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CAFTA passed today...goodbye American way of life

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posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:21 PM
Looks as though the New World Orders corporate agenda just got a lot sweeter... for them. CAFTA passed and the rest of the American manufacturing base that has the ability to go over seas are going to say Adios Amigos.

On top of the loss of our jobs, they had a rider bill attached called the Codex Memorandom. This bill is a pharmacudicle companies dream come true. Vitamin supplements will be capped to such a minimum that they will be useless, and will cost so much the average man cant afford them. Then no one will be able to live in a healthy lifestyle (with all the pullutants eating right just doesnt cut it anymore) We need extra supplements to combat the horrors that todays chemical soup produces. Now when more people get sicker than ever the big Pharm will have all the drugs you need. Got cancer? Get chemo. Got heart problems? Get heart medication. No more avioding problems by being healthy.

Personally I have gastric problems and I dont absorb the vitamins from food properly. I HAVE to have vitamin supplements or I get cramps from lack of potassium, get nerve problems from lack of vitamin B, and vascular problems from lack of vitamin C. Scary corporate run world wants me to take there crap instead of something natural, but only after I end up in the hospital.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 03:51 PM
What makes you think vitamins will be capped to a certain limit?? Please provide some proof to back your claims up. The vitamin and supplement industry is a multi billion dollar industry and I don't see a reason why they want to cap it???

You can always grow your own fruits and vegtables for a good natrual vitamin source.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by warpboost
What makes you think vitamins will be capped to a certain limit?? Please provide some proof to back your claims up. The vitamin and supplement industry is a multi billion dollar industry and I don't see a reason why they want to cap it???

Because every country that has the Codex in place has capped the vitamin limit. Most of the Vitamin industry has been bought out by big pharma, and to make vitamins they need to be extracted naturaly. The drugs that are prescribed to get rid of your symptoms hardly ever cure you. It is so much more profitble that cheap vitamins.

Why dont you search for the answers yourself?

You can always grow your own fruits and vegtables for a good natrual vitamin source.

Did you not read my post? Read it again the above uestion is answered there, I'd rather not repeat myself.

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 11:05 PM
Yea i heard about the Vitamin deal...and i'm pretty upset about it from what i internet sales of vitamins going to be regulated as well? Hopefully vitamins don't get regulated that much....screw CAFTA....and screw all these other ways they want to choke us....

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:12 AM
Will Pharmaceutical conglomerates takeover of the vitamin and supplement industry? If so, wouldn't it make sense for them to reap the profits of this multi billion dollar industry instead of squashing it?

Overall, I really don't see any threat to them. Whereas supplements may maintain the health of an already healthy person, as far as I can tell, they don't cure anything. For years I've tried every new "cure all" to hit the market for my medical problems with no success. Furthermore, I don't find most of them very cheap.

Maybe, we are just being paranoid this time. Lets hope so.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by dollmonster

Will Pharmaceutical conglomerates takeover of the vitamin and supplement industry? If so, wouldn't it make sense for them to reap the profits of this multi billion dollar industry instead of squashing it?

Overall, I really don't see any threat to them. Whereas supplements may maintain the health of an already healthy person, as far as I can tell, they don't cure anything. For years I've tried every new "cure all" to hit the market for my medical problems with no success. Furthermore, I don't find most of them very cheap.

Maybe, we are just being paranoid this time. Lets hope so.

The problem is the conglomerates will squash the vitamins because they are from natural sources and therefore cannot be copyrighted and protected from their competitors.

But why is anyone taking these pills to begin with? Good healthy meals and sunshine is all you need. If you are low on some particular vitamin, find a food source for it and eat it. Pills are not the way you were meant to get vitamins or minerals. And pills are not as effective as true food sources. Those of you taking vitamin pills have already fallen into the hands of the pharmaceuticals.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:27 AM
Well, welcome to our world. We got screwed by Nafta. We had no need for that frickin treaty but the powers that were(Mulroney) sold our country away for that stupid treaty, from our point of view, great for America's. Wonder why that party hasn't been re-elected since, even when the current one is corrupt.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by dollmonster

Maybe, we are just being paranoid this time. Lets hope so.

I hope so too, but fom what I have read about other countries that have been doing this its not good. Germany for instance, has made vitamin C capped at 60 or mg. (cant remember which) That is the bare minimum for preventing scurvy.

The problem is big pharma has already purchased a lot of the vitamin manufacturers and is still spending millions to make sure it became a rider bill with CAFTA.

Back in 1994 they tried this and Americans became outraged and went to Washington DC by the thousands (viamin campanies helped pay the busfares) but now big pharma owns most of those companies now, and Americans just dont seem to be awake enough anymore to care.

The big money is not in prevention, but through prescription after the person has become sick. This is the same reason herbal treatment/prevention has been lobbied against so effectivly by big pharma. No cure, no prevention just a mobious loop of decease and treating the symptoms. You very rarely get cured from drugs, you just get your symptoms relieved.

It IS a Brave New World.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:50 AM
And how exactly will this destroy the American way of life?

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk
And how exactly will this destroy the American way of life?

Do you think cafta will benefit the United States?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 11:01 AM
Yes I did read your post, but you only said eating right isn't enough and didn't elaborate. You say they are going to cap vitamins and provide the example of vitamin C @ 60mg. Well a typical 8oz single serving of orange juice has 130% of your RDA of Vitamin C or about 138mg!! I don't know about you, but I never drink just 8oz, more like 16 oz's which contains twice the amount of vitamin C that I just stated. My point is that by eating good stuff you can get the vitamins you need. If they do cap vitamin C @ 60mg per dose no one is going to stop you from taking 4 of them if you want.

I just don't really think the sky is falling as you made it out to be in your first post. You made its sound like there is some evil conspiracy to deprive American’s of their vitamins and kill them from malnutrition

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Originally posted by warpboost
What makes you think vitamins will be capped to a certain limit?? Please provide some proof to back your claims up. The vitamin and supplement industry is a multi billion dollar industry and I don't see a reason why they want to cap it???

Because every country that has the Codex in place has capped the vitamin limit. Most of the Vitamin industry has been bought out by big pharma, and to make vitamins they need to be extracted naturaly. The drugs that are prescribed to get rid of your symptoms hardly ever cure you. It is so much more profitble that cheap vitamins.

Why dont you search for the answers yourself?

You can always grow your own fruits and vegtables for a good natrual vitamin source.

Did you not read my post? Read it again the above uestion is answered there, I'd rather not repeat myself.

[edit on 1-8-2005 by warpboost]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Yes I did read your post, but you only said eating right isn't enough and didn't elaborate. You say they are going to cap vitamins and provide the example of vitamin C @ 60mg. Well a typical 8oz single serving of orange juice has 130% of your RDA of Vitamin C or about 138mg!!

Well I did elaborate, I said with todays pullution the body uses up most of its vitamin intake just to combat those pullutants. This is a fact, especially vitamin C.

You orange juice statement. The human is one of the only creatures that does not produce its own vitamin C. We used to at one time do this and scientists do not know why we do not. Vitamin c gets used up no matter what the quanity is in about 3-4 hours. Animals that produce vitamin ca dont do it all at ance, its a constant thing. The only answer for us to get enough Vit. c is to take about five a day every four hours. We need at least 1000 mg. every four hours in order to combat vascular decease and cancer.

What is up with you saying I said the sky is falling and they want us to die of malnutrition?!? Do you have to have every detail explaned to you? They want us in a state of poor health so we need to take the patented synthetic drugs they make so they can have maximum profits. You do lnow that just about every drug is originally derived from nature and they make something that is similar syntheticlly so tht the particular drug company can then patent the drug and reap the profits.

If we prevented most sickness, the health care industry, especially the pharmicudicle industries would lose to much money. How else can it be explained to you, maybe a tv show?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 03:39 PM
Sorry I did a double post!

[edit on 1-8-2005 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
Looks as though the New World Orders corporate agenda just got a lot sweeter... for them. CAFTA passed and the rest of the American manufacturing base that has the ability to go over seas are going to say Adios Amigos.

On top of the loss of our jobs, they had a rider bill attached called the Codex Memorandom. This bill is a pharmacudicle companies dream come true. Vitamin supplements will be capped to such a minimum that they will be useless, and will cost so much the average man cant afford them. Then no one will be able to live in a healthy lifestyle (with all the pullutants eating right just doesnt cut it anymore) We need extra supplements to combat the horrors that todays chemical soup produces. Now when more people get sicker than ever the big Pharm will have all the drugs you need. Got cancer? Get chemo. Got heart problems? Get heart medication. No more avioding problems by being healthy.

Personally I have gastric problems and I dont absorb the vitamins from food properly. I HAVE to have vitamin supplements or I get cramps from lack of potassium, get nerve problems from lack of vitamin B, and vascular problems from lack of vitamin C. Scary corporate run world wants me to take there crap instead of something natural, but only after I end up in the hospital.

Here is my original post, read it again because I did explain it!

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Well, welcome to our world. We got screwed by Nafta. We had no need for that frickin treaty but the powers that were(Mulroney) sold our country away for that stupid treaty, from our point of view, great for America's. Wonder why that party hasn't been re-elected since, even when the current one is corrupt.

I beg to differ. Although NAFTA was unpopular at the time, it was the best thing long term for Canada. We needed it, and the Americans didn't. Think about it. There was no overriding reason for the US to sign, it was a one-
sided deal.


In order to get the US on side, Mulroney had to give up something. The dollar. There was absolutley no reason for interest rates to skyrocket at the time, but the Bank of Canada raised them so high, that our dollar was worth squat. They dealt the dollar for over 5 years from the day that deal was signed.

I have bno issue with Free Trade, just the raping it took to get it.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 05:56 PM
I absolutely agree with your post. Customs and excise is my profession and I knew all the MFN codes dealing with protection against manufacturers. And year by year the Customs duties went away in order to, at first, shift jobs to mexico.


posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 05:57 PM
Cynic, may I ask where you live and did at that time? I'm not poking at you but this is important.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Yes I did read your post, but you only said eating right isn't enough and didn't elaborate. You say they are going to cap vitamins and provide the example of vitamin C @ 60mg. Well a typical 8oz single serving of orange juice has 130% of your RDA of Vitamin C or about 138mg!!

Well I did elaborate, I said with todays pollution the body uses up most of its vitamin intake just to combat those pollutants. This is a fact, especially vitamin C.

You orange juice statement. The human is one of the only creatures that does not produce its own vitamin C. We used to at one time do this and scientists do not know why we do not. Vitamin c gets used up no matter what the quantity is in about 3-4 hours. Animals that produce vitamin ca don't do it all at once, its a constant thing. The only answer for us to get enough Vit. c is to take about five a day every four hours. We need at least 1000 mg. every four hours in order to combat vascular decease and cancer.

What is up with you saying I said the sky is falling and they want us to die of malnutrition?!? Do you have to have every detail explained to you? They want us in a state of poor health so we need to take the patented synthetic drugs they make so they can have maximum profits. You do know that just about every drug is originally derived from nature and they make something that is similar synthetically so that the particular drug company can then patent the drug and reap the profits.

If we prevented most sickness, the health care industry, especially the pharmicudicle industries would lose to much money. How else can it be explained to you, maybe a tv show?

Check that with this - a little knowledge is a dangerous thing....:

Plasma and tissue concentrations of Vitamin C were determined at seven daily doses of Vitamin C from 30 to 2500 mg. Vitamin C Complete plasma saturation occurred at 1000 mg daily. Neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes saturated at 100 mg daily and contained concentrations at least 14-fold higher than plasma. Bioavailability was complete for 200 mg of Vitamin C as a single dose. No Vitamin C was excreted in urine of six of seven volunteers until the 100-mg dose. At single doses of 500 mg and higher, bioavailability declined and the absorbed amount was excreted. Oxalate and urate excretion were elevated at 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily compared to lower doses. Based on these data and Institute of Medicine criteria, the current RDA of 60 mg daily should be increased to 200 mg daily, which can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Safe doses of Vitamin C are less than 1000 mg daily, and Vitamin C daily doses above 400 mg have no evident value. (Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 93: 8, 1996 Apr 16, 3704-9 )

CAFTA is fine and for Potassium I suggest a Banana, for Vitamin B I suggest a nice steak and for C some nice citrus products.... The sky is not falling, please return to your regularly scheduled program.... Does this "pharmicudicle" industry have something to do with my fingernails..??

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:20 AM
Where did you get this dta my friend? You are trying to say that vitamin c in large doses is dangerous? Most animals produce well over 1000 mg daily naturaly. A goat for instance that is about the same body wieght as a human produces 1300 mg daily. With the toxins in our enviroment our bodies are constantly fighting them and it is one of the main reasons cancer is so widespread.

You can aviod these deceases by taking vitamin supplements. vitamin c gets esed up in about 4 hours and needs to be taken every 4 hours to aviod health problems. Also you said eat a bannana for potasium, etc. My body for one does not absorb vitamins from food properly and I have to take supplements.

Also because of the high levels of toxins and the body using its nutrients to combat them we need supplements to make up the difference. Otherwise, in todays toxic enriched world you woud have take in to many calories just to keep the nutrient level high enough to stay healthy while your body ombats these toxins.

I could go on and on and do not understand someone that wants to wave the corporate pharma flag. Are you human or just some kind of machine? We can derive everything we need from nature. Herbs, natural vitamins, but the pharma industry wants you to get sick so you have to treat the symptoms with synthetic drugs that they have a patent on.

We do need higher doses of vitamin supplements, and you are trying to argue that the drug companies saying we dont is the way to go. This is the same industry that is causing so many peoples hearts to fall apart from taking cox-2 inhibitors(vioxx etc.) knowing what it does they distributed it anyway. Then after they were caught they lobbied congress to let them sell it anyway, under the pretence that if people want it they should have it availible even though the risk for making the heart tissue fall apart. Then they lobby to have vitamins capped because they claim that natural vitamins are a risk!

To take our choice away for high doses of vitamins, but to make sure you can take vioxx(as one small example, look up the numbers of deaths due to prescribed drugs taken at the prescribed doses) is so Orwellian backwards doublespeak, I cant imagine someone backing this.

Something stinks here and its not vitamin supplements. What do you think is riskier, vitamins or all the drugs they produce that kill millions. I cant believe this is even grounds for a sane person to have a debate.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
Looks as though the New World Orders corporate agenda just got a lot sweeter... for them. CAFTA passed and the rest of the American manufacturing base that has the ability to go over seas are going to say Adios Amigos.

On top of the loss of our jobs, they had a rider bill attached called the Codex Memorandom. This bill is a pharmacudicle companies dream come true. Vitamin supplements will be capped to such a minimum that they will be useless, and will cost so much the average man cant afford them. Then no one will be able to live in a healthy lifestyle (with all the pullutants eating right just doesnt cut it anymore) We need extra supplements to combat the horrors that todays chemical soup produces. Now when more people get sicker than ever the big Pharm will have all the drugs you need. Got cancer? Get chemo. Got heart problems? Get heart medication. No more avioding problems by being healthy.

Personally I have gastric problems and I dont absorb the vitamins from food properly. I HAVE to have vitamin supplements or I get cramps from lack of potassium, get nerve problems from lack of vitamin B, and vascular problems from lack of vitamin C. Scary corporate run world wants me to take there crap instead of something natural, but only after I end up in the hospital.

Try flaxseed oil, blend berries with ice, take a table spoon of the flaxseed at the same time as you drink the smoothie, it's sick tasting, but it should help, it's 10.00 a bottle and you can get it anywhere they sell shelf vitamins.

hey, I just remembered being my grocery store and they had all the vitamins in a shopping carts marked as 75% off... I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

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