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Forget Iran! The US better invade Brazil!

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posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 01:20 AM
Why would the US invade? The Monroe Doctrine.

But they're much more likely, as they've done in the past again and again (can anyone name a South or Central American country that HASN'T had this?) to foment a coup and put a generalissimo with death squads in charge of the country.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 09:24 AM
The whole of South America can be a tad annoying sometimes, especially Argentina, who cheated in that World Cup match and the Falklands War they started..both justify an invasion. Venezuela, one word. Chavez. Brazil sick of them winning the World Cup, plus i really dont want South America getting nuclear weapons, i dont trust them.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 11:20 AM
I guarantee you, there is nothing to worry about.
Why? Well, we already have enought internal problems to deal with.

An international war would be ridiculous because it's more probable and acceptable starting some sort of civil war with brazilian's crime organizations, which is almost happening as well, than a nuclear holocaust against US.

In my opinion US should take care of their internal problems, in fact people tend to believe that terrorists are only in the middle east now but they're right in front of your noses masked as poorness, crime, hunger.
Sorry for the bad english

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 12:40 PM
Iran blah, North Korea blah, Brazil blah, Unconscious States of America now there's a real threat...more WMD than everybody else combined, yet somehow thats OK cuz its the US of A. When everybody including A. Shicklegruber got tired of playing WW2 who kept playing it? You kept playing it. How many countries have you guys invaded since? But thats ok cuz you're the USA...and you're number 1 even if you're really number 4, and God bless ya. Your President is your President, not the President of the World except nobody tells the Presidents that, do they. If he is the leader of the free World how is it nobody outside of the US got to vote for him, chances are nobody in the US voted for him either, how free is that free World? You meddle and invade other countries militarily, economically and force your dubious dark violent pessimistic culture upon us, yet crap your pants when somebody stands up to you. So they must be terrorists or evil-doers or hate your freedoms. Oh no the wheel has turned the full circle and once again China is re-emerging as the dominant economic powerhouse, and what says you savage? War talk. So who is the real threat? Any tin pot dictator can shake his angry little fist at the world in pathetic defiance for a few soundbites, but it is your country that really threatens the future of this world. Everybody knows that the US won't attack a country of their own size or one with with a nuclear capability, so everybody wants a Fatboy of their own..duh. Have a look around America, you are trapped in a time warp, while the rest of the world is moving on, you still seem to reside in 1972. Little wonder you have rubbed up against Jonny Jihad, you deserve each other, look into the face of Terror and gasp in amazement at your own reflection.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 12:54 PM
WATS to you!

I like this part:
oOVOo said:

Your President is your President, not the President of the World except nobody tells the Presidents that, do they. If he is the leader of the free World how is it nobody outside of the US got to vote for him, chances are nobody in the US voted for him either, how free is that free World?

Yeah, seems we should be able to, with all that influence going around, we of the world should have a say in the matter.

Nice post.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 01:01 PM
I know that Brazil is not the most favourite son of Washington but it appears being close to Cuba and Venezula is starting to make them nervous. It would make me nervous too even though I don't like Brazil having nukes and would rather that they didn't have them.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 02:15 PM
As i remember it the US ( at least some very prominent officials) were shouting rather loudly to get Hans BLix fired after letting this all take place. is quite interesting as it makes it quite clear that this is no isolated incident.


posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Donald Rumsfeld is giving Bush his daily briefing.

He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of
emotion, nervously watching as Bush sits, head in hands.

Finally, Bush looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 04:19 PM

LAY OFF BRAZIL!! I've got most my stock in PETROBRAS AND NEC!!

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by AccidentallyOnPurpose
Finally, Bush looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?


ninjacodemonkey is right, Brazilian women are smoking hot, and so the entire nation should get a pass, globally. Not to mention they rock at x-games sports like skateboarding, inline skating, surfing, etc. I could see how one day Brazilians could be whipped into a nationalistic racist fury just like any great nation, but in any case the thought of the US invading anybody on the American continent is crazy.

I wonder if President Bush Jr. could ever say anything this eloquent, or if ideas like this would even occur to him:

Ceremony Marking Brazilian Accession to the NPT

[US State Department transcript, 18 September 1998]

Remarks by Brazilian Foreign Minister Luis Felipe Lampreia

"[T]his ceremony marks a point of reflection in Brazil's disarmament and non-proliferation policy by acceding to the NPT and having recently ratified the CTBT, Brazil now has become party to all international nuclear non-proliferation agreements.

This process is the result of our unwavering commitment to the use of nuclear energy for exclusively peaceful purposes as enshrined in our very constitution. It is not only an important foreign policy directive of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso's government, but the reflection of the will of the Brazilian people.


Brazil is proud to live in harmony with all its ten neighbors, and to have done so uninterruptedly for well over a century. South America today is at once the least-armed region in the world... We are setting an example of cooperation and solidarity. Brazil therefore strongly rejects the notion that nuclear weapons can bring security to any nation. On the contrary, they breed only tension and instability and constitute a major roadblock to international peace and security.


But limiting the spread of nuclear weapons is not enough. The NPT will not have fulfilled its goal, as set out in Article 6, until all existing nuclear weapons are gone. That is certainly the understanding of the Brazilian Government and Congress when they approve the accession to the treaty.

Sounds like Brazil is managing their nuclear options with the right goal: Total elimination of all nukes. Sounds like the people of Brazil (on the surface anyway) understand that nukes do not protect anyone, but will eventually kill humanity off, if not removed entirely at some point.

Anyway, the people in the southern hemishere will probably stay largely nuke-free, I think. They'd be fools to bring more nukes south because the way it sits now, most of the global fallout will be in the north half of the globe. The southern hemisphere need only wait for the US to follow BushCo's idiotic hegemonic suicidal course to one day have the whole globe for themselves.

Now I wonder when the US will be taking action against that state which is not a signatory to the NPT and which has had secretly held nuclear weapons in violation of the NPT and its principles for the past three decades and which would never make a statement like the above? ...I won't mention the name of that state, of course. Let's just say that I like the Brazilian posture of humility and global goodwill much better than a position of theological and racial superiority.

[edit on 23-4-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 04:16 AM
As well as hot women, Brazil also contributes some scorching music. Some of the best bands I've seen have been Brazilian (Banda Mexe Con Tudos and the AWESOME Totinho Y Os Cabra), plus they have the Godlike Genius of Hermeto Pascoal. Plus Caetano Veloso, and the legendary Antonio Carlos Jobim, who wrote some of the loveliest jazz tunes ever.

See, I really like Brazil. The title of this thread was some rather ill-judged sarcasm on my part (gotta keep saying that for new posters).

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by theBman
I can't remember the last time the Iran took hostages, or sent suicide bombers or even sponsored terrorists. The United States has probably sponsored more terrorist organizations than any other country.

How old are you, or are you just forgetful. I have a hint, look at this date in history. November 4th, 1979. While you are at it, do a search for Iran's ties to Hezbollah. Oh and here's a suicide bomber link just for good measure.Iran trains suicide bombers in event of US attack

When was the last time Iran threatened the US?

Iran threatens U.S.

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 04:00 PM
The US overthrew the democratic government of Mossadegh in the late fifties: Kermit Roosevelt (scion of that famous family) was the CIA officer in charge of fomenting the coup. This was all because Mossadegh had nationalised the oil industry and kicked out the UK and US oil firms. They came back in when the Shah was installed, backed by the US and with the US-trained SAVAK secret police, who made the KGB look like girl scouts.

After a couple of decades of state terror, disappearances and torture, the fundamentalism offered by Khomeini started to look like a good option.

You may berate someone else for not remembering when the Iranians took hostages, but your own memory is equally short.

Not for nothing did Iranians refer to the US embassy in the days of the Peacock throne as 'the nest of spies'.

As for Iran threatening the US, well, the US has troops inside Iran right now stirring up trouble covertly, getting targeting information, plus there's US aircraft rehearsing dummy bombing runs just outside Iranian airspace. What kind of fuss do you think the US would be making if another country behaved that threateningly? The Iranians DON'T have nukes, which the Bush regime knows, otherwise they wouldn't be acting so aggressively. They do, however, have a bunch of people prepared to martyr themselves.

Again, the US makes the world a less stable place through threatening a smaller, oil-rich nation.

[edit on 24-4-2006 by rich23]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:15 PM
Ok, you can go ahead with the nuking now, I just sold everything I had in brazilian-operating companies.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by rich23
.....After a couple of decades of state terror, disappearances and torture, the fundamentalism offered by Khomeini started to look like a good option.

I've never claimed we were angels in the past in Iran. All nations have marks on their records. except for some Scandinavian countries, kudos to them.

As for Iran threatening the US, well, the US has troops inside Iran right now stirring up trouble covertly, getting targeting information, plus there's US aircraft rehearsing dummy bombing runs just outside Iranian airspace.

Please supply some supporting documentation to your claims that the US currently has troops in Iran or has been practicing bombing runs. I don't doubt that we have Iranian assets doing some recon for us on the ground but I think that US troops would be too risky a proposition at this stage.

Brazil for the most part has not been too belligerent towards it's neighbors as far as I know (limited knowledge). I have not heard them threatening to wipe one of their neighbors off the map nor have they been involved in any major conflicts or support of radical terrorists in recent memory.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:00 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about the regular Brazilian Government. It's the drug lords and political extremists that we should be concerned about getting ahold of some of the enriched uranium for nukes. Today the war on drugs is not heightened to cause any hatred toward the U.S., but there have been times in the past and there will be times in the future that there will be plenty of animosity toward the U.S.

Consider what we are doing today in threatening to lock out our Latin American neighbors while we have the doors wide open to Asian and Middle Eastern immigrants. This sort of action will surely create emnity between us and Latin Amerca.

Uh...yeah!! I'd be more concerned about nukes in Brazil than Iran.

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 12:06 PM
LOL, I cannot understand how can anyone even compare Brazil to Iran. I don't think Brazil had EVER some problems with USA. Actually I think they're one of the few major countries that could own nukes without any problems.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:52 AM
If the US try to invade Brazil in the Amazon Jungle, they will be killed by the Jungle Warriors. We have the best jungle soldiers in the world. If you dont believe, just try and return to your country in plastic bags.
Vietnam was a lesson that US have to keep in their memory forever. Invading Brazil would be a second Vietnam. 50.000 americans were killed and the war was not won.

Brazilian Emperor

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by rich23
As well as hot women, Brazil also contributes some scorching music. Some of the best bands I've seen have been Brazilian (Banda Mexe Con Tudos and the AWESOME Totinho Y Os Cabra), plus they have the Godlike Genius of Hermeto Pascoal. Plus Caetano Veloso, and the legendary Antonio Carlos Jobim, who wrote some of the loveliest jazz tunes ever.

Your inside is out... and your outside is in, "dude"...
Respect my Country !!!

Originally posted by rich23
See, I really like Brazil. The title of this thread was some rather ill-judged sarcasm on my part (gotta keep saying that for new posters).

You 'spoke this way' back in 2006...
Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't look so proud...

Is US still ONLY printing money or have you started to have your jobs back ???



posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:57 PM
Don't forget the Tri-Border Area (Paraguay/Argentina/Brazil). All this talk of terrorism, etc. but no mention of the TBA? How come? Every major criminal organization in the world has a criminal representation in the TBA. Hezbollah, Hamas, Colombian extremists, Chinese Triads, Russian Mafia groups, Al Qaeda, etc. Even Osama Bin Laden apparently visited the TBA many years ago.

The True Finance Centers Of Mafia And Terrorism

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