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John Titor fraud or not?

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posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Let me first say that before I starting visiting, let me restate that as living on this site I knew little of John Titor. In the past few days I have been reading more about him and his predictions. My question for you guys is this; Do you believe that his claim that America will soon be engaged in civil war with itself; a civil war that we'll see the beginnings of during 2004 and 2005, escalating until it is indisputable by 2008 and will consume everyone in the US by 2012.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 11:00 AM
the better question would be whether any of the things he describes will happen on our "world line".

As stated by Titor himself, the basis for time travel is that any time someone goes back in time, a fork if you will, is created. So, even if you were to travel back in time and kill your grandfather, it wouldn't REALLY be him, just a quantum copy of him, because if he was killed in that time, then you wouldn't be in existance to kill him, which would be a paradox of sorts unless explained via quantum universes.

So, by tavelling here, and warning the few people that he was able to reach via his forum posts, Titor may have, in fact, created a new world line in which because of those warnings, the wars never take place. On this world line, man may never invent the 204 or any other type of time travel device. Does that mean that John Titor was a fraud? or just that he accomplished what he set out to do in his warnings, and create for a quantum copyof himself, a new world line in which he won't be forced to suffer the perils of war at 13 years of age.

We will never know, so in reality, i guess believing in John Titor is a choice you're going to have to make.

[Edited on 27-12-2003 by invictus]

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 11:18 AM
one way of looking at it is that if he is genuine at least it means there is a future after 2012 even if it is greatly different to the way of life that we know now.
I don't think he really gave enough away to change the future of our worldline, and he said that there would be only very slight differences between his and our worldlines.
I really can't make my mind up about the whole thing. He certainly sounds very plauseable and the reports of mad cow disease in america have set some alarm bells ringing with me.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by pantha
one way of looking at it is that if he is genuine at least it means there is a future after 2012 even if it is greatly different to the way of life that we know now.
I don't think he really gave enough away to change the future of our worldline, and he said that there would be only very slight differences between his and our worldlines.
I really can't make my mind up about the whole thing. He certainly sounds very plauseable and the reports of mad cow disease in america have set some alarm bells ringing with me.

he gave enough away. in a previous thread i gave an ordered list of his predictions for you to determin for yourself rather or not he's for real. What I found personally is 5/8 of the one's that were supposed to happen already, have happened and were on time. As for the other 3, there is one prediction I don't quite understand what he means. The "one more pope" does not have a date given. and the other "100K killed" I am unsure about, but I'm sure it hasn't happened yet. If it does I think that it may have something to do with a disease or the war in iraq (everyday there is news about how someone dies there). Now it's 2004, and we wait to see if all the 2004 predictions happen. Remember, it will not be clear that we are in a civil war until 2008 according to him, and the civil war does not actually start until 2005. In 2004 the civil war does TECHNICALLY start, as 2004 events lead to 2005.

A lot of people will argue that he just took lucky guesses (by studying the current events at that time and predicting what would happen with them), but for lucky guesses he's damn good. In conclusion, you have 3 choices. 1. Believe him. Mad Cow was the first thing he predicted that had an impact on people. Could it be for a reason? 2. Don't believe him, but do consider that he had a damn good way of thinking. He was able to accuratly study his current events and predict what would come next. 3. Forget Titor completely. Go on saying he's a hoax by using your common sense, and not getting sure shot proof he's a hoax.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 04:28 PM
I dont completely buy into it, but it is strange how he has been able to "predict" some events. Another prediction has just occurred to me that may have come true, and I will post that in the other topic on this subject. Wether you believe he was from the future or not is up to you. I personally am not sure what to think. If time travel IS possible in the future, why wouldnt someone come back and drop hints? Either this guy was from the future, or he this is one of the most well thought out hoaxes of our time. He definately had his story straight.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 04:40 PM
Ktpr^2 had a fairly in depth email conversation with a REAL Astro Physicist who he thought WAS John Titor.

This genuine scientist absolutely destroyed the "science" that Titor was proclaiming as the means of his travels...

If you do a search and put John Titor in the search box you'll be bale to see the emails from the real McCoy and make a more informed decision on the matter...


posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Springer
Ktpr^2 had a fairly in depth email conversation with a REAL Astro Physicist who he thought WAS John Titor.

This genuine scientist absolutely destroyed the "science" that Titor was proclaiming as the means of his travels...

If you do a search and put John Titor in the search box you'll be bale to see the emails from the real McCoy and make a more informed decision on the matter...


you won't get to them just by simply typing John Titor in a search box. Typing John Titor in a search box will just lead to a bunch of forums that are on the topic of Titor. I am trying to find a direct link to back you up.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 05:44 PM
Thanks man, I don't have much luck with this search engine either...


posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:32 PM
I don't know, I can't find them. So i guess if anyone listens to springer and is actually able to find them with their search, you can provide the rest of us with a link
Of course there's many other website's that are good for research.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 01:55 AM
Ok well I didn't hear of John Titor until I saw this thread and did a search on him. I've spent the last 8 hours reading trough hundreds of pages of info. And I must say his story is very interesting. Even if he's not a time traveler its still an interesting story to read. I still haven't made my mind up one way or the other.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 02:03 AM
I do remember hearing about a man, that made a lot of money like two years ago in the stock market, he was being investigated by the government or whatever for possible insider tradeing... when they asked him how he knew all the info and got all that money, he simply said, "im from the future" then all the news on this dissapeared? was this john titor? and does anyone have any links or info on this story?

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 02:06 AM
If he's real, our Grandchildren may be talking about him one day. Maybe this thread will survive WWIII hehe. Who knows. Its all very interesting though. I found the guy who won a few million in 3 weeks on the stock market of interest. He has no identity and claims to be from the future, is this the same guy?

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 02:09 AM
even if he is a fake...

all the stuff he said should be printedup you know kepted safe!

i have always dreamed of going back in time and get rich and stuff "o ya, stop desasters"

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Sapphire
I found the guy who won a few million in 3 weeks on the stock market of interest. He has no identity and claims to be from the future, is this the same guy?

Yeah I heard the story too. But I cant verify if its true or not. And I dont think its the same guy. The Predictions made by Titor are certainly terrifying. Especially the ones about Mad Cow Dissease, and wouldnt you know it MCD is now in the news again. Now would be a good time to stop eating beef no? It will be interesting to see what happens in the next year. As he said that civil war will start around 2004-5.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 03:07 AM
Titor was a fraud. Enough has been said in many threads here to definitely make the case for hoax.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Sapphire
If he's real, our Grandchildren may be talking about him one day. Maybe this thread will survive WWIII hehe. Who knows. Its all very interesting though. I found the guy who won a few million in 3 weeks on the stock market of interest. He has no identity and claims to be from the future, is this the same guy?

That guy was a hoax made up by some crappy newspapers if I remember correctly.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 11:36 PM
Dec. 24 2003 was the first known case of a cow being ridden with mad cow disease on U.S. soil. Didnt John Titor say that was a pre-curser to the civil unrest in America that is to follow?

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 11:49 PM
you guys should go check out the forums on where john titor first appeared in 2001 i think.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:28 AM
Ok for those who know, what Titor predictions "came true" besides the Mad Cow thing? Specifically.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:32 AM
is there a list of stuff he got wrong??

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