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Project Blue Beam

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posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:59 AM


posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 05:51 PM
oddly enough, the following came up after googling "bluebeam" on the google unclesam search
( )

5.6 Airborne Holographic Projector

Brief Description

The holographic projector displays a three-dimensional visual image in a desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.


* Precision projection of 3-D visual images into a selected area
* Supports PSYOP and strategic deception management
* Provides deception and cloaking against optical sensors

Enabling Technologies (MCTL)

* 4.1.4, Image Processing (holographic displays)
* 10.1, Lasers
* 10.2, Optics
* 10.3, Power Systems

White Papers

* Q, Special & Humanitarian Operations
* N, Strategic Attack

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:21 PM
it would be cool to start a cacophony campaign and get as many of your local communities to get warmed up to this as one could.
part of me thinks that people would just write it all off as it were. we're pretty used to seeing great CG at theaters and such anymore. people are so tucked firmly asleep in their own worlds to stop and take interest in something like this, but who knows? like, how do you strop society? people are pretty unbelieving as well. i'd say more people are skeptics than not. it would have to be a pretty superficial performance to get the masses to 'snap' into it.

maybe when this 'event' goes live, we'll rent a commercial spotlight for the evening and blow the imagery out. all the possibilities...

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 05:37 PM
After reading about them having the ability to create earthquakes in certain locations, I'm wondering if they caused the Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami event in South Asia.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 07:38 AM
annestacey who is "they"? and can you link to the article about how earthquakes can be created on demand?

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by ronishia
... and to impliment a no religion concept and try to do away with it altogether.

and this is a bad thing?

Funny, it seems that the people that are peaceful are the ones that dont claim a loving God and then kill in his/her/its name...or act upon fear when "their" God does not "give the spririt of fear, but of love and of a sound mind."

Nor are they the ones hating others lifestyles that dont suite their belief, when they are to "judge not".



posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 08:09 AM
Thank you Ronishia for this well researched info.

I would like to recommend to you (and to the others interested in) to look at
that site

I find it very interesting how things are connected to each other and how many strange informations are coming lately from "below the surface"
I don't know if you are familiar with the post of Dark Knight about HAARP
but I believe there is strong connection between those two projects

greetings and happy xmas hollidays,

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 08:20 AM
For some reason this discussion keeps bring to mind the technology employed by the aliens at the end of the movie "The Abyss" - you'll need to see the directors cut though.

If it is indeed isolated to project itself upon individuals, that person is going to have an estatic vision. Over one million schizophrenics in the United States and counting at this time - and they all report the same generations of themes in their hallucinations.

*two cents*

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by warpboost
annestacey who is "they"? and can you link to the article about how earthquakes can be created on demand?

"They" would be the government, or the military, or whoever is in control of the top-secret weapons.

There is a reference to HAARP causing earthquakes in this thread on the first page.

This is another thread here that discusses the ability of HAARP to possibly create earthquakes on demand:

And the video "Holes in Heaven" contains individuals discussing how HAARP can create earthquakes:

If you Google "HAARP" and "earthquakes", you'll find lots of sites that discuss it as well.

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by dAlen

Originally posted by ronishia
... and to impliment a no religion concept and try to do away with it altogether.

and this is a bad thing?

Funny, it seems that the people that are peaceful are the ones that dont claim a loving God and then kill in his/her/its name...or act upon fear when "their" God does not "give the spririt of fear, but of love and of a sound mind."

Nor are they the ones hating others lifestyles that dont suite their belief, when they are to "judge not".


dAlen know, even though i'm still leary of ..putting myself into any sort of religious box with a lable, i am a very spiritual person, no doubt.
either way, raised in a christain house, that's mostly, still how i identify with my Truth, i guess you could say.
and i really hate when people judge all "christains", or those like me who ..don't want to call myself a christain, but really, a true christain, yes, i am.

please do not judge us all because of these idiots that claim to represent our faith.
many, perhaps like a few reading, have heard bits and pieces of truths from religion.. then have heard so much crap that you forget any truth that was spoken.. that's religion. "preaching", sharing ANYTHING but love, and the love of the "father" who created us.. however, in whatever way you understand "him". we came from somewhere..
anyways, forgive me for rambling.

i can't sit back and .. let people go on thinking that the things done in the name of god, and by so called christains is related to the Truth, and the Grace of "God".. these things are not of god.. our leaders are not of god, no matter what they claim.. no matter what ignorant rural church goers believe (i say that because that's where i'm from), because "grandpa taught it, and they bought it", i've heard someone say.

posted on Dec, 24 2006 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by hollyjo
please do not judge us all because of these idiots that claim to represent our faith.

If the shoe doesnt fit, then dont wear it.

No need to feel offended, why identify yourself with a label anyway?
Labels fits those that are inflexible, and a "True Christian" would not need a label, hence no offence would be taken.

I know personally people at the top (internationally known, and "Respected" in the U.S. and internationally), and they fit nicely into the conclusions I have made of the evangelical Christian box. You want a conspiracy, this would put a lot of the pieces together.

A true Christian again, need not be offended...if your living by your 'master' Jesus, then any comments will role off, especially seeing your identity isnt in the term Christian but in who you are in "Christ"...without having to use langugae to identify you, your actions will show.

So by no means am I including all in my description...yet my description is necessary, as those under the label, again fit what is being said, and some may find it worthy in their path to take note.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but Im sure this goes a long way into helping to clear things up.



[edit on 24-12-2006 by dAlen]

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 08:45 AM
Forward to 18 minutes to watch Japan's invisibility technology.
Can you imagine how far forward the military have taken this technology.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 02:07 PM
General eyes--I too am a non-believer but if I had never allowed curiosity to cause me to seek-out logic and source knowledge from this type of informative web site or other means of enlightenment--project blue beam would scare the crap out me were it to hit me in the face some dark cold night. I doubt anyone who hasn't been exposed to this information would take it lightly--and that's most of the planet.
Personally, I think the NWO order is going to be much simpler. Some crazy world leader is going to start a war in the middle east, maybe in Iran, and cause a petroleum shortage where for a long period of time only those with access to some stragtegic petroleum supply will be able to move. And if that world leader had an already, mercinery militia ready to move--control would be ugly, but easy.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 05:50 PM
this story sounds too much like a movie than truth. how are people sopossed to hear what god is saying even if it is in every language. whos voice will they use? james eral jones, paul harvey? and if it is written what text will it be in? new times roman, wingdings? sure i can belive that some people will be planning this act of a false second coming, but the athiests will not belive it ,christains true to the bible wont belive it, and any one else is just a big dummy.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by ChilledVoodoo
this story sounds too much like a movie than truth. how are people sopossed to hear what god is saying even if it is in every language. whos voice will they use? james eral jones, paul harvey? and if it is written what text will it be in? new times roman, wingdings? sure i can belive that some people will be planning this act of a false second coming, but the athiests will not belive it ,christains true to the bible wont belive it, and any one else is just a big dummy.

I forgot where I read about this but the technology they will be using has the ability to look and sound completely different to every person. It can actually get inside your own thoughts to pre-determine how it should be displayed to you.

If the cell phone towers also have the ability to inflict mind control to all of us, then who knows what they can make us believe? Anything they want?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:14 AM

Could someone please link me the post or thread about Project Blue Beam being a set up for the emergence of global consciousness portraited as a 4th dimension entity?
I read something about this on the main ATS page put I lost
the thread.

Thank you.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:09 PM
I've found something interesting that may have some relevence to this: Voice to skull

It's basically info on a real technology patented in the 1970's that allows sound to be transmitted to the human brain. It ties in with the idea that you will here the voice of "god" as if he is speaking directly to you.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:38 AM
ok lets say this virtual "apocalypsy" happens,each civilazation has different beliefs and images of god, how will all these people have the same "idea" of what is happening???

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 08:12 AM
no one has mentioned that from the 1970's at least, the Russians were working with a supercomputer that could be fed languages and beliefs and it could actually learn how to speak in any language.

I can't remember the exact stats, but its to that effect. This computer hooked up to a satellite would prove to be an awesome weapon of control. emitting ulf waves into the minds of people, they would hear their gods or even their own consciences talking to them.

It's all in a detailed story of project bluebeam, - theres loads here, but again open to debate.

With that said, my connection to some time ago when National Geo was having a "Celebrate diversity campaign" where they gathered all known languages and cultures from all over the world, sounds exactly like what the Russians where doing all those years ago. however this can be open to debate, although what i know about who controls nat geo, it's very possible that they were gathering info for use in project bluebeam.

Again to the subject of "how do they broadcast stuff into our heads", it's pretty simple stuff, everything works on fequency's and our brain waves are on ULF, ultra low frequency (please excuse me if its incorrect, you know what i mean tho) , studies and tests have show than you can amplify this frequency to affect humans, eg, living too close to powerstations and those power grids and the like.

Used from the infiniteness of space and aimed and even concentrated, these ULF waves can seriously cause problems, they could quite possibly destroy everyone. This is where the classic "wear tin on your head" comes from i believe.

To block out the ulf wave would prevent any of this "brainwashing" to affect you.

Another thing which i found pretty interesting, there are several (many) significant events happening and planned for 2012, there's going to be a massive space storm of some sort

I find that a pretty weird co-incidence. . .

Oh and before i forget, i too think that all these massive "global warming" effects are a result of direct weather & earth control. There are man made earthquakes, hurricanes, storms and such, it has been possible for a very long time.

There is loads and loads of technology that is completely unknown to us. One thing that has always confused me is how the heck they got time travel right in the manhatten project, time travel is not restricted to one dimension or reality, but to the infinite reality, and therefore to travel back, and return to the SAME reality would be a feat of impossibility. . . very confusing

Well Thats my quarter cent

Peace & Love

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 03:59 PM
i dont understand why the worlds people doesnt get there guns, go to the houses of politics and arrest all the new world order proponents who are obvious in there words and actions by stifling the constitution and soft spoken lies about our freedoms, mixing in the fake PC attitude then being complete hypocrates. Then we question them all till we find the bunkers where they want to stage this anti-christ performance, we raid it like noobs and hamstring everyone who loves evil..i.e satans private parts. Screw you NWO, GODS TWO EYES ARE ALL ON YOUR SINS. I know your evil, i have the wisdom of of the number of the beast because the real God told me via my own seeking.

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