific answer for this question. These things are so often implicit in these posts..not explicit. Whitewave is one of the few who will in fact offer specifics....explicitness.


posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 07:30 PM
Why, thank you, OT. And let me just jump in and offer explicits after I say this: You don't agree with me? I'm shocked!

Why I think women want marriage:
1) Security. They want to know that they don't have to be personally responsible for their own financial well-being, their own toilet stopping up, their own lawn needing mowed, their own car being fixed (or paid for).

2) Companionship. Women are highly verbal creatures and we need someone to talk to. Not necessarily someone to talk WITH but someone to talk to. Men are not as verbal so when we are talking we just assume they're listening. AHAHAHAHAHA

3) Dependability. Women want to know that they don't have to go through the weeding out process in picking a sex partner. (Men do too, for that matter). We want to know that SOMEONE is coming home at the end of the day that we can talk to and who knows how to unstop the toilet. We want to know that x amount of money will consistently be deposited into bank account to cover expenses.

4) Love. Women like to feel special and adored. I don't think there are too many women who are so self-deluded as to believe that every male on the planet is enamored of them but they may be able to delude themselves that at least one guy thinks they're special.

I realize that my cynicism may be showing so let me temper the previous bile by saying: marriage SHOULD include dependability, companionship, security and love. I just think that a lot of women (and men) delude themselves regarding what actually constitutes those admirable traits.

And now for the final word on the toilet seat to all you guys: No one wants to see what may be lingering on the inside of the bowl so please put the lid down for the sake of aestheticism. Also, if you've never stumbled out of bed at three in the morning to empty your bladder and fallen in a bowl of cold, wet toilet bowl; well, let me just say that it's a rude and extremely unpleasant awakening. And for all the ladies who chronically complain about it: put on your big girl panties and deal with it. It's just not that big an issue to make a source of contention with your partner.

Women process information about potential mates differently than men do. Men just LOOK and if the female looks ok, then "good enough". (Although I think some men are starting to snap out of this biological reflex). Women can not usually tell just by looking if the male will be a good provider, caring to her and her offspring, etc. so she must process non-verbal clues constantly. This may have worked well for our ancestors but the tendency to process actions to determine character and future actions may be a little "overshoot" now. In other words, hubby comes home 10 minutes late and we have to process all sorts of info to determine if his worthiness as a mate has been misplaced. If hubby has been out catting around and brings home a disease, the stability of the family unit is at stake as well as the future of the offspring. Weighty matters indeed. Knowing he may have just gotten caught in traffic, we have to weigh how much of a big deal we're going to make over this potentially weighty matter. I could give endless examples but you get the idea.

A man just needs to look to see if a woman is a suitable vessel for his offspring. Much simpler for them. Long luscious hair? Since hair grows slowly, any chronic illnesses will manifest in "straw" looking hair. Long luscious hair shows a female that has been healthy a long time-not prone to disease=suitable vessel. Perky boobs? Youth alone holds up those puppies (and plastic surgery) and youth equates to health and fertility. Women have few visual clues to determine a man's genetic suitabilty. Strong cheekbones and chin are one determinant. It takes a lot of testosterone to make such a bone structure and since testosterone weakens the immune system, only a male with a very strong immune system can reach adulthood with that bone stucture. (Current day antibiotics negate that ancestral clue). Men need srong healthy vessels to bear their offspring and women need virtuous characters to help them raise those offspring. Strong and healthy stands out like a beacon whereas virtuous characters are a little harder to determine so women have devised endless "tests". Buying expensive, frivolous rocks shows a man who is willing to expend his time and energy to provide for a woman and her offspring. There's a million of 'em, guys, but I'll stop here. Looking forward to everyone's response to THIS one. HEHEHE.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 07:48 PM
As far as your other question, OT, about what women will bring into a marriage: unless this is a proposal, I can't really say what women in general will bring. Every woman brings her own gifts and her own baggage/expectations/strengths/limitations, etc. Same as men.

I think the number one thing that women NEED to bring to a marriage is respect. Without respect, no matter how virtuous the man, he's not highly motivated to remain the wonderful man you chose to spend the rest of your life with or be an example to your offspring. With respect, you can quickly weigh that 10 minute tardiness arriving home and come to a safe conclusion. With respect, you can see the toilet seat lid up (occasionally) and realize they didn't do it to piss you off or because they don't care about your discomfort or safety from falling in at 3 in the morning. Love may "cover a multitude of faults" but I think respect covers all the rest.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by whitewave

Not to get too personal, but you sound like a single man. A bitter one.

You also make a lot of assumptions.

Women are from Venus. Men are from . . . Uranus?
As stellar as my SAT and GRE math scores were, my verbal scores surpassed them! So, very very few women are more "verbal" than I am. Although I am mostly nominative, not verbal. Unless I were subjunctive, which is probably never the case . . . . [/mock]

Frau Dr. makes more than I do. Has for the past four years.

Household chores. You are assuming that:

a) all men are "good with their hands."

b) People will stay in a relationship because it comes with a maid or butler. If that were true, no one would ever check out of a four star hotel.

The bottom line is that you assume that people stay in marriage because of what the expect to get out of the relationship. And I'm telling you, the people / couples that think that way are doomed. Successfull marrieds know the eternal truth:

When it comes to building a family, you will always put more into it than you will ever get out of it. If you cannot deal with this fact, then you shouldn't even try marriage.

all the best.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 08:43 PM
Dr. S., you've got me smiling here. Thanks for that.
I make a lot of generalizations in my posts on the boards. Sorry about that. Still, generalizations do have validity.
Generally speaking, most men make more money than most women. I make more money than a lot of men I know so I realize that it is a generalization to say that women marry for money but generally a woman does not marry a man who makes less money than she does whereas a man is more willing to marry a woman who makes less than he does.
Again, generally speaking, most males are raised to learn certain handyman skills whereas most females are not. How many female plumbers, electricians, car mechanics do you have listed in your phone book?
For the record, I am a single, bitter FEMALE.:w:
Adding you to my friends list. I've heard some of your opinions on these topics before and I highly respect your views. *Tips hat to frau dr.*

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
Dr. S., you've got me smiling here. Thanks for that.
I make a lot of generalizations in my posts on the boards. Sorry about that. Still, generalizations do have validity.

Evidently, MINE don't:

For the record, I am a single, bitter FEMALE.

Frau Dr. doesn't read here much. If she did, it'd be the end of "independent doctor s." But I'll show her your posts.

all the best.


posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:55 AM


It has been awhile since I have seen you so wound up. I like it!!! Your tough!!!

Security, companionship, dependability, love....I'm shocked Whitewave!!
I never would have thought of that!!
I do agree with you that many of us delude ourselves at to what constitute these traits.


I'm going to get the last word on the toilet seat here!!!! I deserve it the other guys dont!! The makeovers too!!!

We are not talking about an outhouse here on the path out back. People should know how to flush after natures buisness. Also how to clean this complex high tech instrument.
Also I am never that gone to the world that I dont know what position the seat is in. I also dont take it for granted...even when I do get up in the middle of the night. Actually the middle of the night I am usually awake like now. It is automatic with me. However..mostly in the middle of the night I am at work.

And that is "MY" final word....well almost.....

Hows my bile doin darlin????

Buying expensive, frivolous rocks shows a man who is willing to expend his time and energy to provide for a woman and her offspring.

What is this dreck I just quoted??? I am sure, as an explicit woman, you meant to say ..."their" offspring verses using such a default setting where the man is implicit. This has to be a typo on your part. Has to be!!

A smart, intelligent, thinking, loving, caring woman uses another technique to learn the capabilitys of a man in whom she is intrested..not such high maintenance methods. Todays divorce rates pretty much shoot this nonsense through the basement. This would make me wonder how frivolous she will be with "their" time energy and moneys earned ..also the risks involved.

As far as your other question, OT, about what women will bring into a marriage: unless this is a proposal, I can't really say what women in general will bring.

WOW!!!! LOL LOL LOL Your letting me down here Whitewave. To implicit.

I do think respect is a asset to bring to a man..yes. I use the term Peace...from her labors. Included in this Peace is her view of secuirty for him..from her labors...companionship, dependability, love. Respect is an asset which holds alot of this together in the mix. While this may be expensive on her is not frivolous.

LOL LOL LOL...I cant seem to get as wound up as are you Whitewave. To tired. Not enough bile left in me today. Been in a class all day. Backside and head are worn out. Time for a couple of glasses of wine and off to bed. Lots to do tomorrow.

As always Doc Strangecraft makes some good and well spoken points. I always enjoy reading his posts.

Nite to all here,

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Have it your way. I'll just use the other bathroom. :bnghd: j/k
Sorry for all the bile. I'd just come from another thread and still had my sleeves rolled up trying to reason with some schmuck I finally had to put on my iggy list. Guess some of that frustration spilled over into this thread.
Wasn't a typo about the "her kids" thing. Maybe my Freudian slip was showing a little. Give me a moment to adjust my verbal wardrobe malfunction.
THEIR kids. Yes. That's what I meant.

Been reading an eye-opening book entitled "Why We Love" that takes the evolutionary psychologist point of view. Haven't finished it yet but so far it seems the premise is that we're all biological automatons with only survival and propagation of the species programmed into our genes. All that we do, from speaking simple sentences to building interstellar flight plans, are with the sole function of continuing to pass on our own genetic material. If you don't believe in intelligent design, you'd certainly have to recognize a willful one. According to this book, apparently even the emotion of love is a sort of trick of the mind to make us want to breed. It's not as cynical as I'm describing but it's difficult to explain that sort of information without sounding heartlessly clinical.

With todays divorce statistics soaring, it's hard to believe that 2 people were ever desparately in love. What WERE they experiencing if not love? Why did either of them think they wanted marriage/life time committment to one person?

Having experienced the love for a child (5 of them), I find it unbelievable that real and solid love can ever fade or just stop. If one claims to have that sort of love for the sire (or mother) of those children, where did the love go? I guess in order to answer the question of why women want marriage, we probably need to come up with a common ground definition of "marriage". Some think it's living together without benefit of clergy or state blessing, some think the above mentioned are a must, some think a platonic, "roommate" situation is more realistic. It may be that over half of all marriages end in divorce because the entering parties have different concepts of what constitutes a marriage and just assume that the other agrees with their definition.

Thoughts anyone?

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 12:32 AM
Wow, now I am beginning to think that marriage failure or the changing of the fundamentals of marriage as we know it are because we are over-analyzing it.

Could that be possible?

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by snowflake_obsidian
Wow, now I am beginning to think that marriage failure or the changing of the fundamentals of marriage as we know it are because we are over-analyzing it.

Could that be possible?

OK..Whitewave..buckle up...your seatbelt,

Snowflake Obsidian,

I disagree with you here. I read your post just above here some time ago when you first put it on this thread. I disagree and have been musing on this since. I think more people should analyze marriage and their partner with some reality in mind..not just Me Me Me and my

Judging by seperation and divorce numbers we need to rethink mariage and our suitability for it...not just what we can get out of it.

I think Doc Strangecraft stated it quite well in that if we expect to get more out of it than we put into it we are doomed.

This is quite a contrast to the Me generation.


posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 10:37 PM
Hope everyone had a great turkey day and that you all still like being married after holidays with the family. :w::bash:

Putting more into a relationship than you expect to get out of it is, in my opinion, a faulty way of thinking. It assumes that there's a tally sheet somewhere and that the score is not equal. I think men and women have different expectations and that they want different things from the union. When I was married I did 9/10ths of the housework, all of the cooking, put in more hours of work outside the home, performed the majority of childrearing tasks, etc. I brought home as much (and sometimes more) money than my husband and still I thought it was an equitous arrangement. I wasn't looking at "tit for tat" or "i did this so you owe me one". I think anyone who has that mentality (ex husband included) is not ready for or worthy of marriage.

Maybe my profession has a higher proportion of co-dependent females but I see an awful lot of women who are desparate for a man. Any man. I think they need someone to validate their reality, validate their worth as human beings. Sad, really. Maybe that's why THEY want to get married. My reasons for wanting to be married were quite different.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 06:03 AM
Why? Well, aside from the economic side of things, that's easy:

Because men don't want to. If men wanted to, we wouldn't want it anymore. See - women have feline personalities. We are catty. If we can make a man do what he doesn't want to do, well, that is quite a catch in the ole paw, isn't it?

Okay, I am teasing a bit, so relax men. But if a man gets married, it shows something about commitment and trust. See, men don't emote like we women do, so we need little proofs instead.

[edit on 24/11/07 by chutso_ha]

[edit on 24/11/07 by chutso_ha]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 10:01 AM
In a world where 60% of the population who is thirty and younger claim to never want to marry is this even a question?

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Whitewave and others,

Spoiling myseslf here at a late breakfast. The extra sleep was much needed. Having coffee with real Amaretto in it. Wonderful.

I was not refering to keeping a talley sheet per se on what Doc Strangecraft was saying. One naturally by process becomes aware of what they do or dont do in a marriage. Many will deny it or promote it at times but they are aware. I was stating that the popular belief today of expecting to get more out of it than one puts into it is nonsense.

I am saying people should marry for certain things within that marriage. Reasonable sensible things..not fantasy or unreality. Not something they read in a magazine advertisement. Frivolous stuff.

Oh..I forgot to put in here on the first sentance that I disagree with you!

However...I do agree with you that men and women have different expectations of what they want in and from the marriage/union. This is not unreasonable. My question is are most expectations just a default and or based in reality..not fantasy. the way..I see this word used alot but never precisely understood the meaning or intent behind it. You used the word " Co-dependent." Can you eleborate on this for me as to what constitutes co-dependent.

I too see alot of women desparate for a man, particularly after a number of failed marriages/relationships and the sense that it is getting close to midnight and it might be pumkin time. A man is often, to these types of women, a nice convenience or option. Especially a malliable trainable one.
When I sense this type of thing I look quietly, discreetly, and patiently for the fingerprint.


You have me chuckling with your post. I agree..with you that most men dont emote like women. I have, however, noticed that there are more and more men who do in fact emote like women. The common denominator is that they were raised primarily by women have womens values and thinking patterns. When one gets in especially tough or dangerous jobs you have to watch them carefully ..they will often lock up like a deer in the headllights or not pay attention. This can get one hurt or killed. Best in many cases never to take them on these kinds of jobs. Tell the boss that you dont want them with you..period. Thats just the way it is in my occupation. We dont candy coat it. Carry the load or carry ones A.. on down the road!!

I do however..just like with Whitewave ..disagree with you on this statement...

See, men don't emote like we women do, so we need little proofs instead.

Men need to be intelligent enough to know little proofs from women too. The sad truth that I know is that with so many men, their expectations of women are so low that they must often struggle and try out like idiots to get even these low expectations met. In the process they often overlook real value in a woman. This is ..really stupid of them. So many men are not that intelligent/analyzing in this arena. Too much Hooters and ESPN.

Also the reason most men dont emote like women is that such emotions are not conducive to accomplishing the tasks with which men are often burdened. IF women want men to emote like them they need to unburden men of these types of tasks. This would require commitment from women.
Not the appearence of commitment.
However..I dont think women want the competition from men in the emotions department. Nor do women desire to unburden men of thier traditional tasks so that men can be more emotional as are so many women. By social constructs women dont want the competition from other women for emotions...much less from men.
YOu see..Chutso_ha..I know that most women dont want a sensitive emotional man ....they want a man who is sensitive and emotional twords them. A huge difference.

Because men don't want to. If men wanted to, we wouldn't want it anymore.

LOL LOL LOL. There is some odd and strange truth to this statement you made...even in humor. I have often stated that women are very much competitive..just not in the way or manner that are most men...but competitive none the less...very much so. I also dont think that most men are even aware of this concept.

Wait a minute...I almost missed this part of your post..

Why? Well, aside from the economic side of things, that's easy

I thought women were doing everything that men are doing and doing a better job of it in times of "equality."

This should not even be a factor. Am I out of date here or way ahead of the curve?? In times of equality women should be taking just as much risk and liability for the goods/ecomomics as are men. Tell me you are kidding here?? If they are doing a better job of it they should be doing more ...right?? Please tell me your economic statement is not a default??

Speaker of truth,

In a world where 60% of the population who is thirty and younger claim to never want to marry is this even a question?

Yes it is a question. The reason it is in fact a question is that there is one constant in dealing with women and the effeminate. The ability to change ones mind. This is especially true in dealing with women. Just try to hold a woman to a line..especially a very emotional woman. Now a days this applies to emotional men as well.

Just try to make a disparaging remark among women about the marriage ceremony or ritual. Even among women who dont want to get married. There is something "Holy or "Sacred" about the ceremony ...not necessarily the man to whom they are married. This should be obvious by the statistics. All women it is a obvious trend.

Go pick up a copy of Brides magazine from the stands. It is one of the thickest magazines on the stands. At one time it was the thickest. Read it ..see the check off lists etc. Even among women who make no plans to marry ...they read them.
Marriage their power day. The single day in which so many women believe they gain access to dreams , fantasys , expectations and what they often believe they one day. YOu dont see this trend among many men.

Thanks to all for thier posts,

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

You're not really disagreeing with me as it wasn't really my opinion, just something I was pondering for a moment and an avenue I was exploring at the time I said it.

In no way should anyone in a marriage keep tally of a score. My soon to be brother in law and his fiance were the type to keep a list of how much one owed the other. They considered all they had as "his" or "hers" instead of theirs and would often "steal" from eachother. I thought it was wrong but of course I never said anything because it wasn't my business.

However, they felt that we were wrong for sharing everything and were very vocal about it, and unfortunatly the brothers no longer speak.

So you know, I do agree that we shouldn't see it as a "what can I get" type of situation. However, we should also feel equal and fulfilled. There has to be balance somewhere. Yes you should give all for your spouse, but they should be willing to do that for you as well.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

maybe in europe that is true, i doubt it in america.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 07:28 PM
Like gallopinghordes, I am raising a child alone and truthfully, I have never wanted to get married or be married.

I don't need a man to support me financially and love the independence.

Some women want marriage, but not all.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by snowflake_obsidian

Married men are actually happier with their sex lives then single men. There is something to be said for a partner who knows what you like. Then to have to start over constantly.

There is no one reason for this. It could be all the reasons you stated or none.

There are legal reasons. There are the social standing reasons. People are forced into it by families. To have children. To be with someone you love. Fear of being alone. Trying to replace a missing parent. The reasons are countless.

The reason you SHOULD get married is because you are a secure individual who is Prepared to spend your life with someone, not matter what it takes.

Marriage is one of the hardest things people can do. It takes work. Hard work. Marriages fail because people are not up to the task. To look to themselves as part of the issue. Like a pp said, they expect the partner to change.

I may start a separate thread on this because this is important information.

There are the four horsemen to the demise of a marriage. Years of studies found that divorced couples contain at least one of these elements.

Download the paper.

The number one killer is contempt.

It is not the lack of chores that one partner doesn't do that causes a marriage to fail. It is the contempt held by one partner for the other not doing their share.

But if the first partner didn't have contempt, then it wouldn't be a problem.

Doesn't mean that you roll over and take it, but you need to work something out with your partner instead of walking around all the time pisses off.

The reasons I married my husband?

he would make a great father, and has
is good looking
and he makes me laugh

and makes me feel good
among other things

[edit on 29-11-2007 by nixie_nox]

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