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Covid lab leak Theory Blown Wide Open as China Accused of Destroying Early Lab Samples

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posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 03:56 PM
I remember a lab research scientists published a paper stating that two genetic markers (I have no idea if that's the correct terminology, this is from memory several years ago) were side by side with regard to the virus and it was impossible for them to be that way by nature, the only way for them to exist side by side, was to be genetically engineered. It sounded very definitive, but I have no idea where that paper might be, or if it even exists anymore. Please take that with a grain of salt, as I have no link to back any of that up. I'm just stating what I remember.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 05:53 PM
Have a look here for evidence of the lab-origin theories . . .


I believe that the linked thread has the information you seek.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 12:34 AM
Barry sweating yet ?

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I read it, then, and I see it now. Both places (as you probably know).

This reply is, in part, to you, and in part to ATS as a whole. ...

I think we're all missing the point. Sometimes we have to step back a ways to see what's really going on. You see, there's this cycle of the way controversial things like this go. And, this 'cycle' is, to use a metaphor, like a forest fire and a sewer rolled into one. It goes like this:

First we have a fire, a raging fire, and everyone panics.
Then we have a concerted effort to extinguish the fire (real or imagined)
Then, we have a public 'forensics' phase (where politicians promise to find and punish the fire starters)
Then, we have the 'shiny object' phase (where some other convenient distraction takes the heat off those promises)
Then, we have the 'discovery' phase (where the sheer force of overwhelming facts forces the truth out)

Then, we have (where we are right now) the 'obfuscation' phase. This phase is complicated, and requires considerable effort. This is the phase where all the public figures have to go back and collect up all the things they've said, and promised, in the past and evaluate them as a whole. From this they then have to construct a damage control plan which will exonerate them personally while at the same time impugning their rivals, but also making them seem like the victims.

You may think this is purely jest, or sarcasm, but it absolutely is nothing of the sort. The cycle described above takes about 2 to 2.5 years, and it has a very expressed purpose. And, this purpose is to wear people down to the point of apathy. To wear people down to the point they will do exactly, precisely, what we see happening right here on this thread...your reply included. There are two camps, exactly how the "spin-doctors" have planned it. In one camp are the "I told you so's". And, in the other camp are the "Wait, what? This is all news to me's".

Net result...Un-navigable muck...exactly as "they" (i.e. those responsible) want it. In other words..."Obfuscation". Once, the un-navigable muck has been created, the perpetrators add copious quantities of untreated raw sewage and lies. And, once the stench from this wretched septic tank of political evil becomes so intolerable, people will opt to just have it go away, rather than deal with it. It's all part of the plan, and make no mistake; it very much IS a plan, a very carefully executed plan indeed.

Then, periodically over time, those who truly believe in justice will wait for the air to clear and bring the subject up again and again, hoping to gain traction with an encapsulated, or compartmentalized, problem statement and solution.

You know, they say that smell is one of the most prominent senses that humans remember. In this context, "smell" is a metaphor, but it illustrates the point. People remember the "smell", and once they catch wind of it, their memory takes them right back to the time where the smell originated, and they recoil away from it...over and over again. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Will we ever get to hold those responsible for the great atrocity of covid accountable for their deeds? I certainly hope so, but in the same breath, I also know the cycle I've described above. So, I'm skeptical we will ever see that day, but I will speak for myself when I say...I for one am absolutely willing to endure the stench if the reward is justice!

edit on 7/1/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: BlueJacket

That is a fine misdirection from the 5I groups, and the other Elite think tanks that are behind the present centralized global takeover attempt and likely the manufacture and distribution of whatever that was we all experienced.

Thanks but I think we need to sit back and watch where the money flows. First of all do you believe that people can disappear, get suicided or assassinated in high places. I do and that's why everything looks like a conspiracy. Fauci was a major player swamp creature connected with Gates and China. Had you read the article in which Merrick Garland was accused of backing Trump. I wrote a thread on it. I sent that to my Fed contact. He wrote back that Garland wants to live a nice cozy retirement and not get disappeared.

Read my next thread on a USA Stock that I discovered at random. I will post it today It will put doubts into that everything is a conspiracy and that we are at the cusp of a NWO takeover. The guy over at the WEF is a dictator and yes he wants the USA to collapse so they can march in their 4th Reich NWO. That's why USA media aka CIA is trashing Biden and Harris as both need to go.

Notice how the SCOTUS has become political this week as they are also trying o stave off a USA collapse.

Stay tuned.
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Your analysis seems sound and makes sense. I have thought about it like that but not in such depth. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Waterglass

An accidental lab leak from China, that just so happened to cripple the worlds economies, produced a consolidation of power, and ensured a Democratic election win in the US.

WOWZA, for it being an ‘accident’ — it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.


I don't think your claim holds water. If Trump had been more honest about Covid in the first place, had supported his health officials as far as mask mandates go, not have made his campaign rallies super-spreader events and not have made the completely false claim that Covid would magically disappear by Easter, 2020, I think he likely would've won re-election. As it was, he helped to perpetrate the American carnage he claimed during his inauguration he was going to stop. To his credit he got the vaccine program going fast with his Operation Warp Speed, or whatever it was, but otherwise he was a font of misinformation. I believe he spewed mostly disinformation because he was afraid of the effect of Covid on the economy, but if he had been more honest about it in the beginning, the pandemic may not have been so bad here, and hence the economy wouldn't be so badly affected.

Most importantly, if he hadn't cut the CDC budget prior to the pandemic and let health equipment stockpiles dwindle, the US would've been in better shape early on. The CDC budget cut also removed a CDC office in China meant to monitor disease outbreaks there. If this office had still been in place at the time, we would've had better warning of the outbreak, likely would've been able to get better data to establish the cause of the outbreak.

Also remember that early on he didn't accuse China of being responsible, and had only praise for Xi. It was only a little later that he started becoming bearish on China and calling Covid the Chinese Flu.

From the beginning, the circumstances made it seem very likely that it was a lab leak, and I think it was malpractice on the part of US's and other countries' public health officials and researchers to push against the idea that it was a lab leak, apparently in a political effort not to point fingers at China. China's actions with respect to providing information on the pandemic that the world's scientific reaction should've been just the opposite.

The GOP Senate minority report on the origins of Covid was a good document, and most all of their findings have aligned with what researchers who have pointed to a lab leak as the cause have provided as evidence. Besides the fact that it now appears the first infections were at or near the Wuhan lab, and only after that occurred at the wet market, at least as damning is how the disease spread. It didn't start in the region of China where the disease is endemic, about 1000 km or more away from Wuhan, and then have a trail of outbreaks from there to Wuhan, but rather started in Wuhan. Very suspicious. Also the fact that it was so easily transmittable to and by humans is a red flag; it was likely engineered in a GoF study.

Besides the aforementioned minority report by GOP senators, congress has been AWOL on looking into this. Seems if one party of the other really wanted to run the table next election cycle, getting to the bottom of this and why the campaign to make it appear to have been a natural outbreak would be #1 on their platform.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

All came up to the surface didnt they

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

A family member happens to be an "immunologist" and she claims to have been in Wuhan when the outbreak spread.

On her return-she wore not only a face mask, but protective rubber gloves and eye wear until she was-how do you say it? dusted off and told me of the dangers of long COVID before it was made public.

However She is also a clinical psychologist, and never trust a shrink.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Waterglass

An accidental lab leak from China, that just so happened to cripple the worlds economies, produced a consolidation of power, and ensured a Democratic election win in the US.

WOWZA, for it being an ‘accident’ — it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.


Agreed, total bull#!!
The purpose of these dtories and reports coming out is to get the word "accidental" associated with the covid origons. Where is the proof it was accidental??
It was no accident!!
edit on 2-7-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Waterglass

An accidental lab leak from China, that just so happened to cripple the worlds economies, produced a consolidation of power, and ensured a Democratic election win in the US.

WOWZA, for it being an ‘accident’ — it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.


Agreed, it's Total bull#!!
The purpose of these stories and reports coming out is to get the word "accidental" associated with the covid origons. Where is the proof it was accidental??
It was no accident!!
edit on 2-7-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.

Have you ever wondered whether all those buzzards just hang and wait to pounce when an event happens? Klaus did it and so did that guy in Obamas administration

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.

Have you ever wondered whether all those buzzards just hang and wait to pounce when an event happens? Klaus did it and so did that guy in Obamas administration

No, they manufacture crises. Event 201 is case in point. Coronavirus has been studied as a bioweapon since 1965. 2020 and coronavirus kicked off the start of agenda 2030 and the great reset. It's not an "accident."

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Unfortunately your probably right. I watched a documentary on Klaus by an investigative journalist. His father was Managing Director of the Nazis A bomb factory in WWII. Much about Klaus has been wiped from the internet. Dudes no saint nor he is for the people.

He is basically a suck up to the rich and famous. Now he is one. Trained by Dr. Kissinger at Harvard in the 1960's

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Waterglass

An accidental lab leak from China, that just so happened to cripple the worlds economies, produced a consolidation of power, and ensured a Democratic election win in the US.

WOWZA, for it being an ‘accident’ — it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.


I don't think your claim holds water. If Trump had been more honest about Covid in the first place, had supported his health officials as far as mask mandates go, not have made his campaign rallies super-spreader events and not have made the completely false claim that Covid would magically disappear by Easter, 2020, I think he likely would've won re-election. As it was, he helped to perpetrate the American carnage he claimed during his inauguration he was going to stop. To his credit he got the vaccine program going fast with his Operation Warp Speed, or whatever it was, but otherwise he was a font of misinformation. I believe he spewed mostly disinformation because he was afraid of the effect of Covid on the economy, but if he had been more honest about it in the beginning, the pandemic may not have been so bad here, and hence the economy wouldn't be so badly affected.

Most importantly, if he hadn't cut the CDC budget prior to the pandemic and let health equipment stockpiles dwindle, the US would've been in better shape early on. The CDC budget cut also removed a CDC office in China meant to monitor disease outbreaks there. If this office had still been in place at the time, we would've had better warning of the outbreak, likely would've been able to get better data to establish the cause of the outbreak.

Also remember that early on he didn't accuse China of being responsible, and had only praise for Xi. It was only a little later that he started becoming bearish on China and calling Covid the Chinese Flu.

From the beginning, the circumstances made it seem very likely that it was a lab leak, and I think it was malpractice on the part of US's and other countries' public health officials and researchers to push against the idea that it was a lab leak, apparently in a political effort not to point fingers at China. China's actions with respect to providing information on the pandemic that the world's scientific reaction should've been just the opposite.

The GOP Senate minority report on the origins of Covid was a good document, and most all of their findings have aligned with what researchers who have pointed to a lab leak as the cause have provided as evidence. Besides the fact that it now appears the first infections were at or near the Wuhan lab, and only after that occurred at the wet market, at least as damning is how the disease spread. It didn't start in the region of China where the disease is endemic, about 1000 km or more away from Wuhan, and then have a trail of outbreaks from there to Wuhan, but rather started in Wuhan. Very suspicious. Also the fact that it was so easily transmittable to and by humans is a red flag; it was likely engineered in a GoF study.

Besides the aforementioned minority report by GOP senators, congress has been AWOL on looking into this. Seems if one party of the other really wanted to run the table next election cycle, getting to the bottom of this and why the campaign to make it appear to have been a natural outbreak would be #1 on their platform.

Sorry for the delay, just tapping back in after an insane week.

Your entire post is a joke, right?!

I’m hoping it is.

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Waterglass

An accidental lab leak from China, that just so happened to cripple the worlds economies, produced a consolidation of power, and ensured a Democratic election win in the US.

WOWZA, for it being an ‘accident’ — it sure did accomplish a lot of agendas that had been in place for a long time.


I don't think your claim holds water. If Trump had been more honest about Covid in the first place, had supported his health officials as far as mask mandates go, not have made his campaign rallies super-spreader events and not have made the completely false claim that Covid would magically disappear by Easter, 2020, I think he likely would've won re-election. As it was, he helped to perpetrate the American carnage he claimed during his inauguration he was going to stop. To his credit he got the vaccine program going fast with his Operation Warp Speed, or whatever it was, but otherwise he was a font of misinformation. I believe he spewed mostly disinformation because he was afraid of the effect of Covid on the economy, but if he had been more honest about it in the beginning, the pandemic may not have been so bad here, and hence the economy wouldn't be so badly affected.

Most importantly, if he hadn't cut the CDC budget prior to the pandemic and let health equipment stockpiles dwindle, the US would've been in better shape early on. The CDC budget cut also removed a CDC office in China meant to monitor disease outbreaks there. If this office had still been in place at the time, we would've had better warning of the outbreak, likely would've been able to get better data to establish the cause of the outbreak.

Also remember that early on he didn't accuse China of being responsible, and had only praise for Xi. It was only a little later that he started becoming bearish on China and calling Covid the Chinese Flu.

From the beginning, the circumstances made it seem very likely that it was a lab leak, and I think it was malpractice on the part of US's and other countries' public health officials and researchers to push against the idea that it was a lab leak, apparently in a political effort not to point fingers at China. China's actions with respect to providing information on the pandemic that the world's scientific reaction should've been just the opposite.

The GOP Senate minority report on the origins of Covid was a good document, and most all of their findings have aligned with what researchers who have pointed to a lab leak as the cause have provided as evidence. Besides the fact that it now appears the first infections were at or near the Wuhan lab, and only after that occurred at the wet market, at least as damning is how the disease spread. It didn't start in the region of China where the disease is endemic, about 1000 km or more away from Wuhan, and then have a trail of outbreaks from there to Wuhan, but rather started in Wuhan. Very suspicious. Also the fact that it was so easily transmittable to and by humans is a red flag; it was likely engineered in a GoF study.

Besides the aforementioned minority report by GOP senators, congress has been AWOL on looking into this. Seems if one party of the other really wanted to run the table next election cycle, getting to the bottom of this and why the campaign to make it appear to have been a natural outbreak would be #1 on their platform.

Sorry for the delay, just tapping back in after an insane week.

Your entire post is a joke, right?!

I’m hoping it is.

No, but your reply sure is. Did you even read my post? I did disagree with your conspiratorial pulling-out-of-the-butt claim that the leak was some consolidation of power scheme by the Democrats.

I also pointed out all the ways that Trump blew the handling of the pandemic in the US. The 2020 elections was his to win or lose depending on how he handled the epidemic, and he royally screwed it up in multiple ways, including lying about the disease and how long it could remain. It's also an established fact that he had the CDC office in China, which monitors infectious diseases there, shut down early in his administration, and never bothered to restock national medical emergency supplies. These were all things he did or didn't do. It had nothing to do with the Democrats. Did the Democrats force him to have his super-spreader campaign rallies? No.

I also discussed how I thought it was a lab leak from the beginning, and brought up the GOP Senate Minority Report on the origins of Covid, and said it was a worthwhile document regarding this hypothesis. If you hate Democrats so much, I don't know why you found that part of my post to be a joke.

And the last part of my post I discuss how, whoever has been in power, Congress has been AWOL in looking into the origins of the Covid pandemic. Do disagree with this statement and think it is a joke too?

Your reply was just name calling. In no way did you refute anything I wrote. You throw out a ridiculous conspiracy hypothesis without backing it up with any evidence, and then you attack my considered response simply by name calling. it doesn't even look like you bothered to read my post, so responding to it in the way you did makes you come off as a joke.

But I find this is so often the case with people who attack the Democrats and, I assume in your case, support Trump. You can't argue cogently. All you can do is throw out witless rejoinders.

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 03:23 AM
as far as I can see China has been a useful tool for the west.. much of what happened has played into the growing totalitarian streak western leaders have embraced rather than prove the west is robust and free in the face of adversity..

what we are seeing is not govs looking at the whys or hows of the outbreak but rather how they force and improve compliance.. adopting some of the worst ideas they project onto China like harder lockdowns and removing access to private funds and wider societal access to dissenters..

for anglosphere countries this was the extreme thinking of the catholic and protestant churches.. its one of the key reasons we face a modern reformation and self wars which China/Russia will capitalise on, which they are already, look how nothing is done about the genocide in China nor will anything come from covid bar a more oppressive state imposed by western govs on there own people.
edit on 4-7-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 04:11 AM
The laboratory leak theory perfectly supports the basic theory of some extraordinary global disaster that somehow had to be responded to. From there, the road is wide open for reflection.
However, I look at which of the alternative media supports and inflates this theory for something real, (dangerous?) and global. Then let's see what the same people are saying about the sequel, the special operation, "covid 2," which is still going on, day after day, hour after hour, continuously, with the same, emotionally augmented, fabricated graphs, numbers, predictions. And maybe 99%, they're talking the same nonsense/lies. This brings some clarity; for me at least.

And, by the way, the Democrats and the mainstream are super certifies that someone is a good hero. You just point them against someone, and they, even though they're doing almost 100% of the same big readjustment as in the case of Russia, become pure and white, and you don't even need any proof of that. If the Democrats and the mainstream are against him, that's enough. This is the "chip for good" strategy; one day it will come to pass that someone who chips their population is not proven to be bad, because the Democrats and the mainstream (who at the same time do the same) are against it. So it can't be a bad chip.
edit on 4-7-2023 by Celentano because: appendix

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
as far as I can see China has been a useful tool for the west.. much of what happened has played into the growing totalitarian streak western leaders have embraced rather than prove the west is robust and free in the face of adversity..

what we are seeing is not govs looking at the whys or hows of the outbreak but rather how they force and improve compliance.. adopting some of the worst ideas they project onto China like harder lockdowns and removing access to private funds and wider societal access to dissenters..

for anglosphere countries this was the extreme thinking of the catholic and protestant churches.. its one of the key reasons we face a modern reformation and self wars which China/Russia will capitalise on, which they are already, look how nothing is done about the genocide in China nor will anything come from covid bar a more oppressive state imposed by western govs on there own people.

You're seriously claiming western leaders have a totalitarian streak? You know what are some totalitarian states? The Soviet Union, Russia is turning into one, People's Republic of China, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy under Mussolini, Imperial Japan, and Syria and Iraq under the Ba'ath Party.

Western countries have a totalitarian streak because they had public health policies to combat an airborne infectious disease pandemic? You do realize there are vaccine mandates for a host of diseases for school children in western countries as well as elsewhere? Then do you know who else had a totalitarian streak? George Washington.

Gen. George Washington Ordered Smallpox Inoculations for All Troops

Can't understand your word salad in your 2nd and third paragraphs, such as "adopting some of the worst ideas they project onto China like harder lockdowns and removing access to private funds and wider societal access to dissenters.." Western countries are projecting policies onto China? Huh? Not a big fan of organized religions, but don't know what the Catholic and Protestant churches have had to do with Covid policies.

edit on 4-7-2023 by MrInquisitive because: fixed a typo

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

thanks for reinforcing my comment Russia is the same Russia be it red Russia or white Russia just as China is the same china regardless of veneer..

the idea that everyone else is trapped by their past but some western exceptionalism transcends its past is amusing..

as you say you have no idea about it so I'll leave the discussion there and you to pick what part of your exceptionalism to focus on..

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